Blind Fate (Veredian Chronicles Book 2)

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Blind Fate (Veredian Chronicles Book 2) Page 15

by Regine Abel

  At least Valena likes the heated floors.

  It was a small consolation. I discarded my soiled clothing in the laundry basket and stepped under the shower. While making quick work of washing myself, I eyed the wide, recessed bathtub across from me. Females had a thing for bubble baths. I pictured myself in that tub, Valena sitting in front of me, bubbles clinging to her coppery skin and slipping over her markings. I lifted my face to the raining water, trying to chase the vision.

  She should be here with me.

  It was tradition for Xelixian mates to shower or bathe together – or more precisely, to wash each other. We considered it a purifying ritual. I’d almost asked her to join me, but that would have been too bold. Valena hadn’t asked me to Fasten yet. Until then, I would need to hold off. The thought of her showering with me overlaid with the memory of today’s welcome home greeting. Images of Valena’s tanned skin against the white shower tiles invaded my mind. With her legs wrapped around my waist, I’d drive into her relentlessly while steam billowed around us.

  “Gharah’s blood!” I muttered through my teeth.

  My cock was even harder now than when I’d first stepped into the shower. Turning off the water, I dried myself swiftly and hung up the towel to dry. After grabbing a clean shirt and pants, I headed into the bedroom to grab some fresh underwear.

  The vision that awaited me stopped me dead in my tracks.

  She stood in the middle of my room, barefoot and wrapped in a towel. Damp locks of glossy hair swirled around the markings on her shoulders. Fingers playing with the hem of her improvised dress, Valena’s hungry gaze roamed over me. When it reached my groin, her eyes widened slightly and she bit her bottom lip. I remembered then that I was stark naked and boasting a raging hard-on.

  My skin flushed and I clumsily held the clothes fisted in my hands in front of my erection. I cleared my throat.

  “Do you need something, my darling?”

  I knew what I hoped she would say.

  “Yes,” she said with a thin voice. “I need… I want you.”

  The surge of lust flaring inside me almost made my knees buckle. I took a couple of hesitant steps towards her.

  Finding my voice again, I said, “Are you sure, Valena? We don’t have to—”

  “Yes,” she interrupted, her voice more assertive. “Yes, I’m sure.”

  Her hands released the ‘hem’ of the towel and untied the knot that held it in place above her breasts. The towel slid down her body and pooled at her feet. Her beauty robbed me of breath. Valena’s body was perfection. Full breasts with impertinent mocha nipples beckoned me. The cutest outie belly button I’d ever seen winked at me from her flat stomach. I was mesmerized by the delicate triangle of her bare sex at the apex of her long and shapely legs. Like Xelixians, Veredians had no body hair.

  I realized my clothes had slipped out of my hands when I heard the muffled sound of fabric hitting the floor. Dismissing them, I closed the distance between Valena and myself. I cupped her face in my hands and she wrapped hers around my wrists.

  “You are so beautiful,” I whispered.

  Her nervous laughter echoed through the room. She let go of my wrists and snuggled against me. My arms closed around her. Goddess, the feel of her warm, naked skin against mine set every nerve ending on edge. She was so soft, her body aligning perfectly with mine.

  The feel of her lips on my neck and of her breasts on my chest fanned the fire within that still hadn’t died. It required all my willpower to pull back from her. She gave me a surprised look.

  “Valena, be sure. Once you’re mine, there’s no going back. Do you understand?”

  My eyes searched hers, fearing my demands might scare her away. She smiled.

  “Yes, I understand.”

  “I mean it, Valena.” There couldn’t be any misunderstanding between us. “I don’t just want an affair with you. I want all of you. Always.”

  Her smile broadened. Some of my tension ebbed away.

  “I don’t want any other male but you, Zhul. Now or later. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  Happiness blossomed in my chest. This would more than do for now. I lifted her in my arms and carried her to the bed.

