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Never Again

Page 11

by Lilliana Anderson

  I loved it.

  When I heard the zip on his pants and his belt hit the floor, anticipation ached within me. Then I heard the tell-tale sound of a condom wrapper opening. Moments later, his hands were at my hips, removing my panties by breaking them at the seams, tilting me upwards. Then, I felt his cock press into my entrance.

  “Ohhhhh.” There it was, the feeling I’d been seeking. Needing. The sensation of being so full that my mind couldn’t function. My eyes rolled back in my head when he began to move, working my insides as his fingers dug into the flesh at my hips.

  Another orgasm built to a tremulous conclusion. My moans akin to an animal in pain, but I couldn’t stop them or give a second thought to what my neighbours might think. I was too far gone. Too lost as his glorious cock speared me from behind and altered my perception of reality.

  His pace quickened and I gripped the edge of the couch, the only thing I could reach with my bound hands. Each time we collided, I let out a gasping yelp until my body stiffened and I exploded once more—reality disintegrating—with me floating somewhere in the middle of it all.

  “Fuck, Cora.” His voice was strained as he thrust once more, pulling out of me quickly. I heard the snapping sound of latex then a thud on my arse that could only be the weight of his enormous cock. Then a pool of heat landed at the apex of my seam, running between my cheeks. Did he just cum on my arse?

  With a sound coming out of him that could only be described as pure ecstasy, he placed his hand against my cheek and rubbed the hot cum into my skin. “Now it’s definitely mine,” he growled, leaning down and biting my skin gently.

  I gasped. Holy fuck. That. Was. Hot. I wasn’t sure I’d ever wanted a guy to come on my skin before, but that and the way he did it was…my God…it was orgasmic—twice. I’d been branded—Branded—and it was glorious.

  Reaching his body over mine, he kissed and sucked at the back of my neck, untying the silk and releasing my hands. The sex swing and the gag could go back to the store, but the blindfold and silk rope were staying. I would happily let Brandon Sharp tie me up any time.

  I was limp in his arms when he pulled me to standing and slid the blindfold from my eyes. “Feeling good?” he asked with a grin.

  “Uh-huh.” I nodded, leaning my half-naked body against him.

  He pushed my blouse off my shoulders and removed my bra. “Already?” I asked, thinking he was going for round two.

  “First we shower. Then we eat.” He lifted me so he was cradling me in his arms. “Then we have dessert.”

  “Am I dessert?” I asked with a sigh.

  He smiled. “Yeah. You’re dessert.”


  “I think we need to make one thing abundantly clear,” I said as I sat on the bench the next morning, Bran caging me with his body as he fed me toast and coffee. We’d barely slept all night, and my body was achy all over. But I had more energy that morning than I ever remembered having before.

  “And what precisely is that?” His eyes dropped from mine as he took a mouthful of his own coffee. Just watching him swallow turned me on. I reached out and ran my thumb across his full lips. He smiled then bit the pad of my thumb playfully.

  “This thing,” I started when our gazes locked again. “It’s not a relationship. We work together and we fuck when the urge arises. That’s it. I can’t offer you any more than that.” In some respects, I felt I was giving him an out. But to have anything more complex would probably put more strain on myself than I could handle.

  He smiled, seemingly unfazed. “Understood. My only condition, as stated previously, is that I don’t share. I’m an only child so I’ve never been very good at it. Plus, it’s rare to find a woman so willing to take all I give without flinching.” He pinched me playfully on the outside of my thigh and I liked it, especially when his hand then covered the sore spot.

  “You mean the marks you like to leave behind or the rough manhandling you’re so fond of?” I took a bite of the toast he held out to me.

  “All of it. Most girls”—he took a breath, as if he wasn’t sure he should speak up—“don’t take too kindly to being marked. They find my brand of fucking a little too rough and intense.” It was rough and intense. But that was what made it so delectable for me. He kept me riding that fine line with expert hands.

  “Most girls? You’re only twenty. How many could you have possibly gone through?”

