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Bite of Silver: Alliance of Silver & Steam Book 2

Page 15

by Lexi Ostrow

  She swam to the other side of the lake, moving effortlessly through the cold water, relishing in the slight exercise. She’d cleaned the dirt and blood from the crash off her body, and it felt wonderful. All she could feel on her skin was the heated gaze of the man behind her. His stare had been as dangerous as the beam of light the crystal guns produced, and she hadn’t even been certain he’d indeed been gazing at her.

  Her body had felt him, though. The hungry look she’d seen in his eyes as she’d undressed had sent liquid pooling betwixt her legs. Odette had hoped washing would remove it. Instead, she could only feel the thrumming of her desire more. Knowing that when she turned to swim back, she would be met with the hunger in his eyes was destroying her resolve. What had happened prior to the journey had been an accident, but she would give anything for a repeat.

  Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to turn around. Her eyes locked with his, even being over fifty meters away. The dark blue was clouded with lust, and she felt a moan drawing from her mouth. She could see every meter of his body, he was standing on the lake bank, water clinging to his muscles in a way she wished she could. He truly was a specimen of male perfection. She had loved her husband, but he’d been nothing compared to Philippe. His body was a hard plane of muscle. She ached to run her hands down them and cupped the thick prick that stood up proudly. Odette would have sworn it bobbed under her gaze.

  Her mouth parted, to tell him to look away so she could get out, but no sound came out. She didn’t honestly wish him to turn away. She swam to him, unable to resist any longer, and knowing that neither of them wanted too. As she hit the shallow bank, her body rose out of the water until her top half was exposed. She should have felt indecent, but she felt empowered by the way he looked at her.

  His piercing eyes followed her hands as she closed the space betwixt them and trailed them down his chest. His growl sent shivers over her body, despite the muggy heat of the cave. They were still knee deep in water, but neither seemed to care.

  His stomach muscles were hard and ungiving beneath her hands, and she circled one hand around his shaft but was careful not apply much pressure. She wasn’t shy, but he’d made it clear that he didn’t do sexual liaisons whilst on a mission. She was half-afraid he would turn her away, despite the look in his eyes. His hips pushed towards her slightly, and she let out a breath. He wanted her, and as his hand reached out and brushed over her breasts, she moaned and gave into desire.

  Odette leaned forward and kissed her way down his body, starting with his left pectoral muscle. His skin was hot under her lips and still wet from bathing himself. Her tongue flicked out and removed the small drop of water that clung to his belly button.


  He’d spoken her name through clenched teeth, and the idea of him struggling for control drew a moan from her as well. “Philippe,” his name tumbled off her tongue in a sultry whisper. She hadn’t moved her head too far from his body, and the head of his erection was so close to her lips, she couldn’t stop her tongue as it licked her bottom lip.

  “Female, if you don’t continue what you’ve started, I’m going to lower you onto the dirt and finish it for you. And you just got clean.”

  Each word he spoke was strained, and she smirked at him. She enjoyed knowing he found her a challenge to be won. He’d stopped massaging her breasts, and they longed for the warmth of his hands again.

  His hand slid behind her neck and grazed the skin there. Her whole body shuddered at his touch, and her head tilted backwards. Her nipples were pebbled from the feel of his hand across her neck. She whimpered as he leaned down and brushed his lips over her bare shoulder. His fingertips slowly ran down her neck and over her stomach. She felt herself arch into his hand as it played at the curls betwixt her legs. She’d gone from being the seductress to the seduced.

  For as hard and fast as the first time had been, she wanted to take her time and enjoy him. Women weren’t supposed to admit they delighted in carnal activities, but she always had, and if a rushed coupling could be as satisfying as it had been, she was more than ready to explore Philippe.

  A part of her nagged for her to hurry, that they didn’t have much time and wasting it with bedplay was only going to put her one step closer to being a mindless Kappa Demon blood slave. However, she couldn’t deny what was happening betwixt them, and it might be the only time they had alone together. If they didn’t get the flower in time, she wanted to be with him. Just once, because he truly was the man she’d always been waiting for.