  I laid her down then crawled on top of her, settling between her parted legs. We kissed deeply while our hands explored each other in earnest. My lips followed the trail of her neck down to her breasts. I sucked in a nipple, feeling it harden against my tongue. I loved how responsive she was to my touch. It made me even harder. Her hand at the back of my head held me in place as she sighed with pleasure. Shifting to my side, I lay next to her, my mouth still latched to her breast. I slipped my hand down her stomach to her core. She jerked in response, her stomach quivering.

  I moved to her other nipple while my fingers explored her slick folds, deliberately avoiding her tight nub. She panted, her grip tightening in my hair. The sweet scent of her skin mingled with the fresh aroma of her soap and the musk from her growing arousal. Moisture covered my fingers as I slipped them inside her. Still avoiding her clit, I took my sweet time stretching her. My impatient cock wasn’t massive, but it was far from small.

  To distract her from any discomfort I might cause her, I abandoned her breasts and teased that adorable outie navel of hers, licking and nipping at it. Valena squirmed and giggled. That playfulness also helped keep my mind off the discomfort between my own legs.

  Taking mercy on her, I let go of her navel only to give her an even greater torment. While still stretching her, I used my other hand to trace the darkened marking down her legs. She shouted, her back arching off the bed. The throaty sound hit me with another blast of desire. Precum seeped from my slit, and I ground my teeth against the need to take her. Crouching between her legs, I finally gave some attention to her engorged little nub, circling it with my tongue.

  She cried out my name, her hands finding their way back to my head, rubbing over the ridges of my crihnin. Her legs shook, her release imminent. I intensified my ministrations and once again, caressed her markings. Her body seized, her fisting my hair painfully. I looked at her as she shuddered and writhed in the throes of her climax.

  I pulled my fingers out of her and licked off her essence. She was so beautiful sprawled with such abandon on my bed, her skin flushed from the pleasure I’d given her, and glistening with beads of sweat. Crawling back on top of her, I kissed her breasts along the way before settling between her legs. Her nipples softly brushed against me with each rapid rise and fall of her chest.

  “Do you accept me, Valena?” I asked against her lips.

  She brushed her lips against mine and smiled. “Yes, Zhul. I accept you.”

  Having received her formal consent, I placed the tip of my cock at her entrance and slowly pushed myself in. She spread her legs wider, her palms running up and down my back. Despite my need to unleash my passion, the urge to protect her kept me in check. With great patience, I rocked in and out of her, whispering gentle words of encouragement in her ears until I was fully sheathed. I remained still, kissing her and caressing her markings until I felt her inner walls throb with impatience around me. After a few strokes to make sure she wasn’t feeling any pain or discomfort, I finally gave free rein to my passion.

  She was so warm and tight around me, each movement sending searing coils of pleasure through me. The slapping sound of our flesh meeting mixed with our labored breathing and sighs of bliss. With every stroke, I ground against her to stimulate her clit. She shouted my name again. Gripping my butt with both hands, she pulled me harder into her and lifted her pelvis to meet each of my thrusts.

  Sweat trickled down my back as I felt myself burning inside from the exquisite torture. Knowing I wouldn’t last much longer, I slipped a hand between us. But before I could even touch her nub, Valena threw her head back. A guttural sound tore out of her while her nails dug into my butt cheeks. The delectable pain combined with her inner walls clamping down around me sent me over the edge. I cried out in ecstasy as sco
rching heat shot out of me in blistering spurts.

  I collapsed on top of her then swiftly rolled us over so she lay atop me. The room spun around me while my heart pounded erratically. Valena’s back was slick with sweat beneath my roaming palms.

  As our breathing settled down, Valena lifted her head, her long hair caressing my chest in the process. The languid expression on her face slowly changed to a serious one. Her eyes bore into mine and my blissful haze faded away.

  What’s going on?

  “Zhul of House Dervhen, you are the greatest gift the Goddess has ever given me. I would Fasten with you and call you mine now and forever if you would have me. Do you consent?”

  For a moment, I feared my heart would burst in my chest. My arms tightened around her while I tried to swallow past the lump that had lodged itself in my throat.

