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Hurt Like Me

Page 6

by P. A. Brokenshire

  "Wow, a lot of these are first edition," she said, running her fingers over the spines of some of the older looking books.

  "Yeah, Trevor's dad is a bit of a book buff." I knew she would like the books. I honestly should have taken bets on it. It was going to be so easy to break her. I skimmed the newer selections and pulled out a copy of The Giver. I'd been assigned the book in middle school. It was probably the only book I'd ever finished. "I like this one."

  Her eyes widened slightly at my admission. Did it surprise her that I finished a book or that I liked it?

  "You're not the only person who can read," I said, pointing to Trevor. "I bet you he's even read a book or two. Some Dr. Seuss probably."

  Trevor rolled his eyes at me, but Avery let out a small laugh, followed by this terrible little snort that she tried to cover up with a cough.

  "I think I read it once. Wasn't it about some kid stuck in a dystopian society and he was given their memories?" she asked, and I noticed she was drinking faster now, nervous.

  "Yeah, I liked the ending," I said quietly, slipping the book back in its place. It was a stupid thing to say. I was giving too much away again like I did the other day in class when I told her about the cooking. She didn't need to know these things.

  "Oh yeah, I remember that. The sledding scene in the snow when Jonas saves his brother."

  Of course, she would know it off the top of her head. Although she wasn't entirely correct. Gabriel wasn't Jonas' brother, not in the biological sense. My thoughts drifted to Chris. I could almost feel his body crushed against mine in the back of the car as I told him everything would be okay. His tears soaked my shirt.

  "Well, as entertaining as this conversation is, I'm going to see if Nate wants to play some foosball." Trevor spoke up from behind us and both our heads turned.

  I honestly forgot he was there. I should have been concentrating on the plan, on ruining Avery. Instead, I had been caught up in the past, in thoughts of Chris. I had cocaine and liquor in my system, I shouldn't be thinking about anything to do with him. I was so sick of her getting under my skin and in my brain.

  He went to leave, and Avery made to follow, but I caught her arm, turning her softly in my direction. I needed to focus, and the feel of her skin was a good start. She gasped when her eyes met mine again and the sound went straight to my dick. It was much easier to remember what I was doing when she was looking at me and not those dumb books.

  "Let's stay here for a bit. I am hoping to avoid Heather for a little longer," I said, pulling her back towards the wet bar.

  "Why?" She pulled her arm free and rubbed her arm where I had touched it with a soft sigh. I shouldn't have mentioned Heather. Sometimes I really hated my lack of a filter, but then again Avery didn't look mad so much as genuinely curious. The alcohol was making her more pliable.

  "She is getting kind of pushy lately," I replied, walking over to the mini fridge. I cracked open a beer and she took another sip of her drink. "I want to fuck her, but I think she has other ideas."

  She practically shot orange juice from her nose at my admission.

  "You really are a jerk, you know that."

  Angry words, sharp eyes. She set her glass down onto the counter and crossed her arms over her chest. It made her tits look amazing. I drank in all her exposed skin. I shrugged my shoulders, taking a few steps in her direction.

  "Is it wrong to know what I want?" I asked, noticing the way her eyes dilated at the sound of my voice. Soft, seductive. "I'm not leading her on. I like to fuck, Avery. That isn't a secret. Honestly, I kind of want to fuck you right now."

  She gasped loud and I just smiled, sipping on my beer. I continued my visual assault on her body.

  "I'd like to see what you look like naked and wet." I took a risk, brushing the cold bottle across her arm. She pursed her mouth tightly at the contact, fighting a moan. "I bet you would look good beneath me. My little submissive pet."

  "I quite literally hate you."

  She grabbed the bottle from my hand and slammed it down on the counter next to her empty glass, but she didn't move, didn't try to leave. Her chest was heaving, and I could just make out her nipples straining against her dress, her fair skin was flushed so nicely.

  "You may not like me very much, but I get the feeling your body doesn't necessarily agree."

  I watched her eyes follow me as I walked across the room to the lamp. I flipped the switch, dropping the room into darkness. There was a light glow from the moon still, enough that I could see her silhouette in the dark, but I was used to this house, this room. Avery wasn't. She looked anxiously around the room, trying to get her bearings again. She was scared prey, and I was very much a predator. I felt her jump when I came up behind her, placing my hands on her waist. The desire in her heavy breaths made me groan.

  "What is the harm in giving our bodies what they want?" I whispered into her ear, pressing my chest flush against her back. I wanted her to feel all of me. My dick grew harder at the contact. I did my best to ignore it. It wouldn't be getting any attention, not as long as Avery was here. She would be long gone when I pressed it into some empty hole attached to a random girl who didn't make me think or talk or feel. I placed my lips softly on the spot at the back of her ear and she shivered. "In the dark you can even pretend that it isn't me doing this to you. No one will know."

  She turned in my arms slowly, unsure. I took the advantage she gave me and leaned in, so my mouth was a breath away from hers.

  "No one will know." She repeated the words to me, her voice thick and I seized the gap between our lips.

