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Sassy Shifter Brides: Complete Series - BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Mail-Order Romance

Page 17

by Anya Nowlan

  Slate carried Teresa to the only bedroom and set her down on the bed. He tucked her in carefully, though his hands were reluctant to let go of her. She did something to him. Rationally, he assumed it just had to be the Bonding that made his head spin in all the wrong directions, but with his heart and soul he couldn’t help but feel that there was more there. He’d never considered the possibility that anyone other than a weretigress could make him feel that way – possessive, protective, mad with lust. And yet, here she was, the diminutive human woman with her lush curves and soulful eyes, making him reconsider all of his earlier decisions. He hovered there, watching over her for a moment too long, and finally urged himself to move and give her the rest she deserved. As much as he hated leaving her alone, he didn’t want to scare her by giving in to his tiger and watching by her bedside, eager to make sure that nothing harmed her. His mate. Slate’s nose crinkled, and he bared his upper teeth slightly. There it was again. That word that he wasn’t supposed to think of for a few more weeks.

  Resigning himself to his fate, Slate slunk out of the bedroom and closed the door behind him. Every step he took that led him further from Teresa saw his mood becoming more sour and dark. It was like she was the balm to his frazzled soul, and a cure he had not expected to encounter. He had looked for a person to spend time with for a few weeks, ticking away the days towards his inescapable mateless future, and instead he’d found a woman who seemed to defy all reason. He knew her kind heart from the letters they’d exchanged, and that feeling was reinforced by the long, easy conversations they’d had during the flights. And her body… Well, it was all he could do to keep from ravaging her. Slate, like most shifters, loved a woman with curves. To him, it read as sexy and confident, a woman who could love a man and care for his children without losing that certain something, that feminine blaze that sparked in every woman but burnt with a bright flame in the best of them.

  Slate stopped on the porch, looking out across the steep valley that opened down along the mountainside. Moonlight lit the dark treetops and made the river that snaked through the gorge twinkle. It looked peaceful and serene, but something about it made Slate bristle. The closer he had got to the mountains, the more on edge he had become. When he was next to Teresa or talking to her, he didn’t notice it as much, but now alone he could recognize the sensations for what they were – something was wrong. His tiger told him as much. Slate sniffed the air, the scent of pine, fresh air and a hint of spring flowers beginning to bloom filling his nostrils. Right on the tip of it, he could still smell Teresa, her scent now on his clothes. As much as he wanted to spend time on memorizing the way she smelled, he had to focus on the much more worrying note – there was danger in the air. To him, it was palpable.

  Slate stilled, listening intently. Nothing struck him as off in the nighttime forest. An owl in the distance, the skittering of insects and a slight rustle in the underbrush, all normal sounds. His lips thinned, and he crossed his arms over his chest. Everything seemed fine but he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something wrong. He could blame it on his hormones playing tricks on him, the haze of needing to mate clouding his judgment, but he doubted it was just that. No, something was amiss. Slate glanced over his shoulder at the closed door of the cabin. She would be sound asleep for hours. He leapt from the porch, transforming into a powerful tiger mid-leap.

  His already tall and muscular body elongated even more before bursting with muscle and becoming covered with a thick coat of reddish orange and black. His determined jaw and curved lips turned into the fearsome maw of a Siberian tiger, growing huge teeth powerful enough to crush a skull. When he touched the ground, it was soundless, the seven hundred pound predator landing as softly as a housecat on paws the size of dinner plates. His whiskers twitched as the animal was allowed full reign, the human retreating into the parts where the beast usually resided. Instead of human sensibilities, his main reliance now was on his senses and his instincts. His golden eyes seemed to almost glow in the darkness as he disappeared into the forest with quick bounds, determined to check out the areas he could without straying too far from Teresa. Nothing was going to hurt her. He wouldn’t allow it.


  Time spent with Teresa seemed easy, as if it drifted by. He couldn’t stop smiling when he explored the mountains with Teresa, giving her ample time to take pictures and catalogue the areas while he scouted for entrances and exits from the mountains and valleys and looked out for anything unusual. It wasn’t that he was expecting to see much, but the unease that had gripped him when they first approached the mountains still clung to him tightly. Each night he would patrol around the cabin, getting more and more restless and anxious, and every day he would make certain that Teresa didn’t stray too far from him. It was physically painful being away from her. His tiger knew exactly what that meant, but his human side could not yet accept the truth that seemed so evident to the beast. Could it be that the woman he was meant to bond with was not a weretigress at all, but a human?

  It was a bright, sunshiny day, and Slate and Teresa had just sat down to enjoy a meal by a small bubbling stream. Teresa’s hair was tucked back into a loose bun, just a few strands framing her gorgeous face. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

  “So, tell me something I don’t know yet,” Slate said, leaning back on his elbows on the blanket they’d brought to sit on. They had prepared a modest spread of sandwiches, fruit and juice, but the simplicity of it all had its charm. Slate had completely lost his appetite for anything other than the delicious woman in front of him from the first moment he laid eyes on her.

