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Riptide (Sand Dollar Shoal Book 2)

Page 9

by Pandora Pine

  Drake lifted an eyebrow and pulled the damp towel out of Presley's hand. He knelt on the couch with his knees on either side of Presley, his cock bobbing almost in his face. "You think you'd like to cowboy up or am I gonna have to take care of this myself?" Drake stroked his cock, rubbing the head of it over Presley's lips.

  Pres moaned, he couldn't help it. The only time he'd seen a cock this big was in porn. There was no way on earth he was going to be able to fit that ass-wrecker down his throat, but that wasn't about to stop him from trying.

  He licked out at Drake's cock, lapping up the juices that Drake had coaxed out of his slit with his hand. Pres knocked Drake's hand out of the way, so he could stroke and rub his dick while he fitted his lips over the tip. It was almost too much for Pres and all he had inside was the head of his cock.

  "Such a good cocksucker." Drake grinned down at him, canting his hips a tiny bit forward.

  Pres gagged. He loved every fucking minute of it. He wasn't going to be able to deep-throat Drake like his lover had done to him, but he sure as fuck was going to make Drake feel good. Wrapping his other hand around the rest of Drake's dick, he started twisting each hand in opposite directions, around the hot flesh, all the while sucking as much of it as he could.

  "Fuck yeah, Pres. You know just what to do with that cock, don't you? I knew you’d be able to handle me." Drake’s eyes were locked on Presley’s mouth and hands.

  Pres groaned, his own cock, rock-hard and ready to roll again, was pressing insistently against his jeans. If he'd had a free hand he would have let it out and stroked it for Drake.

  "That's it, babe. I'm so close. Look at you sucking my monster cock." Drake tangled his fingers in Presley’s hair.

  Speeding up his hands, Presley lashed his tongue harder against Drake. He wanted his lover to come in his mouth. He wanted to eat every last drop just like Drake had done for him.

  Drake tensed and threw his head back, his dick pulsing in Presley's mouth. He grunted, his perfect white teeth biting into his bottom lip.

  Pres backed off a bit as the huge cock jerked in his mouth. Blast after blast of creamy come coated his tongue and even swallowing as fast as he could, he still couldn't keep up. When Drake's dick finally stopped dripping, Drake pulled himself out and sat on Presley's lap, resting his damp head on Pres' shoulder.

  He didn't know how the hell he'd gotten so lucky, but he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.


  After he’d gone for his morning run, Drake had settled himself in the dining room with his shiny new laptop and a legal pad he’d gotten out of Presley’s office. He knew it wouldn’t be long until the entire gang came in for breakfast and had no doubt they would give him and Presley all kinds of shit about what happened last night. At least he’d managed to keep a lid on the noise during round two.

  While he’d been running he tried to think of comebacks to use against the guys, but in the end, he decided he could take whatever they had to dish out. It wasn’t like he and Pres had been doing anything wrong last night.

  “Well if it isn’t John Holmes himself!” Gregor was putting on his red do-rag as he walked into the dining room.

  Drake cringed, knowing Gregor had no idea how close to the mark he’d come. “Who?” He hoped he sounded confused rather than guilty.

  “Oh please!” Gregor snorted. “You’re gay and you don’t know who John Holmes was?” Gregor held his hands up in front of him about a foot apart.

  “Porn star with a huge dick,” Noble added with a grin. “Used to make the ladies scream like they were being torn in two.”

  “With a dick like that, they probably were,” Landon chimed in. “Which coincidentally was what we thought was happening to Pres last night.”

  “If we’d had roses, we would have tossed them at the window for a performance well done.” Griff grinned.

  “Yeah, well, I’m just thankful you didn’t have rotten tomatoes,” Pres said from behind everyone.

  Drake smiled at seeing Presley, but it quickly faded when he saw how tired his lover looked. He looked like he hadn’t slept a wink last night. Waves of guilt washed over Drake.