  He grinned. “You’d be surprised. I’ve quite the appetite, and I like to dominate. In the bedroom, of course. At work, you’re one hundred per cent the boss.”

  I liked his brand of dominance. What was it about him that made me accept his commanding behaviour in the bedroom? Was it because I was angry? Angry at my life and my husband? Or did I have something inside me, a dormant desire to be manhandled and marked that I’d never explored before?

  “You can just switch it off like that, can you?” I snapped my fingers, imagining that a man like Bran would prefer to always be in control.

  “What happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom.” He smiled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Or on the couch, the shower, the kitchen…”

  I studied his expression, feeling slightly lost in those jade-green eyes of his. “That’s exactly how it has to be. I need your word that this arrangement between us stays just that—between us. I will not be the subject of office gossip, Bran. I don’t even want Olivia to know.”

  “I won’t breathe a word.”

  “OK. So, we do this, and when we’ve gotten to the point where we can be in a room together without wanting to tear each other’s clothes off, we’ll end it and no one’s job has to suffer because of it.”

  “I love it when you talk dirty to me.” He grinned and leaned forward to kiss me. I placed my hand on his chest and stayed out of reach.

  “I’m serious, Bran. These are my terms. This is all too problematic to be anything else, and I want to make sure we’re on the same page before this goes any further.”

  With his hand gripping the back of my head, he pulled me forward, despite my protest, so his lips pressed against my ear. “I will fuck you in the shadows of every place you hold dear so that even when we’re finished with each other, you’ll get excited just walking through the door, remembering what it feels like to have my cock inside you.” My entire body quivered at the thought of everything he could and would do to me. I knew we had an expiration date, and surprisingly I was OK with that. There was no way a ten-year age gap coupled with a complex work situation could result in any more than a fling, and that was discounting the whole Jack debacle. Yes, a fling would do me just fine. Bran might never become my happily ever after, but he could certainly be my happy for now. No worrying about the future, or wandering eyes, we’d do this until it wasn’t fun anymore. It was the perfect setup, and I was going to enjoy every moment of it.

  “As long as no one finds out, you can fuck me anywhere you like.” I threaded my fingers through his hair, holding tight as he worked his magic at the nape of my neck.

  “Is that an invitation?”

  “It’s a demand.”

  “Hmm. I’m going to enjoy being your dirty little secret.” He parted my thighs, his fingers sliding through my arousal.

  “Emphasis on the dirty.”

  A devilish grin took over his features. “How long do we have?”

  Based on the time on the microwave, there was about half an hour before I was due to meet Olivia.

  I groaned. “Not long enough.”

  He dropped to his knees. “You’d better hold on,” he warned me, right before his mouth clamped over my clit. My hands flew out and gripped the edge of the bench.

  My God.

  That tongue!

  “What blush is that you’re wearing? I could use something that colour this morning. I look like death,” Olivia said while we walked to the tram stop. Brandon had walked in the opposite direction and caught a cab to his hotel so he could change into a fresh shirt and suit before heading to the office.
  “How late did you work last night?” I asked, avoiding the question. I couldn’t exactly tell her I was wearing the shade just fucked by a twenty-year-old. As open-minded as Olivia was, I knew she wouldn’t be on board with what I was doing with Bran for a second. She’d already made it clear that she thought having anything with him was a bad idea. Her mindset was generally career first, men later. She’d think I was insane.

  And maybe I was insane. Who knew? The only thing that was abundantly clear was that I couldn’t resist him. I honestly felt that I had no choice but to give in to the desire or combust from the heat. Our attraction was that intense. The way I saw it, this spark between us would eventually fizzle out and we’d part ways with great memories. But until then, we were going to have a lot of fun working that excess energy out. And I was going to have a wonderful time receiving all those multiple orgasms he seemed so intent on providing.

  “I left the office at one. Then I worked at home until four. I’m in court again at ten. When that wraps up, I have a pre-trial conference for that guy who ploughed his car into those pedestrians. His lawyers are trying to claim that he couldn’t help it because on a genetic level, he’s predisposed to violent outbursts.”

