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The Sixties

Page 109

by Christopher Isherwood

  Professional activities: teaches at L.A. State xii, 9, 140, 144, 159, 166, 169, 170, 175–6, 177, 181–2, 190–91, 192–3, 195, 468; teaches and lectures at UCSB xii, 6 & n, 8, 9, 14, 15, 17, 18, 25, 27–8, 33–4, 132, 187, 663; film script writing xxix, xxxv, 189, 200, 201, 337, 338, 339, 341, 342, 343, 344, 348, 374, 376, 377, 385, 389, 394, 395, 561, 590, 594, 595; Regents’ Professor at UCLA xxx, 17n, 336, 351, 354, 356, 362–4, 366, 367–8; visiting professor at UCLA xxx; television work xxxiii, 17, 18, 73, 77–8, 99, 401, 403, 407, 422, 425, 479, 493, 494, 495, 512, 519–20, 534, 536; stage adaptations xxxv, 422, 445, 446, 457–8, 473, 475, 494, 495, 520; lectures at UCLA 30, 42, 43, 44, 51, 56, 225, 236; lectures and talks at Berkeley 32–3, 191, 273, 275, 284; lecture at Monterey Park public library 173; lecture at L.A. City College 183, 184, 185; radio broadcasts 187, 209, 211; lecture at Garden Grove High School 225, 232, 233; lecture at Mission Inn, Riverside 225, 230; speaks at Pacific Coast Writers’ Conference 280; talk at Javadpur University 328; talk at One, Incorporated 351, 354–5; teaches at U.C. Riverside 377, 384, 385, 389, 392, 393, 394, 395–6, 397; lectures at Long Beach State College 475, 481–2; offered teaching post at UCLA 483; talks at U.C. Santa Cruz 489–92; round table discussion at Cal. State 519–20; talks and round table discussions for ACLU 519, 563; Cabaret film treatment 556, 560, 563, 564, 566

  Relationships: with Don Bachardy see separate entry under Bachardy, Don; with William Caskey xvi, 18, 47n, 75, 140, 246, 275, 355, 373, 618; with Denny Fouts 117, 140, 476, 631–2; with Vernon Old 274, 377n, 679–80

  Spiritual ideas and practices: devotion to Swami Prabhavananda xi, xii, xvii–xxviii, xxxvii, 324–5, 389, 507, 538, 539, 551, 553, 556, 561; regular attendance at Vedanta Center xii, 48, 52, 132, 190, 226, 231, 236, 245, 263, 268–9, 291, 338, 344, 397–8, 451, 537, 539, 553; spiritual and mystical dimensions of relationship with Don xv, xx, xxxvii, 296, 438, 465, 503, 510, 515, 519, 543; questions Swami’s teachings xxii, xxvi–xxvii, xxviii, 159, 215; associates good health with honesty and purity xxiii–xxiv, 231–2; reasons for leaving monastery xxv, xxvi, 9; Swami’s counsel to xxv, xxvi, xxvii, 133–4, 157, 159, 279, 401–2, 435, 516, 561; devotion to Ramakrishna xxviii, 278, 373, 402; views on death and afterlife xxxvii, 218, 366, 371, 436, 465, 478, 517, 527; belief in Atman 22, 296, 331, 474, 604; making japam 27, 44, 51, 63, 79–80, 104, 151, 159, 179, 204, 214, 222, 268–9, 291, 389, 407, 461, 476, 480, 529, 652; meditation 44, 214–15, 239, 342, 355–6, 399, 476, 478, 529, 592; Ramakrishna puja 48; Kali puja 132, 330, 377, 480; visits Trabuco 132–4, 238, 239–40, 277–9, 567–8; questions certainty of existence of God 133–4, 243, 516; reads at Swami’s breakfast puja 156, 157, 259–60, 538; diminished importance of spiritual life 214–15; questions value of prayer 247, 248, 291, 393; talk on Vivekananda at Hollywood Vedanta Center 260; prayers 261, 274, 278, 332, 402, 445, 480; speaks at Sarada Convent, Montecito 285, 286; making pranams 305, 325, 582, 685; talk at Ramakrishna Mission College in India 312, 313, 342; speaks at Parliament of Religions 318, 322, 325; resolves to stop talking publicly on religion 319, 320, 324–6, 330; talk at Belur Math 320; speech at Vivekananda centenary celebrations 330; solitary moment in shrine at Vedanta Center 566, 592

