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The Neighborhood (A Twin Estates Novel Book 2)

Page 23

by Stylo Fantome

  “Because you keep flirting with me. Go away now, I'm super busy because SOMEONE decided having liquor down here for the night would be a great idea,” she huffed out, then she skipped down to the other end of the bar.

  “She has no concept of authority, does she?” Liam sighed, his eyes following Tori's movements.

  “No, not really. C'mon, Wulf's sisters are you – you met Vieve, now you can meet Brie,” she offered, linking her arm through his and turning him to face the crowd.

  “Oh lord, I can't even remember the one, and now you want me to meet the other? Where are they? Are they just like him?” he asked, searching the crowd.

  “Brie kinda is,” Katya snickered, then she pointed to the other side of the room. “They're standing over there.”

  Under her arm, she felt Liam tense up. She glanced up and saw that he was frowning a little. Gaten was laughing at something one of the girls had said, Vieve was playing with her necklace again, and Brie was back on her phone.

  “Those are Wulf's sisters?” Liam double checked.

  “Yeah. You met Vieve, remember?” she asked.

  “I … I guess I don't. It was a crazy weekend, and I took a punch to the head,” he said in a low voice, his eyes never leaving the other group.

  “Well, the tall one who looks just like Wulf is Genevieve – she's the older one.”

  “Oh, close to Wulf's age?”

  “No, she's only twenty-one.”

  “Oh god.”

  “Don't worry,” Katya laughed. “She acts more like she's forty, totally low key, super sweet and polite. Brie is the one you have to worry about.”

  “Uh … why?”

  “Because she's only nineteen, thinks she's smarter than everyone, and pretty much hates the world. C'mon, let's go say hi,” she urged, trying to walk forward. He refused to move, though.

  “I can't, angel cake,” he said, pulling his arm free from hers. “I have to go upstairs, there's a raffle going on that I have to announce. Then I have to check on a missing case of champagne, and then a million other things. Maybe later.”

  “Oh, okay. Maybe later.”

  She watched in surprise and confusion as he jogged up the stairs. Surely, he could've spared two seconds to meet the Stone girls. Of course, he didn't care for Wulf, so maybe he wasn't interested in getting to know Wulf's family. She supposed it made sense. She shrugged off his weird behavior and rejoined her friends.

  It really was a great party. A band had been set up against the back wall, playing jazzy versions of modern hits. Gate twirled her around the floor a couple times, then she convinced Vieve to go out and dance with him. And by convince, she more like shoved the other woman into his arms.

  “I think he likes your sister,” Katya laughed, folding her arms as she watched the pair awkwardly dance together.

  “Bummer for him,” Brie grunted.

  “What do you mean? He's a nice guy, she's a nice girl.”

  “Exactly – he's nice and normal. Vieve isn't normal at all.”

  “Could've fooled me.”

  “Again – exactly. It's what she does best. Now if he were to get hooked on drugs or develop cancer or lose a leg, she'd be all over him like white on rice,” Brie said in a casual voice. Katya finally turned to look down at her.

  “What's that all supposed to mean?” she asked.

  “It means my sister has to feel needed. Indispensable. She has to be saving someone. She only feels like she's worth something if she's taking care of someone. Why do you think she's always mothering us?” Brie pointed out.

  “Wow. I had no idea.”

  “Why do you think she married a guy with terminal brain cancer?”

  “She knew he had brain cancer? Before they got married?”

  “Try before they even dated. Whatever. She's a head case. I'm gonna go get a drink,” the younger girl sighed and dragged herself to the bar.

  Katya stared out at the dance floor, watching Genevieve Stone carefully. The other woman did look normal. All her dark hair had been swept up into a sleek, fancy ponytail. She wore a strapless jumpsuit that showed off her delicate bone structure perfectly. She was stunning, really. How could she have such esteem issues?

  Of course, that logic didn't make much sense. Katya looked back at Brighton – a gorgeous woman in her own right, yet she seemed to have a whole truck load of issues. Crazy, to be so young and so maladjusted. So hateful on the inside, yet so beautiful on the outside.