  They’d spent some time watching television together until Drake couldn’t keep his eyes open one second longer. Not sure if he should ask Pres to share his bed or invite himself to share Presley’s, he’d pressed a kiss to his lover’s temple and headed off to bed alone. He was asleep the minute his head hit the pillow, but it didn’t look like Presley had the same good fortune.

  God, he really was a dick. They’d been together sexually for the first time last night and not only hadn’t Drake invited Pres to bed, he’d also been up and out of the house before his lover had woken up. He’d have to find a quiet moment to talk to Presley, which sure as hell wasn’t now with everyone in the dining room.

  “You gonna help make breakfast or are you too good for the kitchen now that you’re screwing one of the owners?” Gregor wore his usual shit-eating grin.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, Gregor, I’m not screwing anyone.” Drake winked at Pres who seemed taken off-guard. He wasn’t about to blow and tell, but on the other hand he didn’t want Gregor talking about Pres as just some guy he was screwing. Pres deserved more respect than that.

  “Oh, excuse me.” Gregor rolled his eyes. “Are you too good to help me with breakfast now that you’re making sweet love to a member of management?”

  “Eat a dick, Gregor. They’re delicious.” Drake waggled his eyebrows at Presley who was so red, he looked like a boiled lobster.

  Standing up from the table, Drake put his computer to sleep. He stalked to Presley and took one of his hands. “Good morning, handsome.” Pressing his lips to the warm skin, Drake offered Pres a smile and headed toward the kitchen. “Close your mouth, Gregor, or the flies will get in.” The last thing Drake heard before the kitchen door swung shut behind him was Noble laughing like a hyena.

  It wasn’t much, but he hoped the small kiss he’d given Pres was enough to show his lover that he didn’t regret anything that happened last night. In fact, he wouldn’t mind spending more time like that with Presley in the future.

  A few minutes later, Gregor walked into the kitchen looking grumpier than he had five minutes ago. “I know who you are.”

  Drake’s heart froze in his throat. He’d known the minute Gregor mentioned John Holmes that there was a chance he’d seen some adult films that were a bit more current than the 1980s. Taking a deep breath, Drake turned around, ready to face the music. “Look, Gregor, I-”

  “Save it. You’re the kind of guy who’s stacked and jacked with a face made for movies, who thinks he can have any man he wants and then he’s off to fuck the next guy, not caring about the broken hearts he’s left behind.” Gregor wore a sour look on his face.

  “What?” This wasn’t what Drake was expecting. Not at all. He was expecting to have to defend his past and convince Gregor to keep his secret until he could find the words to tell Presley himself, but instead he was defending himself to Gregor about being the alleged love ‘em and leave ‘em type.

  “Oh, don’t give me that innocent look. You’ve had your eye on Pres since the moment you got here.” Gregor took a menacing step forward. “I swear to fucking God, if you hurt him, Drake. I’ll hurt you.”

  Drake nodded, taking a few moments to get his racing heart to calm a bit. It had been pounding so hard he’d had to strain to hear Gregor’s threat. “Pres and I are going to figure this thing out between us by ourselves. I know you all are used to being all up in each other’s business, but this is our thing to figure out. I appreciate you looking out for him, Gregor.”

  Gregor raised an eyebrow in challenge, but stayed silent. His arms were folded over his broad chest, making his huge arms looks twice as large as they really were.

  Drake put his right hand over his heart. “I promise to take care of him. Cross my heart, Gregor. Actually, I was kind of hoping you could help me out with something for Presley.

  “What?” The former SEAL seemed unimpressed by Drake’s impassioned plea.

  “I’d like to make dinner for him. Well, for us, so that we could have a romantic meal without the peanut gallery hanging on our every word. You’d know better than me what his favorite meal is…” Drake shoved his hands in jeans’ pockets and studied the chef.

  “I’ll think about it,” Gregor said grumpily.

  Drake burst out laughing. He knew Gregor would come around. “By the way, what happens if Pres breaks my heart?” He’d asked the question in jest but it was a real possibility based on the way Presley looked at him this morning.