  “Like what?” Teresa asked, cocking a brow at him in a teasing way. Just as Slate was pondering how best to define his question, looking a bit dopey and thoughtful, Teresa snapped a picture. She burst out in giggles when she looked at the picture, and a familiar warmth boiled at the pit of his stomach at the sound of her lovely voice. God, what he wouldn’t do to cover her mouth with his and drink in those giggles, kissing her senseless.

  “Like what made you want to become a photographer. And a teacher,” he said, smiling slightly. She’d been so shy when they first met, but each day saw her becoming more open and comfortable around him. It didn’t matter much, he adored her either way, but it was nice seeing her laugh. She turned the camera around, and the face that looked back at Slate was not one of a proud, powerful tiger Alpha, but of a somewhat geeky, love struck cat basking in the sunlight.

  “I got interested in photography so I could capture moments like that. Priceless,” she said, earning a playful scoff from Slate.

  “You like getting compromising pictures of defenseless shifters, huh?” he teased.

  “I’d hardly call you defenseless,” she shot back.

  “Yeah? What would you call me then?” Slate asked. The purr slipped into his words before he could rein it in, and he immediately regretted it. Hell, it was hard to keep from flirting when she was around, and he was always so damn obvious about it. Slate had to suppress a groan, seeing the red flush that tinted her tan skin, making it glow a little. What her skin would feel like under his fingertips…

  “Um. Not defenseless? I don’t know,” she sputtered, looking adorably flustered. It did nothing to soothe his need to kiss away that embarrassment of hers. “Anyway. I became a teacher because I’ve always loved kids. Being from a big family, I always wanted a house full of children, running around and laughing. I figured that until I found the man I wanted to settle down with, the best thing I could do was to give back a little. Teaching comes naturally to me. I adore seeing kids’ faces light up when they finally figure out something that had been giving them trouble. It’s the best feeling in the world, being able to shape the world to be a little better, one child at a time. And it’s the worst feeling in the world when you know you could have helped but didn’t have the means. Breaks my heart.”

  She looked relaxed talking about her job, and he liked the way her face lit up when she talked about teaching. And wantin
g lots of kids? A woman after his own heart. He liked children and always wanted cubs of his own, just not the way his heritage told him to have them. But, it was the only way, as far as he knew. He bit his tongue as she leant forward a little, giving him a glimpse of her ample cleavage. He would gladly have cubs with a woman as caring, compassionate and drop-dead gorgeous as Teresa. Slate felt his world hazing over a bit, the need creeping to the forefront of his mind. He was nearing the peak of his desire, the point of no return, and it was getting nearly impossible to control himself around Teresa. It didn’t help that he didn’t want to control himself around her.

  Her last words had turned her expression upside down, removing the joy and replacing it with an obvious tint of sadness. His tiger responded immediately. He sat up and inched closer to her, and before he knew what he was doing, he had caressed a hand across her cheek and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. Slate sucked in a breath, his heart beating a thousand beats a second. Her skin felt exactly as heavenly as he thought it would. She looked up at him, surprise in her eyes, the dark brown depths shimmering back at him.

  “I never want to see you sad, Teresa,” he whispered huskily. All of his focus was only on her, and when he dipped forward, his mind barely registered what he was doing. He knew it was right. He knew he had to do it. He needed to kiss away her sadness, he needed to make her happy again. Right now. And so he did.


  Teresa’s heart skipped a beat as Slate leant forward. His hand went behind her neck and when his lips pressed against hers, she melted into it with ease. A small moan whispered from her mouth as he kissed her, his soft lips caressing hers for a moment that seemed to go on forever and yet end far too early. His touch sent electricity buzzing through her, and all that pent up need that had been gathering in her core since she’d met him was released violently. Instead of shying away like she would with any other man, she gave herself to the kiss and responded eagerly. Her hands rested against his wide, strong chest, the softness of the cotton tee a stark contrast to the way his stubble rasped against her chin.

  I can’t believe this is happening, she thought wildly, letting her hands roam over his shoulders and her fingers entwine behind his neck. Oh, he tasted delicious – masculine, but with a hint of something tender.

  When he pulled away, she all but protested. Her eyes were hazy with desire, and his hazel orbs looked at her with such affection and admiration that she felt like the most beautiful woman in the world. For days she had been hoping that maybe something like that could happen between them. Just maybe he was as attracted to her as she was to him.

  “What was that for?” she murmured, reluctant to let go of him. Slate grinned, and she could see the tiger in him, his eyes sparking with a predatory gleam and his expression that of a cat, who got into a bowl of cream.

  “I thought it would cheer you up. Did it?” he asked, his tone playful. She nodded. It most certainly did. “Good,” he said, and his strong hands slid around her waist, and with one smooth move, he had pulled her onto his lap, straddling him.

  Teresa gasped, feeling his hardness between her legs, pressing against her thigh. She wasn’t going to pretend that she wasn’t entirely and completely turned on by the man, and getting such a clear physical signal from him just went to stoke her fire further.

