Abby's Two Warriors [Wounded Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Abby's Two Warriors [Wounded Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 17

by Marla Monroe

  “You just stay there with her and I’ll sleep in the other room,” Heath said, getting out of the bed.

  “Like hell. Don’t make me wake her up. She’s testy if you mess with her when she’s sleeping off a good climax. I’d hate to think what she’d do after two. Get in and see about her while I fix my damn stumps. I’ll be right back.” Kermit rolled over to where his wheelchair was and managed to climb on it without falling. Then he rolled it into the bathroom and checked the condition of the stockings.

  To his surprise, they looked fine. He decided not to pull them off and put fresh ones on since he figured it would just irritate them more. Tomorrow morning would be soon enough. He needed to snuggle up with Abby and enjoy being with her again. Tomorrow would bring an entire new set of problems to deal with. He needed to rest while he could.

  When he returned to the bedroom, it was to find Abby curled up around a very awake and worried Heath’s back. Kermit sighed and positioned his wheelchair next to the bed. After locking the wheels, he climbed up on the bed and wrapped himself around his Abby.

  “Go to sleep, Heath. I promise we’ll figure it all out. We’ve got Abby and that’s all that matters.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Abby stretched as she checked her watch for the tenth time in the last hour. Closing the store always seemed to drag the last hour they were open. She hated working the nights, but it was the only way she was going to keep up enough hours to pay her bills. The guys were already driving her crazy about moving in with them, but she wanted to make sure they were really going to make it before she gave up everything again believing it was set in stone.

  “Not much longer,” Herald said as he put a chair back where it belonged. “It’s hard as hell to deal with closing when it’s slow, but let me promise you this. It’s worse if we’re busy and trying to close. We end up nearly an hour later even if we manage to lock the doors on time just because of the mess they leave behind.”

  “I just don’t like working nights anyway. I guess it’s the whole walking into an empty apartment at that time of night thing. It’s a little scary,” she admitted.

  “I thought you were living with your two guys. Is that not working out?” Herald didn’t seem the least uncomfortable about it or act sleazy when he said it.

  “Oh, we’re doing fine. I’m not living with them yet. I guess I wanted to give it some time and be sure we’re all ready before I give up my apartment,” she told him.

  “Move in with them. They obviously love you. They both gave me and Chet the stink eye that day they came and picked you up,” he said with a knowing smile.

  “They did not. They aren’t like that.” She shook her head at him.

  “I mean it. You should go ahead and move in with them. That apartment you’re renting is in a dangerous neighborhood, Abby. Take advantage of a nice safe house with two men to go home to and stop playing Russian roulette with your life.”

  “You’re probably right. I was thinking about telling them this weekend anyway. It’s been nearly three weeks since we decided to do this. They’ve been really patient with me, but that’s not going to last much longer and if they start to push me, I’ll balk like a stubborn mule. It’s the Marine in me,” she said with a laugh.

  “Look. We made it through another night. It’s time to close.” Herald fished out the key from his pocket and strode to the door while Abby started the backup program on the cash register.

  Thirty minutes later and they were both climbing into their cars to head home. She liked working with Herald. He was a hard worker and always made sure she was safely in her car before he got into his. As she drove home, Abby thought about how to tell the guys she was ready to move in with them.

  She’d worked out two possibilities by the time she’d pulled into her parking space fifteen minutes later. She could just show up with most of her stuff packed in her car and demand they unpack it or she could tell them she was tired of paying rent and keeping two houses straight so she figured she condense down and move in. Abby laughed at that thought as she pulled out her cat-knuckles, a cathead shaped piece of hard plastic where the pointed ears where weapons and her fingers went through the eyes so that the “weapons” were positioned over her knuckles, and wrapped her purse strap around her wrist. It left her hands free to unlock the door. She made sure the apartment key was the one between her thumb and finger before getting out of the car and locking the door.