  “Valena, my darling, it would be my greatest honor to be yours and claim you as mine, now and always. I consent.”

  * * *

  Morning came too fast. Twice more last night, I’d made her mine. And my fantasy of taking her against the shower’s tiled wall came true that morning. Goddess, just thinking of her had my balls feeling heavy. I still couldn’t believe we were mated. However, it wouldn’t be legally binding until we exchanged our vows before witnesses in the Fastening Hall. If all went as I hoped, Praghan would raid the Blood House today and free Valena and the other females once and for all.

  I waited until we finished breakfast and put away the dishes to bring up a topic that needed to be addressed sooner than later. Hopefully, we could sort things out within the half hour remaining before I needed to take her to the rendezvous point.

  I led her into the family room. A clear green sky and the warm rays of the early morning suns greeted us through the ceiling-high windows facing onto the patio. Having lived confined indoors most of her life, Valena loved the feeling of the suns on her skin. I sat by the window and pulled her onto my lap so she could enjoy their heated caress. She snuggled into me, her fingers drawing circles on my chest.

  Goddess, I’m crazy for her.

  “My darling, there’s something we need to discuss.”

  The seriousness of my tone wiped away the wistful expression on her face. She straightened and waited for me to continue.

  “Last night, you gave me the greatest gift. I don’t recall ever being this happy.”

  She gave me a strained smile, no doubt wondering where this was headed.

  “Although we are mated now, there is a serious matter we need to discuss – offspring.”

  She stiffened in my arms. Her throat worked but still she remained quiet.

  “We’ve been intimate a number of times now. I’m not on any form of contraception and I know you’re not, either.”

  Her face closed off. “You don’t want offspring with me?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You want to wait?”

  I brushed her hair over her shoulder and traced the marking on the side of her neck with my thumb.

  “No, my darling. I’m ready and willing to start a family with you whenever you are.” I smiled as the rigidity of her posture loosened. “But I want to make sure that you are ready and willing as well.”

  She caressed my lips with her fingertips before giving me a soft kiss.

  “Growing up in the compound, even though all the females there were bred against their will, there was no greater celebration than when one of them successfully delivered a living child.” Her eyes flicked between mine as if to gauge my reaction. “For my people, every birth is a blessing of the Goddess. It’s the hope of the continuation of our species – no matter how the conception came to be. Contraception is blasphemy to us.”

  I had never thought of it this way. On Xelix Prime, contraception was generally frowned upon as well, but only when used by mated couples. Like Veredians, our species’ survival was at serious risk because of the Taint.

  “But it’s not just about Veredia,” Valena continued. “I mated you because I believe you’re my soulmate. The thought of bearing your child fills me with happiness too overwhelming to describe. I don’t want to wait, Zhul. When it comes, it comes.”

  The joy that swept through me made it hard to breathe. I kissed her lips then pressed my forehead against hers.

  “Then it’s settled. When it comes, it comes.”

  She giggled and melted in my arms.

  * * *

  After dropping Valena off, I returned to the house where I waited on pins and needles for the announcement that the raid was finally underway. The seconds stretched into minutes and the minutes into hours. What the fuck was taking so long? A quick glance at the clock showed me it had in fact been barely two hours since I left the rendezvous point. Considering the long flight to Capital District, Valena reached the Blood House about an hour ago. If, as I suspected, Praghan was waiting for her to be there to put his pawns on the board, the delay wasn’t surprising.

  But I fucking want this done and over with.

  My heart leapt out of my chest when I heard the front door opening.

  “Zhul?” Lelah’s voice called out.

  Dear Goddess…

  Of course, the proximity detector wouldn’t have gone off. Valena had questioned me about it possibly being defective. It wasn’t. I had added my father and sister to the safe list so it wouldn’t go off for them. With how often they used to visit, the damn thing was going off all the time. Funnily, I hadn’t added myself to that list, hence the system warned her every time I came home. I didn’t intend to change that. Having her greet me at the door was the most amazing feeling.

