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Calling the Play

Page 18

by Samantha Kane

“Winnipeg was damn cold,” Ty said with a forgiving smile. “I’m not sure you could have survived the winters.”

  “I’m pretty tough,” Brian said. “We’d have been all right.”

  “We’re going to be better than all right,” Ty said, taking two steps so that he was right in front of Brian. He put his hand on Brian’s waist, savoring the warmth of his skin and the firm muscle under it. “Maybe they have a for guys like us. We’ll find a nice, kinky girl and settle down like Marian and Cass and Beau.”

  “Wouldn’t the press love that,” Brian said with a snort. “But I don’t want a nice girl. I want a girl like Randi.”

  “I know,” Ty said softly, pulling Brian close and kissing his forehead. “So we give her some more time, huh?” He looked down at Brian. “Flowers? Do you think she’d like those? Chocolate? Beer of the Month club? What?”

  The doorbell rang before Brian could answer, and then there was loud knocking, followed by more bell ringing.

  “What the hell?” Ty said. He frowned at Brian. “It’s almost ten o’clock. If Tom and Danny fucking wrecked my car, I’m going to kill them.” He took off for the front door and Brian followed close behind. But when he yanked open the door it wasn’t the cops with bad news. It was one particular cop, and she looked absolutely delicious in a little hot-pink, see-through nightie. She also looked mad as hell.

  Chapter 22

  “So this happened,” Randi said, waving a piece of paper at them. She was totally pissed, her entire sex vibe completely ruined. “I was on my way over here to surprise you guys and I got a ticket. A ticket! You’d think being a cop in this town would get me a free pass, right? And then Frankie, who I’ve known since I was fucking ten, takes his sweet time writing the ticket, because he knows I’m on my way to a booty call because I’m wearing this.” She waved a hand down her front. “You think I’m not going to be getting shit about this for the next few months? Holy hell. It’s a good thing you two are both good lays.”

  Ty grabbed her and dragged her into the house. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her so thoroughly her brain scrambled. She dropped the ticket and practically climbed him, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. He felt so good, like coming home, which was stupid and dangerous, but for just a minute she wanted to wallow in it. Then she’d get her booty-call head back on. He spun around and she felt her back slam into the wall. He broke the kiss, cupping her cheeks and then running his hands into her hair, staring at her. His eyes were crinkled and suspiciously wet. “You came,” he said, sounding all choked up.

  “Are you going to cry?” she asked incredulously. “I know I’m good, but seriously, not that good.”

  He laughed, and buried his face in the curve of her neck. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was embarrassed. “No, you’re really that good,” he said, moving so that his hands supported her ass. “I like the thong,” he mumbled, his mouth pressed against her bare skin.

  “Um, are you wearing tennis shoes with a nightie?” Brian asked from behind Ty.

  “Yes,” she said defensively. “I don’t like driving barefoot, or even with flip-flops.” She heard Brian trying to control his laughter. “Clearly he’s not as overwhelmed at my appearance as you are,” she said to Ty.

  “I’m the sensitive one,” Ty said, clearing his throat and pulling back to smile at her.

  “You get to fuck me first,” she said, giving him a prim little kiss on the lips.

  “That’s a reward for me,” Brian said, coming over and leaning one shoulder on the wall next to her. He leaned down and kissed her shoulder. “I told you today I wanted to watch you and Ty fuck.”

  “I’m beginning to feel left out over what happened with you two today,” Ty said, pouting. Randi wasn’t sure if he was kidding or not.

  “I suppose Brian told you what a wuss I was today,” she complained. “I don’t know what the hell was wrong with me.”

  “I do,” Ty said. He rubbed his nose against hers and damn if it wasn’t the cutest thing she’d ever done with a guy. “I’ve been on the receiving end of unwanted physical advances before and it sucks. Especially when you can’t say anything.”

  “What?” Brian asked, frowning. “You never told me that.”

  “High school coach,” Ty said matter-of-factly. “Not my head coach, but his son-in-law, who was an assistant. You can see the problem there, right? So I avoided him as much as I could after the first time.”

  “Aw, baby,” Randi said, smoothing his mussed hair. “I’m sorry.”

  “So am I, sweetheart.” Ty nuzzled her cheek and kissed it. “So am I.”

