Rhayven House
Page 20
For all the readers who are so supportive of my writing and you have kept asking when my next story would be published;
And for my friends Shelley Coburn and Candy Ross, who let me bug them constantly with updates on how many pages I'd written—you are wonderful. And thanks to Candy for reading through the manuscript to catch some of those pesky errors that elude my eyes.
You will notice this book is dedicated to the memory of the animals for whom help never came or came too late. I write my stories as a means of raising money to help animals in need. To this end, word of mouth is the best form of publicity. If you enjoy my tales, remember to share about them to your friends, on social media, and any other way you can think of, please and thank you!
We have enough resources on this planet to help those who do not have a voice to be able to ask for help: the animals.
Donations of time, money, and supplies are always appreciated by shelters, rescues, and sanctuaries. You would be surprised if you knew how many lives a jar of change will save. A few dollars here and there—skip a couple coffees a month or a pack of cigarettes—help save lives of animals people threw away.
Keep your donations local and you will be able to see first-hand exactly how they are used.
If you can't donate money or supplies, how about giving of some of your time? An hour or two a week to play with kittens and cats or to walk a dog keeps the animals socialized, friendly, so they don't cower away from potential adoptive parents.
Maybe you could volunteer a couple hours here and there to be part of a transport to help an animal reach his or her forever home. If not, how about offering a transporter and an animal a place to stay for the night before they set out on the journey once more?
There are so many and different ways to help.
We can make a difference.
We can do some good.
We can save lives.
And, finally, before anyone asks—as my close friends will tell you—I really do have a nicely framed painting on velvet of the Dogs Playing Poker!
Keep reading.