  She was wearing a bodycon dress that showed off her curvy body to perfection. It had long sleeves and a high neck and went clear to her mid-calves, but the light peach color paired with the fact that it was painted on her body gave the illusion that she was naked at first glance. Her long, thick hair had similar waves to Katya's, and she was wearing so much makeup, she was hard to recognize. Highlighter and bronzer and contouring and false eyelashes. Katya almost felt under dressed in comparison.

  “Jesus, what is she wearing?”

  Katya whirled around to find Wulf standing behind her. He was glaring poison darts at his little sister.

  “I think she looks nice,” Katya offered.

  “She looks like a Playboy Bunny.”

  “Well … they usually look nice, too,” she tried again.

  “And is she getting a drink!?” he demanded.

  “Um, I hate to tell you this, but a lot of nineteen year old's consume alcohol. She's been living alone at a dorm for the past year, I can guarantee she's had a drink before, and would bet money that she has a fake ID,” Katya pointed out.

  “I don't give a fuck – she's nineteen and Liam is wandering around here somewhere, she's not fucking drinking,” Wulf growled. Katya barked out a laugh.

  “What does Liam have to do with it?”

  “Get a few drinks in him and he tries to fuck anything with tits. I will murder him if he so much as breathes wrong in her direction,” Wulf warned, then he started for the bar. Katya put herself in front of him.

  “Whoa, calm down! He is not like that, and it's insulting to me to say so. Besides, Brie seems more than capable of taking care of herself. Have you actually met her? She's got a black belt in making people regret they've spoken to her. You're being ridiculous,” she snapped, putting her hands flat on his chest.

  “I don't care, she's my sister.”

  “Oh my god, Wulf. You're protective of your baby sister!” Katya started laughing again. He finally looked down at her.

  “Of course I am. What's funny about that?” he demanded.

  “It's just … it's kind of adorable. I didn't think it was possible for you to be adorable,” she teased him.

  “Shut up, Tocci.”

  “C'mon, calm down,” she urged. “Brie's a big girl and besides, is Tori even serving her? My roommate's good at her job.”

  They both looked back at the bar and sure enough, Tori and Brie were getting into it. A heated exchange took place for a minute and ended with what Katya assumed was a fake ID getting tossed to the floor at Brie's feet. She held up her middle finger as she retrieved it, then she stormed across the room and disappeared up the stairs.

  “She shouldn't even be here,” Wulf said in a low voice. “Vieve just lets her get away with anything.”

  “Brie's an adult, Wulf. Not you and not Vieve can stop her from doing anything she wants. When was the last time you actually spoke to her?” Katya asked. His frown got worse.

  “A while.”

  “Have you even seen her since she's been staying here?”

  His frowned disappeared and he looked shocked for a moment.

  “What do you mean, staying here?”

  Oops, I think I just spilled the beans.

  “Um ...” she glanced around, looking for a way to escape.

  “Cut the shit, Tocci. What are you talking about?” he demanded.

  “She's been staying with Vieve, at your place.”

  “Why the fuck isn't she back in school!?”

  “Because maybe she needed an extende
d break?”

  “She doesn't get a fucking break, not when I'm cutting the checks.”

  “Well, maybe she would take it more seriously if she knew you were paying for it,” Katya pointed out. He looked like he wanted to curse some more, but he managed to keep his mouth shut. “Hard to get mad at her for keeping secrets when you never tell her anything.”

  “You can shut up, any time now.”

  She laughed again as he stomped up to the bar.

  She mingled for a while after that, chatting with some of the employees and meeting their significant others. She was pleased to see Vieve and Gaten sticking close together, even sitting close in one of the booths.

  It was a while before she saw Liam again. When she spied him standing in a corner, talking to a group of three gorgeous blondes, she snuck up behind him. Smiling big, she tapped him on the shoulder.

  “You've been hiding all evening,” she teased as he turned around. She blinked up at him for a moment, then recognition kicked into gear.

