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Love Beyond: Walang Hanggang Pagmamahal

Page 11

by Grant Leishman

  Her mother leant forward and kissed Minda gently, on the cheek. “That’s my little girl. Good girl.”

  When Arturo came into the house, it was clear he was a man on a mission. He was carrying a large bamboo basket, which he told them was full of food, plus a blanket under his arm. “Minda, if you are not too busy, I thought maybe we could head for the river and have a picnic.” With a conspiratorial wink, he added in a whisper, “we have so much to discuss, after last night, don’t we?”

  Minda sighed again, but this time was able to keep the noise inside of her. “Mmmm, a swim does sound rather wonderful,” she mused, pulling her sticky blouse away from her body. “It is so hot today, the river sounds absolutely perfect. Okay, just wait here and I’ll get changed into something I can wear swimming.” She turned and rushed for her bedroom.

  When she emerged from her room, she cast around for her Mother, but she seemed to have gone out. “Quick, Art, if we leave now, maybe Mama will forget we don’t have a chaperone, then we can be alone and have a proper chance to talk.”

  Relishing the idea, Artie grabbed her elbow and steered her rapidly out the gate and into the main road, both waiting for her Mother’s call, for a chaperone, that thankfully never came.


  It took them a good thirty-minutes-walk, in the sweltering morning sun, just to reach the track that would lead to the river. When Arturo suggested they rest for a while, under the shade of a cluster of mango trees, Minda was quick to agree. On the way there, Art had tried three times to grab Minda’s hand and hold it as they walked, but each time Minda had managed to find an excuse to break the contact; an itchy nose, the need to change hands carrying her bag of clean clothes and a “fake” stumble, all served to keep the groping, grasping boy at arm’s length. She wasn’t sure how long she could keep delaying the inevitable, but she knew, for her own sanity and honour, she was going to have to draw the line and make it crystal clear, sooner, rather than later.

  They grabbed a couple of low-hanging mangos and sat in the welcome respite of the shade, munching silently together. Each wanted to say something, but neither seemed able to find the courage to broach the subject hanging between them.

  “Art,” Minda began tentatively. “I just want to make it clear that what I said to you the other...”

  Her entreaty was cut short as he grabbed her around the waist, pulled her down on top of him and began to passionately kiss her. Minda struggled ferociously, but his powerful arms held her tightly to him. She was powerless to do anything and was struggling to breathe as it appeared he was not planning on coming up for air anytime soon. She didn’t kiss him back, she tried not to respond in any way and lay there stiff as a board, as Art tried desperately to kindle some passion in her. It was only when she felt his hand cup her left breast that she truly panicked. No! This cannot be happening, she told herself. She shuddered as she realised what it was he was pressing into her hip. Oh my God, she screamed inside her head... that’s his... his... titi (penis). The sudden realisation that this was real; had already gone much farther than she had anticipated, and he clearly had intentions to go a lot further, gave her an unexpected desperation. She thrust her knee up as hard as she could manage and felt a great satisfaction when she felt it contact something squishy, that gave way instantly.

  Arturo’s scream came while his lips were still plastered to Minda’s, but to her immense relief, he let go of her and rolled over, still screaming and drawing his knees up towards his waist, rocking back and forth, with mewling noises coming from his throat. Minda took a deep breath and sat upright, straightening her clothes as she knelt there watching Artie clutching his private parts in agony. Breathing heavily, she allowed herself to slowly release the rage that was still inside of her, as he continued his sorrowful moaning and rocking. Finally, with her breathing under control, she stood up and walked away ten feet or so, where she sat down at the base of a tree and just watched him. Although she was fearful of Art’s reaction, when he finally stopped hurting enough, to talk, she was also feeling empowered and strong. He had no right to do that to me, she thought and I was quite within my rights to do what I did. It all sounded good in her head, but she still felt real trepidation as she watched him and waited for him to regain his equilibrium.