  “What a screwed-up bunch we are,” Randi said with a sigh. “We should fuck and forget it all.”

  Brian took her hand and tugged, and Ty turned, still holding her up with a big palm on each ass cheek. “Come on,” Brian said. “Bedroom.”

  “Ty has a big bed,” Randi said, squirming in his arms a little until she could press her pussy up against Ty’s tight abs. “Mmm,” she said in satisfaction. “We’re all going to fit.”

  “We’re all going to fit in lots of ways and lots of places,” Brian agreed. “The bed is a good start.”

  Randi gripped Brian’s hand while she rested her cheek on Ty’s shoulder. She took a deep breath, loving the smell of him almost as much as the feel of him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered to him. “I’m sorry I said those things. You know: that you were a good time, but I never meant for us to last more than one night. Although that’s true. I never thought you’d want more than one night.”

  “Brian told me what you said, about being out of my league,” Ty said, climbing the stairs to his bedroom with her in his arms. He wasn’t even breathing hard. She might as well have been a bag of fluff, for all the effort it took for him. “You are out of my league. But I’m the one who’s not good enough.”

  “You’re crazy,” she said. “You’re gorgeous and talented and dream-boyfriend material. Trust me on this.”

  “But not your dream?” he asked. He set her on her feet in the doorway to his bedroom. Brian was still holding her hand, but he wasn’t saying anything. This was between her and Ty, because she’d said those things to him, and about him.

  “Yes,” she admitted reluctantly. “If I let myself dream about that stuff. But I don’t. I’ve been on my own for a long time. I don’t need a man, a boyfriend, or a husband to make my life easier. That’s not who I am.”

  “I’m not sure what you’re afraid of more,” Ty said. “My leaving you, or trusting someone to take care of you.”

  “Both are terrifying prospects,” she said, and she meant it. “I’ve been passed around a lot, Ty. When I was little, and when I got to be a big girl. So I made sure that I was the one who asked for it, I was the one who moved on to the next guy. I’ve never needed anyone. I can’t change my stripes.”

  “I need you,” Ty said. She swallowed, biting her lip to keep from telling him that that was what she wanted to hear. She didn’t want to be needy, or clingy, or any of those things. But damn, having a man like Ty stand there and tell her that pushed all her buttons. She felt Brian squeeze her hand and turned to him.

  “I need you, too,” he said.

  “Why?” she asked in genuine bewilderment. “I mean, you have each other now, right? Isn’t that the dream for you two, the reunion years in the making? Why do you want me in the middle of that? I feel like I’m coming between you, keeping you apart.”

  “You’re not, not at all. That’s the way we like it,” Brian said. “You know that Ty and I love each other, we have for a long time. But even when we were first discovering each other we were searching for someone to share that with, a woman who wanted both of us.”

  “Sounds like you found a lot of those back in the day,” Randi observed. She was a little jealous of those women from their past, who got to share them when they were just learning how to do that sort of thing.

  “Not really,” Ty said, walking over
to the bed and sitting down. “We found women who wanted me, the quarterback, and we found women who wanted the kink of a threesome with us. We became notorious for our bedroom kink. And after a while, we found women who wanted what Brian brings to the table, that sort of domineering, take-charge thing he does that’s so fucking sexy.”

  “Amen,” Randi said under her breath, and Ty grinned.

  “But the thing is, we never found a woman who wanted us long-term,” Ty told her. “I’ve never found anyone who wanted me long-term except Brian. Oh, for the money and the ride, sure. But I mean a meaningful relationship. And after a while, the sex and the ride with no real emotion got old. Maybe it makes me a freak, but I want the emotion, Randi. Can you handle that?”

  “I’m here, aren’t I?’ she said. Ty and Brian just kept staring at her. “Not enough, huh? You want me to spill my guts? Fine.” She took a deep breath. “I think I’m ready to try the relationship thing. Maybe not the L-word, but the ‘let’s only fuck each other and send text messages fifty times a day’ kind of romantic crap that everyone gushes about.”

  “Well that’s romantic,” Brian said. “With both of us?” he asked quietly. “We come as a pair, you know. That’s double the L-words and text messages.”

  Ty nodded. “That’s right. I want you to be a part of us, Randi.”

