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Chocolate and Italian Wine (Music and Mayhem Book 1)

Page 7

by Lili Porter

  “Would you mind, Paolo, if I danced with the lady next?” he asked, never taking his eyes off Karisma.

  Paolo recognized that look and said. “It’s a special night for us, my man. All of her dances are promised to me.” He spoke as they gave each other dap.

  “I ain’t mad at cha. Sure can’t blame you. How ‘bout a picture, then?” he asked, phone in hand.

  “Sure,” Karisma said, stepping in. She could decide that for herself, after all. Through the corner of her eyes she was aware of her security detail, too, taking in the situation with keen interest.

  “You mind, Paolo?” the athlete asked, handing the phone over to Paolo.

  Kari noticed that Paolo seemed annoyed, but he did take the picture. The guy wrapped his arm around Karisma’s back, smiled as he leaned in tight, and then was on his way.

  When the giant walked away, Karisma yelled over the music, “Where do you know him from?”

  “We had a business class together at USC,” he said.

  “Oh,” she replied.

  Paolo looked down at the beauty in his arms and grinded his body against hers despite the song being fast paced. I want this woman, Paolo thought. What the fuck am I doing?

  The sexual tension between them was undeniable. As Kari felt Paolo’s hands roam her body possessively, she felt anticipation that was so intense it made her hair tingle. The one invasive self-protective thought that entered her mind—the one about the missing fiancé—wasn’t welcome and she booted it to the curb. For now, she’d enjoy his touch on her butt as he slow grinded her in his arms. And that mouth, so sexy, and it was so near to hers. He moved in even closer. His lips brushed hers lightly. He nipped her bottom lip and then laved it with his wicked tongue.

  Even in the crowded nightclub, it was just the two of them. “I’ve wanted to meet you for a really long time; I’m not disappointed.”

  “You’re not disappointed, huh? Guess I should be flattered,” she flirted.

  He smiled and confessed, “You were one of the reasons I came to California.”

  Kari was impressed with his confidence to confess such a thing and it turned her on even more. He growled low as his hands moved down her soft, curvaceous body. She purred and closed her eyes. She was feeling him. And she really wanted him. Another song began to play and he kissed her full on and passionately. Their tongues tangled and she became dizzy. He was intoxicating. His eyes were so beautiful they were both hard to look at and hard to look away from. He knew the power he had over women, too. She could tell. It would have been impossible to be impervious to it.

  Karisma felt a firm tap on her shoulder. She reluctantly pulled away from Paolo’s addictive lips in time to see her cousin Tessa shaking her groove thing with her latest beau, Mike Rivera, who was a star in a television prison drama that was currently all the rave. They had been seeing each other for about three months, that is, when they weren’t fighting. “Hey you!” a visibly intoxicated Tessa slurred loudly to be heard over the blaring music. “You two getting nasty on the dance floor. Get a damn room!” She cackled.

  “Looks like you’re having fun, girl,” Kari said, still swaying seductively in Paolo’s arms.

  “Sure am,” Tessa replied. She loved to drink and the result was plenty of unappealing photographs that wound up on TMZ, Bizzee, and the other celebrity rags.

  “Tessa, Mike, this is Paolo,” Karisma said.

  Paolo reached around her to take Tessa’s hand. “Ciao, Tessa,” he said to her, kissing it. Then he shook Mike’s hand, the two men assessing each other.

  “Ciao, yourself, handsome,” Tessa said, giving Paolo the once over. “Where’d you come from?” Before he could answer, someone bumped into her and she whipped her head around. “Watch that shit!” she screamed over the bass. Her words were lost in the noise.

  “Chill, baby,” Mike said. He bent to kiss her cheek and then looked over to Kari. “Watsup, Kari?” he asked, kissing her cheek.

  Kari smiled at the Puerto Rican cutie, with dark curly hair, dimples, and thick lips. He was completely Tessa’s type and she seldom strayed from it.

  “Hey, Mike,” she replied.

  “Would you like to come join us at our table?” Paolo offered.

  Karisma smiled at him and didn’t have to look at Tessa to know that she’d be eager to agree. In a way, she was stung because she wanted her scrumptious Paolo all to herself.