  Just this one moment, Odette. The group of you came here to prevent from having to kill you, not so you could fall in love. The thought struck her, but she did nothing to shove it back. There was nothing not to love about the man before her, and her mind was made up. If they saved her from her fate, she would tell him, but not a moment before. She knew what it was like to have a love die, and she didn’t want to put him through that.

  His hand brushed over her core, and she jerked from her thoughts as pleasure raced through her body. She smiled coyly at him through her lidded gaze and carefully pulled his hand back from her body. She wanted to touch him first before she lost herself to pleasure. Reaching down, she wrapped her fingers around his shaft and gave a gentle squeeze before working her hand up and down it. She ran her hand over the foreskin and rubbed the sensitive skin whilst gently rolling her finger over the head of his large cock.

  Philippe’s hands came down on her shoulders, gripping them. He awkwardly widened his stance and tugged her closer. She stumbled, and he tugged her up, their eyes locking as their naked bodies touched. His mouth took hers, and she sighed as the rush of the kiss passed over her. She tangled her tongue with his whilst moving her hand up and down his erection and playing with his balls with the other. His needy groan made her clamp her legs together in an attempt to relieve her own need.

  Releasing her grip and pulling back from the kiss, she smiled wickedly at him. His chest was heaving with exertion, and her breaths were shallow, too. She put her hands on his shoulders and gave a little push. He responded by wrapping his arms around her lower back and tugging her into him tighter. A blast of pleasure shot through her at the promise of what was to come.

  Odette pressed his chest backwards and smirked at him. His mouth found hers, and she was kissing him back, melting into him, meeting his tongue stroke for stroke and sucking it into her mouth. Shocks of ecstasy streaked through her body with every stroke of his tongue, and she realized she was grinding her body unabashedly into his. Their breathing was echoing in the cavern, and the sound of it was as seductive as his mouth on hers.

  He traced a finger over her folds, and she jolted and sagged against him. He rubbed his finger in circles as he broke the kiss and ran his tongue down her neck. She had no response, except to cry out and pull his head up, kissing him again. His fingers stroked across her clit, and she bit his lip and jerked onto his hand. He roared in pleasure, and she shuddered. His prick was pressing into her stomach, and she slipped her hand betwixt them to stroke a finger over the tip of it, dragging it in tandem with the finger that was tormenting her.

  His finger worked in and out of her, faster than before, and she couldn’t stop herself from riding it. She let her head fall back as he added a second finger. His thumb found her clit and rubbed as he played inside her. Her vision was fading to black as her orgasm began to creep up on her.

  Her body was going to burst. There was no way for her to continue to stroke him as her muscles tightened with pleasure and she let go of him again. All she could do was slam onto his fingers as her head fell backward and his name broke through the silence. She could feel her walls start to pulse, making his fingers hit them harder and deeper. She would have cried out again had he not taken her mouth with his, silencing her.

  He didn’t let up as her body milked his finger, and their kiss continued to push her orgasm on. She felt herself shudder when he withdrew his fingers.

  “Odette, I can’t wait any longer. I
need you.”

  Her head was spinning, but her body was already responding to his words, rousing and wanting more. She nodded, pressed her palm flat against his chest and began to walk out of the water more, pushing him until they were only ankle deep. Leaning up slightly, she kissed the top of his ear before tugging on it gently with her teeth. Odette ran her tongue down his neck before she ran her nails lightly down his chest as she bent her knees and leaned in the cool water.

  His erection was thick, with a bead of wetness across the tip. She didn’t hesitate to please Philippe and drew her tongue over his shaft. His cock jumped as her tongue swept across the top of it, and more so when she gently blew across the tip of him. Her lips slowly closed over the head of his erection, and she slid her mouth down it. She felt his hands fist into her hair and guide her head as his hips bucked up, and she smirked before twirling her tongue around the head and sliding her mouth up and down his hard length. His growls egged her on, letting her know she was doing it right.