  She nervously licked her lips and looked around Ty’s bedroom. She’d been here before, when it was just her and Ty. That seemed a lifetime ago. Was there really a time Brian wasn’t with them? It seemed impossible. “No L-words. I thought tonight was about sex?”

  “No.” Ty’s voice was firm. “It’s about more than that and you know it. You knew it when you decided to get in your car and come speeding over here.”

  “Okay,” she said, exasperated. “All right. I get it.” She sighed, pretending she was annoyed, but the truth was that she was excited and nervous, and all those things she’d always wanted to feel with a guy but never had. “I’m trying to wrap my head around this.” She walked over and plopped down on the end of the bed beside Ty. “I think the reason I’m ready to…you know…” She waved her hand impatiently.

  “Try to love someone?” Ty suggested.

  “Trust someone?” Brian tried.

  “I was thinking more along the lines of ‘be exclusive,’ ” she said. “It’s because it’s two for one.”

  “What?” Ty asked, confused.

  “Because it’s not just one guy,” she said. “Jeez, this confession shit is hard.” She licked her lips. “There’s less pressure with two of you,” she said. “I’m not solely responsible for your sexual and emotional well-being.” She pointed to them. “You two have each other and me. And in the same way, I have two of you to count on and not one. One makes me nervous. I’m not a good prospect. I’m too independent. Too selfish. Too distrustful. Too everything.”

  Brian was smiling behind his hand. “I see,” he finally said. “So in the complete reverse of what a normal person would think, having two men in your bed is less pressure?”

  “Exactly,” she said. “You get it.”

  “We get you,” Ty said. “You know that stuff you told Brian, about being crazy and a slut and all that? Well, those are the things we like most about you. You know that, right? And your body.”

  “And the hair,” Brian added, coming over and sitting down on her other side. “Don’t forget the hair. And the freckles.”

  “Well, it didn’t hurt your sales pitch that you two are pretty easy on the eyes, too,” Randi said. “I’m no saint. I can only resist two gorgeous guys who want to do me bad for so long.”

  “So we’re going to give this a try?” Brian said, taking her hand and kissing her fingertips.

  “It’s crazy and it’s never going to work,” Randi said. “But, yeah, I’m willing to give it a shot.”

  “It is crazy,” Ty said. “Can you believe we’ve only known one another for a week?”

  “What?” Randi said. “No way.” She counted on her fingers. “Shit. That’s right. And we spent half of it apart.”

  “When it’s right, it’s right,” Brian said. “You just know.”

  Randi held up a hand in a Stop gesture. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We’re going to try this thing. I’m not booking the church or anything like that. Like Ty said, we’ve known each other for a week. We know the sex is great. Right?” Ty and Brian nodded. “Let’s leave it at that for now. Let’s agree to have fun and enjoy what we’ve got right now before we jump the broom.”

  She wasn’t going to get her hopes up. She knew she was impossible to live with. That was why she lived alone. “Look,” she explained, feeling the need to be perfectly honest with them. She had some vague idea that was what you were supposed to do in relationships. “I’m a slob, and inconsiderate. I can’t cook, I hate laundry, I never call when I’m going to be late, and I hate mornings. One of those can tank a relationship. I have a list of guaranteed relationship failures.”

  “I’m insecure,” Ty said. “I try too hard to please other people and end up looking like an indecisive wimp. I have a criminal record—drug charges. I suppose as a cop you should know that. I can’t cook either. And I don’t even know how the washing machine works. I send my underwear out to be cleaned, that’s how sad I am. Also, I think my mother is moving to Birmingham.”

  “Whoa,” Randi said, scooting closer to Brian. “Your mother. Shit.”

  “I tend to be a little too controlling,” Brian said. Ty and Randi both snorted with laughter at that confession. “It’s true,” Brian said. “You’re going to have to be patient with me. I’m learning to let go and let other people make their own decisions. It’s hard.” He looked past Randi to Ty. “You were right. Which brings me to my next major flaw, and that’s my problem with admitting I was wrong. Ever.”

  “But you can cook,” Randi said. “Big plus.”

  “And do laundry,” Ty added.

