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Blood of Brekkon (The Complex Book 0)

Page 12

by Kristen Middleton

  The next thing I knew, we were back in my bed. He peeled off my clothing and began kissing me all over, his tongue teasing and ravishing me with indescribable pleasure. He made me feel so good that it was hard to believe he’d never done it before. Soon, my head was thrashing back and forth and I was screaming in ecstasy from his ministrations.

  When I’d settled down and opened my eyes, he stared back me, his own full of burning need.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” he asked, running his hand along my thigh.

  “Yes. Of course.”

  Brekkon moved his hips between my legs and I helped guide him to my opening. We started kissing again and very slowly, he began pushing into me. Then his hips began to move. At first there was a stinging pain, but then my body seemed to open up, and soon both of us were moaning in pleasure. It didn’t take long before he lost complete control, gasping and spilling his seed inside of me. Afterward, he collapsed next to me.

  “Sorry,” he said, still breathing heavily. “That was incredible.”

  “Yes, it was,” I answered, snuggling up next to him.

  He put his arm around me. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded. “There was a little pain at first, but it went away,” I replied, staring at him in the darkness.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were hurting,” he said, kissing my hand.

  “It didn’t last long and afterward, all I felt was pleasure. So, you enjoyed it?”

  He chuckled. “Enjoyed it? I’ve never felt anything so extraordinary in my life. It was… mind-blowing.”

  “Even better than Dragon sex?”

  “Much better. You can’t even compare it.”

  I relaxed but then remembered what Cleo had said about him having a fiancée. “Do you have someone back home?”

  He frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “You told Cleo that you were engaged.”

  Brekkon chuckled. “Yes. That’s because she wanted to have sex with me and Javich at the same time.”

  “You’re not into that?” I asked with a small smile.

  “I don’t know. What I do know is that I’m not into kissing Metas with green skin and split tongues. They remind me too much of green Dragons,” he replied and yawned.

  I slugged him.

  Brekkon rubbed his shoulder. “Ow, what was that for?” he asked, pretending that I’d hurt him.

  “You don’t know if you’re into group sex?”

  He smirked. “Natalya, I think you must have figured it out that I’m not into anything or anyone else, other than a pain-in-the-ass Healer who is going to get me fired from work if I don’t get some sleep,” he said, closing his eyes.

  His words pleased me. I looked over at the clock and it showed that it was three a.m. “Wow, it has been a long day, hasn’t it?”

  “That’s an understatement.”

  “Will we see each other again after today?”

  Brekkon opened up his eyes and gave me a surprised look. “Of course we will.”

  I relaxed. “Good.”

  He tilted my chin and stared down into my eyes. “You were right about one thing—I am selfish. Now that I’ve had you, I won’t be giving you up easily.”

  My stomach swirled with pleasure. “You won’t?”

  “No. You smile now, but you need to understand what that means.”

  I’d thought he’d been joking, but the look in his eyes told me he was serious.

  I stared at him curiously. “What does it mean?”

  Chapter 31


  “You’re mine. I’m claiming you.”

  She grinned. “I like the sound of that.”

  “You’ll be my wife.”

  Her smile fell. “What?”

  “We’ll be wed when we return to my home planet. We’ll have a big ceremony with my entire family. Don’t look so frightened. You’ll get used to living with Dragons. They don’t care for other Metas much, but once they get to know you, they’ll come around.”

  “Wait a second, I think it’s a little early to be talking about marriage,” she replied, sitting up.

  I hid my grin. “It wasn’t too early for us to have sex. Besides, you gave yourself to me. You even told me earlier that I could do whatever I wanted with you.”

  “Number one—you declined that offer. Number two—you’d already healed my sister and kept that from me.”

  “You never asked if I’d helped her. That’s not my fault.”

  Natalya let out a ragged sigh. “Look, I like you. A lot. I’d even be willing to move in with you, and see how things went. But, I can’t even think about marriage yet. I’m sorry, but we barely know each other.”

  I put my hands behind my head and chuckled. “Good thing I didn’t accept that game of cards earlier. I’d have kicked your ass and taken all your money,” I said, staring up at the ceiling.

  Her jaw dropped. “You were joking?”

  I looked at her. “I was bluffing and you didn’t catch it. You’re too gullible, Natalya.”

  She grabbed a pillow and started beating me with it.

  Roaring with laughter, I grabbed it and began to retaliate. A few seconds later, she was back in my arms and we were making love again.

  Chapter 32


  Brekkon left a couple of hours later after I helped relieve most of his weariness with a full-body massage. Apparently, his boss had wanted him to make up some extra hours for being late on the first day.

  “You really are a treasure,” he’d stated before heading out. He’d been stunned that I’d perked him up so quickly. “I feel as if I’ve slept for days.”

  Extracting his tiredness had left me exhausted, however, and the moment my head hit the pillow, I was out cold. Fortunately, I recovered quickly, so when my alarm went off, I was functioning enough to go to work. On my way, I stopped by my sister’s apartment. When she opened the door, I was so relieved to see how well her skin cleared up, that it felt like a great weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

  “You look beautiful,” I told her, touching her face.

