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Sassy Shifter Brides: Complete Series - BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Mail-Order Romance

Page 3

by Anya Nowlan

  “I’m sorry I have to make you sit through a long drive. You must be tired from the flights. But Shifter Grove is a bit out of the way of most… well, everything.” Warren smiled apologetically, bringing the truck to life with a roar of its engine. Kacey shook her head, her hair bouncing on her shoulders. She didn’t feel tired or worn at all anymore – that magical kiss had wiped away all traces of her exhaustion and grumpiness. What she was, though, was a bit tongue-tied.

  The truck tore off the side of the runway just as the little plane was peeling off into the sky again. Kacey watched the red-striped wings wobble a little as it climbed, and she couldn’t help but smile. She’d been afraid that she’d want to leave as soon as she arrived, but she was secure in the knowledge that she didn’t want to go anywhere but wherever Warren was taking her.

  The scenery rolled by, the flatness of the valley the airport was in quickly turning into endless green forests and high picturesque peaks as the truck reached a highway. Sometimes, they’d pass by vast fields, creating a stark contrast to the deep greens and browns of the lush woods and mountains. Kacey was mesmerized by the beauty of the nature, so different from the scorched emptiness of Texas in the summer.

  Silence lingered between them for most of the trip, but Kacey found herself not minding the quiet. It was a comfortable silence, and she didn’t feel compelled to try and fill it with idle chatter. Being a nurse, she was well versed in the art of making small talk, but with Warren, it didn’t feel necessary. Silence could be just as intimate as conversation, and it was a welcome change from the last few dates she’d been on. And that was what it was, wasn’t it? Their first real date. Kacey giggled, letting her head fall on the headrest.

  “What’s so funny?” Warren asked, a hint of a smile lingering on his lips as he glanced at her.

  “Oh, nothing. I just realized this is our first date. And I just flew across the country for it. I mean, I don’t even know you, but I knew I had to come and meet you.”

  Warren grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently with his other hand on the wheel. It sent sparks exploding through her whole body, all gathering together in her core and making her yearn to be touched more by this handsome, open-hearted man next to her.

  “I’m glad you did, Kacey. I was afraid you wouldn’t, and honestly, I wouldn’t have blamed you for it. But the truth is I feel like I’ve known you forever from the letters we’ve sent each other. Maybe that’s foolish, but that’s how I feel.” Kacey watched him, her gray eyes shimmering slightly with what could very easily turn into tears. But she wasn’t that kind of girl, and she swallowed the rush of emotion, getting a grip on the flood before it grew too strong.

  “I feel like I know you too. Better than I’ve ever known anyone. That’s why I decided to come, really. I figured I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t give it a shot.”

  Warren raised her hand to his mouth and kissed his fingertips. She could barely suppress the groan that bubbled in her chest. After going out with a string of doctors and lawyers and hipsters, all of whom maybe amounted to half a man put together, being in a beaten up truck on an Idaho highway with a bona fide cowboy was a hell of a change. And one she wished she’d had the opportunity of experiencing far, far sooner.


  “It’s beautiful!” Kacey gasped, taking in the sight of Warren’s cottage. It was a solid wood house right at the edge of a thick forest, built from hefty round logs and with a stone foundation. They hadn’t driven through Shifter Grove to get to it, but Warren had assured her that they were no more than a 15-minute drive away from the town she’d heard so much about. Warren stepped up behind her, putting a hand on her lower back. She leant into his touch without paying attention to it. It felt like the most natural thing in the world.

  “Glad you like it. I built it myself. Some of the guys came to help with the heavy lifting, but I always wanted to build my own home. It’s not quite ready yet, but it’s inhabitable,” Warren said, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. She knew he worked in construction somehow, but they’d never really discussed his work much. Kacey couldn’t say that she was surprised at Warren being a talented builder – a man like him had to do something with his hands. She just hoped that he would want to use those hands of his to do something with her. Her cheeks tinted pink again, the unexplainable desire she felt for him getting the best of her.