  “That just gives you cause to ask for the maximum sentence without the chance of parole due to his likelihood to re-offend. What a joke. Can’t you send your solicitor to deal with it instead?”

  She shook her head. “She’s good. But she isn’t quite up to your standard. One needs to be ruthless with those bastard defence attorneys, and she’s too soft.”

  “I’m sorry I can’t be of help.”

  Lifting one shoulder, she twisted one side of her lips downward. “Jack-Arse is the one who should be sorry.”

  “Speaking of. I kind of had lunch with him yesterday.”

  Her eyes grew large. “You what? Did anyone see you?”

  “He asked me and no, no one who mattered saw. It was as amicable as it could possibly be.”

  “So, you didn’t slap him or knock him unconscious this time?”

  “No. He wants to go to counselling.”

  “Marriage counselling?”

  I nodded.

  “Do you want that?”

  “Not particularly. But he says he’ll revoke the order if I go with him. I think it’s worth going just for that. Plus, I want answers, Liv. I want to understand why he cheated and why he intentionally ruined my life when I left him because of it.”

  “You don’t need a counsellor for that. He did it because he’s a tantrum-throwing cunt. Plain and simple.”

  “I’m sure there’s more to it than that.”

  “Why the about-face all of a sudden? What’s his angle?”

  I shrugged. “He says he misses me.”

  “He misses what you did for him.” She snorted. “Taking care of him, doing his laundry and cooking his food. Must be hard having to look after himself for a change. Poor baby boy.”

  “I’m not doing this to reconcile, Olivia. I’m doing it to get my life back. That’s all.”

  “Thank God. I’d have to rescind our friendship if you let that cretin back in your life again.”

  I laughed. “Seriously?”

  She met my eyes and shook her head. “Of course not. But I felt there needed to be some sort of a threat over your head to make sure you see sense. Relationships are terrible things and cheaters always cheat. Those kinds of leopards never change their spots.”

  “Don’t worry. There’s no way Jack and I are getting back together. Understanding why he felt the need to cheat will be a happy by-product.”

  “Oh, that reminds me. I checked into that divorce attorney. She seems good. Young, but good. She generally ties everything up in mediation.”

  “Is that a good thing?” I had only touched on the legalities of divorce at university since I specialised in criminal law over family.

  “Yes. It means everything gets sorted quickly and amicably. It’s rare that judges get involved.”

  “OK. I’ll set up the meeting then.”

  “Maybe wait until Jack gets rid of the order. You don’t want to risk him catching wind of this and changing his mind.”

  “Good point,” I said, stepping off the tram outside the court.

  As per usual, we lined up for coffee before heading into the OPP.

  “Speaking of male complications, how goes your new intern?” Olivia glanced toward the office building where Brandon could be seen walking up the stairs. With each step, the pants of his grey suit tightened against that taut arse. I could feel myself getting warmer. That arse currently had my fingernail imprints in it.

  “Monday was weird, but yesterday was fine,” I said, keeping my voice even while being sure not to make eye contact.

  “He’s fine. How that came from the loins of Adrian Sharp I’ll never know; must take after the mother. If he was working for me, I’d have to take masturbation breaks just to get through the day. And it’s worse for you because you already”—she looked around to make sure no one we knew was in earshot—“fucked the boy to oblivion.”

  With a laugh, I glanced to the office doors he’d just walked through. “Technically, it was the other way around, and I assure you, he was no boy.”

  She lifted her brow. “All man? It’s a pity he is who he is. You could have gone back for seconds. But never thirds.” She held up her finger in warning.

  Taking a deep breath to stop the satisfied smile from creeping across my face, I lifted my shoulders. “There’s so much going on in my life right now, I can’t even consider that,” I assured her, lying to her face.

  “You’re a fucking saint. You don’t really have much choice in the matter, but still, you’re a saint.”

  If only she knew…


  “Morning, boss. Here are some new case files.” Bran placed the piles on my desk then added my mail on top. “And your correspondence.”