  “Thank you. I take it he told you?” she answered, with a small smile.

  “Yes, but not until after I groveled at his feet,” I said.

  Her eyes widened. “You did not?”

  I laughed. “No, but we had it out last night and it wasn’t until afterward that he finally admitted you’d been healed.”

  “I figured Brekkon was going to make you suffer for a while. I thought it would be much longer.”

  “He started feeling guilty,” I replied. “Especially after I offered myself to him.”

  Her jaw dropped. “I told you not to degrade yourself like that! I don’t care how hot the Dragon-shifters are, you’re not a bargaining tool. Don’t you ever do that again!” she scolded.

  “Fortunately, I won’t have to,” I said. “Anyway, I’m off to work. Are you still on the late shift?”

  She nodded. “Yes. Tell Oscow I’ll be in for sure.”

  “Okay.” I hugged her. “I’ll see you later.”



  Just like the day before, the center was crazy with Metas and Humans needing medical attention. When my shift was finally over, I was so tired that all I could do was think about sleeping. But then, Brekkon called and asked if I wanted to have dinner with him.

  “Sure. I’d love to,” I answered, my exhaustion quickly forgotten.

  “Great. I’m just getting into the shower. I’ll be over in about thirty minutes to pick you up.”

  “Okay,” I told him.

  “I’ve been thinking about you all day,” he said, a smile in his voice. “My golden treasure.”

  Remembering that he’d nicknamed my sex that during our last session, I blushed.

  That night we went into Main City and had dinner at one of the nicer restaurants. The food was both plentiful and delicious. Brekkon enjoyed it so much that he indulged in three different entre

  “Are you pregnant?” I teased, amazed at how much he could eat in one sitting.

  “Funny,” he said with a mouthful of food. His eyes suddenly widened. “Wait a second. What about you? Is there a chance I could have impregnated you?”

  “If you did, it’s a little too late to worry about it now, wouldn’t you say?” I replied, folding my arms across my chest and sitting back. “For all we know, I could have a bun in the oven at this very moment.”

  He began to choke.

  Laughing, I handed him my cup of water. “In all honestly, I doubt you could even get me pregnant,” I said. “My cells would probably destroy your little flying soldiers. Or, I suppose they’d be swimming, wouldn’t they?”

  “Because you’re a Healer?”

  “Yes. Besides, you’re a Dragon and I’m sure our sexual organs aren’t even compatible in creating new life.”

  “They seemed pretty compatible early this morning,” he said with a devilish grin.

  Remembering back, I smiled. “That’s true.”

  “Seriously, though, you do want children someday, don’t you?” he asked me, looking serious.

  It wasn’t something I’d thought about, but I wanted kids one day. “Yes. Not anytime soon, though.”

  “We can always consult someone when you’re ready. Maybe a mage or a witch? They might be able to concoct some kind of spell or potion to make it happen,” he replied before stuffing more food into his mouth.

  “You know, technically, this is really just our first date,” I answered with a smirk. “I don’t think we have to discuss children for quite some time.”

  “Sure we do. Like I said before, you’re mine and I’m not giving you up. I’d like to know everything about you.”

  “This is a Dragon thing, isn’t it?” I said dryly. “The need to possess and claim things as your own?”

  He didn’t say anything, but grinned and took another bite of food.

  “What about your family?” I said. “What would they really have to say about me not being a Dragon?”

  “Like I said before—they’d get over it,” he replied, although from the funny look in his eyes, I knew it would be an issue.

  “They’d be angry first though, wouldn’t they?”

  He shrugged and kept eating.

  Sighing, I told myself not to worry about something that wasn’t even likely. We’d only been together one night, and as fabulous as it had been, marriage was hardly in our near future.

  The waitress took that moment to check on us and he ordered another bottle of wine. When she returned with it, he filled our glasses.

  “A toast,” Brekkon said, raising his goblet, “to the most beautiful woman in all of Lorn. And I get the pleasure of dining with her. Signing up for the Complex was the best decision I’ve ever made.”

  I blushed and clinked my cup against his. “And I would like to make a toast to the most generous Dragon in all of the Seldova solar system. Not only did you find it in your heart to forgive me, but you saved my sister’s life. I’m forever in your debt.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” he said with a wink, clinking his cup against mine. “And don’t forget, I turned you down when you offered me all that money. I’d be rich right now if I wasn’t so bloody honorable.”

  Knowing he was teasing me, I laughed and then leaned over and kissed him on the mouth.

  “You’re something else, Natalya,” he said softly as I pulled away. “I only hope you’re not doing this because you feel obligated.”

  The sexy Shifter had no idea the effect he had on women. “I don’t need to, I want to,” I said, covering his hand with mine. “And when we get back to my place, you’ll see the evidence.”

  His eyes smoldered. “Woman, you’d better drink that wine down because I’m all hot-and-bothered, and that’s a dangerous place to be when you’re with a Dragon.”

  I smiled.