  Abruptly, he pushed her backwards, causing his prick to slip from her mouth. He surprised her by sitting down in the shallow section of water, his impressive prick appearing above the surface as he beckoned her to him. She stood up and lowered herself over him, wrapping her legs around his waist, but still not taking him inside her.

  He ran a finger down her bare arm, and she felt her body begin to pulse again, ready for him. Carefully, she took him in her hand and ran the head of him against her entrance, driving them both mad. He was so large that she could already feel the delicious stretch of her body as the tip pushed inside of her.

  Without another word, she straddled his body and took his hard, hot shaft without hesitation. His groan was full of pleasure and sent spikes of lust through her body. Her second orgasm was sneaking up quickly, and she wasn’t sure she could lead the dance of theirs for long before she shattered.

  His hands reached up and gripped her hips, pulling her down to him and setting their pace. Running her hands over her breasts, she thrust with him and sighed as his hands replaced hers. Moans and whimpers could be heard in the silence, and she didn’t care who might hear them. There was no one in the cave in her mind, just them caught at the moment.

  With every thrust, she took him deep inside and whimpered. Her groans were wanton, and when she looked into his eyes, she saw herself reflected back—wild and lustful. With a wicked grin, he grabbed her backside in his hands. As he rolled her underneath him, water raced over her nipples, pebbling them harder as his hands left her arse and tweaked them with enough force to cause a wonderful pain. Every movement made his shaft squeeze into her body. She screamed his name through clenched teeth and heard it echo in the water around her ears. He pumped his hips harder and faster. A climax shot through her as she felt his cock jerk inside of her and his hands grip into her hips, thrusting until they were both panting hard.

  His body collapsed on top of hers, but he didn’t let his body weight crush her. He kissed her throat and looked down at her. “We should get out of this water, Odette.”

  She blew out a deep breath and nodded. “Philippe, I don’t think I could move if a whole horde of demons came crashing through that entrance.”

  His eyes sharpened at her words, and she cursed inwardly. They’d had a beautiful moment, and she’d ruined it.

  “Do not remind me of where we are, ma belle felle. Not right now, or I’ll be too angry at myself to appreciate what just happened.”

  His eyes were dark, threatening, and it sent a burst of lust through her, despite what had just transpired betwixt them.

  “I could lose you.”

  The words were so soft she almost missed them, and his eyes flashed with determination.

  “I won’t, though. We will find that flower, Odette. I swear to you.”

  She reached up and lifted her head out of the little bit of water she lay in and ran her hand down his face. “You’ve already done that. In fact, we are racing to see who finds it first.”

  He laughed and captured her hand, placing a kiss to her fingers. “I am not done with you, Odette. This is dangerous as hell, but I seem to have no common sense when you are involved. It doesn’t matter where we are, for the moment, we are safe and an extra few seconds will not matter as the others are building a fire just outside this quaint entrance to Hell.” His laugh was harsh, bitter. “I care about you, Odette. I want you to know that. I have feelings for you, but right now, I just need to feel you again and know that you’re still with me.

  Her voice caught in her throat at the sentiment, and she nodded. It had only been a few weeks, but she couldn’t deny she had just had the same thoughts. He nodded back at her and picked her up. He walked out of the water and laid her down on the dirt floor. They would need to clean off again, but she didn’t care.

  He traced a finger over her folds, they were wet with her own pleasure, and he covered her body with his. Slowly, he sunk his member into her into her. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she met him thrust for thrust, breathing hard. Her orgasm came without warning, and he cut off her scream with a scorching kiss. Tongues tangling, hands groping one another, he continued to rock his hips against her, driving himself deep into her body until she saw the veins in his neck strain. She knew his balls would be tightening against his body, waiting to release. His thrusts grew faster and longer as he pulled out and slid across her clit with each move until a grunt spilled out as his own release came. He pulled out and lay beside her, neither one speaking for a few moments.

  Philippe broke the silence. “I’ve been selfish enough. We can’t hide out here, not with your life on the line. Let’s quickly get this dirt off, dress and get back to the others.”