  “I'm beginning to think you have a crush on me,” Landon Edenhoff smirked down at her.

  “Sorry,” she laughed. “I'm sorry. You just ...”

  “Look just like him?” he offered.

  “God, that sounds stupid. I'm sorry,” she babbled. Talking to him was disconcerting. Someone who looked so much like Liam, but had none of his warmth and ease. Landon had a tendency to stare her very directly in the eye while he spoke, which further unnerved her.

  “It's okay, we're used to it. You know, you've seen me naked, and I don't even know your name,” he pointed out. She blushed a little.

  “You weren't really naked,” she said quickly. He quirked up an eyebrow.

  “Yet still, you've seen me naked.”

  Realizing he meant that having seen Liam naked, she'd effectively seen him naked, her little blush turned into full on tomato face.

  “Well … uh … congratulations?” she finally blurted out. He burst out laughing.

  “Oh, I think you and I are going to get along just fine,” he said, stepping up close and draping his arm around her waist. The three blondes shot her death stares. “Now, how about you tell me your name, and we can discuss what you look like naked.”

  “I don't believe we've met.”

  Usually, Katya was annoyed by Wulf's habit of popping up out of nowhere and just speaking out of turn. That time, though, she was thankful for it. He appeared at her elbow, a martini glass in his hand and a stern look on his face.

  “Dr. Landon Edenhoff,” Lan said in a smooth voice, holding out his free hand. Wulf shook it.

  “Wulfric Stone.”

  It was crazy, standing between them. It was like watching two lions meet for the first time. Two alphas, trying to decide whether or not to rip each other's throats out. As cocky and condescending as Landon was, though, she was still pretty sure Wulf would come out the victor. His ego was deep seated, part of his genetic make up at this point. Lan's felt forced, a facade put in place for god only knew what reason.

  “Ah, Richard Mason,” Lan laughed, using Wulf's business pseudonym. “The bane of Liam's existence. The pleasure is most definitely all mine. I like anyone who can give my brother so much shit. He needs someone to keep him in place.”

  Wulf didn't laugh in return.

  “I think with a successful business that has thrived under his ownership, Eden doesn't need anyone to keep him in place, least of all an arrogant sibling. Tocci, a word?”

  He could've broken into an Irish jig, slapped one of the blonde women, or started singing opera, and Katya would've been less shocked. Had Wulf just defended Liam!? Her jaw was brushing the floor as he gripped her elbow and walked her away from the small group.

  “Did you just do what I think you did!?” she asked.

  “Yes, and if you breathe a word of it to Eden, you won't like your punishment,” he warned her, stopping them at the end of the bar. A tray of champagne glasses was sitting there, all of them full, so he grabbed one and handed it to her.

  “Why would you do that? You hate Liam,” she pointed out.

  “I don't hate him. I just don't like him. Fortunately for him, I like presumptuous cocky assholes even less.”

  “Uh, I feel like that's the pot calling the kettle black,” she snickered. He narrowed his eyes.

  “Don't start with me, I'm not in the mood tonight.”

  “Are you ever?” she laughed.

  “I was the other night.”

  She stopped laughing.

  “That was a mistake,” she informed him, slugging down some of the champagne.

  “Tocci, that night was as close to perfection as you've been in a long time,” he laughed loudly at her. She frowned.

  “Maybe that's your opinion, but don't count on it happening again,” she told him.

  “Oh, so you can flirt with Eden and threaten to sleep with him, but I'm suddenly not good enough?” he asked.

  There it was again – “not good enough”. Usually Liam was the one with large and in charge insecurities over feeling second best, but now it was twice that Wulf had made mention of not being good enough. Had she finally managed to make him feel nervous? Unsure of himself? The very idea made her feel confident and a little bit powerful.

  “You know, I have to admit,” she said in a slow voice. “Seeing you jealous is pretty hot.”

  “Is it, now? Don't get used to it.”


  “Because it's only a matter of time before you make the right choice.”