  Chapter 33


  Days and then weeks flew by at the Complex. We settled in, and although it wasn’t a perfect place for two Dragon-shifters to live, having Natalya around made it bearable. At least for me. Javich, on the other hand, grew restless and irritable. I couldn’t blame him too much, considering that I was now spending most of my free time with Natalya. But, we still had our weekly boy’s night out, where we usually indulged in too much wine and food. But, I knew he needed it even more than I did because he was lonely and bored out of his skull. Or so… I’d thought.

  “We need to talk,” he said one night while we were on our second bottle of wine.

  “Haven’t we been talking?” I asked, pushing aside my empty plate.

  He smiled slowly. “Yes, but this time, it’s about a woman.”

  I raised my eyebrow. “I thought that’s all we’ve talked about. You and your female endeavors.”

  Which was true. The moment he learned about myself and Natalya, he’d decided to start sowing some of his own oats. The past few weeks I’d heard much more than I wanted to of his sexual exploits with both Humans and Metas.

  “Yes, but this is different and I need your help.”

  Now this surprised me. “Help?”

  He nodded. “I met this woman and she’s very special.”

  “How special?”

  “Special enough that I’m asking you for advice,” he mumbled.

  I smirked. “Ah. I see. You want to know how to please her so you’re asking the expert.”

  He snorted. “Right. Expert. Hell, I don’t need any help with that. I need help dealing with her…” Javich cleared his throat smiled weakly, “older sister.”

  My stomach sank. I recalled the way he’d acted around Ria the night we’d cured her. “You didn’t. Please, tell me you didn’t touch Ria.”

  “Why do you think it’s Ria?” he asked defensively.

  I relaxed. “Okay, who are we talking about then?”


  I swore loud enough that some of the other patrons turned to stare.

  Javich sighed. “Calm down, Brekkon.”

  “Easy for you to say,” I replied angrily.

  “Look, we haven’t had sex,” Javich said in a lower voice. “If that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “Why in the hell are you even sniffing around the girl? She’s only eighteen.” The truth was, I now felt protective of Natalya’s younger sister myself. Although we hadn’t spent a lot of time together, I’d heard so many stories that I felt like we were family. And some day, I would be her brother-in-law. At least if I could help it.

  Javich gave me a helpless look. “Honestly, she was the one who started it.”

  “Right,” I said dryly.

  “No, I’m serious. I was sent to her apartment to try and fix her pipe and,” he swallowed, “apparently, it didn’t really need to be fixed.”

  “Are you saying she made the appointment just so she could see you?” I asked, surprised.

  “Yes. I thought it was a little funny that someone had requested me personally,” he said, smiling slowly. “Anyway, when I arrived, she confessed that the only reason she sent for me was to get some things off of her chest.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She told me that she’d fallen head-over-heels for me.”

  I barked out a laugh. “What?”

  “I thought it sounded pretty crazy myself. Ria explained that she couldn’t stop thinking about me and thought it was time she did something about it.”

  “That’s not love. That’s a crush. A foolish one,” I murmured, amused and yet a little taken aback. I could see that her confession meant something to him and that he hadn’t taken it lightly.

  “I know, I know. But—”

  “But, nothing. Stay away from her,” I said sternly. “She must be confused right now and trying to figure things out. Natalya said that she’s a virgin and obviously, doesn’t need to get involved with someone like you.”

  “What do you mean, like me?” he asked, frowning.
r />   “Come off of it, Javich. When it comes to women, you’re only out for fun and a good time. She’s an impressionable, young, and innocent girl who needs more than just roll in the sack.”

  “That’s just it, I think I want more than that, too. With her,” he said quietly.

  “You don’t even really know Ria” I said incredulously. “You just want something you haven’t had yet. That’s how you are, Javich. An adventurer who is always looking for his next big bounty. She is not that. She is not a treasure for you to conquer.”

  “I know. She’s much more than that. Ria is more like a rare, priceless diamond,” he said, staring off into space. “One that nobody has ever touched.”

  “Exactly, so keep your hands to yourself,” I warned, taking another gulp of my wine.

  He looked over my shoulder toward the entrance and I noticed a goofy smile spread across his face.

  I looked over my shoulder and swore. It was Ria and she was headed in our direction.

  “What is she doing here?” I murmured, turning back to him. I knew it couldn’t be good. She only showed up when something major was happening.

  “Ria wanted to talk to you,” Javich said.

  I groaned inwardly.

  Natalya’s younger sister stopped at our table. Her face was flush and she looked nervous. “Hi, I hope I’m not disturbing you two,” she said, sitting down next to Javich.

  “Hello, Ria. You’re not disturbing us, although I’m curious as to why you’re here,” I replied, forcing a smile to my face. “Don’t you have to work tonight?”

  “I have it off,” she said, linking her arm through Javich’s.

  I scowled at him and he smiled weakly.

  “Did you tell him yet?” Ria asked Javich.

  “I started to,” he replied, looking more uncomfortable by the minute.

  I let out a ragged sigh. This news wasn’t going to be something that I wanted to hear. I could tell from the excited glint in her eyes. “I’ve heard quite a bit from him already. What else is there?”

  Ria gave me a radiant smile. “Javich and I are engaged. And, we need you to help break the news to Natalya.”


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