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The Inheritance of Rome: Illuminating the Dark Ages, 400-1000

Page 86

by Chris Wickham

  Capua, Italy


  Cardena, Spain

  Cardiff, Wales

  Cardona, Spain

  Carentoir, France

  Carinthia, Austria

  Carloman I, king of the Franks

  Carloman II, king of the Franks


  Carthage, Tunisia

  Casauria, Italy

  Cashel, Ireland

  Cassiodorus Senator

  Castelldwyran, Wales

  Castile, Spain

  Castrojeriz, Spain

  Catalonia, Spain

  Cathal mac Finguine, king of Éoganacht Glendamnach



  Catterick, Enghand


  Cavan, Ireland

  Ceawlin, king of Wessex

  Celanova, Spain

  Céli Dé movement

  Cenél Conaill, Ireland

  Cenél nÉogain, Ireland

  Cenwulf, king of Mercia

  Ceolwulf II, king of Mercia

  Ceredigion, Wales

  Chalcedon, Turkey

  ecumenical council at (451)


  Chalon-sur-Saône, France

  Champagne, France

  Charavines, France

  Charibert II, king of the Franks

  Charlemagne, king/emperor

  Charles Martel, maior of the Franks

  Charles the Bald, king/emperor

  Charles the Fat, king/emperor

  Charles the Simple, king of the West Franks

  Charles, duke of Lower Lotharingia

  Chelles, France

  Chester, England

  Cheviot hills, England/Scotland

  Childebert I, king of the Franks

  Childebert II, king of the Franks

  Childebert III, king of the Franks

  Childebert ‘the adopted’, king of the Franks

  Childeric I, king of the Franks

  Childeric II, king of the Franks

  Childeric III, king of the Franks

  Chilperic I, king of the Franks

  Chiltern hills, England

  Chimnechild, queen of the Franks


  Chindasuinth, Visigothic king

  Chlotar I, king of the Franks

  Chlotar II, king of the Franks

  Chnodomar, king of the Alemans




  Christopher, saint

  Chrodegang, bishop of Metz

  Chur, Switzerland

  Cilicia, Turkey

  Cinead mac Ailpín, king of the Picts and Dál Riata


  Circus Maximus, Rome

  Clann Cholmáin, Ireland

  Clare, Ireland

  Claude, Dietrich

  Claudius, bishop of Turin

  Clementina, patricia

  Clemenziano, Italy

  Cleopatra, queen of Egypt

  Clermont, France

  Clichy, France

  Clonfert, Ireland

  Clonmacnois, Ireland

  Clontarf, Ireland

  Clovis I, king of the Franks

  Clovis II, king of the Franks

  Cluny, France

  Clyde, river, Scotland

  Cnut, king of Denmark and England

  Collins, Roger

  Cologne, Germany

  Columba (Colum Cille), abbot of Iona

  Columbanus, abbot of Bobbio

  Comacchio, Italy

  Compiègne, France

  Conchobar, king of the Ulaid

  Connacht, Ireland

  Conrad I, king of East Francia

  Conrad II, emperor

  Conrad, duke of Lotharingia

  Conrad, father of Conrad


  Constans II, emperor

  Constantine Doukas

  Constantine I, emperor

  Constantine III, emperor

  Constantine IV, emperor

  Constantine V, emperor

  Constantine VI, emperor

  Constantine VII Porphyrogennitos, emperor

  Constantine VIII, emperor

  Constantine II, king of Scotland

  Constantine, biographer of Bishop Adalbero II of Metz

  Constantine, bishop of Nakoleia

  Constantine-Cyril, Byzantine missionary


  ecumenical council at (381)

  ecumenical council at (553)

