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The Choice (Doms of Her Life: Heavenly Rising Book 1)

Page 43

by Shayla Black

  “I have to think so or she would have been able to pay her rent in the way Sanchez wanted.”

  Seth gave him a slow nod, his thoughts turning. “You’re saying our little innocent has fantasies with an edge?”

  “Oh, yeah. I think under that sweet exterior is a very dirty girl. Images of subs being controlled, overpowered, and coerced had her creaming her little panties. But it would have to be with someone she trusted absolutely.”

  “Well, I’ll be damned.” He rubbed his hands together. “No problem. A sub at Graffiti often hit me up for that kind of edge play. I’m happy to accommodate.”

  Beck looked a little less thrilled. “You get off on consensual non-consent?”

  “I’m not opposed to it. If it’s what Heavenly wants and we negotiate well in advance, why not? You’re not judging me, are you, sadist?”

  “No.” But something on Beck’s face closed up. “The question that keeps turning around in my head is, she wanted nothing to do with Sanchez for obvious reasons. But River? She offered herself to him. Granted, to retain control of her body. But I keep wondering, would she have gone through with it if he had said yes?”

  Seth paused for a pair of reasons. First, Beck’s subject change was too abrupt not to notice. Second, he asked a really good question. “Maybe, since her back was against a wall. But my gut feeling…no. My sister-in-law is always telling me that most women aren’t built for meaningless sex like men.”

  Which was why Maggie had often called him a manwhore and chastised him for never bothering with things like dating or girlfriends. He’d been about the hookup for years. Wouldn’t she cheer and clap now if she could see exactly how hard he’d fallen?

  “Um, I think maybe we know different women.” Beck frowned.

  “Well, Maggie has Heavenly’s sweet sort of disposition. I think it’s entirely possible our girl will only truly respond to men she loves. And somewhere in her heart, whether she wants to admit it or not, I think she does.”

  Beck nodded. “We’ve got a place to start, then.”

  “Yeah.” An idea turned itself over in his head. It was ruthless…but it was brilliant. “Maggie also says that the more love you make to a woman, the more she loves you back.”

  “You’re saying that if we want to pluck on her heartstrings, we need to, um, pluck her body?”

  “Yep.” Seth sipped his coffee, not even caring that it had gone lukewarm. “Probably a lot.”

  A big smile spread across Beck’s face. “When the hell can we start?”

  “The sooner the better. Wine and a nice dinner, kisses, a few sweet words—”

  “And some rope.”

  Seth chuckled. “Definitely rope. But we gently seduce her and…see what happens.”

  A slow smile spread across Beck’s face. “Count me in.”

  Heavenly had no idea what time it was when she rolled over with a gasp. Her dad! He must need her. But she realized she lay in a big, fluffy bed, and she remembered that, for once, he didn’t need her before her feet even hit the floor. The staff at the hospital were undoubtedly taking good care of him.

  She sighed with relief, rolled over, and stared at the digital blue numbers on the nightstand clock. One in the afternoon? Oh, goodness. Granted, she hadn’t fallen asleep until nearly five this morning. But she couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept anything close to eight hours.

  She groped the bed around her. The covers on both sides were cold. Beck and Seth were long gone now, but their deep breathing and soft snoring had lulled her to sleep almost instantly. Whenever she’d awakened, the sense of security and belonging she felt with them had tugged her toward slumber again and again.

  Last night, they’d taken care of her utterly. It went against her independent streak, and she intended to get on her own two feet quickly…but she couldn’t deny how much she appreciated everything they’d done for her. And how much she loved them for it.

  Sliding out of bed, she listened through the door for the sounds of them in the kitchen. Silence. Frowning, she quickly brushed her teeth, washed her face, and re-braided her hair. After a swipe of lip gloss, a sweep of mascara, and a change of clothes, she was ready to face them and the day. She’d give anything to spend today with Seth and Beck. Not only did they have a lot to talk about, but she yearned to be with them. She shouldn’t. It wasn’t fair since they wanted a future she wasn’t ready for…but that didn’t stop her heart from wishing they could find common ground.