  After what seemed like ten minutes of rocking and mewling, Arturo finally, gingerly straightened his body and pushed himself to his knees, glowering at Minda, as she sat trembling, a short distance away. He pushed himself to his feet and limped over to her position, until he was standing over her, looking down at her. She looked up and scanned his face. She could see pain and hurt in his eyes, but no real anger and she heaved a sigh of relief.

  “Why Minda, why?” he croaked. “I thought we had something going on. I thought... you know... well, I thought we were going to be lovers and then get married.”

  “Oh Artie,” she almost cried. “Why don’t you ever listen to what I say? You are a special friend. We are brother and sister now, as members of the KKK... and, if the truth be told, that’s the way I’ve always thought of you; as a brother, never in that way. Please try to understand Artie, I do love you, but as a brother... as a fellow revolutionary.” She reached up and wiped a tear that was threatening to escape her eye. “Please Art, we have so much we are going to accomplish together, as a fighting team, let that be enough for you... please.”

  His face had crumpled. Minda really believed he was about to break down and cry, but instead, he reached out and grabbed the hand she was using to flick away the stray tear. He held her hand tightly and squeezed it, before, with voice breaking, he pronounced. “I get it, Minda. I don’t like it, but I do get it. It’s just that it... it... well, it hurts.” He gave her his best-attempted smile, but it came out as more of a grimace.

  Minda jumped to her feet and hugged him warmly. “Come on Art, let’s go and have some fun. Let’s go swimming and then we can eat this feast you... or should I say, your Mother, prepared for us.” That brought a small titter of laughter from him, but he shook his head.

  “Nah Minda, I want to just be alone for a while. I’ll head back home and have a think. Then I’ll go and see what the Org. is up to. They may have a mission planned that we can go on together. You take the food and go and have a swim.” He looked up through the trees at the dappled sunlight, before wiping his brow with his sleeve. “It’s so bloody hot Minda, a swim is probably just what you need.”

  She was really disappointed he wasn’t going to come with her, but she understood his need to be alone at this time. In some ways, she felt the same way. She had so many contrary thoughts running through her head at the moment. She really wanted to focus on the future, on the revolution they were trying to foment and, of course, her beloved Hernando. Damn that man, she thought. Why does his presence have to complicate everything so much? He’s supposed to be the enemy, but all I want to do is hold him and kiss him and love him... arrrrgh! As Arturo turned to go, she reached over and drew his face back to hers, before kissing him chastely on the cheek. “I’ll come and see you when I get home, ha? Find out what’s happening. I’m ready for some real action. I’m ready to strike a blow for our freedom.”

  For the first time, in a few minutes, his face lit up with excitement. “Yes!” he exclaimed! “Yes!” He kissed her back gently, also on the cheek and patted her shoulder before walking away, still limping markedly.

  “Ohhhh, Art, I’m so sorry for doing that.”

  Turning, he cupped his damaged private parts in his hand and chuckled. “I think it still works.” Rather sadly he added, “but I guess I’ll have to find someone else to test it on now.”

  Minda couldn’t help but smile wryly, as he disappeared behind the grove of trees, heading for the road. She sat back down on the ground under the mango tree and let out a huge sigh of relief. Well, that didn’t go exactly to plan, she thought, but in the end, I guess it all worked out okay. Now, I wonder what Artie’s Mama prepared us for our lunch. Knowing her, it is bound to be yummy.r />
  She opened the bamboo basket and gasped at the size of the spread in there. There was loads of rice, some fried Bangus (fish), coated, deep fried, chicken legs, and a large bowl of green vegetables. Her stomach growled as she realised that all this deep emotion and action had made her very hungry. After eating her fill, she had a fresh mango from the tree, for dessert, before lying back under the tree, closing her eyes and drifting off into a contented sleep. To sleep, perchance to dream... perchance to dream of Hernando?


