Page 55
“I can explain…” pleaded Garlea.
He leaned back and waved it off, “Nah… no need, Garlea.”
“It was just research…” Garlea’s adrenalin was off the charts, her hands shaking. She wanted to start the car, race away and hide. Or should she get out and run? Where would she be safe? She had an overwhelming desire to pee. She felt caged, trapped.
Toberus had that knowing smirk again, “Oh, and it was very good research. But you tried to hide it from me, so I don’t believe I can trust you, anymore…”
“That’s not true,” she insisted. “Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for the organization…” she lied.
Toberus looked calm, serene, “Garlea, we have to let you go, you’re fired…”
“Nooooooo!” Garlea snarled, punching the screen of her vehicle’s comm with all her might, destroying the screen, the unit disconnecting. The other Garlea stood outside of her open sedan watching her and all she could think of was to run her over in a fit of anger and revenge. Teeth clenched in fury, she gripped the wheel, feeling the leather give under her grip. “Bye bitch,” she hissed. She punched the starter button…
■ ■ ■
The synthetic Garlea watched passively from her spot next to her car, Toberus watching it through her eyes. A clone has too much free will, a synthetic will be much better for maintaining control - especially for such a sensitive type of business. And it isn’t likely anyone could ever tell the difference…
The flash was brighter than he’d expected, and the Synth turned away momentarily to divert her eyes, looking back as glass nuggets rained down across parking spots all around the vehicle, fire consuming the interior of Garlea’s car, flames curling out of the missing windows and licking over the roof.
“Goodbye Garlea.”
“Goodbye, Mr. Toberus,” replied the Synth.
Toberus smiled at the results and disconnected the link from the synthetic, she would go about assuming Garlea’s life.
Now, what to do about Steele…
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Thank you for reading about the Wings of Steele universe, I hope you enjoyed the adventure as much as I did creating it for you. As an independent author and publisher, readers like you are the reason I am able to continue writing & creating.
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Other books in the series...
Book 1 - WINGS of STEELE - Destination Unknown
Book 2 - WINGS of STEELE - Flight of Freedom
Book 3 - WINGS of STEELE - Revenge and Retribution
Book 4 - WINGS of STEELE - Dark Cover
Jeff Burger was born and grew up in Chicago, Illinois, moving to the Gulf Coast of Florida at the age of 28, where he still lives today with his German Shepherd, Jax. Jeff returns to Chicago on a regular basis to visit family and friends.
Originally drawn to law enforcement like his father and uncle, Jeff's extremely creative nature drove him toward a rewarding career in photography, illustration, design, marketing and advertising.
Jeff's choice in career and life in Florida have offered some truly unique experiences which he continues to enjoy. A certified firearms instructor, Jeff has worked with civilians, Military Personnel and Law Enforcement Officers from many agencies. This has afforded him the opportunity to regularly handle and become proficient with firearms of all types, new and vintage, from all over the world.
An affinity for aircraft and flying have provided many opportunities to fly with talented civilian and military pilots in a wide selection of fixed wing and rotary aircraft. While Jeff finds jets to be supremely exciting, nothing beats the sublime sound or primal heartbeat of a piston-driven Rolls Royce Merlin V12 in a vintage P51 Mustang.
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