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Blood of Brekkon (The Complex Book 0)

Page 10

by Kristen Middleton

  A Dragon-shifter as handsome as Brekkon would surely have someone waiting for him at home. And, I’d never asked him if he had a mate. “So, he may have been taking advantage of the entire situation, too,” I said out loud.

  “Of course. He’s a greedy, selfish prick. He’s also a man, and let me tell you, Javich is pretty randy. He couldn’t get enough of me yesterday,” she replied. “At least until I tried sticking him with the needle.”

  “Yeah, I bet.”

  She looked me up and down. “You’re very beautiful, so I can see why he wanted you. What was it like? Is he large?”

  My cheeks turned pink. “I… I don’t know. I didn’t have sex with him.”

  She looked surprised. “Really?”

  “No. We were interrupted,” I replied, still embarrassed about the conversation.

  “No wonder he was so mad. Besides the lies, of course.” She smiled. “I bet he still wants you, Natalya.”

  I snorted. “Right. What he wants is for me to stay away.”

  “I’m sure he’s cooled down now. You should try talking to him again. Grovel at his feet and tell him how sorry you are. Explain things—”

  “I already tried,” I said, crossing my arms under my chest. “He wouldn’t listen.”

  “Then try again and try harder,” she said sternly. “Seriously, what do you have to lose?”

  I sighed. She was right.

  She looked down at my body. “You know, I bet if you dressed in something sexy, he might change his mind about the blood.”

  “Right. I highly doubt it.”

  “Doubt all you want, but… do you have any better ideas?”

  “No. I just think we need to find another way.”

  “There isn’t one and your sister is running out of time. You and I both know it.”

  “Maybe we should try the curse catcher,” I said.

  “That’s the last resort. I mean, do you know of anyone who would have put a curse on your sister? Anyone in your village?”


  “I didn’t think so. Look, I’m coming over right now.”


  She smiled. “I have something for you. Something that will make Brekkon’s eyes pop out of his skull.”

  I didn’t know what she meant, but I was willing to try anything.

  Chapter 26


  After listening to Ria’s story, I was still angry with Natalya and Cleo, but could see how much the young woman standing before us was suffering. The ugly blackish-green scales were inflamed and she was constantly scratching them.

  “How did you acquire this skin… disease?” I asked, glaring at a Meta next to us who was listening in to our conversation.

  She looked down at her arms and frowned. “I don’t know, but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and I now have a theory.”

  “What is it?” asked Javich, who’d been unusually quiet.

  “An older man in our village, Galdor, asked me to marry him recently and I declined. A few days later he paid me a visit, apologizing for putting me on the spot.”

  “So, you had no romantic interest in this person?” asked Javich.

  “No. Not at all. He’s old enough to be my father,” she answered.

  “Was he angry when you said no?” asked Javich.

  “Yes, but I thought he’d gotten over it. He even made me a pie, to apologize,” she replied.

  I raised my eyebrow. It seemed like a rather odd thing to do. “What kind of pie?”

  “Mixed berry. I didn’t think anything of it, because many of my patients bring me baked goods as payment for healing them. But now, I’m wondering if he somehow tainted it,” she said.”

  “So, you had some of it?” asked Javich, his stomach growling. “Sorry. I have an insatiable appetite. Any mention of food and my stomach starts to act up.”

  She grinned. “No problem and yes, I did. I’m a sucker for anything sweet.”

  “I bet that’s it then. The bastard put some kind of potion in it, or he cursed the pie,” said Javich, looking at me. “And did it out of spite, making sure that nobody else could have what he couldn’t.”

  “Makes sense to me,” I replied, looking at Ria again. She was indeed an exceptionally lovely girl.

  “I truly don’t know if it was the pie, though, to be honest,” she answered. “It’s just a theory I have. He might be innocent in this.”

  “What about Natalya?” I asked. “Did she have any of the pastry?”

  “No. Just me. She despises Galdor and wouldn’t eat anything he made,” she replied.