  Presley was too tired to be sitting in Sand Dollar Shoal’s dining room listening for signs that Gregor was beating Drake to a pulp. Not that he didn’t think Drake could handle himself, but Gregor had some martial arts moves that would put Bruce Lee flat on his ass.

  To be honest, he was too tired for just about everything this morning.

  After the fireworks between him and Drake last night had ended, Pres had felt like a million bucks, but he’d also been scared to death. Drake was shaping up to be a major part of getting the hotel ready for her grand re-opening in just two weeks and he didn’t want anything to shatter the great working relationship they all had going here.

  Honestly, the one thing he was really afraid would shatter would be his heart when Drake decided it was time to move on to someone else who was more exciting than him. He knew it was silly to get his hopes up after just one night, but up they were.

  He’d spent the first hour in bed last night tossing and turning over the reasons Drake wanted to sleep alone. Presley had been forced to admit he hadn’t exactly invited Drake to join him either.

  During the second hour, he was glad he was alone. It gave him time to think and toss without worrying about disturbing Drake. By the fourth hour of staring at the ceiling, he hated everyone and just wanted to get five damn minutes of sleep.

  It had all been fun and games flirting with Drake and exchanging small kisses. Last night had been fun, but it wasn’t a game anymore. Presley had never been the type to sleep around. He knew that was an antiquated notion in this fast and loose day and age, but that’s who he was. Sex was only fun for him if it was with someone he cared about.

  Like it or not, he cared about Drake. A lot. The rest of the night he’d been tossing and turning with the ramifications of Drake not liking him back. He wasn’t cut out for a friends with benefits arrangement and if that’s what Drake was looking for, it would be better to tell him now and save everyone a lot of heartbreak down the road.

  Nothing had shown him more that he was ready for a relationship than watching Landon and Noble together. He wasn’t jealous of his friend. Hell, in the last three months, Landon had become a brother to him. Whenever Noble took Landon’s hand or touched the side of his face, Pres couldn’t help wishing he had that too.

  In the end, it didn’t matter what he wanted, it only mattered what Drake wanted. Was it possible Drake wanted him?

  Thankfully, after Gregor’s little skirmish with Drake, the other guys had stopped giving him the business for what happened last night. Griff was sitting quietly reading the Wall Street Journal on his iPad like he did every morning, while Noble and Landon divided up The Boston Globe between them.

  “Since someone insisted we should make waffles, we’re having waffles.” Gregor wore an annoyed look on his face when he set a platter of fresh waffles on the table, followed by a jar of strawberry jam.

  “Waffles are our favorite!” Noble grabbed for the platter, spearing two on his fork, which he plopped on Landon’s plate before grabbing two more for himself.

  “Here are the ham steaks.” Drake carried the tray to Presley and served him a piece before setting it on the table presumably for the others to fight over.

  Waffles with strawberry jam and ham steaks was Presley’s favorite breakfast. Drake must have asked Gregor to make it for him. Was it Drake’s way of saying sorry for what happened between them? Or was it Drake’s way of telling him how much last night meant to him?

  Pres shook his head. The only person who could answer that question was Drake and he sure as hell wasn’t about to ask at the breakfast table loaded with their friends. Griff, Gregor and Noble were the best friends he’d ever had in his life but they were all gossipy queens.

  Talking to Drake could wait until later. What he needed to do now was try to eat up in case the conversation didn’t go the way he hoped it would.


  In between bites of Gregor’s light and fluffy waffles, Drake was watching Presley. According to the chef, this was Presley’s favorite meal, but he wasn’t doing much more than picking at his food and taking the occasional bite.

  Drake leaned close to Presley’s ear. “Why don’t we go for a walk on the beach after breakfast?”

  Presley seemed shocked by Drake’s request, but nodded his head. “Okay.”

  He wasn’t sure what to think about Presley’s lukewarm response to his offer of a walk. Either Pres was feeling awkward about their night together or worse, he didn’t want to go at all.

  Sitting here at the table surrounded by Presley’s protective friends wasn’t the time or place to get into what happened last night. The only thing Drake could do now was calm his racing mind so he’d have the strength to face whatever was on Presley’s mind.