  He stood, and she processed his words. He was right—if not for her being bitten—they wouldn’t be there. Jumping up, she walked into the water so they could get back to the others. It wouldn’t be much longer before they were at the entrance, and she didn’t have much of a desire to explain how they’d wound up wet in one of the most dangerous areas in the world.


  “So tell me, Rafe.” Seraphina slowly dragged her fingernail down the side of the Pure Angel’s face. “Are you ready to fall?” Her smile was cold and lethal as she let her nail slice a small crescent into the Angel’s cheek. Three dots of blood seeped out, and she unconsciously licked her lips at the thought of connecting with another Pure Angel.

  “I bet you would love to see where that connection gets your next toy.” The hallucination that was Demetrious snickered.

  It took all her resolve to ignore the comment and remember he was nothing more than a side effect of her encounter with Lucius, one that would fade over time.

  “I will never fall, your time is wasted.” Rafe sneered, and the contempt in his eyes matched that of every other Angel whose fall she had forced.

  Her head tipped back as she laughed, and when she lowered her gaze to his, there was no humor in her eyes. “Really? Is that even a possibility at this point?” She reached behind him and ran her hand down the luxurious white feathers on his back. “Have you any idea how painful it is to fall by having your wings torn out and Fallen blood dripped into yours?”

  His eyes blinked rapidly, but they never shined with fear. For Seraphina, it was like tempting a young sod with sweets and saying he could only have what he could reach as she held them above his head. She found amusement in it.

  Midway through the beautiful wings, she closed her forefinger and middle finger, pinching two feathers and harshly plucked them from his back. Rafe’s body arched in pain, but like a good Pure Angel, he made no sound. She spied the small red speckle of blood that indicated she’d ripped deep enough to tear into the root feather and smirked.

  “Do you have any idea, Rafe, the things that have to be done to make an Angel fall against their will?” She leaned down to his ear and gently nipped at it, loving the stark frigidness that shot through his body from her touch. “Well do you?” Her tongue trailed down his neck just as s
he pulled out a solitary feather, the pleasure-pain stimuli drew a growl from the masculine warrior tied to the chair.

  When he didn’t answer, fury bubbled inside her chest. She was not used to defiance. It had been months since she’d turned a Pure Angel herself. She’d wanted the task of turning Rafe because he was Demetrious’ brother and had scorned them both when he’d died—before she’d killed Demetrious’ soul. In a blink, she was in front of him, her hand striking across his perfectly sculpted face.

  “I asked you a question!” her voice echoed like tiny bells in the dungeon room. Even as a Fallen the voice remained melodious, another reason humans had falsely thought Angels played on the side of righteousness, versus the side of themselves.

  She brought her knee up and slammed it into his groin, knicking the chair, but not caring.

  He growled, and his lips pulled back in a hiss. “I do not take orders from a Fallen.”

  When he spit it was tinted with blood, and she hurriedly stepped out of its way, a look of horror on her face.

  “You’d dare bring our blood into this?” She was aghast, and she let him know.

  His lips twisted up into a smirk. He’d rattled her. He’d won.

  She growled low and stormed from the cell. Her footsteps heavy and booming in the tunnel. Flashing wasn’t an option, anger rode her hard, and there was no telling where she’d wind up if she couldn’t focus.

  “Izazal! Muriel!” her voice was akin to a screeching cat’s, and everyone froze around her. The two Fallen, her first and second in command, did not appear immediately. “Izazal and Muriel, you will show yourself at once, or I will personally feed you my blood once more!” Her foot stamped, and she huffed.

  The door to the cell where the other Pure Angels being turned were kept opened, and the two Fallen stepped out. As usual, Izazal looked at her with lust shining in his eyes. He had so much of her blood in his body and had been over, and under her body so many times, their connection wouldn’t break—even if she’d given him up to Muriel as a plaything. In turn, the blonde Fallen looked at her with the same mix of contempt and loyalty that she expected she’d always see in Pure Angel she’d made fall against their will.


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