  Warren led her inside the big, cozy house. The first thing she did was step out of her pumps, and a heavy sigh of relief rolled off her tongue, making Warren chuckle. She cast him an embarrassed look, wiggling her freed toes a little to get the feeling back in them.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve just been waiting to get these damn things off for the better part of the day.” Warren set down her suitcase by the door and took off his work boots. He padded deeper into the house, and Kacey’s gaze was glued to his retreating back. He had an animal grace to him, something wild and primal just under the surface that she could sense but not quite put her finger on.

  Well, he is a werebear after all, Kacey reminded herself, her eyes shifting down to his tight ass and powerful thighs. The mere sight of him filled her with thoughts so dirty that she was almost embarrassed to think them. It had been easier to ignore in the truck, seeing as jumping him while they were on the highway didn’t seem like the smartest thing to do. But now, safely tucked away in his home, far away from any prying eyes, it seemed like something she could seriously consider.

  I wonder what kind of a lover he is. Sweet and gentle or rough and commanding? Really, it didn’t matter. Her usual demure demeanor was lost somewhere under layers of excitement and lust, and Kacey wasn’t sure how long she could keep herself at bay. No man had ever had that kind of effect on her.

  Her excitement waned a little as he opened the fridge and started stacking groceries on the counter to prep dinner. Warren glanced at her, beckoning her closer.

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. How about you go freshen up, and I’ll whip us up something to eat. How does that sound?” The rumbling in her stomach told her that it was an excellent idea. Maybe, maybe even better than sex. But only for now! She hadn’t had a bite to eat that day, unless the coffee at the airport counted.

  “That sounds like a great idea,” she said, picking up her suitcase.

  “There’s a bedroom down the hall to your right. And a bathroom as well. Don’t be too long, I’ll miss you too much,” Warren said, giving her a cheeky grin. Kacey could only smile awkwardly, feeling her toes want to curl and her stomach tighten with lust. Damn that man and the way he made her tremble like a love struck teenager!

  She made it halfway down the hall before Warren hollered after her.

  “Oh, and Kacey?”

  “Yes?” she answered, rooted in place.

  “Wear something comfortable. You don’t need to dress up for me. I’d rather have you comfy and at ease than worrying about how you look. You’re beautiful no matter what you wear.” The way he said it cut deep in her. Her breath caught for a moment, a big grin spreading on her lips. Something in his tone told her that he really, really meant it. All of her trepidation fell off of her, and she felt like she was standing two inches taller. It wasn’t that she needed to be told that she was pretty (though like most women, she tended to have her moments of doubt) but hell if she didn’t feel like a million bucks after hearing it!

  “Okay,” she whispered, so quiet that there was no way he could hear it. She shuffled down the corridor towards the bedroom, anxiously awaiting the opportunity to get out of her Spanx.


  Kacey wasn’t exactly sure how it had happened, but she certainly didn’t mind that it had happened. Her legs were strung across Warren’s lap, and he was giving her a foot rub while a roaring fire crackled in the fireplace in front of the couch. She was dressed in a pair of soft gray sweatpants and a top that was just the right combination of revealing and comfortable. And if that wasn’t enough, she was sipping on what was just about the best white wine
she’d ever had.

  “This is delicious,” she murmured, a hint of a moan in her voice as Warren’s dexterous hands relieved the kinks in her feet from a full day of teetering precariously on high pumps.

  “Some family friends own a winery down in Cali. You’d be surprised at how good werelions are at cultivating just the right kind of grapes for the best wines,” Warren chuckled.

  They’d had dinner – a perfectly seasoned cut of lamb with rosemary potatoes – and Kacey was pretty sure that she’d been plucked from Texas and brought straight to heaven. How else could she explain the absolutely scorching hot man who was doing his very best to impress her and the lap of luxury she’d found herself in? He was caring and considerate, and she felt completely at ease next to him. It was a far cry from the overwhelming awkwardness she’d felt on just about every one of her dates.

