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Melodic Madness

Page 2

by Natalie Bennett

“Catalina?” she replied questioningly, her tone going from joyous to concerned.

  Yes. This is what I needed. My mother was overbearing and majority of the time too much for me to handle, but there were instances where I could count on her. I hoped this would be one of them.

  “Mom…I need you to help get me home,” I said softly, glancing over my shoulder to check for Alaric.

  There wasn’t a reply.

  It was so quiet I thought we might have gotten disconnected.

  I pulled my phone away from my ear to check, seeing the timer for the call was still ticking away.


  “Kitten, are you sure now is good for you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “My dear, you can come to visit me anytime you’d like but right now I think you should stay and let Alaric help you get better. Get yourself back on track.”

  What was she talking about? Even for her, this was not the reaction I thought it would be nor one I would have ever imagined.

  “Visit you? I want to go home to my house, mother. And what do you mean get better? There isn’t anything wrong with me.”

  A defeated sigh blasted through my speaker.

  “Kitten. As much as I would love to step in, I think Alaric is the best thing for you right now.”


  Why did everything circle back to my sister’s widow? The dangerous, enigma of a man that had openly divulged he’d been giving me some experimental drug. Did I tell her this? Would she even believe me? By the way, this conversation was going I had high reason to doubt that she would.

  “Alaric cannot help me,” I settled with.

  “Of course, he can. The man is a brilliant doctor.”

  “He’s not a real fucking doctor!”

  Her sharp intake of breath was the last thing I heard before I disconnected the call. I fought against the urge to throw my phone and keep my breathing level.

  She wasn’t going to help me.

  It was foolish of me to think for one second that she would.

  While I was sure my mother cared about me in a sad maternal way, when she had an objective of her own, I tended to become the cannon fodder. She’d wanted me with Alaric from the beginning. More than likely before I ever knew he existed.

  I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around myself, inhaling deeply, getting a chest full of the briny sea scent I had been longing for. When I reopened them, I stared longingly at the endless expanse of sparkling blue sitting just beyond Alaric’s private sandy cove.

  How nice it would be if I could start walking and not stop until I made it to the middle of the ocean where no one could bother me? I wouldn’t have to be concerned with the world and its overbearing pressures any longer. No one would ever question my mental health or force their wills upon me.

  I remained like this for a minute or so trying to figure out what I should do now. I suppose I needed to start with putting some actual clothes on. There wasn’t much security in only a robe.

  I uncrossed my arms and started to turn around, faltering when I saw Alaric standing a mere few feet away.


  It’s funny how what you find attractive about someone can be the very things you eventually come to despise them for.

  Alaric was always put together. He had the art of masking his thoughts and feelings with an inscrutable mask well beyond mastered. Today was no exception. Pretty brown locks perfectly tampered, stubble freshly shaven, and golden skin practically glowing, I both loved and loathed how gorgeous he was.

  His exterior was the cruelest kind of bait and switch. Alaric was like a precious, shiny cursed jewel. You desperately wanted to possess it but the moment you held it within the palm of your hand you’d be damned. The only viable solution would be tossing it inside a deep dark tomb where it could be buried and forgotten. For me, it was too late. I not only held this minacious gem close to my heart, but the effects of its curse were slowly taking root.

  With his hands resting loosely in the pockets of his black slacks, he regarded me without comment. I’d been so caught up in my thoughts I hadn’t heard him come out. How much of my conversation did he hear?

  I reached down and tugged my robe’s sash to draw it even tighter. It was an unnecessary action warranted by me needing to do something other than simply stand here.

  Arms crossing over my chest, I gathered my wits and held his eye.

  “We need to talk.”

  “We do, but you need to eat something first.” He turned and stepped into the great room. When he looked back, his eyes beckoned me with a silent command.


  I didn’t want to follow him, but I needed to get back inside his house. I had every intention of leaving this place. I couldn’t do that practically naked with no cash or identification. I followed my previous path and re-entered the house, sidling by Alaric’s solid form.

  I kept walking until I got to the kitchen. He stayed right on my heels. His overwhelming proximity caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand at attention. I walked a bit faster trying not to make it obvious I was doing so.

  A soft burst of laughter told me that I failed in being discreet. I claimed one of the stools by the island to put some immediate space between us.

  He made his way to the fridge and began pulling out a variety of fresh fruit and a carton of low-fat yogurt. I watched him closely, closer than I should’ve. The muscles in his back contracted when he reached for one of the round glasses he kept stored in an upper cabinet. The movement caused his deep grey button-down to draw flush with his back.

  “You don’t think I’m a real doctor?” he asked, setting the glass aside and retrieving a knife and spoon from a drawer. His tone came across as genuinely curious, but I didn’t trust that for one second. I put my phone down and sat up taller.

  “Did you know that it’s considered rude to eavesdrop?”

  “You were having a discussion on our back patio where anyone within reasonable distance could hear. I was simply stepping out for some fresh air. That doesn’t constitute as eavesdropping.”

  He glanced over his shoulder just long enough to flash a smile that made his dimple pop. I wanted to argue but he made a valid point, aside from one thing.