  Half an hour later, Drake escorted Presley out of the dining room. Noble, of all people, had volunteered to help with the dishes, freeing Drake up to leave with Pres.

  One thing Drake had learned quickly about the Cape was that the weather constantly changed. In Los Angeles the weather had been the same just about every day, but that wasn’t the case here in Massachusetts.

  It had been dark and cloudy while he’d been running on the beach, but now the sun was out and he could feel its warmth on his face. Steering Pres to the left, they started walking down the beach away from the hotel. Whatever was about to go down, he didn’t want Presley’s friends to have a front row seat to the action.

  While he’d been eating breakfast, Drake had planned out what he wanted to say to Presley, but now, standing here on the beach, none of those words seem to fit what he was feeling. “Doesn’t look like you got any sleep at all last night.”

  Pres hummed noncommittally. “Looks like you didn’t have the same problem.”

  Drake cringed at the harsh bite in his voice. “Pres, I-”

  “You know what, Drake? Just save it. Obviously last night didn’t mean anything. You’re just one of those guys built for one-night stands and I should have known-”

  Not knowing how else to stop Presley from talking, Drake kissed him. He took Presley’s face in his hands and kissed him gently. “Instead of jumping to conclusions, Pres, why don’t you let me talk? Hmm?” Drake was prepared to kiss Presley again if he didn’t agree to listen.

  Presley sagged against Drake and nodded, like he didn’t have the energy to do anything else.

  Now that Drake had his attention, he had to figure out how to keep it. “Last night was amazing. I’ve never been with a man before who took such good care of me.”

  Presley mumbled something unintelligible against Drake’s chest.

  “It’s true. My experiences with other guys have always been casual.” Drake didn’t like the way Presley stiffened up in his arms. “Last night wasn’t casual, Pres. That’s the reason I had no idea what to do once we had our clothes back on.”

  Pulling back from Drake, Pres had a surprised look on his face. “Last night wasn’t casual for me either.”

  “So when it was time to go to bed, I didn’t know if I should invite you to sleep with me or if you wanted to go to bed alone. I didn’t want you to think I was too interested or trying to move too fast, but it looks like you thought I wasn’t interested enough.”

  Pres turned and started walking back up the beach. “Since you’re being so honest, I was a mess last night. I haven’t don
e casual sex since high school. Being with some guy just to get my dick sucked always left me feeling empty inside. That feeling was worse than being alone.”

  Drake had experienced the same thing every day he spent working for Donovan Charles. Sure it felt good fucking some hot young stud in the moment, but later when he was home alone, eating lukewarm takeout, he’d felt hollow and empty. “I’m with you there, Pres.”

  “So last night wasn’t a onetime thing?” Presley stopped walking to turn and face Drake, squinting against the sun.

  “I’d like to see where this thing between us is going, as long as that’s what you want too.” Drake couldn’t believe those words were coming out of his mouth. He’d never been in a relationship before and had no idea how to be someone’s boyfriend.


  “I can see how happy you are here, Drake.” Presley’s head was still spinning over Drake’s offer to see where things were going between them. “I don’t want what happens between us personally to ever affect what happens at work.”

  Drake burst out laughing. “I’ve got news for you, babe. There’s no way to stop that from happening. You and I are together nearly twenty-four hours a day as it is now. Since we live and work together, work is bound to cross into our time at home and vice-versa.”

  Drake had a point. “What if we have this huge fight and you leave the hotel?” Drake leaving the hotel was Presley’s biggest fear. He and his friends were so close to getting this old girl up and running. Drake’s ideas and talent were needed here to see their dream through. “Where would that leave all the amazing plans you want to get rolling here at the hotel?”

  “All we can do is take things one day at a time. I have no plans to leave Sand Dollar Shoal even if we do have a fight. If our personal relationship starts heading off in a ditch, we need to be honest enough with ourselves and each other to put the brakes on and just be friends.” Drake reached out to cradle Presley’s face in his hands.


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