  “Because of his obsession with you?” I asked.

  “Yes, and he touched her inappropriately once,” said Ria. “He really is a despicable man.”

  The thought of anyone touching Natalya sexually made my stomach twist. I was about to ask when and where, but then reminded myself that it was none of my concern.

  “Does your sister suspect that he’s behind this too?” asked Javich.

  “I doubt it. Honestly, I didn’t think about it until today myself,” she replied.

  “So, Natalya hasn’t been able to heal you?” asked Javich.

  “No and believe me, we’ve tried everything. She learned of how miraculous Dragon’s blood could be and that’s why we’re here at the Complex,” she said, smiling uneasily. “To acquire some.”

  “And what of Cleo?” I asked.

  “She promised to help if we paid her and Natalya cured her disease,” Ria explained.

  “You mean she promised to steal some,” I said dryly.

  “I didn’t set that up,” Ria said. “In fact, I was against it from the very beginning. I told them that we should just go to you directly, but they wouldn’t listen to me.”

  “What was their reasoning?” I asked, curious.

  “That Dragons were too greedy to give up their own blood, even for someone like me,” she replied softly.

  “Knowing the circumstances, we’d have made some kind of a deal,” Javich said. “Especially for you.”

  She smiled gratefully. “That’s what I kept trying to tell them. But, Natalya was too frightened that you’d say no.”

  “What’s done is done,” I said. “Anyway, we don’t know if Dragon’s blood will cure you. It could be a waste of time.”

  “I know and… it’s okay,” Ria replied. “I didn’t come here expecting anything. I just wanted to explain why my sister made some bad choices. I know she loves me and she screwed up. I just hope that you aren’t planning on turning her in to the AS.”

  “I should, just to teach her a lesson,” I mumbled, although I knew it would make everything much worse for Ria. And, after listening to her story, my heart was slowly softening.

  “I understand it if you do. I just hope that you won’t,” she answered quietly.

  “He won’t,” said Javich. He swallowed down the rest of his wine and stood up. “But we will help you get rid of those scales, or at least try.”

  Ria was looking at me with so much hope in her eyes, that I couldn’t say no. “Fine,” I replied. “But, do me a favor and don’t tell your sister. I want her to suffer a little bit longer because of her actions.”

  “I won’t,” said Ria, her eyes shining with happiness. “Thank you so much. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”

  I did. I could still use the S-Co promised to me. “Actually, Natalya was going to—”

  Javich interrupted me. “Can you cook?”

  I scowled at him.

  “Yes,” she replied. “I love to. I make a mean stew.”

  Javich’s stomach growled again. “Sounds delicious. How about you set us up with a home-cooked meal as payment?”

  Her face lit up. “Yes. Definitely. I’d love to cook for the both of you.”

  “Good.” Javich looked at me. “Brekkon?”

  I sighed. “Yes, that will do.”

  “Speaking of which,” said Javich, watching as our waitress approached with a tray full of the
food we’d ordered. “We’d better get that to go.”

  “Good idea,” I said.

  “Are you leaving?” the waitress asked, looking disappointed.

  “Yes,” replied Javich. “Could we take that home with us?”

  She set the tray down. “Sure, if that’s what you’d like to do. What about dessert?” the woman asked. “Can I get you any pie to go? We have a warm berry one that just came out of the oven.”

  All three of us declined.


  After the food was boxed up, we took Ria back to my apartment. Admittedly, I was feeling a little buzzed from the wine they’d served at the tavern.

  “We should eat first,” I said, feeling lightheaded.

  “Good idea. I’m famished,” said Javich. “Ria, would you like anything?”

  She looked down at the many boxes of food we’d taken back with us. “No, but thank you.”

  “Okay, then don’t mind us. We have large appetites,” said Javich, sitting down. He opened up a box and began to eat. “Help yourself if you want something, though. The truth is—we really are greedy bastards, but we share with our friends.”