  “What is it, sweetheart?” I asked as she stepped into my office.

  Worry lines marred her delicate crihnin and she clasped her hands in front of her. This was unusual for her. My muscles tensed.

  “Mother and Father are having a fight.”

  Yes, and?

  “They always fight. Why are you so distraught this time?”

  “Father said he’s repudiating her for adultery and oath breaking.”

  My brain went numb. Father repudiating her? Impossible. He wasn’t just whipped, he was a doormat. Our sire had lost his spine nearly two decades ago. Even recently, he had defended her when I demanded they sign Lelah’s custody over to me.


  Lelah’s voice snapped me out of my frozen state. I had been staring at her, mouth gaping. Blinking, I snapped my mouth shut and marched towards the main house. My sister followed on my heels, skip-running to keep up with my longer strides.

  My mother’s screeching shouts welcomed us. I had witnessed many altercations between my parents, but this level of fury from her was a first. My father always caved in to her demands long before she worked herself into such a frenzy. Walking into the living area where they were facing off, I wondered if I was experiencing a waking dream. Though still greyed before his time, my father stood with his back straight, chin up, and his jaw set in a firm line.

  What in the Goddess’ name is going on?

  He turned his head towards me. My eyes connected with his. The strength and determination I found there left me reeling. A touch of sadness flashed through them. Then his gaze hardened again before returning to my mother.

  I had not seen that male in nearly twenty years.

  She pointed an accusing finger at me. “It’s him, isn’t it? He whispered his venom in your ears and you submitted, like the spineless, pathetic excuse of a male that you are.”

  “You leave Zhul out of this!” my father snapped.

  That hit me in the gut. Not my mother’s accusations – I’d grown immune to that – but my father standing up for anyone against her was unheard of.

  “No, I won’t. He’s been trying to get you to cut me off for years. You’re just too damn scared to stand up to him.”

  “He’s been trying to open my eyes for years, but I’ve been too blind to see it,” my father replied, his voice cold and measured.

  She huffed
and shook her head. Breathing heavily, she looked around the room as if looking for a scathing reply to hurl at him.

  “Here’s the deal, Ruthy,” my father said, “I’m done arguing with you. You have two choices. Option one, you stop whoring in exchange for gifts—”

  My mother gasped in outrage and stared at my father in disbelief. Lelah lifted her fist to her mouth, eyes as round as saucers. My own jaw dropped at the crude truth of his words.

  “—start seeing a therapist for your shopping and spending addiction, become a dutiful mother to your children, and act like a respectable mate. Or option two, I file for the dissolution of our bond.”

  “Therapy? I don’t need any lousy therapy.” She scanned the room, then waved at it, a look of contempt on her face. “And if you think I’m moving back into this barren house with you, you need to think again. You will not worm your way out of your duty to me.”

  “I have a greater duty, Ruthy Rawlhin… to my children and to myself.”

  Rawlhin… That my father would call her by her maiden name spoke volumes. My mother didn’t pick up on it, but Lelah did. Her small hand slipped into mine and I gave hers a gentle squeeze. Heart pounding, I watched with bated breath the drama unfolding.

  “Your decision, Ruthy?”

  She sat down on the couch next to her, and folded her legs like the mistress of the house she once used to be. “There’s nothing to discuss. You will reinstate all my accounts and reactivate automatic payments on my apartments.”

  He sighed, shaking his head. “I didn’t think you would change your tune.”

  Picking up his datapad from the coffee table, he typed a couple of instructions. My mother eyed him warily. She opened her mouth, probably to ask him what he was doing when her personal com went off.

  “I have just sent the Bond Dissolution form to the Hall of Records,” my father said, dispassionately. “This incoming message, is your confirmation of its filing.”

  Woah! Way to go, Father!

  Never in all these years had he actually taken action, only verbal threats quickly abandoned at the first argument from her.

  All color drained from my mother’s face as she perused the message on her com. For the first time in years, I felt a sliver of pity for her. Lelah pressed herself against me, and I put my arm around her.


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