  “Yes,” he replied matter-of-factly.

  I slowly shook my head from side to side as if it would reset my thought process and keep me focused on the real problem at hand. Before he could succeed in leading me astray with his words, I dredged up the courage to ask what I needed to know. Well, one of the many things. The ‘cocktail’ was at the forefront of my mind, but I wasn’t sure how to bring that up yet.

  “Why is Chloe’s number missing from my phone? And why can’t I get hold of her?”

  He finished with what he was piecing together and finally turned around. In the glass, he’d retrieved was a delicious mixture of citrus fruits in the form of a parfait. It was sat before me with a new spoon and a napkin for me to wipe my mouth.

  “You didn’t have to--.”

  “If you don’t believe that I’m a real doctor, a simple internet search would suffice. If that isn’t good enough, I can show you, my certificates. Although, by now, you should be aware of who I am.”

  The last part of his statement gave me pause. It could be taken as nothing or the reminder I was assuming it to be. I’d already done a search on him before I arrived at his doorstep, and it had confirmed he was who he claimed to be. What I’d meant was, he wasn’t the kind of doctor I needed. Alaric was not a shrink or psychologist.

  A piece of conversation from the night prior flashed through my mind.

  He vehemently assured me that I didn’t need any prescriptions or therapists.

  I only needed him.

  But I knew better.

  He wouldn’t reinforce the fragile barricade protecting my last bits of sanity—he’d destroy it.

  I scooped up a spoonful of the parfait and took a bite, savoring the ta
ste of all the fruits and yogurt, now realizing I had been hungry. He remained silent, waiting on an answer I didn’t have. The words were spoken in anger and taken completely out of context.

  “That wasn’t what I meant.”

  “He’s not a real fucking doctor,” he repeated my words back to me. “Do you plan on explaining what you did mean then?”

  His tone continued to convey nothing more than curiosity, but snakes also had forked tongues, and that never boded well for their chosen prey.

  “Alaric, there’s a lot we need to talk about. This should be at the very bottom of that priority list.”

  I took another bite, looking anywhere but at the man staring me down. He placed his hands flat on the island, using it to brace himself.

  “Have you forgotten how good of a listener I am? You can always talk to me, Cat. What’s wrong?”

  I tightened my grip on the spoon to keep myself from launching it and the whole glass of parfait at his perfect goddamn face. What was wrong? That couldn’t be a real question.

  “I asked you about Chloe…”

  His eyes slightly narrowed, contemplating me with a look I couldn’t decipher. “I heard you first the time. But why are you asking me? This is the first time you’ve ever mentioned this person.”

  I placed my spoon down and stared at him.

  I think he may have been telling the truth. I tried to recall having a conversation with him where Chloe was mentioned and couldn’t think of one.

  Still, though.

  “There’s no one else here, Alaric. This was done by either you or me. I know it wasn’t me. That only leaves you.”

  He straightened and took a step back. “So, now you’re openly accusing me? A moment ago, it sounded like you weren’t sure.”

  “I never said I wasn’t--.”

  “And we’re not the only ones here.”

  A scoff slipped from my mouth. Surely, he wasn’t referring to Demitri. Even if he did do it, it would only have been done so at Alaric’s command.

  “Demitri would never do anything like that,” he tacked on as if reading my mind.

  “None of us did it. The phone has a mind of its own,” I deadpanned.

  “While I can appreciate your attempt at sarcasm, have you tried messaging her through one of the other apps and asking what’s going on?”

  I placed my hands in my lap and found a speck of granite to focus on. Why hadn’t I thought of this myself? Unable to meet his eye, I picked up my phone and navigated to the messenger app that was linked to my social media profile. Chloe and I only spoke this way occasionally, but our conversation box should’ve been at the very top, right above my sisters.

  It was gone…

  Both chats were.

  Was this a glitch? I checked my phone’s 4G and then forced closed the app, immediately reopening it again. Nothing. The messages were still nowhere to be seen. I could feel Alaric watching me, but he remained silent.

  I angled my body to the side, lifting my phone higher so he couldn’t see the screen. Going into the main app, I typed Chloe’s name into the search bar. The results loaded showing a few profiles with the same name, none of them hers.

  I tried Meg’s too, but nothing came up this time.

  “This makes no sense…” I mumbled.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “How did you…” I trailed off, shooting him a glance.

  I was going to question how he managed to remove Chloe’s entire profile, but the simple fact of the matter was, he couldn’t. Only Chloe could do that, right? But Meg’s was gone too and my sister was dead. Someone else would have had to remove hers. I couldn’t outright say the same person had somehow done both, but the situation was far too similar for me to declare it a simple coincidence.

  “I don’t understand…” I rubbed the back of my neck and hit the home button.

  “Catalina,” Alaric called softly to get my attention.

  I lifted my eyes to him, searching for a hint or clue as to what was going on. As expected, he gave nothing away. Whatever was going on, I was missing some particularly important pieces of a complex puzzle. Trying to decipher the picture wasn’t a feasible option anymore, not while I was beneath Alaric’s roof. The best thing I could do for myself was get home.