  In the end, they all chatted for a long while and had some laughs. But it was time to go; the long, skilled fingers of Paolo’s hand told Kari that as they wandered up her thigh, making a shiver travel up and down her spine.

  “Hey guys, we’re gonna catch you later,” Karisma said, as Paolo helped her up.

  “Oh yeah? Where you off to?” Tessa garbled.

  “We’re leaving, Tessa. I’ll talk to you later.” Kari kissed Tessa’s cheek.

  Mike smiled and waved and the two were off.


  Both Paolo and Karisma knew how the night would end. He looked at her after securing her seatbelt and softly kissed the corner of her mouth and then closed the door.

  Karisma felt anxious as she waited for him to walk around and get into the driver’s seat. This was so fast and unexpected, yet she hadn’t wanted anything as badly in a long time. The last time she’d responded to anyone this way was with Ray…an invasive and unwelcomed thought.

  Before putting the car into drive, Paolo locked eyes with Karisma and they exchanged a lustful gaze. Their bodies were talking for them, showing what they longed for and signaling what they were willing to accept.

  “Okay, sweetheart, your place or mine?” he asked softly.

  Without hesitation, and just as sincere with her desires, she answered, “Yours.”

  His lip curled in a beautiful, dangerous smile and she reached over and covered his hand, the one that was on the stick shift of his Porsche, with hers. Waves of anticipation flooded her. The drive was short and silent, heavy apprehension lingering in the air.

  They pulled up to the beach front home, prime Malibu real estate, and Paolo got out of the car effortlessly and in just a few strides, he was opening up Karisma’s door and helping her out.

  They walked up to the glass entry door to his home and glanced to the right. His bodyguards were walking toward the back of the large house. One remained behind to have a word with him. Karisma watched as they spoke briefly and then the other man turned away and left. Wolfe and Jamil sat in a Jeep keeping careful watch. They spoke with Paolo’s man and then pulled out and took their leave, as well. He unlocked the door and they walked in quietly.

  Paolo didn’t waste any time. He pulled her into his arms and pressed his mouth to hers, his tongue slashing past her scarlet colored lips. They kissed deeply, passionately, four lips tasting, sucking, devouring, as four hands touched, kneaded, and melded two bodies into one. “I want you so much,” he croaked, grabbing a handful of raven hair and gently pulling so that she looked up at him.

  Her beautiful chocolate eyes were hooded and when their eyes met, he lifted her from the floor by her soft round ass. Squeezing, he encouraged her to wrap her legs around his waist.

  She held on to his neck and he easily carried her small curvaceous frame up the stairs to his bedroom. She nuzzled his neck, intoxicated by his cologne and aroused by his aggression. Using his foot to push open the door, they blazed into the bedroom, the smoldering heat of their passion threatening to choke off their breath.

  In the night-blackened room, illuminated only by the light of the moon, she gazed into his clear eyes, eyes that expressed the intensity of his need for her. He slowly lowered her, planting her feet on the floor. Long masculine fingers wrapped around her delicate neck, the index finger tracing her sensitive bottom lip, evoking an involuntary moan.

  With her head thrown back as she looked up at his tall frame and her long, straight hair cascading down her back, Karisma’s senses had never felt more heightened. Her heartbeat was a fluttering thrum. Could he hear it? Every so
und screamed in her ears and every one of her senses was in the present, longing to be pushed to a pleasurable limit she hadn’t experienced in far too long. Paolo licked a trail up to her lips, making love to the tip of her tongue, Kari eagerly tasting his similarly.

  “Take off your clothes,” he commanded, his gem colored eyes consuming her.

  She was glad to obey and bit her lower lip as she stood to her full height, slipping her jeweled white blouse off and wriggling out of her jeans, kicking her boots to the side in a seductive, teasing way. There she stood, revealing her sensual curves and ample breasts. She released the clasp at the front of her bra and slid it off, casually tossing it to the side and then stood up, sliding down her thong. Kari stood, exposed and heated, feeling confident that Paolo would appreciate that on which his eyes hungrily feasted. Just one glance at his crotch proved her right.

