The Oregon Trail

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The Oregon Trail Page 50

by Rinker Buck

  Central California & Pikes Peak Express Company, 186

  Cheyenne Indians, 182, 233, 244

  Child, Andrew, 236


  and castoffs along Oregon Trail, 235

  casualties among, 162–64

  Cayuse Indian, 412

  grandparents as raising, 133–36

  in Marysville, 137–39

  in Oregon, 396, 398

  Stevenson, 295–98

  at Whitman mission, 412

  The Childs Route (Wyoming), 235–36, 243, 244, 251, 254, 256

  Chimney Rock (Nebraska), 5, 56, 109, 115, 182, 191, 216, 229–31, 230

  cholera, 177–81, 183, 212, 214–15, 230, 252, 370

  Church of the Latter-day Saints. See Mormons

  City of the Saints (Burton), 234

  Civil War

  homesteading after the, 343–44

  and Indian wars, 412

  mules in, 34, 35, 42

  Overland Mail route during, 185

  reenactors of, 243, 245

  Rinker’s views about, 413

  wagons/carts in, 44, 71, 72

  Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 168, 344, 345

  Clark, John, 19, 40–41, 160, 180, 280

  Clemens, Orion, 42

  Clemens, Samuel. See Twain, Mark

  Clergy and Laity Concerned, 240

  Clyde (Oregon cowboy), 381

  Cody, William Frederick “Buffalo Bill,” 191, 294–95

  Coke, Henry, 41

  Cokeville, Wyoming, 355, 367–68

  Cole, Thomas, 286

  Colorado State University (Fort Collins), Snodderly remains at, 256–57

  Columbia River, 383, 410, 411, 412, 413

  Conestoga wagons, 66–68, 70, 74

  “The Confessions of a Disenchanted American” speech, Buck’s (Tom), 240–42

  continental divide, 107, 273, 299, 324–25. See also South Pass

  Cooke, Lucy, 19

  Coon, Polly, 280–81

  cordiality, western, 343–44

  corgi attack on Olive Oyl, 319–20

  Corps of Topographical Engineers, U.S., 214

  Cottonwood Creek (Wyoming), 3, 236–37

  County Road 319 (Wyoming), 273

  Courthouse Rock (Nebraska), 182, 216, 229

  Cowles, Mike, 95

  Crazy Horse (Lakota warrior), 244

  crazyass passion, 20, 82, 335, 381, 416

  Cundall Ranch (Wyoming), 236–37

  Curry, George Law, 18–19

  cutoff country

  map of, 349

  Rinker’s views about, 351

  See also specific cutoff

  D&B Ranch Supply store (Baker City, Oregon), 401

  Daily Missouri Republican, 157

  Dalles (Oregon), 384

  debris: along Oregon Trail, 40, 115–18, 235

  Deer Flat, Oregon, 381

  Delano, Alonzo, 128

  Delaware River: Buck family’s crossing of bridge on, 141–43, 144, 145–46, 194, 202

  DeLorme Atlas & Gazetteer, 89, 175

  demographics: changes in U.S., 135

  Dempsey Ridge (Wyoming), 326, 340, 352, 354–55, 356, 368, 415, 416


  Rinker’s travels in, 338–42, 348–51

  and South Pass as separating two deserts, 325–26

  See also Little Colorado Desert

  Devil’s Gate (Wyoming), 5, 270–72, 273, 280, 281, 293, 311, 354. See also Martin’s Cove

  DeVoto, Bernard, 14

  Diary of a Pioneer (Searls), 157, 235

  Doan Creek (Oregon), 413


  with wagon trains, 111

  See also Whitman, Marcus

  Donation Land Act (1850), 343

  Donner, George, 68

  Donner Party, 68, 278

  Dorsey’s Road Ranch (Nebraska), 197

  Drury, Clifford M., 111

  Duffin, Reg, 256

  Durst, Duane, 3–7

  Elkhorn Mountains, 397, 398, 401

  Ellis Ranch (Wyoming), 293, 299–301

  Emery, Robert, 172

  Emigrant Gap (California), 262, 273

  Emigrant Guide (Hastings), 115

  Emigrant Springs (Wyoming), 334, 340, 352, 353–54, 356

  energy projects, 17, 350

  “Energy Trail,” 350

  Enterprise, Oregon: Hells Canyon Mule Days in, 404


  Cindy and Donna’s cleaning of, 376–77

  and crash at South Pass, 331, 335–36, 337

  and daily life on trail, 127, 151

  and end of Rinker’s Oregon Trail trip, 404

  for launching Rinker’s Oregon Trail trip, 26, 45–47, 64, 98

  Nick’s rejection of Rinker’s, 45–47

  equipment/supplies (cont.)