  “Thank you.” I grinned, pulling the mail off the top and flicking through it. I’d had most of my personal mail redirected to the office while I was between homes, but now I was starting to update my contact details everywhere so it went to the apartment instead. Looking at the redirection labels, I furrowed my brow, remembering an unanswered question from the night before. “You never told me how you got my address,” I said quietly, my eyes meeting his.

  Grinning, he picked up the files he needed to hand back out. “I followed you, of course.”

  “Excuse me?” As much as I admired his pursuing tactics, that was possibly going a little too far for me.

  He chuckled at my obvious shock. “I’m joking. I saw your change of address form when I took my paperwork to HR on Monday.”

  “So you memorised it?”

  His eyes darkened. “I think you’ll find I memorise a lot of things.” The way he looked at me told me he was remembering every naked curve of my body.

  My cheeks flushed slightly. “I bet you do,” I replied, shifting in my seat while reminding myself to keep this conversation office-friendly in case the wrong person walked in and noticed the sexual charge in the air. “Are you at university today?”

  “I leave here at three. A lecture then a tutorial. I finish around six.”

  “Then you have coursework to do, right?” I knew I was fishing for information about his whereabouts that evening. I needed to know if he’d be visiting. Last night only served to feed my hunger for more of him.

  He grinned. “I actually have an essay to finish for my legal ethics class.”

  There was a knock on my open door. Nick popped his head around the corner of the glass wall that separated my office from the bull pen. “Are you busy? I have some questions about the charges on this police report. They don’t make a lot of sense.”

  “Of course,” I told him. Then I turned back to Bran, placing a mask of calm over my face. “Well, good luck with your paper. If you get stuck, I’m sure one of the juniors will be more than willing to help you out.”

�ll be sure to ask.” When he left, I had to fight with my eyeballs to make them look at Nick instead of Bran’s arse as he walked through the door. I was disappointed I wouldn’t have him in my bed again that night. But I supposed my body could probably do with the rest and a long bubble bath in preparation for the next time…

  “So, what’s this problem you’re having?” I asked Nick as he slid into the seat across from me, handing me his file.

  “If he asks Penny to help him, she’ll be useless for the rest of the day,” Nick said instead of answering my question.

  I opened the file anyway, trying to put my head into the work at hand instead of worrying about the next time I’d get to see Bran naked. “What do you mean?”

  “She’s got a massive lady boner for him. I’ve never heard her giggle before. Yesterday, when he sat with her to work on whatever case you said he could look in on, that’s all she could do. I had to put on headphones.”

  “Was he flirting with her?” The question jumped out of my mouth before I had the chance to stop it. The idea of him flirting with the other solicitors placed a lead weight in the centre of my chest.

  Nick shrugged. “Does a guy like that even have to?”

  I smiled at the off-handed comment. He was right. Bran didn’t have to flirt at all. All he had to do was look at a woman and she’d turn to mush. “So, this case?” I started again, shaking off my Bran-brain.

  “Yeah.” He leaned on my desk and pointed to the police report. “It says they arrested him for possession and intent to sell, but the volume of the drug isn’t enough for the second charge.”

  “Then you charge him with something less,” I responded.

  “Like what? Public intoxication?”

  “Is that in the report?”

  “His blood alcohol level was point one six.”

  As I sat with Nick and worked through the charges he would recommend, I couldn’t stop my eyes from wandering to where I could see Bran chatting to Penny. He was smiling about something and she was looking at him in absolute wonder. A knot formed in my stomach. He’d said he didn’t share, but did that rule apply to him too? It grew increasingly difficult to focus as my mind ran off on its own. Would I have to watch him act like that with every female here? Nick had been right. All he had to do was look at a woman and she was putty in his hands. Worse was the fact he was smiling. Dimples on a regular guy were distracting enough, but on an Adonis like Bran, they caused women’s ovaries to cry out from the agony of wanting to have his babies. Our office didn’t have a shortage of attractive single women either. Fling or no fling, I didn’t know if I could handle watching him peruse the office for his next conquest after me. Or, maybe I was being hypersensitive?


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