  She waved her lacy black thong in his face and he grabbed it, pressing it to his nose and sniffing with orgasmic pleasure. He locked gazes with her and swiped his tongue on the thin crotch. She closed her eyes briefly, rooted in place, willing herself steady, while Paolo savored her.

  His eyes grazed every detail of her luscious body. The dark brown nipples of her breasts against the cinnamon brown of her unflawed skin made his groin twitch. Those breasts would fit in his large hands perfectly. Willing his breathing to calm, his gaze lowered to her small waist. His mouth watered at the diamond stud in her navel, which was framed by a sunburst tattoo. “So hot,” he mumbled and the two exchanged naughty grins. He reached out to touch it, outlining the precious stone with his index finger. She gasped softly, and his gaze swung back to her large brown eyes, which were veiled in long, lush lashes. She blinked at him and those lashes fluttered. “Does that hurt?” he asked, mesmerized by her beauty.

  She shook her head. “Feels good. Goes straight to my clit.”

  He sucked in his breath, and moved in closer, pressing his nose into her hair and inhaling deeply. It smelled sugary and sweet, like cotton candy. He wanted to fucking eat it. Wanting to absorb her every detail, he began stroking her hair softly, feeling the smooth tendrils between his long fingers, as he trailed kisses down her forehead, to the bridge of her nose. When he got to her eyes, he kissed them and smiled slyly when she sighed. Holding her face gently in his hands, he felt her quiver with need and desire. Their gazes locked once more. “God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered.

  Karisma placed her hands on Paolo’s shoulders and then moved them down, traveling the length of his arms and sides. She grasped the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head. She watched as the physique she’d lusted over was revealed. Yes, he was beautiful. Hard and muscular, he had an athletic build. His tattooed, olive skin was unblemished. Holding him by the waist with one hand, the other rubbed his muscled chest, and they held eye contact as she loosened his belt buckle. His eyes dropped between them, to her neatly waxed pubes, touching her there, tugging strands of hair that was barely there. “Mmm,” she breathed, wincing.

  “I want you, sweetheart. Can I have you?” Paolo asked, his fingertips barely touching her cheek.

  “Tonight, I’m all yours,” she whispered.

  Unzipping his pants, she pushed them down and slid them off. They fell unheeded to the floor. He toed out of his shoes and socks and dropped his black boxer briefs, unveiling an amazing cock, one of pure perfection that curved and pointed upward.

  She caught her breath at the sight of him. This man had been blessed in everyway. So big, so male, so sexy. She didn’t want to stare, but it was hard not to be awed by such male splendor. He’s a testosterone and crack cocktail, she thought. She was so wet for him and had to force herself to look into his eyes. Did he know what she was thinking? He smiled at her wickedly and she recognized that he knew exactly what she was thinking, and certainly what he was doing.

  On Paolo’s left pectoral muscle was a tattooed verse of some sort written in a winding circular pattern. It was in Italian and though she didn’t read or speak the language, she thought it was beautiful to look at. She kissed it, rubbing her face on his hairless chest.

  In response, his head fell forward and he bent down as his lips found that sweet spot on her neck, sucking it as her hands moved to his hips.

  Their hands took turns exploring the other’s body. Soft whispers spoken in the quiet room warmed her. He gently lifted her and placed her on his king sized bed. She scooted back toward the pillows near the headboard and lay back, inviting him to join her. His eyes never left hers as he climbed onto the bed and lowered himself over her. The heat from his body threatened to incinerate her. Careful not to place his full weight on top of her, Paolo rested on his forearms. He stared down at her, his muscles tightening.

  Her hands marked him, tattooing him as they traveled slowly up and down his sides while their breathing became matched. His washboard abs pressed against her soft skin and their mouths fused together. Their tongues stroked slowly, their bodies gravitating toward each other’s until they collided.

  The ache in his groin warned him to get on with it, and his need for her became urgent. Her skin felt silky smooth as he stroked her thigh. He’d wanted her for years, not unlike a great many men, and felt drugged the longer he kissed her. She was everything he’d imagined and more. “ feel so good,” he moaned into her mouth.