  Travels: joins Don Bachardy in England (1961) xiii, 58–124; in Tangier with Don (1955) xx, 257, 315; in India with Swami Prabhavananda (1963-64) xxii–xxiii, xxv–xxvii, xxxii, xxxvii, 290, 291, 298, 300–334; to Austria for television special (1966) xxxiii, 403, 407, 408, 411–16; visits England on return from Austria (1966) xxxiii, 412–13, 419–21, 422, 423; to Tahiti and Australia with Don (1969) xxxv–xxxvi, 532, 541, 546, 554, 568, 569, 570–71, 573–8, 579–81, 582–4, 585–90; stays with Tony Richardson in South of France (1961) 101, 102, 103, 105, 107–113; trip to England (1967) 432, 441, 446, 447–8, 452–3

  Writings: diary keeping viii–x, xxiv, 1 & n, 46, 63, 122, 173, 233, 269, 277, 285, 403, 423, 492, 515, 560; importance of characterization in novels 2; contributions to Vedanta and the West magazine 6 & n, 66; Gita translation 9 & n, 265n, 399, 516; introduction to Vedanta for the Western World anthology 10, 279, 539–40; notes for proposed novelette on homosexual relationship on campus 160–66; translation of Patanjali 179; translation of Chaitanya hymn 197; reviews 211, 212, 214; article on Brahamananda 277; article for Huxley memorial volume 335, 336, 338; introduction to Religion in Practice (collection of Prabhavananda’s lectures) 436, 439, 441, 442; foreword to Journey to a War 521; translation of Vivekananda’s poetry 552; inspiration for writing 562–3; draft foreword to book of Hockney’s drawings 581, 593; introduction to Narada’s Way of Divine Love 581, 595, 596, 597, 598; see also “Afterwards”; All the Conspirators; An Approach to Vedanta; The Ascent of F6; Christopher and His Kind; Down There on a Visit; Exhumations; Goodbye to Berlin; Kathleen and Frank; Lions and Shadows; A Meeting by the River; The Memorial; Mr. Norris Changes Trains; My Guru and His Disciple; Prater Violet; Ramakrishna and His Disciples; Sally Bowles; A Single Man; “A Visit to Anselm Oaks”; “What Vedanta Means to Me”; The World in the Evening

  Isherwood, Esther (C.I.’s aunt) 200, 417, 650

  Isherwood, Frank Bradshaw (C.I.’s father): death xxxiii, xxxvii, 186, 416–18, 441; marriage xxxiii, 419, 595; C.I.’s relations with xxxiv; correspondence 419, 446, 459, 463, 464, 473, 493, 496, 497, 578, 595; in South Africa 464, 475, 578; appreciation of Robert Louis Stevenson’s works 578, 580; 650

  Isherwood, Henry (Harry) Bradshaw (C.I.’s uncle) 417, 419, 650

  Isherwood, John Bradshaw (C.I.’s grandfather) 416n

  Isherwood, John (Jack) Bradshaw (C.I.’s uncle) 167–8, 416, 417, 650

  Isherwood, Kathleen Bradshaw (M.; C.I.’s mother): marriage xxxiii, 419, 595; C.I.’s relations with xxxiv; relations with parents xxxiv–xxxv; death 51n; her will and estate 51, 59, 60, 79, 134, 152, 159, 255; life at Wyberslegh 89n; C.I.’s letters to 92, 116; her grave 93; diaries 416–18, 445, 446, 449, 451, 459, 460–61, 463, 464, 473, 493, 496, 497, 508, 520, 522; correspondence with Frank 419, 446, 473, 496; 651