  Rinker’s getting rid of, 113–15

  in “Trail Pup” cart, 113–14, 223, 331, 335–36, 337, 389, 399

  Erie Canal, 70

  “Erie Canal Song,” 43

  Estelle, James, 326

  Exner, Don, 191–94, 195–96

  Exner, Sheila, 191, 193, 195

  The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842 (Frémont), 324–25

  families: as pioneers, 100–101, 102

  Farewell Bend, Oregon, 4, 6, 166, 387, 389, 390, 391

  farming, 201–2

  Farson Cutoff (Wyoming), 55, 348, 352

  Farson, Wyoming

  Rinker at, 339–42, 343, 347–48, 356

  Rinker’s travels to, 333, 337, 338–39

  fear, Rinker’s views about, 310

  Fetterman City, 293

  Fetterman Hog Ranch, 244

  Fetterman, William J., 243–44

  First Presbyterian Church (Hiawatha, Kansas), 114–15

  flatboats, 384–85

  Flint Hills (Kansas), 1–2, 4, 6, 53, 89, 92, 125, 151

  Fly, Sarepta Gore, 183–84

  Fly, William, 183, 184

  flying: Rinker’s interest in, 12

  Flying J truck stop (Wyoming), 367–68

  Fontenelle Dam (Wyoming), 350

  Ford, Henry, 168

  The Forks (Platte River), 176

  Fort Boise (Idaho), 108

  Fort Bridger (Wyoming), 116, 268, 313, 338, 353, 355

  Fort Caspar Museum (Wyoming), 260

  Fort Casper (Wyoming), 276

  Fort Fetterman (Wyoming), 243–52, 259, 406

  Fort Hall (Idaho), 109, 111

  Fort Kearny Cutoff, 171

  Fort Kearny (Nebraska), 3, 55, 92, 115, 116, 118

  Fort Laramie (Wyoming), 92, 107, 116, 118, 178, 181, 213, 214, 233, 235, 268

  Fort Leavenworth (Kansas), 66, 89

  Fort Riley (Kansas), 66, 89

  Fort Stambaugh Road (Wyoming), 301

  Fossil Butte National Monument (Wyoming), 347, 352

  Foster, Stephen, 344

  Fourth of July: on Oregon Trail, 327

  Fox, Jared, 354

  Franzwa, Gregory M., 169, 175

  Frémont, John, 324–25

  Frink, Margaret, 3, 7, 77, 131–32, 181, 229, 230, 326

  fucked up condition, 196

  Gantt, John, 109

  Gantt-Whitman Train (1843), 109–12

  “gate jacks,” 219, 219, 277

  The Gathering of Zion: The Story of the Mormon Trail (Stegner), 263

  Geiser Grand Hotel (Baker City, Oregon), 398

  Geological Survey, U.S., 186

  Gering, Nebraska: Rinker in, 193–95

  getting lost, Rinker as, 288–92, 296–97

  “ghost farms,” 202

  Gill, Larry, 186–88, 189

  Glacier National Park, 6, 345

  Glendo, Wyoming, 237–38

  Glenrock, Wyoming, 378

  Gold Hill (Oregon), 395

  Gold Rush (1849), California, 2, 19–20, 36, 40, 71, 73, 112, 116, 117–18, 157–60, 158, 177, 214

  Goldsborough Bluff, 278

  GPS system, 375
br />   Grand View, Idaho, 369

  grandparents: as raising children, 133–36

  Granite Range (Wyoming), 233, 270, 281, 286, 287, 288, 292, 293, 296. See also Split Rock