  “So tell me more about yourself. You know, the stuff you didn’t write to me about already. I will tell you that I’ve read every one of those letters at least 5 times each, so I will catch you if you’re fibbing,” Warren said, giving her a wink. His green eyes were dazzling and damn near mesmerizing. A life and a light twinkled there that she’d never seen before, so full of energy and determination that she couldn’t help but want to submit to his every whim and desire.

  “Well, you know that I’m a nurse. And you know I have a roommate named Liza, who must be worried sick about me. You really weren’t kidding about electricity and cell reception being a bit of a luxury.” Kacey glanced sourly at her phone, which showed no reception whatsoever. Warren’s house had a big generator for electricity, though for the time being the power lines seemed to be holding. He assured her that it was most likely a temporary sort of thing, and she could soon expect to fall back into the Stone Age. And her phone? Well, that was little more than useless in those parts at the time. “I’ve lived in Texas all my life. I have a sister, Kayla, but she’s in Hawaii right now I think. And my mother is also a nurse. She’s been dying to pander me off to someone. As if I should pick and choose my happiness only from the options she can provide me.” Kacey paused for a moment, seeing a darkness shadow Warren’s features for a moment. He looked worried for a second, but it passed, and she figured nothing of it.

  “Anyway, I’ve been pretty happy with my life so far. I care about my work, and I love helping people. That’s why I became a nurse. I saw the toll it took on my mother, but when she came home on the days she’d managed to truly help someone, the way she beamed was magical. I wanted a piece of that. But working in a big hospital means there’s less and less of that magic. Everything’s tightly regulated, and you have very little time with the patients. I understand why that is, but I guess I’d like to feel like I’m really doing something important sometimes, you know?” She looked at Warren, who was quietly staring at the fire. There was a slight smile on his lips, and she had the sudden urge to touch his face. She slid two fingers along his chiseled chin line, and Warren turned to face her, grinning.

  “What are you smiling about?” Kacey asked, self-conscious that she might be sounding silly.

  “Honestly, I just love listening to you. You’ve got a kind soul. I knew that from our letters, but it’s great to have so much confirmation for it. And seeing you for the first time… just wow. I knew you were hot, but this hot… I’m a blessed man for having you agree to spend time with me.”

  Kacey blushed at his words, looking down at the glass in her hands.

  “You don’t need to say that. I know I am… well, what I am. I was a disheveled mess this morning, and I’m not exactly a swimsuit model…” she trailed off as Warren pushed her chin upwards so she’d look at him, leaning closer. His eyes drilled into her, and she felt like he could peer right into the depths of her soul.

  “You’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen, Kacey. I love your curves and that delicious hourglass figure of yours. A big man like me needs something to hold onto, someone to cuddle in the night. You have a pure, honest heart and a scorching, sexy body, and I don’t want you thinking anything less of yourself. It’s just you and me here, and if this is going to work out, we need to be honest with each other. You have two weeks here with me, and I don’t want to waste a single moment of it,” he said, his gruff voice filling Kacey with maddening desire. It was like every word he spoke went right through her defenses and blossomed in her chest, making her react to him immediately. Her breath caught, his face so close to hers and his broad chest pressed against her palm. She could feel his heart beating wildly in his chest.

  She didn’t want to be shy anymore. Things had happened fast, sure, but she felt more in sync with Warren than she’d ever thought possible. They were so comfortable around each other, and she’d been battling with intense feelings for the man since they started exchanging letters over SassyDate. Finally being alone with him was like the sweetest treat.

  He’s right. We shouldn’t waste a single moment, Kacey told herself.


  She put the glass of wine on the table next to her phone and came face to face with Warren. Only for a second did she hesitate, and then, she gave in to her need. She kissed him, the first touch sending her body purring with satisfaction. As soon as their lips connected, he pulled her into his lap, his strong arms cradling her gently but firmly. His tongue stroked into her mouth, and she met it eagerly, drawing a muffled growl from Warren. Her skin prickled with goose bumps, but he just held her closer, his hands roaming across her lush curves. His bear was close beneath the surface, but instead of feeling afraid, she felt protected. Like nothing could ever harm her again. The chemistry was instant and binding, and she couldn’t fathom feeling anything but desire for the hot cowboy.