  Isherwood, Richard (C.I.’s brother): inheritance from mother’s estate 60; and Alan Bradley 61, 90–91; visits C.I. in London 61; C.I. visits in Cheshire 73, 80, 88, 89–91, 92–3, 123–4, 416, 419–21, 447; relations with C.I. 80, 93, 420; appearance and character 90, 92, 355; diary 90, 91; drinking 90, 93, 419–20, 451; health 90, 420; reaction to mother’s death 92–3; letters to C.I. 167–8, 450–51; and Dan Bradley 419–20; and C.I.’s Kathleen and Frank 442, 445, 446, 447, 474–5, 542; 651–2

  Isla Vista, California 21

  Italy 334

  Jackson, Bob 69–70

  Jackson, Carl T. 209

  Jackson, Marie 557

  Jacobson, Emilie 429

  Jagannath Temple, India 157

  Jagger, Christopher 588n

  Jagger, Mick xxxv–xxxvi, 561, 571, 586, 587–8

  James, Jesse 286

  Janvier (student at L.A. State) 190

  Jarka, Horst 552

  Jason, Peter 572, 578, 652

  Javadpur University 328

  J.B. (small-town lawyer) 568–9

  Jebb, Julian 170

  Jeffers, Robinson, The Tower Beyond Tragedy 138

  Jenkins, Elizabeth, Elizabeth the Great 431

  Jenkins, Gwen 116

  Jenkins, Ivor 99, 106, 113, 116, 652

  Jenkins, Terry: travels to Japan with Charles Laughton 13, 17; relations with Laughton 15, 29, 32, 47–8, 139, 195, 514; character 17; modelling career 29, 36, 82; at C.I.’s party for Jo Masselink 55, 56; C.I. meets in London 76, 82; settles in New York 195; and Laughton’s final illness 205, 208, 210, 515; 652

  Jennings, Bob 264

  Jiras, Bob and Minelda 34n

  John XXIII, Pope 279

  John, Augustus 122

  John Birch Society 173, 249, 652

  Johns, Larry 395

  Johnson, Bart (pseud.) 15, 53, 216, 240, 337, 340, 560

  Johnson, Diane 362

  Johnson, Don 541, 559–60

  Johnson, Lamont (Monty): and C.I.’s adaptation of The Adve
ntures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God 422, 428, 473, 492, 520, 529, 544, 546, 548, 550; friendship and socializing with C.I. 518, 544; 653

  Johnson, Lyndon 299, 344, 345, 350, 364, 591; and Vietnam War 460, 502; withdraws from 1968 election 502

  Johnson, Pamela Hansford (Lady Snow) 32

  Johnson, Samuel 537

  Johnson, Uwe, Two Views 431, 433

  Johnson, Virginia 206n

  Jones, Ernest (psychoanalyst) 204

  Jones, Jack (painter) 190, 234, 235, 411, 423, 442, 458–9, 474, 653

  Jones, Jennifer (Mrs. David O. Selznick): friendship and socializing with C.I. 41, 169, 370–71, 434, 435, 437, 450, 523, 560; enthusiasm for C.I.’s Down There on a Visit 160, 167; and death of Selznick 368, 370–71; at opening of Don Bachardy’s show at Rex Evans’s gallery 387; suicide attempt 482, 501; “marathon” group experience 501; relationship with psychiatrist 501; and Bob Thomas’s biography of Selznick 541; sends copy of Jung to C.I. 560, 594; 653–4

  Jonson, Ben 85

  Joyce, James 219; Ulysses 56, 72, 596

  Judgment at Nuremberg (film) 176

  Jung, Carl 187n, 588, 594; Psychology and Alchemy 560, 594–5; “Synchronicity” 560

  Kabir, Humayun 321–2

  Kallman, Chester: and C.I.’s proposed Berlin musical x, xxxiii, 72, 76, 77, 79, 80, 82; relationship with Auden 60, 443; C.I.’s relations with 77, 335; Don Bachardy’s drawing of 82; at Glyndebourne 84; in New York 148, 153; 654