  Ria blushed. “So, I’m your friend?”

  “You are until you lie to us,” I mumbled, shoving food into my mouth.

  “I won’t,” she said, her smile falling.

  “Don’t mind him. He’s just upset because he has a thing for your sister,” replied Javich.

  I gave him a dirty look.

  “You do?” asked Ria.

  “She means nothing to me,” I answered, a little too sharply.

  “See,” said Javich, smiling. “He’s got it bad.”

  I rolled my eyes and then ate in silence while the two of them talked. When we were finished, I stood up and grabbed a knife.

  “What’s that for?” asked Ria, frowning.

  “To extract the blood,” I said.

  Her face turned pale. “Oh. Of course.”

  “We’d better sanitize it,” said Javich, standing up. “In fact, let me do the honors.”

  Before I could stop him, Javich began removing his clothing.

  “What’s he doing?” asked Ria quickly, turning away.

  “He’s going to use fire to sterilize the blade and will need to be in Dragon form,” I said, amused. “You know, Javich, I don’t think we have to worry about it.”

  “Why take a chance?” he replied. “Who knows what could be on that knife.”

  He and I both knew that Dragon’s blood would probably kill any germs.

  “Wasn’t there another way to do this?” Ria asked, clearly embarrassed that a man was undressing near her.

  “Of course,” I replied. “He just wants to show off his wings.”

  Javich grunted. “You’re just jealous because mine are bigger.”

  “We’re not talking about panties,” I answered and winked at Ria. “His are definitely bigger.”

  He flipped me off.

  “Wait a second, Dragon form? Won’t he be too big to fit in your apartment?” Ria asked.

  “Actually, we can shift into any size we want,” he replied.

  “Really? Wow, that’s interesting,” she said.

  “Unfortunately, the size of the Complex doesn’t allow us to change into our full height,” I explained. “It’s the one thing I’m already missing by being here.”

  “You and me both,” said Javich. “I’m already feeling confined.”

  “That’s too bad,” she answered. “I’d love to see you in all of your glory.”

  Javich had a wicked look on his face and I gave him a warning look.

  “Someday, you just might,” he replied with a devilish grin that Ria couldn’t see.

  I rolled my eyes.

  Javich began to shift, and when he was finished, I told Ria it was okay to turn around.

  “Now that is cool,” she said, walking over to the kitchen table where he’d landed. She leaned down. “Can I touch him?”

  “Yes, just don’t get him overly excited,” I said dryly. “He might pee on the table.”

  Ria giggled. “You are just adorable,” she said, running her finger over his back.

  Javich closed his eyes, enjoying the attention, and even I had to agree, as miniature Dragons, we were cute.

  “On your home planet, do you spend most of your time in this form or Human?” she asked, looking over at me.

  “All of us have preferences, although most of us live in homes that accommodate our Human form,” I told her, holding out the knife. “Okay, you’d better stand back, Ria.”

  She straightened up and took a step back.

  “Just don’t burn the place down, okay?” I said to him, holding out the knife.

  Javich rose in the air and circled around the room, clearly showing off for Ria.

  “Now, Javich,” I mumbled, waving the knife.

  He flew next to me, and with his wings flapping quickly, blew a hot stream of fire over the blade. Fortunately, he was so small that the fire he ejected barely touched my skin.

  “That should do it,” I replied, pulling the knife away.

  Javich flew over to Ria and landed on her shoulder, making her giggle.

  “Okay, are you ready?” I asked, sitting down at the table.

  Nodding, she sat down next to me, with Javich still perched on her shoulder.

  I dragged the blade over my skin, drawing blood, then looked over at her. “Hold your arm out and we’ll see what happens.”

  Ria did what I asked and I squeezed my fist, drawing more blood from the wound. I opened up my hand and ran it over the scales on her arm. All three of us stared down in expectation. Unfortunately, nothing happened.

  “It’s not working, is it?” Ria said sadly.