  Grattan, John, 213–14

  Grattan Massacre, 213–14

  grave-spotter, Littleton as, 180–81

  graves: along the Oregon Trail, 5, 180–81, 252–58, 271, 280, 413

  Graves and Sites Committee, OCTA, 253

  Graves and Sites on the Oregon and California Trails (Brown), 252, 255–56

  Gray, John S., 295

  Great American Desert, 383

  Great Awakening, Second, 253, 255, 264, 265

  Great Depression, 239, 344, 345

  “Great Grave” of Whitman Massacre victims, 413

  Great Migration, 109. See also Gantt-Whitman Train

  The Great Platte River Road (Mattes), 14, 116

  Great Platte River Road (Wyoming): Mormons on, 268

  Greeley, Horace, 103, 313, 340

  Green Mountains (Wyoming), 293

  Green River, 36, 107

  Green River Rendezvous country, 280, 327, 334, 340, 348, 350, 353

  Guenther, Todd, 314

  Guernsey, Wyoming, 235

  guidebooks, 115–16

  Hadley, Amelia, 324

  Haile, Richard, 183

  Haile, Susan, 183

  Hale, Emma, 264

  Hale, Israel, 213

  Hams Fork Cutoff (Wyoming), 55, 340, 355

  Hams Fork River (Wyoming), 348, 352, 353

  handcart disasters (1856), Mormon, 269–71, 284–85, 300, 301, 312

  handcarts, Mormon, 283, 284–85, 286, 296, 300

  Hanlon, Dan, 224–25, 226, 228, 229

  Hanna, Esther Bell, 371

  Happy Canyon Night (Pendleton, Oregon), 405

  Hard Road West (Meldahl), 371

  Harney, William S., 213

  Harris, Moses “Black,” 159

  Hartford Courant newspaper, 13

  Hastings, Lansford, 115

  Haystack Butte (Wyoming), 341

  Hecox, Jim, 189, 190

  Hells Canyon Mule Days (Enterprise, Oregon), 404

  help, asking for, 160–61

  Henry, O., 183

  Herriot, James, 92

  Hiawatha, Kansas, 83, 93, 97–98, 113–15, 118

  Highland, Kansas, 93

  Highway 25, 236, 238, 257

  Highway 26, 56, 211

  Highway 30, 56, 174, 186, 204, 356, 367, 397

  Highway 36, 51. See also St. Joseph Road

  Highway 47, 190

  Highway 80, 17, 172, 184, 186, 195, 197

  Highway 84, 17, 386, 396

  Highway 86, 17

  Highway 89, 367

  Highway 92, 229

  Highway 220, 276

  Highway Patrol, Wyoming, 339

  highway system

  and history of Oregon Trail, 16–17, 55, 56, 89, 90, 167

  and obstacles on Oregon Trail, 29

  in Oregon, 386, 391–92, 396

  and western development, 345

  See also specific highway

  Historic Inscriptions on Western Emigrant Trails (Brown), 278

  historical preservation, 215–16. See also Oregon Trail: preservation of

  “hitch runaways,” 84–86, 85, 87

  hogs incident, 154–55

  Hollenberg, Gerat, 2, 3

  Hollenberg Ranch, 2–7, 8, 13

  Holmes, John Clellon, 18

  Holtz, Sue, 391, 398–99, 401–3, 409, 414–15

  Holtz, Vince, 386–87, 389, 390–91, 397, 399, 401–3, 404, 409, 414–15

  Homedale, Idaho, 380

  Homestead Act (1862, 1909, 1916), 186, 343

  homesteading: after the Civil War, 343–44


  and Big Blue River crossing, 140

  crossing bridges with, 141–43, 144, 145–46

  mules compared with, 4, 32, 35–36, 43

  and Nick as horseman, 24, 28

  reading hoof prints of, 290, 291–92

  women and, 104, 107, 112, 181–82

  Horton, Missouri. See Werner Wagon Works

  Hudson’s Bay Company, 108, 110

  Hudspeth Cutoff (Idaho), 371–72

  hunting and fishing industry, 346

  Huntington, Oregon, 391–92

  hypoxia (oxygen deprivation), 274, 277, 287, 291, 306, 329, 332


  geology of, 369–72, 370

  Mormons in, 372

  as park-rich state, 346–47

  Rinker in, 369–81, 400, 414–15

  and Rinker’s dreams of Oregon Trail trip, 7

  Rinker’s plans for traveling through, 228

  Rinker’s visit with Holtz’s in, 404, 414–15

  water in, 372

  “I’m gonna wash that man right outa my hair” (song), 388–89

  Independence, Missouri

  as beginning of Oregon Trail, 16

  and Gantt-Whitman Train, 109

  as jumping off town for Oregon Trail, 51, 75

  tent cities near, 115

  Independence Rock (Wyoming), 107, 166, 168, 251, 271, 273, 274, 275–81, 275, 287, 291, 354

  Indian wars, 92, 172, 214, 244, 293, 313, 412. See also specific tribe or battle


  conversion to Christianity of, 100, 213, 411–12

  first meeting between white women and, 105

  and First Whitman Crossing, 105–6

  white culture clash with, 213

  See also Indian wars; specific person or tribe


  at Aspen Grove, 354

  at Register Cliff, 116

  Interior Department, U.S., 169

  interstate highways. See highway system; specific highway

  Iraq War, 135, 413

  irrigation technology, 172–73

  Jackson, William Henry, 52, 52, 229

  Jail House Rock (Nebraska), 182, 216, 229

  Jake (mule)