  Nothing seemed out of the ordinary as she walked up the sidewalk in the dingy light from the only light in the parking lot. Abby climbed the stairs to the second floor and walked deliberately to her apartment door and jammed her key into the lock. She’d just unlocked the door and was about to push inside when someone wrapped an arm around her neck and tried to shove her inside the apartment.

  Abby couldn’t scream with the arm pressed against her windpipe like they were. She nearly dropped her keys in an attempt to dig at her assailant’s arm but remembered at the last second not to lose her weapons. The keys and the cat safety knuckles were all she had.

  Abby went limp in hopes it would throw him off guard, but he was ready for that and jerked her back tighter against him, almost cutting off all of her air supply.

  “Stop fighting me and get inside. It’ll be a whole lot easier on you in the long run, bitch,” he said in a raspy voice.

  Abby wasn’t about to stop fighting. She’d die before she just let the bastard rape her. He’d have to work for it if he managed it at all. She’d claw his fucking eyes out given half a chance.

  She growled as loud as she could and dug both her keys and the cat into the bastard’s arm then jerked them back and tried to dig at his head and neck with them. The man yelled then cursed, letting her go long enough that she was able to shove away from him and start toward the stairs. Abby screamed the entire time she ran, but was cut off when her attacker grabbed her by the hair and jerked her backward.

  “You bitch! No one is going to do a thing out here. I’m gonna make you pay for that.”

  Abby purposefully fell back against him, catching him off balance and turned around to attack him this time. She wasn’t going to be able to out run him. He was at least a foot if not more, taller than she was. That gave him a longer stride. She had to use surprise and his own height against him.

  She pulled back her fist to hit him, but when he just grinned and moved an arm up to block her, Abby dropped to the ground and shoved her arm up as hard as she could, driving her balled-up fist with the cat across her knuckles up into his groin. He screamed like a wounded dog and fell backward, catching the rickety railing with his back and to her horror, the metal railing gave way and he fell backward with it to the ground below.

  Abby panted with the effort it had taken for her to punch him like that and slowly crawled over to the edge of the walkway to look down at the man below. He was moving and groaning, but she was sure he was in a lot worse shape than he looked from there.

  It took Abby several tries to fish her cell phone out of her purse once she found it. Her hands were shaking so much that she wasn’t sure she would be able to dial but then remembered all she had to do was push one number for Kermit.

  “Hey Abby. I was getting worried when you hadn’t called by now. How was work?” Kermit’s voice went a long way to settling her down.

  “I made it home fine, but I need you and Heath, Kermit. Someone attacked me and I might have killed him. Can you call the police for me? Don’t hang up though because I’m afraid I’ll pass out of you do.”

  “What the fuck!” Kermit’s frantic yell raised her adrenaline level again.

  “I’m okay, Kermy. I’m just scared,” she said, trying to hold the tears at bay.

  She could hear him frantically talking to Heath then he was back with her. “Where are you, baby? Heath’s calling the cops.”

  “I’m sitting on the walkway outside my apartment. I’m afraid to move,” she whispered into the phone.

  “Easy, babe. Don’t go into s
hock on me. You need to go inside your apartment and lock the door until the police get there. Do you hear me?”

  “Okay.” She sat there, trying to remember how to move.

  “Now, Abby!” Kermit roared over the phone in his best Marine voice. “Get your ass inside that apartment right the fuck now!”

  Abby jerked at his words but it gave her the push she needed to move. “I am. I’m inside and locking the door now,” she said in a stronger voice.

  “Good girl. That’s my baby. We’re on our way, Abby. You stay inside until you’re one hundred present positive it’s the police or us. Got it?” he asked.

  “I will. Don’t hang up, Kermit. Keep talking to me, okay?”

  “I’m not going anywhere. Heath needs to hear you tell him that you’re not hurt, Abby. Okay. He’s on edge. Understand? Make him hear how strong you are, babe. I can’t drive so he’s got to keep it together for us.”