  “It’s nothing. Forget I said anything.”

  “It’s not nothing. Somethings bothering you.” He began to make his way around the island.

  I jumped up. The force of my sudden movement nearly knocked over his bar stool. Like an animal of prey fearing, it would be devoured by the predator, I knew I couldn’t let him come any closer.

  “Excuse me.”

  I rushed from the kitchen not bothering to check what his reaction was. Taking the stairs two at a time, I pulled up the app store in search of rideshare applications. I needed an Uber or a Lyft. I would settle for a taxi triple the price if it meant getting me out of here.

  I hit download on a few just as I flung the guest room door open. What I saw left me bewildered. It was perfectly made up—clean to the point of appearing clinical. It didn’t look as if anyone had been making temporary use of it the past few days.

  Where were all my things? I scanned every inch of the floor and all four corners not seeing a single item that belonged to me. The click-clack of Alaric’s dress shoes on the stairs had my legs propelling me further into the room. I quickly checked both the closet and the bathroom. These too were immaculate.

  I hadn’t come here with anything more than a lone suitcase. It wouldn’t be that hard to stash or hide it somewhere.

  “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

  I closed my eyes and took a quick breath before turning to face him.

  “I’m going home.”

  “You’re going home?” he repeated back slowly as if he couldn’t comprehend the meaning of my words.

  “Yeah, as in I’m leaving. Unless you’re intending to keep me held here like a hostage?”

  “Is that rhetoric? Do you want me to gag and bind you?” he teased.

  “That’s not funny.”

  “You’re right,” he nodded. “I’m sorry. Okay. How exactly are you planning on leaving?”

  “Does it matter? It doesn’t have anything to do with you.”

  His perfectly sculpted brows slightly lifted, an ill-amused half-smile graced his mouth. “You’re staying in my house based on my request. My bank provided the funds for you to get here--.”

  “I can pay you back. I’ll even add interest,” I rushed out.

  While my account wasn’t remotely in the range of his, I would scrape together every nickel and dime I had to clear away any debt he felt I owed if it meant going home.

  His supple lips flattened into a frown. “I don’t give a shit about the money. That’s irrelevant.”


  “I’ve fed you, fucked you, and taken sole responsibility for your well-being. I think you leaving has everything to do with me. How are you getting to where you’re going?”

  “I’m getting a ride now. I just need my things and I can handle the rest.”

  “A ride from who?”

  “I don’t know who, Alaric. Whoever pulls up in the car that’s coming to get me.”

  “You’re going to ride hours away with a stranger?”


  “Cat, are you aware of how far we are from anything else? I like my privacy.”

  I cast my gaze to the far bedroom window as if I could calculate the distance from his home to civilization. I’d forgotten how long it took to get here from the airport. I couldn’t retrace that route from memory. I’d slept for nearly the whole last half of the drive.

  I didn’t understand how that would matter, though. That’s what GPS was for. Unless that wasn’t what he was genuinely concerned about…

  “You don’t have to worry. I won’t ever tell anyone. I just want to go home.”

  He regarded me again with an impassive stare and silence as if I’d said so
mething else he couldn’t understand. That was fine by me. I wasn’t going to make him confess. He hadn’t bothered asking why I was so intent on leaving. That was telling enough, wasn’t it? I knew he didn’t want to let me go at all.

  When he placed himself between my legs and told me I was his, that wasn’t a lust-filled promise. He had meant it. But was keeping me here indefinitely really his plan? I had a niggling suspicion he was purposely delaying my departure.

  After a minute or two of us standing in silence, he sighed and rolled his shoulders. “Okay. Let me see your phone.”

  My fingers flexed, holding the device tighter. “Why?”

  “Don’t you want to get out of here? That’s fine, Cat, but you’re forgetting something.”

  I didn’t like this. I didn’t trust him or myself. The way he was watching me, his calm tone, and perfectly relaxed demeanor. Alarm bells were ringing in the back of my head. He’d behaved this way since the day I met him. Only now, I was aware of what lurked beneath that pristine surface. I also had a tendency for being paranoid. Both were legitimate reasons why I didn’t want to give him my phone.

  “Cat.” He inched forward with cautious steps. “Let me help you,” he coaxed gently.

  “I don’t need your help with anything other than my bag. Where is it?”

  “Your things are in the closet.”

  My brows furrowed. I turned my head and checked inside for a second time without moving from where I was, getting the same result as before. The slight distraction cost me.

  Suddenly in front of me, Alaric easily removed my cellphone from my grasp.

  “What are you doing?”

  I reached for it back. The attempt was easily thwarted by him taking hold of my wrist.

  “I’m helping you.”

  He tapped away on the screen before pocketing the phone in his rear pocket.

  “How is this helping me?” I struggled to break free, wincing when he tightened his grip. “Let go!”

  Doing the opposite of what I demanded, he pulled me closer. If not for the way he was holding onto my arm we would be chest to chest.

  “Do you honestly think I didn’t know you wanted to leave me, Cat? What could possibly have given you the idea I would ever let that happen? Tell me, where did this sporadic and shitty plan come from?”


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