  Kaln, Erik (pseud.) 14–15

  Kamarpukur 307

  Kander, John xxxiii, 424n

  Kanin, Garson 392; Remembering Mr. Maugham 392n, 438

  Kanto, Shashi 315, 318, 320, 321, 323, 331

  Kaper, Bronislau 654; wife of 350

  Kaplan, Abbot 42, 236, 654

  Kaplan, Abraham 141–2, 654–5

  Kaplan, Al 96, 97–8, 111, 113, 655

  Karachi 333–4

  Karapiet, Rashid 65, 115, 655

  Kathleen and Frank (C.I.; earlier title Hero-Father, Demon-Mother): researching and writing ixn, xxxiii, 378, 380–81, 407, 424–5, 428, 436, 437–8, 439, 442, 445, 446, 473, 474–5, 493, 496, 497–8, 519, 520, 521, 532, 533, 534, 535, 539, 541, 542, 544, 555, 560, 593, 594, 598; themes xxxiii, xxxiv–xxxv, 425, 437, 441; use of family’s personal papers 407, 417–19, 420, 445, 446, 447, 449, 451, 459, 463, 464, 467, 473, 493, 496, 497, 508, 511, 520, 522; Don Bachardy’s suggestions for 422, 440–41; title 422, 594; modelled on Virginia Woolf’s The Waves 437; proposed introductory “letter” 519, 527, 528; C.I. bored by 544

  Kaufman, Doris see Dowling, Doris

  Kaufman, Leonard (Len) 3, 207, 500, 655

  Kaye, Danny 135

  Keach, Stacy 529

  Kearsey, A.H.C., War Record of the York and Lancaster Regiment 560

  Kennedy, Jacqueline (later Onassis) 68, 531–2

  Kennedy, John F.: 1960 election 20, 23–4, 25–6; Berlin crisis 70n, 95; and Gore Vidal 131, 299; and crackdown on U.S. Steel 182; Cuban Missile Crisis 241, 243; assassinated 297, 298, 299, 350

  Kennedy, Patrick Bouvier 299

  Kennedy, Paul 48, 54, 218; cancer and death 192, 193–4, 195, 196, 197, 199, 201, 202, 203, 205, 211–12, 212–13, 260; 655

  Kennedy, Robert (Bobby) 262; assassinated 518

  Kerouac, Jack, The Dharma Bums 403, 470

  Kerr, John 192

  Khrushchev, Nikita: Berlin crisis 70n, 98; exposure of Stalin’s purges 130n, 142; and Nehru 136; Cuban Missile Crisis 234

  Kid from Spain, The (film) 456

  Kimbrough, Clinton: and Gavin Lambert 391, 397, 427, 433, 460, 466; trip to Mexico with Lambert 393; acting career 427–8, 431, 433, 436, 438; 655

  Kincheloe, Bill 477

  King of Kings (film) 198–9

  King, Martin Luther: assassinated 502, 503, 504n, 506; funeral 506, 507

  Kingston, Jeremy 115, 656; The Prisoner I Keep (unpublished) 69, 70

  Kinsey, Alfred 50

  Kipling, Rudyard, “If” 369

  Kirov Ballet 345, 346

  Kirstein, Lincoln 114n, 147, 148, 153, 352–3, 366, 375, 594, 656; Rhymes of a PFC 353

  Kiskadden, Peggy 261; and Aldous Huxley 282, 297; C.I.’s relations with 297, 369, 380, 474; and Gerald Heard 457; breast cancer 494–5; 656–7

  Kiskadden, William (Bill) 282, 494–5, 657

  Klein, Roger 286

  Kneale, Nigel, Quatermass and the Pit 98

  Knight, Franklin 133, 240, 301, 309, 657

  Knight (magazine) 522

  Knox, George 432

  Knox, Ronnie: relationship with Renate Druks 237, 259, 272, 387, 394, 405; family background 258, 259, 405; football career 258–9, 394; C.I. visits 272; at opening of Don Bachardy’s show at Rex Evans’s gallery 387; and Gavin Lambert 391, 466; friendship and socializing with C.I. 393, 442, 524; writings 394–5, 405, 522; deliberately scratches himself 409; Bachardy loans car to 502; drives Stravinskys’ car to New York 524; 657