  Abby understood what Kermit was telling her. Heath was fighting a PTSD episode because of her. She had to make him believe she was just fine so he could concentrate on driving them there.

  “Abby?” The worry and panic in Heath’s voice hurt her.

  “Hey, Heath. I’m fine. I’m a Marine’s daughter, sister, and lover. I can handle anything. You just get here so that I don’t scare the police into arresting me. Got it?” Heath’s shaky chuckle told her she’d succeeded in getting her point across.

  “Told you she’s a hard hat, man. You’ve got to be careful around her. You haven’t pissed her off yet. Just wait. Your time is coming. Right, baby?” Kermit said.

  “Right! Now hurry up. I hear the police sirens, guys.”

  * * * *

  Hours later Abby lay between her two men, snuggled up like three bunnies in a rabbit hole. She’d insisted they all take a shower together, which had been a lesson in personal space, but they’d managed. Now they were curled around each other letting the feel of their naked skin sooth each other.

  “You realize that we’re not letting you argue with us anymore on, umph!” Kermit gasped when she elbowed him in the stomach.

  “Don’t say it. I was already planning on telling you two that I was ready to move in with you, but if you try and demand I do anything, even if it’s what I want to do, you know my stubborn streak, Kermit. Don’t force me into using it.” She hoped he could hear the plea in her voice and wouldn’t call her bluff.

  “How were you going to tell us? Because if I know you, it wouldn’t have been a simple ‘hey, guys. I’m ready to move in with you now,’” Kermit said.

  “I hadn’t made up my mind yet, but was leaning toward packing up my stuff and driving over and telling you to unload it for me. I was going to tell you that I was tired of keeping two homes up with double the housework and all,” she told them.

  “Right,” Heath said with a chuckle. “Like you make any messes over there. You’re never there. You’re either working or here.”

  “That’s another thing we need to discuss,” Kermit said.

  “What?” she asked innocently.

  “The job. The night work stops. I need you more here with me,” Kermit told her.

  “I have bills to pay, Kermit,” she began, only to have him silence her with a serious kiss.

  She moaned when he squeezed one breast. He could always distract her with sex, and despite knowing that was what he was doing, she always fell for it.

  “Climb up on top of me, babe. Ride my dick like you mean it,” Kermit said, pulling her by one nipple.

  Abby pulled back from him for a second, making the burn hotter before she gave in and slowly climbed up his body to where his already hard cock stood up straight from his groin. She rubbed her pussy back and forth over it, wetting it with her juices, enjoying the slight rasp against her clit with each pass over the rigged cockhead.

  “Enough screwing around, Abby. Take me inside of you.”

  Abby lifted her body away from his and reached down to warp a fist around his thick shaft and position it at her slick opening. He was so damn big that she always had to work him inside of her unless Heath had already loosened her up. Right now, the other man had slipped around behind her and was running a soothing hand up and down her back. She was sure he’d want her ass. Taking both of them was the sweetest kind of torture. They made her come so hard she usually ended up passing out for a few seconds.

  Slowly Abby moved her body up and down until she’d seated Kermit’s thick shaft deep inside her cunt. Heath’s big hand slowly pushed against her back to lower her to Kermit’s chest and give him room to work her ass.

  “God, Kermit. I’m so full. With you inside of me like this I always feel too full for anything else,” she whispered.

  “There’s room, baby. I promise there is. You always say this when one of us is balls-deep inside of you.” Kermit nipped at her chin.

  Heath’s wide hands squeezed her ass cheeks before he spread them wide. She squirmed at the slight pain and growled into Kermit’s ear. Heath laughed then let go of her ass.

  “Kermit, hold her ass open for me. I want to make sure I lube her up good,” Heath said. Kermit took over holding her wide open so that his friend could squeeze the lubricant over the crack of her ass before adding a generous amount to her back hole. Heath pressed one finger deep inside of her before adding the second finger. Abby was glad that she and Kermit had played around with anal sex in the past so this hadn’t been as big a deal as it might have been.