  Thoughts racing, she stepped into the kitchen and stared out the sliding glass door with a gasp. The Pacific lazed in its shimmering blue perfection for as far as the eye could see. The sight was stunning, but what really caught her attention were Beck and Seth lounging in chairs on the balcony, seeming to share an easy conversation.

  When had they started getting along? They had pulled terrible pranks on each other…then suddenly they’d been confronting her together about her admittedly stupid plan to use River. Heavenly felt more than vaguely ashamed about that now. Not long after that, they had raced her to the hospital, held her hand, helped her father, beat the snot out of her landlord, and brought her to safety—all without a single argument.

  Because the situation had been too harrowing for squabbles? Or because something had changed?

  With a mixture of anticipation and dread, she pulled the balcony door open. They both swiveled in her direction.

  “Morning, guys.”

  “Morning.” Beck stood. “Coffee?”

  “Breakfast?” Seth offered.

  “I can get it. Have you two eaten? I don’t mind cooking. You did it last night. Then, if you don’t mind, I’d like to go see my dad.”

  “Sure. I can take you. I need to make rounds anyway.” Beck gestured her inside. “But I talked to the staff this morning. He rested comfortably last night and seems to be in good humor.”

  “That’s a relief. Thanks.”

  “I’ll go with you.” Seth set his big palm between her shoulders. “I’d like to make sure your dad is all right, too.”

  That simple touch shouldn’t affect her so much. But everything these two did made her fluttery and giddy and achy.

  Get your mind out of your panties. There’s way too much going on now to think about their kisses and caresses…and where those might lead.

  “That would be great. Then, unfortunately, I have to be to work at five. I’m there until close and clean-up are done.”

  “We’ll drop you off and pick you up,” Seth said, his tone firm with steel.

  That would be a problem since they didn’t actually know where she waited tables. She’d never wanted the humiliation of them knowing she flashed ninety percent of her body to strangers for tips. Now…well, she had the feeling they wouldn’t be pleased if they found out.

  “I can take the bus.”

  “You’re done taking the bus, Heavenly.” Beck leveled a glare at her that brooked no argument.

  She closed her eyes. Since she had to keep this job—none of the alternatives tipped half so well—she was going to have to lie. Dang it. She’d rather not. At least there was a kids’ pizza place about half a mile from Bazookas. She’d have them drop her off there and walk down the road. They would feel better about everything, and she would be fine.

  “All right. Thank you.”

  Quickly, Heavenly tossed together some pancakes and bacon. It was a huge treat to cook in a kitchen stocked full of food and new appliances. She hummed as she chopped cantaloupe, aware of Beck and Seth watching her intently. She could only imagine what they were thinking after everything that had happened last night.

  When she set the food on the table, Seth helped her into her chair. It was second nature to grab their plates and serve them. She’d been doing it for her father for years.

  When she realized her faux pas, she set Beck’s plate down with a grimace. “I’m sorry. Habit.”

  Seth didn’t mind. He was already digging in with a moan.

  “Don’t apologize.” In f
act, something in Beck’s smile said he liked it a lot.

  Seth nodded, almost the same little grin playing at his mouth.

  Sometimes she didn’t understand these men…

  After putting a few bites into her belly, she sipped her orange juice and blew out a breath. “I know I owe you a lot of explanations.”

  Neither said a word, but their expressions were rife with silent agreement.

  “I don’t even know where to start. I didn’t tell you anything because…”

  “It wasn’t our problem,” Seth finished for her. “We’ve heard this. There’s more to it.”