  When she awoke, the sun was already at its zenith and even with the shelter of the mango trees, the heat was unbearable. Her clothes were sticking to her all over and as she wiped her dripping face with her cloth, she thought, it’s time to hit that river. I must stink by now. Gathering up the food basket, which was still two-thirds full and grabbing her bag of clothes, she quickly headed off for the sanctuary of the cool, wet river, her mind still full of the images of Hernando’s face, from her dreams. She couldn’t help but feel excited about the places her subconscious had taken her in that short hour she had been asleep. She knew, no matter what, that this whole Hernando thing needed to be confronted at some time. Although he was technically the enemy, she also was absolutely certain she was totally besotted with him and maybe even deeply in love. How she could handle this and her blood commitment to the KKK, escaped her at this time, but handle it she must, because they were the two most important things in her life at the moment. Despite the turmoil rushing around her mind, she felt deliriously happy and found herself singing an old Tagalog love song, as she skipped along.

  Once she had reached the river and could hear the chattering of the water, just over the rise of the bank, she stashed her food basket and fresh clothes bag, under a tree before heading to the water’s edge. It briefly crossed her mind that since Arturo was no longer with her, she could probably swim naked, if she wanted to. She shivered just at the naughtiness of the thought. In the end, she decided naked was just too much for her sense of modesty and she decided to compromise by swimming in just her underclothes; a white shift and her panties. Stripping down, she giggled to herself at her brazenness and with one quick shake of her head ran toward the river’s edge. As she crested the brow of the bank, she could hear splashing and she froze in place, one foot on the top of the bank, before dropping onto her stomach.

  Oh no, she thought, don’t tell me someone else from the town has come out for a swim. I so wanted this place to myself today. Well aware of her near nakedness, she crept along the dirt until she could seek shelter behind some scraggly bushes growing on top of the levee. Gently she pulled herself up, so she could peek between the bush branches. An audible gasp escaped her lips as she realised there was someone swimming there... and that someone was a man. Breathing deeply, to steady her nerves, she concentrated on the man’s face. She didn’t really need to because she knew in her heart it was Hernando, but her brain kept telling her it couldn’t possibly be the man of her dreams, just a few feet away, frolicking in the cool river water.

  She lay there transfixed by the sight of Hernando as he ducked his head under the water, before rising up, like a marble statue and shaking his luxurious hair and beard, the water spray glistening in the sunlight. She felt a spasm of pleasure rise up from her toes and settle in the pit of her stomach, as she marvelled at the chiselled muscles in Hernando’s back, the water sliding off his glistening, pale skin in shining rivulets. As he raised his arms above his head and stretched toward the sunlight, she gave a very loud gasp as she saw the cleft of Hernando’s buttocks lift clear of the water. Oh my God, she thought, he’s totally naked. The realisation sent chills of pleasure through her whole body.

  Whether Hernando heard her gasp of shock of not, he suddenly turned his head and stared directly at her. She knew there was no way he could see her, hidden by the bush as she was, but somehow his eyes seemed totally focused on hers and they felt locked together in an eternal connection. Slowly, imperceptibly, at first, Hernando stood erect, out of the river and began to slowly walk towards the river’s edge.

  Minda’s hand went to her mouth to stop her shout of shock, or maybe it was horror. There was absolutely no question now whether or not Hernando was naked. The evidence of his nudity and indeed his manliness was staring her straight in the eye. She willed herself to turn away, not to look at this incredibly embarrassing revelation. Her brain told her to look away, but her body refused. She lay there, just watching him approach her, the rippling muscles of his chest and abdomen, entrancing her and keeping her rooted to the spot. Once he’d climbed from the water, he reached down and grabbed his shirt, which he wrapped around his waist, finally covering up his modesty.

  Minda was almost disappointed but took relief from the fact that he was still naked from the waist up and those glistening, shiny, muscles were still rippling as the water slowly drained from his torso. She knew she should move, but she couldn’t make anything work, except her heart which was pounding at what seemed like a thousand beats a minute. Hernando walked directly towards where she was concealed and reached down to part the branches and foliage, revealing the sweaty, red, shameful face of Minda.

  “Why hello there Minda, spying on me are you?”