  “Now, Teresa, my beauty. I know I said I would be a complete gentleman, and I think I’ve ruined that already, but I couldn’t help myself. You looked so sad that I wanted to wipe it away. Now, the question is, do you want me to continue?” There was tension in his words, and Teresa became very aware of how his muscles were taught and hard under her touch, the man almost vibrating under her. She recognized it for what it was – he was straining to keep himself back. Teresa grinned, feeling like a sex goddess, who had just roped the most handsome man in the world. Hell yes, she wanted him to keep going! Instead of saying anything, she kissed him, hard and hungry.

  Slate responded with a throaty growl, and it sent a shudder down her spine. Underneath his tenderness, there was also a beast that was far more powerful than she could imagine. Just the thought of having some control over it made her buzz. He kissed her back with savage desire, and when he slipped his tongue into her mouth, she lost all track of her surroundings. He fucked her mouth with his tongue, conquering it. She pawed at his shirt, pulling it over his head, and the body hidden under it would have made her swoon if she weren’t so preoccupied with tasting and experiencing it. Rippling abs tucked into a gorgeous Adonis belt, which she couldn’t wait to reveal in its entirety. Her fingers traced his hard muscles, the flat plains of his chest and his perfectly molded shoulders. He tore her shirt off of her, and she didn’t even think of objecting. A moment later, he had unhooked her bra, letting her heavy breasts spill free.

  In a second, Teresa found herself on her back, staring up at the wide blue sky before Slate kissed her again, his fingers already undoing the front of her pants and pushing them down her lush hips. As much as he wanted it, she was sure she wanted it more. No man had ever made her feel as safe or as appreciated as Slate did, and when she was near him, she felt completely at ease. She’d known he had to be something special when they first started talking over SassyDate, but after meeting him, there was no doubt in her mind that he was the most impressive, charismatic and caring man she would ever know. Loving him came as easily as breathing.

  Slate’s chest rumbled in a deep purr as he spread her legs with his hand, dipping his fingers into her wet heat. Teresa gasped, arching her back while her nails dug into his sides. The way he took what he wanted was so irresistibly hot that she opened for him easily. His fingertips grazed across her clit, spreading her wetness and exploring her folds with the tender touch of a lover but with the demanding need of a man with a mission. She caught her lower lip between her teeth as he teased two fingers at her slit, pressing against it just hard enough to slip the tips of his fingers in while his thumb rubbed her clit. Her vision sparked with light, and she was faintly aware of the way she was gasping for breath, giving herself to him completely.

  “Is this what you want?” Slate’s deep voice cut into her revelry, making her open her eyes and focus on him. He kissed a trail down her neck, stopping at the swell of her breasts. Ever so gently, he moved down her breasts now, until he circled the tip of his tongue around one of her nipples, making it peak into a hard nub under his expert touch. Teresa nodded her head quickly, her nails raking down his back.

  “Yes, please! Slate, please!” she begged with a voice alien to her ears. Who was this woman, wanting it so badly, begging for release? And why hadn’t she demanded it earlier?! Another purring growl from Slate made her just about vibrate under his touch, and when his teeth clamped around her nipple, she moaned with need. He sucked on her nipple, and she scuffed her fingers through his thick mane of hair, gripping and pulling, urging him to continue. While Theresa was usually shy and well-mannered, she was adamant about not losing even a second of time with this impossibly hot, loving man, and if that meant she would be squealing to the heavens while naked on a field, then so be it.

  He released her nipple from between his sharp teeth and kissed a fiery path down her soft stomach. For a moment he paused at her hips, teasing her with his fingers until she moaned in frustration. Slate chuckled and then finally took mercy on her. He pumped two fingers into her just when his tongue replaced his thumb on her clit. Teresa stuttered a breath, her body going rigid under the sudden onslaught of pleasure. She bucked her hips against him, wanting and demanding more as he pleasured her, his tongue licking at her with fast, unrelenting flicks. It was almost painful, the wealth of hot desire he showered on her, but she would never ask him to stop. Instead, she wriggled her hips a little so he could plunge in deeper, and when he did, it was utter bliss. Her lips parted, and she pushed her head back, giving in to the moment entirely. Her need pulsed inside of her, beginning from her core but spreading throughout until she was nothing more than tightly wound desire. When it explo
ded, her world crumbled around her and was built anew.

  The tide of her release washed over her, and all she could do was hold on tight to Slate, riding it out. Her animal moans echoed from the mountains, voicing her finish to the heavens. When she was finally released from the grips of her orgasm, Slate was right there, cradling her against him. He was rock hard, his large erection pressed against her thigh as he cuddled her.

  “That was amazing,” she finally whispered, letting her head loll against his shoulder. He purred a chuckle, and the soft noise translated to safety in Teresa’s head. She nuzzled his chest, laying a kiss between the muscled pecs.

  “Yes, it was, my beauty,” he said, his soft voice hugging her.

  “Should we…” Teresa questioned, glancing down at the bulge against the leg of his jeans. Slate shook his head and kissed her on the forehead.

  “No. This was all about you,” he said. There was an edge to his voice as he said that, one that she didn’t miss but didn’t think much of. Frankly, she was so exhausted from holding it all in for days on end that now, after being brought to her peak, she could hardly argue against anything Slate wanted. Though, the thought of having him inside of her was enough to spark her hunger once more.


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