  Kolisch, Dr. Joseph 134, 279, 657–8

  Kopit, Arthur 81

  Kowloon 303

  Kraft, Henry (pseud.): relationship with Don Bachardy 269, 277, 280, 282, 283, 289, 291, 295, 296, 298, 455; leaves boyfriend 286–7; photography 287; C.I. gives books to 288; C.I. refuses to meet again 289, 296; calls with news of Kennedy assassination 297; C.I. encounters at cinema 534

  Kraft, Mickey (student at U.C. Riverside) 395

  Krakatoa eruption (1883) 356

  Kramer, Stanley 176

  Krishna (earlier George Fitts): character 9; visits C.I. 23; in Laguna Beach 212; at Trabuco 278–9, 598; and Prema 278–9, 313; trip to India with Prabhavananda and C.I. 301, 302, 308, 309, 314, 315, 318, 322, 323–4, 333; 658

  Krishna Menon, V.K. 236–7

  Krishnamurti 135, 539, 545, 658

  Kruger, Rayne, Goodbye Dolly Grey 560

  Kubrick, Stanley 200, 499; 2001 506, 519, 525

  Kuch, Dick 97

  Kuh, Fred 488

  Kurella, Tania see Stern, Tania

  Kurtzman, Dr. (dentist) 466

  Lady Chatterley’s Lover obscenity trial 71

  Laguna Beach xvi, 18, 174, 175; “monks’ picnic” 210, 285, 286; Camel Point Drive (Ruth Conrad’s house) 212, 286

  Lal, P. 329

  Lambert, Gavin: friendship and socializing with C.I. 4, 5, 129, 130, 140, 194, 199, 202, 207, 221, 229, 234, 241, 250, 366, 397, 433, 435, 460, 478–9, 496, 498, 503, 505–6, 507; screenplay for The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone 5, 32; collaboration on script for The Vacant Room 35, 159; and Don Bachardy 42, 169, 170, 185; at Marguerite Lamkin’s party 46; praises C.I.’s Down There on a Visit 54; new house 129; recommends doctor 177; and Paul Kennedy 192; C.I. reads novel 193, 194; concerned about stock market 193; screenplay for The Night of the Iguana 216; buys Bachardy’s portrait of Lotte Lenya 222; on Cuban Missile Crisis 234; Another Sky 250; trip to Mexico 258; sees psychotherapist about panic attacks 261–2; and Gore Vidal 262; and Dorothy Parker 280; comments on C.I.’s draft of A Single Man 283; undiagnosed dysentery 285; composes telegram to Time magazine with C.I. 287; recuperates at Joan Houseman’s 287; advises taking Librium 299; criticizes Spender’s article on Huxley 299; in C.I.’s dream 308; suggestions for C.I.’s Exhumations 339; lends book to C.I. 345; Budd Cherry stays with 362, 366; outburst against Jews 367; reads drafts of C.I.’s A Meeting by the River 367, 371, 397; trip to Europe 377; at supper with Allen Ginsberg 387–8; and Clint Kimbrough 391, 397, 427, 433, 460, 466; trip to Mexico with Kimbrough 393; trip to Haiti and Central America 430, 434, 435, 436; Norman’s Letter (novel) 435; goes to Ingrid Bergman’s birthday party 465–6; abscess 466; at Jerry Lawrence’s blue movie party 476; praises John Rechy’s Numbers 478–9; and Stephen Spender 506; at Marlene Dietrich show 511; at Jennifer Jones’s party 523; and proposed film of Tennessee Williams’s “One Arm” 525; dislikes Jack Larson’s play 529; and stage adaptation of C.I.’s A Meeting by the River 529, 543; watches Apollo 8 lunar mission 534; attends Krishnamurti seminars 539; anecdote about encounter in public men’s room 584; scree
nplay for The Woman Who Rode Away 584–5; 658–9


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