  appearance of, 48–49

  and Beck as runaway at Midway Station, 189

  and Big Blue River crossing, 146–50

  in Black Hills, 237

  at California Hill, 205, 206–9, 211–12

  calling of, 93, 94, 237

  and crossing bridges, 146–50, 151

  at Holtz ranch in Idaho, 414, 415

  Mattie’s (Stevenson) driving of, 298

  Nick’s special caring for, 400–401

  at O’Fallon’s Bluff, 198

  in Oregon, 392–95, 398, 399–403

  personality of, 82, 198, 399

  problems with, 119

  and Rinker’s emergency backup plan, 59–62

  Rinker’s goodbye to, 415

  Rinker’s relationship with, 49–50, 98, 120, 189, 415

  and Rinker’s solo drive into Oregon, 381

  at Rock Creek Ridge, 363, 365, 367

  at Rocky Ridge, 306

  as runaway at Fort Fetterman, 246–51

  saddle for, 59–62

  sale of, 396–97, 399–404

  selection of, 48–50, 49

  shoes for, 380

  and train at Lookout Mountain, 392–95

  See also mules, Rinker’s

  Jamesport, Missouri, 48, 53, 57, 58, 84, 91, 114. See also Ropp’s Mule Farm

  Jeffrey City, Wyoming, 288, 291, 296, 297, 298

  Jeffrey, Dianne, 184

  Jeffrey, Joe, 184

  John Deere wagons, 71, 72, 75, 75

  Jonah gas fields, 350

  Journal of the Adventures of a Party of California Gold Seekers (Frink), 131, 326

  Journal of Travels over the Rocky Mountains to the Mouth of the Columbia River (Palmer), 115–16

  jumping-off towns/camps, 51, 75, 77, 115, 180. See also specific town or camp


  Blue River country of, 125–27, 128–39, 140, 146–50

  “junction country” of, 4

  and launching of Rinker’s Oregon Trail trip, 82–84, 86–88

  Rinker’s travels in, 82–94, 113–15, 118–25, 126–27, 128–39, 140, 146–50

  Rinker’s travels through, 112

  RVs in, 122–25

  weather in, 90, 125–27, 128–30, 131

  See also specific town or site

  Kansas Historical Quarterly: Gray’s article in, 295

  Kansas State Historical Society, 2, 3–4

  Keeney Pass (Oregon), 382, 385

  Kemmerer, Wyoming, 340

  Kempf, Don, 156, 161

  Kempf, Shirley, 156, 161

  Kennedy, John F., 240

  Kern, Ben, 341

  Kerouac, Jack, 18, 20

  Kesey, Ken, 77

  King, John Nevin, 41, 178

  “kooster” half-cart

  Kern’s loan of, 341

  return of, 386

  Lajeunesse, Charles “Seminoe,” 311–12

  Lakota Indians, 244

  Lambertville, New Jersey: Buck family crossing of bridge in, 141–43, 144, 145–46

  Lander, Frederick W., 313–14

  Lander Cutoff (Wyoming), 55, 300, 313–14, 326

  Lander Road (Wyoming), 313

  Langworthy, Franklin, 116–17, 229, 326–27

  Laramie Peak (Wyoming), 182, 232

  Lava Hot Springs, Idaho, 369, 373

  Life magazine, 95, 358

  Lime, Oregon, 392

  Lincoln, Abraham, 68

  Lincoln Highway (Nebraska), 16, 186

  Lisco, Nebraska, 220–21, 222

  Little Blue River, 6, 40, 164, 173

  Little Colorado Desert (Wyoming), 339–40, 343, 348–51

  Little Sandy Creek country (Wyoming), 151

  Little Sandy River, 333, 339, 340

  Little Thunder (Sioux chief), 213

  Littleton, Micajah, 180–81

  Lizard Butte (Idaho), 115, 404, 415

  Lockhart, Esther, 163–64

  Lodge Trail Ridge (Wyoming), 244

  Look magazine, 12, 95, 358

  The Look of the West 1860 (Burton), 234

  Lookout Mountain tunnel (Oregon), 392–95

  Lord, Israel S.P., 371–72

  Lou Taubert Ranch Outfitters (Casper, Wyoming), 260

  Love Reservoir (Oregon), 386, 390

  Lower 96 Ranch (Nebraska), 185–89

  lumber, 384–85


  Nick in, 22–24, 121

  Nick’s plans to return to, 28–29, 156–57, 160–62, 165, 336

  Malheur River, 386

  Mammoth jack mules, 33–34, 35, 38

  Manifest Destiny, 103, 176, 347

  Marcy, Randolph B., 43, 115

  Marshall’s Ferry (Kansas), 140

  Marsing, Idaho, 404

  Martin, Edward, 270

  Martin Handcart Company, 270, 271

  Martin, Ivan, 9

  Martin’s Cove (Wyoming), 270–71, 272, 281–86. See also Devil’s Gate

  Marysville, Kansas, 118, 136–39, 140

  Mattes, Merrill J., 14, 19, 40–41, 116, 176, 211, 252, 269

  Maxwell, William Audley, 78

  McCammon (Idaho) rodeo corrals, 374–79

  McLean Meadows (Wyoming), 310

  mcMansions: and preservation of Oregon Trail, 173


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