  Confidence and power, gone. To be reminded that she was even in this ridiculous situation put a damper on her evening. Made her feel silly and dramatic. She frowned and put her champagne glass down.

  “You know,” she said, smoothing her hands down her dress. “I told Vieve I'd meet her for brunch tomorrow, so I think I'm going to call it a night. Thanks for a lovely time, as always.”

  She turned and headed down the hallway, not one bit surprised when she heard his footsteps walking after her.

  “Can't handle the tension?” he asked. “You always run to Eden when things get too hot.”

  “Which would be very telling if it were true, but it's not. My jacket is in his office,” she replied.

  “Uh huh. Nice dress, by the way.”

  She felt his fingers grazing her skin at the top of her dress, right over her left shoulder blade. Then his hand pressed flat and ran clear down to her hip, leaving a scorch mark in its wake, she was sure.

  “You've seen it before,” she told him, swatting at his hand. He moved it to her lower back.

  “It looked nice then, too.”

  “Stop it, Wulf,” she growled, pushing at his hand again.

  “And this hair. A new look for you, Tocci. Who are you dressing up for, hmmm?” he asked. She swung around, slapping his arm away forcefully.

  “As hard as it may be to believe, I dressed up for me,” she hissed.

  “That is hard to believe. Sure it wasn't for someone special?” he checked, fingering a lock of hair.

  “Of course. There's no one special here.”

  He tugged on the strand, coiling it around his finger.

  “No need to be rude, Tocci. Covering up your insecurities by being a smart ass isn't very attractive.”

  “Again, Wulf, and I really want to beat this into your thick skull – not everything is about turning you on.”

  He let go of the lock and moved his hand to push the heavy fall of hair over her shoulder. His fingers lingered in the auburn strands, his thumb moving in circles just under her ear.

  “See, that's where you're very mistaken. What time is brunch tomorrow?” he asked. She glared and shoved at his wrist.


  “Pity. Tell Vieve to pick you up at my apartment, that way you don't have to rush back to yours.”

  She burst out laughing and gripped his wrist between her hands, trying to jerk it away. His fingers just clenched tighter in her hair.

  “I'm seriously not in t
he mood, Wulfy,” she growled. “I won't be going to your apartment tonight, or ever.”

  “I can remember a time when that's all you wanted to do.”

  “Yeah – a long time ago, before I knew what an ... an … an awful human being you are,” she swore.

  For some reason, that simple insult seemed to get to him more than anything else she'd said so far. He narrowed his eyes, glaring down at her.

  “Is that what you really think? That I'm an awful human being?”


  “Worse than Eden?”


  She glared right back at him, shooting sparks out of her eyes, she was sure. The hand in her hair clenched all the way into a fist, and she dug her fingernails into his wrist. He could make her so angry, it was almost impressive. So mad, she couldn't see straight. So mad, she couldn't think straight. So mad, she wanted to punch him in the face and stomp all over his unconscious body.

  So why, about one minute later, they were stumbling up against a wall with their mouths attached to each other, she didn't know.

  “You have a lot of pent up aggression, Tocci,” he chuckled in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She worked her hands underneath his jacket.

  “I wonder why, Stone.”

  “I'm not complaining. I like it.”

  She was very aware that they weren't being very tactful. They were about thirty feet from Liam's office door. At the other end of the short hallway, people were wandering in and out of the plush rental rooms. It was a matter of time before someone came upon them.

  “Oh my god,” she groaned while he kissed along her neck, his hands cupping her breasts. “We have to stop. This is … this is not good.”

  “No, stopping would be very, very bad.”

  They were still moving around, sliding around on the wall, when they bumped into a door jam. Wulf fumbled with the knob, yanked the door open, then shoved her into the room. She fell across the floor, ramming into something solid and tinny. Wulf had already shut the door and it was incredibly dark in the space. She felt around her and realized she was leaning against a huge utility sink.

  “I can't see anything,” she hissed, turning so her back was against the sink and reaching her arm out.


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