  “There is.” She swallowed. “I could give you a lot of excuses, but the truth is, my mom left as soon as she found out my dad was sick and not going to get any better. She took half of their savings, the car, and everything out of her closet one Sunday afternoon. Then she left. I remember I was studying for a history test when she came into my room and…” Her throat tightened and her nose stung. Damn it, she didn’t want to cry. It had happened a long time ago, and she should be over her mother’s crap now. “She didn’t even hug me, just said she hadn’t signed up for life with an invalid. That she and Dad had taken care of me for fifteen years and I could return the favor.” She bit her lip to hold in tears she didn’t want to spill. “I was shocked. Then confused. Over the next few months, I became angry.”

  “Of course you did.” Seth’s face was full of pity, the same sort mirrored on Beck’s.

  “I never heard from her again. To this day, I have no idea where she is.”

  The two men exchanged a glance, then Beck took her hand. “And your mom taught you that people don’t stay, so you tried to get rid of us before we could walk away from you.”

  “No.” She shook her head as she gathered her thoughts. “Mom taught me that when you give people your problems, they disappear.”

  “Oh, Christ.” Seth set his fork down and reached for her other hand. “That’s why you kept everything to yourself? Angel, neither of us is leaving. You need us, and we’re going to be here for you.”

  “Whatever problems you have, we’re going to help you,” Beck assured.

  She withdrew her hands from theirs. “I appreciate the help. I really do—”

  “There better not be a ‘but’ in that speech of yours.” He raised a brow at her.

  Seth looked equally displeased by the notion.

  “Thanks, but I don’t want a handout. I needed help with my father. I admit. His meds, coupled with the rent, got too expensive for me to keep up with and—”

  “We know. I’m taking care of your fall tuition in the morning,” Seth cut in. “There’s no way you’re not going to school come September.”

  “I’ll pay you back.”

  He shook his head. “If you’re able to pay for your schooling next spring, great. If not, you and I will figure something out.”

  That would be a huge load off her shoulders. Taking from Seth made her feel more than a little guilty, but she couldn’t afford to skip school and put her future on hold indefinitely. “Thank you.”

  He acknowledged her with a nod, then she turned to Beck. “I’ll move out of your condo as soon as I can find somewhere—”


  “I can’t do that.”

  “You won’t be in my personal space. My house is ten miles away. This is just a place to crash when I’m too tired to make the drive home.”

  “It’s still too much to accept.” She shook her head. “I can’t freeload.”

  “You are so infuriating.” Beck gritted his teeth. “All right. I’ll rent it to you for ten dollars a month. Does that make you feel better?”

  Heavenly gaped at him. “If you take less than three thousand a month, you’re crazy.”

  “It’s my condo to do with as I wish. So if I want you to have it for ten bucks, that’s my right. All you have to do is say yes. C’mon. Make us feel better, would you? We don’t like worrying about your safety, and that shithole you lived in…”

  “I’m going to be seeing it in my nightmares for a long time. You don’t need another Sanchez to deal with,” Seth insisted. “Say yes.”

  “Why are you doing this? Any of this?” She gave up on food and pushed her plate away. “I already told you that I don’t know what I want my future to look like, but I’m not ready for anything serious. I’m not even ready to choose between you and—”

  “You don’t have to,” Seth said. “We are willing to just…date you. Together.”

  She reared back, stared. “You mean the way Raine is with both Liam and Hammer?”

  “Yes,” Beck supplied. “You don’t have to choose before you’re ready, and we mean that this time. We’re not going to fight or escalate the pranks. We just want you to keep an open mind and an open heart, to accept both of us in your life…and see where it leads.”

  Heavenly blinked. She wasn’t sure whether shock or excitement won out. They were offering her not just a solution to most of her problems but her fantasy. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say yes,” Beck pressed. “You can stay here while your dad gets better. You’ll be safe while you focus on school and figure out your feelings for us.”

  She wanted to agree so badly… “The arrangement seems awfully one-sided. You’re giving me so much and—”

  “You’ll get what you need. We’ll get what we want. Win-win for everyone,” Seth added.

  “All right.” A tremulous smile spread across her lips. “I feel like I’m taking advantage of you when I can’t give you any assurances for the future, but if you’re willing to see what happens, I’m willing to try.” She reached for their hands again. “It hurt me to walk away from you, and living without you both has been awful.”