  On contact she sagged into me as I worked her lips open with my tongue. There was no fight in her. I had her trapped firmly in a snare. She had forgotten that I was an experienced hunter, that I was dangerous.

  Her mouth opened and she moaned desperately into me. I let myself savor the taste of her- citrus, vodka, and some kind of fruity essence. She was wearing flavored lip balm. It tasted delicious. Peaches maybe. Her lips moved purposely against mine, her tongue fighting mine. There it was. This fighting was different- refreshing. Girls were always so easy to read, to tame, but she didn't just allow me to kiss her. No, she kissed back with just as much heat. I felt her greedy hands slip between us, her nails dragging on me as she lifted my shirt.

  Stupidly, I allowed it. I pulled away for a moment so she could free me of the fabric. I had every intention of kissing her again, but I didn't expect her lips to find a new place to explore. She placed hot kisses on my pecs, and I embraced the sensation. I didn't move, soaking in her hot lips on my body. I was giving her too much, falling into the moment. Needy, panting breaths blew across my heated chest. I was doing a good job of remaining visibly unaffected until her teeth captured my skin. She bit me and I lost my control.

  I released a deep, unexpected groan as she sucked the area to sooth the bite before releasing it. The sound of my pleasure spurred her on, and she dug her fingers back up into my hair, tugging me closer, digging her nails into my scalp. Fucking Christ. Her lips slammed into mine again and this time she was pushing me so very close to the edge of reason. My whole body tensed. I was not expecting that- for her to be so rough and unpliable. I needed to regain my composure, my power.

  "Be careful who you bite, Pet, " I mumbled against her lips and then peppered kisses along her jaw until I reached her neck, to the space where it met her shoulder. "I bite back."

  My teeth closed on her and she cried out. Her fingers released my hair in surprise. There. We were getting back on my terms. I glided my tongue across her skin. She melted into me, losing that sharp edge of dominance. I found my discipline and reigned myself back to reason. Avery was soft in my hold, pliable again. That was the response I had been looking for. I wanted her delirious under my authority, my direction. Her hands found the top of my jeans and she pulled them to the floor. That was better. I understood this. I was used to women undressing me, so desperate to please me. I kicked off my jeans. She looked up at me, passed my rock-h
ard cock poking against my boxers. She reached for the elastic, but that wasn't part of the game. I stepped back from her. I had her right where I wanted her, and I wouldn't let her get the upper hand again.

  Chapter 10

  Avery- 10 years ago

  He let me drag his jeans to the floor and I looked up at him, registering the straining flesh against his boxers. I wanted to touch him, to devour him. My skin tingled at the thought, my mouth watered. I went to reach for the fabric, but he maneuvered out of reach. I may have pouted as he bent down to pick up the jeans that had been discarded. He pulled something from the pocket and confusion slid over my hormonal desperation. My heart, already pounding in my chest, picked up pace. He held the object tight in his hand, out of my view. It was bulky. Not a condom. My head spun with uncertainty.

  "What is that?" I stood back up. I wanted him to kiss me again. The taste of his skin haunted my tongue. Instead, he reached towards me with his free hand and caressed my neck with his knuckles.

  "Do you trust me, Avery?" he whispered, petting right over that sensitive bite and my heart stuttered. Seriously? He was the one person I should never trust. A bully. A shadow. I shouldn't, but my body didn't care what my brain was thinking at the moment. The touch of his fingers, the feel of my swollen lips from our hot kisses, it was all I could concentrate on. I was in trouble. So much trouble. He was going to use me like all those other girls and worse yet, I wanted it. I nodded my head, nuzzling his arm with my cheek. Horny Avery was stupid.

  "Don't freak out." He unclenched his fingers, revealing the item to me- a leash.

  "That isn't funny, Garrett." I said with a tremble in my voice. My stomach dropped as my eyes darted around the room. I could feel them filling with tears at whatever sick joke he was playing. Why now when it was just me and him in this room? There was no one to impress. Couldn't he just give me one moment? One very real moment. It felt real to me anyway. My skin felt suddenly too hot. I tensed when he reached forward to latch the leash to the cute choker that Heather had brought for me to wear, the hook still tightly in his fingers.

  "It's not supposed to be funny," he said, running the metal of the hook against the fire that was currently my neck. He didn't let go off the release on the hook. Just teased me. I shivered at the sensation of the cold metal and the clenching in my stomach turned to flutters. It felt like cold silk and I gasped. "It's supposed to make your heart race."

  His lips brushed along my cheek when my head lulled to the side.

  "It's supposed to turn you on."

  I could feel his free hand grazing my chest, my waist, as that damn hook teased my jugular. The way he touched me, always so smooth and sure, combined with the things he said without restraint were enough to make me dizzy.

  "And I think it's working." He was right. "I think you very much want this right now. I think you're aching for it."

  He pressed his lips to mine again, softly teasing my lips, and I whimpered when he lightly tugged the bottom one between his teeth. My insides melted; my center throbbed. Oh, dear god was he right. I was wet, soaking wet and throbbing. He released my lip with a soft moan.

  "You can stop this whenever you want, but if you let me, I'll make that ache feel so good."