  “Are you sure you want this?” Warren asked, his chest rising and falling heavily. She nodded, making her soft curls of hair bounce.

  “Yes,” she replied breathlessly, before kissing him again. That one simple word released him, and he grabbed for her like his life depended on it. She straddled him, her hands exploring his chest and shoulders, reveling in the sense of power and strength that exuded from him. He cupped her ass with both hands, and she giggled. Being so wanted by a man she had such scorching feelings for was not something she was used to feeling.

  “God, you’re hot,” he murmured between fevered kisses on her plush lips and smooth skin, his mouth moving down her neck and to her chest. She raised her hands so he could pull off her shirt, and he did so without hesitation. Just as quickly, his hands went behind her back and unclasped her crème bra. Kacey gasped as he peeled the lacey fabric off of her, but she didn’t feel self-conscious or nervous. No, she felt like a goddess and that was exactly how he was treating her. Like he couldn’t get enough.

  His lips were puffy from kissing her like his life depended on it, making the slight dip in his upper lip all the more visible. His features were all built to perfection, the perfect picture of masculine strength, and he was crazy for her. She could hardly believe it. Her soft breasts pressed against his hard pecs as they kissed. Warren leant her back in his lap slightly, kissing a trail down her chest and then circling his tongue around one of her nipples. She sucked in a sharp breath, her nails digging into his powerful thighs. Her body was soft and generous, and every kiss felt like he stoked the fire inside of her to a roaring flame. Kacey ground her hips into him, the thickness of his hard-on rubbing against her in the most teasing way. It all felt so right, so entirely perfect.

  Warren sucked her nipple into his mouth, and she moaned throatily, throwing her head back. Her fingers coiled into his dark hair, pulling and tugging just a little. Her body was flush with desire, and the world was falling away, leaving only him and the things he made her feel. When he flipped her on her back on the couch and took off his shirt, she groaned softly. He was even more gorgeous shirtless – all rippling muscles and strong proportions. Her hands immediately went for his belt buckle as he dove down on her, bracing himself with his arms on either side of her. She pulled the be
lt off and undid the front of his jeans, wanting, no, needing to touch him further. One hand slid up his washboard abs and the other down the front of his pants. Kacey gasped, feeling the immediate thickness under her palm, his cock rigid under her touch. She was wet beyond belief, her thighs rubbing together as she squirmed underneath him.

  He paused for a moment, giving her a chance to change her mind.

  “Don’t you dare stop,” she said through gritted teeth, her hips bucking up to meet his.

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” he growled back, laying a quick kiss on her lips. Then, he pulled back, and she was ready to protest loudly before his fingers curled around the top of her pants and pulled them down over her luscious hips with one smooth yank. She giggled, raising her hips so he could pull the offending garment off of her, his fingers hooking behind her panties on the way down. He threw her clothes to the floor, and she was completely naked in front of him, her body bathed in the flickering light of the fire. Never had she felt so confident about every curve, every dimple and swell as she did when he looked at her. There was pure admiration and lust in his eyes, leaving her no doubt that he wanted her just the way she was.

  Oh my god, he can’t be real… she thought, her knees parting easily as he slid his hands between her legs. She watched with astonishment as he spread her legs and then slid his hand down to her sex, leaving a hot trail of want where he crossed over her thigh with his rough fingertips. Her back arched as his fingers touched her wet folds, parting them and spreading the wetness over his fingers. Her eyes fluttered closed, and Warren teased her mercilessly. His fingertips flicked over her clit, driving her to madness. She moaned, wanting more, and he kindly obliged her. Kacey’s eyes flew open, wide as saucers as he put a hand on both of her thighs, and his tongue lapped over her slit.


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