  She glanced between them. Something told her they were inclined to pull her into their laps and kiss her. Instead, Seth pushed her plate in front of her again. “Eat. If you’re going to be on your feet all evening, I want to make sure you’ve had enough food.”

  Beck gave her a considering glance. “I don’t suppose you’d consider quitting so you can concentrate on school and we can spend more time with you?”

  Heavenly had been employed since the day she turned sixteen. She needed the income. She certainly didn’t expect Beck and Seth to support her. “I can’t.”

  “Of course.” He sighed heavily. “Dig in.”

  A few more silent minutes passed. She finished another pancake. Seth started the dishes. Beck took a call from the hospital about one of his patients. The scene was surprisingly domestic, almost comfortable. The fact that she liked having them so close confused Heavenly. She didn’t want a future full of commitments or responsibilities…but she was loath to think of being without them.

  Not sure what to make of that, she helped with the clean-up, then packed herself a sandwich for dinner tonight. Beck helped her find a cooler for her food. Then they were heading to the hospital. She was anxious to see her father. Of course, he was in good hands, but she’d feel so much better once she laid eyes on him. And he would probably feel better once she assured him she was all right.

  When they walked into his room, she was surprised to find him sitting up and surprisingly alert. His color looked almost vital. He was even full of smiles.

  “Hi, boo.”

  “Dad.” She rushed to take his hands. “You look great.”

  “I feel strong. Dr. Litchfield and I had a long chat this morning. Nice man. He adjusted my meds. He said my condition may be up and down for a bit while he tries to stabilize my immune system, but today feels better.”

  “That’s fantastic news!”

  He looked past her and set eyes on Beck and Seth. “Dr. Beckman. Mr. Cooper.”

  The speculation in his stare made her squirm. Now that he wasn’t half asleep, he was wondering what these two men had done to his little girl last night. Nothing, and she knew that. But that didn’t mean they hadn’t touched her in the past…or that they wouldn’t touch her in the future.
Heavenly didn’t mean to, but she blushed to the roots of her hair.

  “Just Seth.” He shook his head as he came forward to shake her father’s hand, then settled himself beside her, resting a casual arm around her shoulders.

  “You can call me Beck,” the doctor invited with a manufactured smile as he took her hand in his and brought it to her lips.

  Heavenly froze. They were declaring themselves to her father without saying a word. They met her subtle attempt to work free from their grip with an implacable hold. Short of making a scene, she was stuck between them.

  “I want to assure you, Abel, that I’m going to—”

  “We,” Seth cut in, motioning between him and Beck. “We’re going to.”

  She wished she could close her eyes and escape. Or put a stop to this. What must her father be thinking?

  “Yes,” Beck corrected. “Seth and I have had a conversation, and we’ve decided it’s in everyone’s best interest if we both take care of Heavenly. We’ll make sure she eats well, has a safe place to live, a quiet space to study, and can focus on her future. She’ll be well looked after and well cared for.”

  Why hadn’t they just shouted the fact they intended to take her to bed together? “Guys…”

  “I see.” Dad pinned the men with a knowing stare. “I’d like to speak to my daughter alone.”

  “Of course.” Seth pressed a kiss to her temple, then he stepped out of the room.

  Beck squeezed her hand. “We’ll be outside if you need us.”

  “Shut the door.” Her voice shook.

  Dad might be sick and weak, but he was still her father and he was going to flex his parental muscle.

  As soon as the door snicked shut, he motioned her closer.

  She approached on trepidatious steps. “Dad…”

  “Do you know what you’re doing?”

  Not really. “I’m fine.”

  “Do you know what they want from you?”

  When her dad studied her with that shocked expression, she didn’t know what to say. She didn’t want to lie to him, but she didn’t want to give him a heart attack. “I do.”

  “Baby, you don’t have to…let them pervert you—”


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