  “I’m teaching you both how to do those things,” Brian said sternly. “I’m not going to play Cinderella for you guys.” He looked at Randi. “I’m apologizing now for the fact that I’m a morning person. I think we should get it all on the table now. And a health-food nut.”

  “Well, shit,” Randi said, disgruntled. “Now you have to let me see your big dick so I can get past all that.”

  Brian rolled on top of her, forcing her down on the mattress, and she squealed. “I love that sound,” he said, laughing. “I love that we can make you squeal like a girl.”

  “About that dick,” she said, biting his earlobe.

  “First,” Ty said. “You have to lose the Nikes. Please tell me your toenails are painted. Because I love that.”

  “Pink,” she said, popping her lips with the P, staring right into Brian’s eyes. “To match the nightie. And my pussy.”

  “Sweet,” Ty said as he tugged off one shoe and then the other.

  “You’re such a dirty girl,” Brian whispered. “And boy, am I glad.”

  Chapter 23

  Brian had no problem letting Ty tug off his shorts to show Randi his dick. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back onto the mattress, biting his lip as Randi licked a line from his balls to the top of his dick.

  “Damn,” she whispered. “You have a porn-star cock.”

  “Watch a lot of porn?” Ty asked, stripping his shorts off beside the bed. Brian watched him get naked and felt a jolt in his midsection at the knowledge that Ty was his at last. Well, his and Randi’s.

  “I can do anything to you I want,” Brian said roughly. Ty froze with one knee on the bed and met Brian’s gaze with a scorching look.

  “Yes, you can,” Ty said. “Anything.”

  “Holy crap,” Randi said, breathless. Brian looked down at her kneeling there between his legs. She was watching them, her hand wrapped around his cock tightly. “That is so fucking hot.” Her tits were spilling out of that little pink nightie.

  “You are so fucking hot,” he told her. “Suck me.” He looked at Ty. �
��Both of you.”

  Ty didn’t answer, just leaned over and took the head of Brian’s cock in his mouth while Randi held it. Brian groaned and his back arched off the bed.

  “Shit, shit, shit,” Randi said softly. “I’m going to come like a billion times tonight. Just an FYI.”

  Brian laughed breathlessly. “Yes, you are,” he agreed. “We’re going to see to it.”

  “I like how thorough you are,” Randi said. “But you’re going to come first.” She leaned down and lightly sucked on the side of his cock, right below Ty’s lips. The sight of the two heads bent over his cock—Ty’s blond curls and Randi’s copper ones—was extremely erotic, and Brian felt his cock pulse as it grew harder. He reached down and placed one hand on each of their heads, holding them down.

  “I’m going to come pretty damn fast,” he said, “with the two of you working my cock.”

  “I want to watch you come in Ty’s mouth,” Randi said and Ty groaned, sliding his lips farther down Brian’s cock.

  “You heard the lady,” Brian said gruffly. “Make me come.”

  If he thought Randi was going to sit back and let Ty have all the fun he was badly mistaken. She tucked her face in between his legs and sucked on his balls, and he shouted her name. Ty chose that moment to take him deep, until he felt the back of Ty’s throat against the tip of his cock. Ty swallowed and he slipped in a little farther, pushing past the resistance. Randi pressed her nose to Ty’s cheek and then kissed it.

  “That’s so awesome,” she whispered. “Damn, you’re good at sucking cock.”

  Brian thrust his hips up and fucked Ty’s mouth. Ty groaned, and the vibration was pure torture on his engorged cock. When Ty pulled his mouth down Brian’s cock and sucked the end, Randi leaned in and licked the exposed length. The two of them began to torture him with a slow, steady, back-and-forth rhythm. In just a few minutes they had Brian grabbing the sheets in tight fists and groaning out loud as his hips lifted high off the bed, chasing the wet heat of their mouths and tongues. He wanted to make it last, but he knew he couldn’t. It felt too damn incredible. And he wanted to get to the next part, where he got to watch Ty and Randi fuck. Just the thought cranked his arousal up to eleven. When Randi palmed his balls and rolled them with her fingers, then pressed one finger against his perineum, Brian was done. “Fuck, yeah,” he choked out, and then he cried out as he came hard in Ty’s throat. Ty swallowed around him and Brian shook while the pulse of his orgasm pounded in his temples.


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