  Her eyes were closed as she allowed her body to feel what was happening between them. She wanted him badly. She hadn’t felt this kind of desire in a long time. Skin to skin, in bed with this beautiful man made her libido go haywire. She pushed into him.

  As her soft, sweet body undulated beneath his, it was all he could do not to go caveman on her. He sensed control abandoning her as well, eager to feel the fire igniting between them. Her scent was delicious. He wanted to taste all of her. He released her mouth with a pop, and she moaned into the darkness. He lowered his mouth to her cleavage and kissed her long and softly there, teasing her creamy flesh with his hot, wet tongue. Those breasts, those magnificent breasts, begged for his undivided attention. He obliged with unbridled enthusiasm.

  Her breaths came in small gasps at his touch and she wrapped her long, shapely legs around his waist, finding that perfect angle that would help deliver her the satisfaction that she so desperately needed.

  “You ready for me, love?” Paolo groaned gutturally.

  Kari softly stroked the rigid cock between them. He groaned again. As the seed of desire took root in her, he reached down to insert a long finger into her weeping, heated core, laying claim to what would become his, and she whispered, “Oh, yeah, I’m ready.”

  Pulling back and gazing at her, he raised the finger to his tongue and tasted. His stomach tightened. He loved the way she couldn’t take her eyes off him. He wanted to deliver something she’d never forget; he wanted her mind and body to be seared with how he made her feel for the next week, craving more and wanting more.

  The way Paolo kissed her made her feel like he was stealing her soul. He tore away from her to reach over and open a drawer in his nightstand and retrieved a black packet containing what she assumed was a condom. She reached down and slid her slender hand along the length of his smooth cock. He kissed her urgently, only stopping when she pulled away in need of air. Leaning back, on his haunches, he handed her the packet, which she ripped open quickly and rolled over his incredibly long, thick girth as he watched, given away by a soft light, his eyes sparkling intensely in the dark. He was so large…larger than anyone she had ever had. It made her both nervous and excited.

  Eager to become one with her, he positioned his cock at her entrance and glided in with a long, intense thrust. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he felt her warmth and tightness and he expelled the breath he’d been holding. “Aaaah.” A few seconds later he hissed a long, drawn out, “Fuuuck!” Paolo’s body tensed, and he was still.

  Kari’s mouth fell open and her muscles immediately clamped down on him. She felt full, fuller than ever before; he was too much. She
gasped loudly, and watched as he swallowed and opened his sapphire blue eyes to look at her; her face held a wild, come-hither look.

  Paolo closed his eyes again, and kissed her deeply, allowing her to adjust to his invasion. After a while, he began to move. Her hands went to his firm ass. Rocking in and out of her, his body fought against the urge to succumb to a man’s natural weakness. She was exquisite, and he knew that they looked magnificent together. He was captivated by the contrast in their skin tones. Gorgeous.

  Her round hips and ass pushed against him as he tunneled through her. “Damn!” he exclaimed.

  He was sliding himself in and pulling nearly halfway out again and again, rubbing and pinching the sensitive pearl between her legs, making her so hot that she planted her ankles underneath his tight buttocks, urging him forward, pulling him deeper.

  “You want it harder, baby?” he asked, pulling back to look at her as he continued to move in and out of her.

  “Oh...yeah, please,” she begged as a cry escaped her lips with each thrust he delivered.

  Paolo clasped their fingers tightly, raising her arms above her head. He ground their pubic bones together, causing her to whimper softly. “Paolo…” His name hung in the air and he began thrusting harder, taking complete control, his body making long, caterpillar dips, like a rollercoaster. “You’re so sweet, so tight. You’re going to make me lose control.” He suddenly pulled out, leaving her feeling temporarily desperate at his departure. He moved them on their sides, spooning her and pressed his front into her back. His large hand held up one of her smooth brown legs and he pushed in again, riding her from behind.

  “Oh, gawd yes...aah!” she hissed, breasts bouncing and head thrown back onto his strong chest.

  Kari’s body arched, and she licked her bottom lip, moaning. His hand found her clit again, as his hard strokes became fevered. Intense erotic pleasure shot through his balls, making him delirious as he moved back on top without breaking contact. He held and kissed her again, knowing that he would soon lose any restraint he possessed.


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