  Constantius II, emperor

  Constantius III, emperor


  Corbie, France

  Corbinian of Freising

  Córdoba, Spain

  Corinth, Greece

  Cork, Ireland

  Cornwall, England

  Corvey, Germany

  Cosmas the Priest

  Cosmas the Syrian

  Cowdery’s Down, England

  Cremona, Italy

  Crete, Greece

  Crimea, Ukraine


  Crone, Patricia

  Crotone, Italy

  Ctesiphon, Iraq


  Cunipert, Lombard king

  Cusago, Italy

  Cuthbert, saint

  Cuthred, king of Kent

  Cymry, see Wales, Welsh

  Cynddylan, Welsh king


  Cynewulf, king of Wessex

  Cyprian, Italian politician


  Cyrenaica, Libya

  Cyril, Byzantine missionary, see Constantine-Cyril

  Cyril, patriarch of Alexandria

  Cyrrhus, Syria

  Czech Republic

  Dagobert I, king of the Franks

  Dál Cais, Ireland

  Dál Fiatach, Ireland

  Dál Riata, Ireland and Scotland


  Damascus, Syria

  Damian, archbishop of Ravenna

  Damietta, Egypt

  Danelaw, England

  Danelis, patron of Basil

  Danes, see Denmark

  Danevirke, Germany

  Daniel the Stylite

  Daniel, bishop of Winchester

  Danube, river

  Daphne, suburb of Antioch

  Dardanelles, Turkey

  Dauphiné, France

  Dead Sea

  Dedi, count

  Deira, England

  Déis Tuaiscirt, Ireland

  Demetae, Wales

  Demetrios, saint

  Denmark, Danes

  Depreux, Philippe

  Desiderius, bishop of Cahors

  Desiderius, bishop of Vienne

  Desiderius, Lombard king

  Deusdona, Roman deacon

  Devon, England

  Devroey, Jean-Pierre

  Dhi’l-Nunid family

  Dhuoda, writer

  Diarmait mac Cerbhaill, Irish king

  Dienheim, Germany

  Dietrich, son of count Dedi

  Dioskoros of Aphrodito, poet

  Dniepr, river

  Dodo, domesticus of Pippin

  Domburg, Netherlands

  Don, river


  Donnachd Midi mac Domnaill, king of Clann Cholmáin

  Donner, Fred

  Dorestad, Netherlands

  Doukas family

  Down, Northern Ireland

  Drogo, son of Carloman


  Dublin, Ireland

  Duby, Georges

  Dudo of Saint-Quentin, historian

  Duero, river

  Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury

  Durrow, Ireland

  Dyfed, Wales

  Eadgifu, queen of England

  Eadred, king of England

  Eadwig, king of England

  Eadwulf, ruler of Bernicia

  Eanfrith, king of Bernicia

  Eanred, king of Northumbria

  Eardwulf, king of Nort

  East Anglia, England

  Ebbo, archbishop of Reims

  Eberhard, duke of the Franks

  Ebro, river, Spain

  Ebroin, Neustrian maior


  Ecdicius, son of Eparchius Avitus

  Ecgbert, king of Wessex

  Ecgfrith, king of Northumbria

  Echternach, Luxembourg

  Edessa, Turkey

  Edgar, king of England

  Edinburgh, Scotland

  Edington, England

  Edmund I, king of England

  Edmund, king of East Anglia

  Edward the Elder, king of England

  Edward the Martyr, king of England

  Edwin, king of Northumbria

  Egica, Visigothic king


  Einhard, writer

  Eirene, empress

  Eirík Bloodaxe, king of Norway and York

  Ekkehard, marquis of Meissen

  Elbe, river

  Eligius, bishop of Noyon,



  Elipand, bishop of Toledo

  Elizabeth, empress of Russia

  Ely, England

  Emain Macha, Ireland

  Embole, Constantinople

  Embrun, France

  Emilia, Italy

  Emma, queen of the West Franks


  English Channel

  Éoganacht Glendamnach, Ireland

  Éoganacht of Cashel, Ireland

  Éoganachta dynasty

  Eostre, goddess

  Eparchius Avitus, emperor

  Ephesos, Turkey ecumenical council at (431)

  Erchinoald, Neustrian maior

  Ergyng, Wales


  Ermenric, king of the Goths

  Ermina, mother of Plectrude


  Ermingard, daughter of Louis

  Ervig, Visigothic king

  Esquiline hill, Rome

  Essex, England

  Estonian, language


  Euchaita, Turkey

  Eucherius, bishop of Orléans


  Eudo, duke of Aquitaine

  Eudoxia, empress

  Eugenius II, bishop of Toledo



  Euphrates, river

  Euric, Visigothic king


  Eusebius the Syrian, bishop of Paris

  Eustochius, jurist

  Everard, marquis of Friuli

  Ewig, Eugen

  al-Fadl ibn Marwan, vizir

  al-Fadl, son of Yahya ibn Khalid ibn Barmak

  Faileuba, queen of the Franks

  al-Farazdaq, poet

  Faremoutiers, Italy

  Farfa, Italy

  Faronid family

  Fars, Iran

  Fastrada, queen of the Franks

  Fatimids, Fatimid caliphate

  Faustus, bishop of Riez

  Fayyum, Egypt

  Feidlimid mac Crimthainn, king of Munster

  Felethius, king of the Rugi

  Felix IV, pope

  Felix, bishop of Urgell

  Felix, hagiographer

  Ferdulf, duke of Friuli

  Fernán González, count of Castile

  Fernando I, king of Castile

  Fidelis, bishop of Mérida

  Field of Lies, France

  Fife, Scotland

  Finnic, language

  Firmus, Berber aristocrat

  Flagy, France

  Flanders, France/Belgium

  Flaochad, maior of Burgundy

  Fleury, France

  Flodoard of Reims

  Florence, Italy

  Florus of Lyon

  Folcwin of Rankweil

  Fontebona, Italy

  Fontenoy, France

  Formosus, pope

  Forth, river, Scotland

  Fortriu, Scotland

  Fossier, Robert

  Foucault, Michel


  Francia, Franks

  East Francia

  West Francia

  Frankfurt, Germany

  Fravitta, general

  Fredegar, historian

  Fredegund, queen of the Franks

  Frederick, duke of Upper Lotharingia


  Frisia, Frisians

  Friuli, Italy


  Frostathing, Norway

  Fructuosus of Braga

  Fruela, Asturian king


  Fulda, Germany

  Fulk Nerra, count of Anjou

  Fulk, archbishop of Reims

  Fussala, Algeria

  Fustat, Egypt ; see also Cairo

  Fyn, Denmark

  Gabriel, archangel

  Gaeta, Italy

  Gainas, general

  Galen, doctor

  Galerius’ Palace, Thessaloniki

  Galicia, Spain

  Galilee, Israel

  Galla Placida, empress

  Gandersheim, Germany

  Ganos, Turkey

  Garðaríki; see also Rus Garonne, river, France


  Gaza, Palestine

  Gebhard, duke of Lotharingia

  Geertz, Clifford


  Geiseric, king of the Vandals

  Gellone, France

  Geneva, Switzerland

  Genoa, France

  Genovefa, saint


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