  “Give it time,” I replied, trying to squeeze more onto her skin.

  Ria looked at me. “Maybe it is a curse?”

  “It’s possible,” I replied, staring down at the scales.

  Javich flew off of her shoulder and shifted back into Human form. “I have an idea,” he said, standing there nude.

  Ria quickly looked away.

  “I have one, too. Put your pants back on,” I answered, glaring at him.

  “Sorry,” he said, turning around. He quickly put them back on and then afterward, grabbed the knife. The next thing I knew, Javich was holding it over his own palm.

  “What are you doing?” I said, looking up at him

  “You’re not the only one with Dragon’s blood,” he said. “Let’s see if mine works.”

  “But, Oscow said mine had more healing properties. I doubt yours will do much,” I replied.

  Javich grunted. “You’re not going to let that one go, are you?” He looked at Ria. “If you haven’t guessed already, silver Dragons are also the most arrogant and boastful.”

  “I’m sure you both have excellent healing powers,” she said, looking from him to me. “In fact, what if you mixed your blood together and we tried that?”

  “Exactly what I was going to do,” said Javich, staring at her. He smiled. “You and I must be on the same wavelength.”

  “Apparently,” she replied, blushing.

  “You’re kidding right now, aren’t you?” I mumbled. Here I was trying to save the girl’s life and he was flirting again.

  Javich looked at me. “Relax, grouchy.”

  “Maybe you should sterilize that knife again?” said Ria.

  “Nah. Our blood will kill any germs clinging to the blade,” said Javich.

  “Then why the fire earlier?” she asked, looking confused.

  Javich smiled. “For fun.”

  I grunted. “I think Javich’s real reason was to get naked in front of you.”

  Ria blushed again.

  “Don’t listen to him,” he replied, although from sparkle in his eyes, I knew I was right on. “You ready?”

  “Go for it,” I answered, staring down at my own palm. “Do it quickly. My wound is already healing.”

.” Gritting his teeth, Javich cut his hand and then quickly handed me the knife. I did the same thing. Then we both squeezed some of our blood onto Ria’s skin.

  “Let me do the honors,” he said, placing his hand on her arm. He began to massage the dark red mixture together over the scales and immediately, we could see a difference.

  “It’s working,” Ria said, smiling brightly. “Isn’t it? Or is it just me?”

  Under the blood, we could definitely see that the scales were slowly fading.

  “No, it’s definitely working. We’re going to need more,” said Javich, grabbing the knife again. “I take it the scales are everywhere?”

  “Yes,” she replied. “On my back. My stomach. Even my feet. Literally, everywhere.”

  “Your chest, too?” Javich asked.

  Her cheeks turned pink. “Well, yeah.”

  I rolled my eyes. “She doesn’t need to get into specifics. Don’t be a swine.”

  “I wasn’t trying to,” he said, frowning. “I just wanted to try and figure out how much blood we’d need to extract.”

  “Quite a bit, I’m afraid,” said Ria. “I’m sorry. If this is too much—”

  “Don’t worry,” said Javich. “We have more than enough blood to get rid of the scales.”

  “He’s right,” I said.

  She smiled at us. “I can’t believe how sweet you both are. And here I thought Dragons were the most greedy and ferocious beings on this planet.”

  “We are. You just got us at the right time,” Javich said, winking at her.

  “I say we grab a bowl, fill it with as much blood as we can, and then she can give herself a sponge bath,” I said, as Javich massaged more of the blood onto her skin.

  “Good idea,” said Ria.

  “Do it in the bathroom and then you can take a shower afterward,” I continued.

  “Okay,” she replied, standing up.

  “And, if you need help getting to any places you can’t reach, let me know,” said Javich. “I’d be more than willing to help.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “I’ll go and wait in the bathroom.”

  “Okay,” said Javich, watching her as she stepped out of the kitchen. When he turned back around, I saw the look in his eyes and knew there could be trouble. I gave him a dirty look.


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