  Another fresh wave of heat shot through me and I crumbled. I accepted my fate with a nod. I would let this snake inject me with all of his venom as long as it felt that good. He released the hook, latching it to my choker. It felt like I was flying and falling all at once and the new sensation put all the books I read to shame. That time in Sophomore year was miles away from what I was feeling. He gave the leash a pull, just a slight tug, enough to make his feelings known. He wanted me to follow. I walked with him across the empty room to where he sat on a cozy window seat. The sky outside was pitch black. I could barely make out his silhouette in the moonlight. Another tug. I made my way towards him as I watched his thighs separate. I couldn't straddle his lap like that. I hesitated, confused. He patted his right thigh, pulling the leash, and I giggled in a brief moment of clarity. There was no way.

  "Straddle my thigh," he said, his hand wrapping once around the leash, it made me take another step forward. It wasn't a suggestion. It was an order. One that made my whole body hum in approval. That hum turned into a moan. A loud one. He smirked devilishly at the sound. "Now, Pet."

  Clarity left. I did as he said, feeling my heated center come in contact with his cool thigh through my thin, lace panties. My skin was so hot. Why was it so fucking warm? I was dizzy from the alcohol. I had never had two drinks hit me so hard, so fast. The lust overwhelming me certainly wasn't helping. Garrett steadied me, a hand on either side of my hips as he continued to hold the leash. My arms found their way around his neck. I let out another deep moan. He felt amazing. Every spot where his skin touched mine was a live wire prickling with want.

  "You're so wet," he said as he bent his head, his lips touching my collarbone. His tongue lapped me, making my thighs quake. Another tug on the leash. "I can feel it through those thin little panties, dripping down onto me."

  I clutched his dark hair in my hands, throwing my head back as he feasted on my neck. He licked, nipped, and kissed the tops of my breasts, trailing along the deep V of my dress. I felt like I was going to faint at the sensation.

  "I want to see you cum on my thigh. Grind yourself on me."

  My cheeks flushed, clarity again fighting its way to the surface. I'd read about these kinds of things, pictured them in my mind as I'd touched myself, but my first time had been fast and disappointing. I honestly didn't believe this type of stuff actually existed. This was much more intense and so far from normal. I didn't know if I had the guts to do it.

  "I said, grind, Pet." He spoke with a harsh tone, giving one good yank on the leash and I yelped. Holy fuck! Yep, he was not normal, that was not normal. The liquid that soaked me said I really liked not being normal. I complied.

  I dragged myself across his thigh as he continued tasting every exposed inch of my skin until it wasn't enough for him. He dragged my dress to the side with his teeth and found a nipple to cover with his lips. He sucked on the taut peak and my eyes closed. A tight knot was already forming in my stomach as I ground myself against him. There was nothing else my body wanted more than to move, to absorb every touch and lick and stroke. He swore into my flesh, his free hand moving from my hip to pull down the top of my dress and release my breasts from my bra, letting them spill out, before returning to my hip. My phone that I had put there hit the floor and I couldn't find it in me to care if it broke or not. I didn't care about anything except the feel of his skin on mine.

  "Does it feel good, Pet?" he murmured into me and I whispered a yes, raking my fingers through his hair. It was so soft, and the smell of his masculine shampoo mixed with the cinnamon on his breath invaded my body, pushing me faster. The moans coming out of my mouth echoed, one after the other, again and again.

  His arms wrapped around me in an embrace, forcing my body flush against his and I could instantly feel him through the flimsy fabric of my dress and his boxers, twitching on my thigh as I ground into him. He was rock hard and...oh my god. It was huge. I hadn't gotten the full picture earlier, but I felt it now- every single inch.

  "Fuck!" I yelled into the darkness, his reaction to me spurring me on.

  My hips picked up speed and with each movement I felt the gentle tug on the choker. It felt good to have an anchor, to feel it pull at my neck with every stroke. My clit throbbed along with it, the knot twisting and turning in my lower belly. I rocked into him desperate for release and quickly finding a rhythm that made me shake.

  I twisted his hair, pulling it hard without thought. A grunt answered my movement, and I opened my eyes to find Garrett staring intently at me with his face so close to mine I could make out that icy blue color in his eyes even in the dark. Those eyes went wide for a moment before his brows furrowed. The expression was so close to agony that I slowed for the briefest moment, loosening my hold on the strands, unsu
re if I had gone too far.

  "Don't you dare fucking stop," he said with a snarl, a plea.

  His fingers pressed hard into my ass to force me to move, and I answered with another pull on his hair.

  "God, that feels amazing."

  I was in complete agreement with his statement. It did feel amazing. We were both right on the edge of pain. I'd done something he liked. Exhilaration met the heat in my belly. I bucked into him with a newfound intensity. My muscles ached. I wanted to break his body with mine. Bruises were definite. I wanted them, I wanted this, and he wanted it too. I could feel it. Heavy in the air like steam. The fact that he wanted me like this was as intoxicating as the alcohol. My body trembled for him. It sang for him. A sweet tune that was answered by his filthy mouth.


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