  Maybe it was the heat, maybe it was the excitement, or maybe it was simply her teenage naiveté, but Minda’s brain took that exact moment to go into sensory overload and she collapsed in a total faint.



  When Minda collapsed, like a broken doll, Hernando started to panic. He sank to his knees and took the young woman into his arms. He was as aware of her, own unclothed condition as he was of his, but he knew he had to do something. This was no time for false modesty he told himself. Laying her out flat on the ground he leant over and placed his head against her chest, uncomfortably aware of her erect nipples poking through her simple shift. He relaxed somewhat when he realised he could hear her strong heart beating steadily and moving up to her face, a surge of relief washed over him as he felt her warm breath pulsing against his cheek. She’s okay, he decided, she’s just fainted.

  Looking down at his shirt, which pretty much failed to cover anything at all, he sighed. It’s all my own fault, he decided. Good God, the poor girl’s probably never even seen a naked man, beyond her little brothers. She was probably overwhelmed by the sight that had assailed her innocent eyes. Taking off his shirt, he wadded it up and placed it gently under her head to protect it from the hard ground. Knowing he needed to get himself organised, clothing-wise before she woke up, he rushed over to where he’d left the remainder of his clothes and quickly pulled his breeches on. It was as he was tying the breeches together that he heard her moan.

  Rushing back to her side and kneeling beside her, he gave her his broadest of smiles, as her eyes fluttered open. “Oh, my dear Minda... thank God, you’re alright. You gave me quite a turn there.”

  Her eyes instantly dropped to Hernando’s legs and she wasn’t sure whether it was relief or disappointment that flooded through her, at that moment. What she did understand were the words; “my dear Minda”. Am I his dear Minda? she thought, with a small smile. Wow!

  “Oh... oh... what happened? she spluttered. “Hernando! What are you doing here?”

  He leant down and placing an arm around her back, gently lifted her into a sitting position, before settling down beside her. “Ahm, well, actually, I’m sort of camping here,” he replied. Minda raised her eyebrows querulously. “Yes, you see, I needed a break from the camp and one of the Corporals told me about this place and suggested it would be a great location to recharge my batteries,” he continued. Shaking his head vigorously and looking out across the river at the beautiful vista, he sighed softly... “and Corporal Ramos could not have been more right. One day in this gorgeous place and already I feel like a new man.”

  Minda couldn’t help but giggle at that statement. A new man! Wow, based on what I just saw, old – new, it sure doesn’t matter Hernando, because you are ALL ma
n. Her mind was a kaleidoscope of conflicting emotions. Part of her was terrified where this was leading, but another part of her just wanted to grab him, kiss him, hold him and... She kept reminding herself that this man was a Spanish Soldier, her sworn enemy and she would be well within her rights, as a revolutionary, to grab a knife and run him through. She knew she wouldn’t though – Hernando was the man she loved. She knew this with an absolute certainty and she could never kill the man she loved. It didn’t change the fact, though, that as a revolutionary, this was going to be the most complicated and tricky relationship in the history of the Universe... that is, if it was even going to become a relationship at all. Don’t be silly, Luzviminda, she chided herself. Of course this is going to be a relationship. Good God, I just want this man so much. I’ve never felt this way before about anyone and I am going to have him. You know it – he knows it and God, if he even exists, knows it.

  “So, that’s my excuse for being here Minda, what’s yours?” Hernando’s words broke right through Minda’s daydreaming and she jerked her eyes onto his face, finding herself just staring into those bottomless eyes of his. God, I could so lose myself in those depths, she thought.

  “Ahhh, well, Art and I were supposed to be having a picnic here, but he... mmmm, well, he sort of got a bit fresh with me.” Hernando’s eyes narrowed into squints and Minda thrilled with the knowledge that her man was jealous. She couldn’t keep the smile of satisfaction from breaking out across her face. “But, don’t worry, I sorted him out and then I decided to come and take a swim to refresh myself... and that’s when I saw you.” She reddened just at the thought of his muscular, naked body, shimmering in front of her eyes.


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