  “Holy hell, you’re tight back here,” Heath said as he slowly pumped the thick digits in and out of her tiny dark hole. He leaned over her licked down the small of her back before nipping her ass as he slowly opened the dark rosette for his cock.

  As Heath added the third finger and spread her hole wide, she looked forward to feeling his dick press against her ass. She loved it when they both took her at the same time. They didn’t do it all the time, but when they did, it was the orgasm of all orgasms.

  “Hurry, Heath. I need to move. I’m dying here,” she whined, egging him on.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, baby. I have to be sure you’re ready,” he said in a strained voice.

  Abby knew that playing with her like this turned both men on. It made the sex all the more real when they were almost out of control by the time they entered her. The feel of all that need and power carefully thrusting into her ass had her body tingling all over even before she came.

  “Now, Heath!” she yelled. “Kermy, make him fuck me.”

  Heath growled behind her, and suddenly she was surrounded in heat as he rose over her and positioned his long, hard dick at her back hole before slowly pushing the spongy head through the resistant ring of her ass. One more thrust and he filled her, but not deep enough. She thrust back, impaling her body on his hard cock all the way to his balls. Heath roared as he fought to regain control and hold her hips still.

  “Fuck, Abby. I’m going to hurt you if you if you keep doing that,” Heath snapped, as he held himself still inside of her. “Kermit, hold her still when I’m getting my prick inside of her.”

  “Man, you know how it is when she’s got your dick strangled in her cunt. There’s no doing anything until she lets go.”

  Heath slowly pulled back until just the head remained inside of her dark hole.

  Then they were moving in and out of her in a slow-moving dance that quickly became torture to her. Abby wanted more, and she wanted it fast. They always resisted her at first, but she was persistent until they let go and took her to heaven. Every muscle in her body worked to milk them so that the next thrust was just a little bit harder and just a little bit faster. The sound of their breaths sawing out of their lungs was music to her ears. She wanted them wild and crazy, so she gave them what they needed to get what she wanted.

  “Fuck me harder! I want to feel it all the way to my toes,” she yelled between them.

  “Fucking hell!” Rage roared as he bucked beneath her, his hands squeezing her arms as he held her captive between them.r />
  The pressure built and grew until all she could feel was the press of it against her throat. Every nerve ending was awake and waiting, a collective breath on the edge of exhaling. When it happened, Abby flew to the heavens and back again. She squeezed her body around her two lovers so that they cursed and faltered in their rhythm.

  “Son of a bitch!” Heath snarled, his fingers digging into her hips as he pumped his cock in and out of her ass.

  When he released her right hip, Abby knew she was about to explode. She fought it every time, knowing what to expect, but she was never truly ready. Heath slid his hand between her and Kermit to press a fingertip over her clit. He pushed against it over and over, making small circular motions over her swollen, throbbing nub. Then when she was sure she couldn’t get any tighter, Heath pinched the bundle of nerves sending her over once more so that she lost her breath and exploded into a million tiny points of light that spread out like stars in the sky.

  Then in a loud, ringing rush, she returned to her physical form with a loud roaring in her ears. The mixture of her blood thundering through her system and her men’s voices as they climaxed seemed to leave her deaf for a few seconds before sound returned.

  After what seemed like hours later, the three of them lay spooned together on the bed, still panting from the exertion. Abby wanted to laugh that they needed another shower but didn’t have the energy.

  All she could think right then was that she was where she belonged. The two men wrapped around her were her life and her future. They still had a lot of issues to work out, but she was confident that they would.

  Heath had settled on one of the canine therapy organizations and was scheduled to start training with his new partner in two months. Kermit had just been fitted with a new pair of prostheses that were more like what he’d decided on as his style. He didn’t know it, but they were all working on getting him a special pair just for swimming. The prosthetic manufacturer was excited at the possibilities and had already shown her, Rex, and Heath the drawings for them.


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