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Pen and Ink Witchcraft

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by Calloway, Colin G.

neutrality, 2

  Nevada, 172

  New Corn (Potawatomi), 112

  New France, 25, 47

  New Jersey, 38, 49, 77, 94, 246

  New Mexico, 21, 166, 172, 215, 227

  newspapers (press), 188, 189, 192, 193, 194, 196, 204–5, 206, 213. see also individual reporters; specific newspapers

  New York City delegation, 231, 232

  New York Herald (newspaper), 188, 189, 212

  New York State, 25, 31

  Canandaigua Treaty and, 111

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 49, 100, 101

  Iroquois and, 96, 101–2, 111

  Senecas and, 119

  shady deals, 101

  western lands and, 94

  New York Times (newspaper), 230

  New Zealand, 243

  Nez Perces, 171, 177–78, 178, 179, 227, 228. see also Plains Indians

  Nicholls, Richard, 295n125, 295n125

  Nickus (Mohawk), 57

  Nimwha (Shawnee), 65

  Nisquallys, 177

  Norridgwocks, 26–27

  North, Frank, 219

  North American Review, 230

  North Carolina, 98, 104, 118, 121, 122

  Northern Pacific Railroad, 177, 180

  Northrup, Sarah Bird, 125, 126

  Northwest Coast Indians, 240

  Northwest Ordinance (1787), 94, 105

  Norton, John, 25

  Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson), 88


  gifts and, 19

  kinship and, 24–25

  wampum and, 27

  Oconostota (Oconostata) (Oconostoto) (Cherokee), 63, 87, 91, 104

  Ogden Land Company, 119

  Oglala Lakotas (Sioux), 35, 226, 239

  Ohio, 115

  Ohio Company of Virginia, 44, 82

  Ohio Indians

  American diplomacy and, 103

  Europeans and, 65, 72–73

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 79, 80, 86

  Iroquois League and, 54

  W. Johnson and, 77

  Revolutionary War and, 90

  right of conquest and, 102

  Washington and, 41–42

  Ohio River and Valley

  Auglaize River conference and, 108

  as boundary, 95

  British and, 45, 54, 65, 84

  Cherokees and Iroquois and, 86

  Croghan and, 57, 58, 60

  Fort Harmar treaties and, 105–6

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 49, 100

  Indian wars and, 91

  Lancaster Treaty and, 44

  Pickering and, 110

  right of conquest and, 102

  Sandusky conference and, 109

  settlers and, 87

  Shawnees and, 103, 113

  treaties and, 98

  Ojibwes, 25, 105, 119–20, 170, 240

  Oklahoma, 183, 201, 215, 235

  Old Settlers (Cherokees), 154, 156, 157, 159

  Old Smoke (Sayenqueragtha) (Seneca), 68, 89, 92, 93

  Omahas, 167, 170

  Onas (feather/quill) (William Penn), 25, 30, 36, 38, 131–32

  Oneida country, 153

  Oneidas. see also Iroquois (Iroquois League) (Six Nations); individual Oneidas

  Canandaigua Treaty and, 110–11

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 75, 248

  homelands, 110–11

  interpreters and, 42

  Iroquois League and, 1, 24

  W. Johnson and, 64, 73–74

  missionaries and, 74

  New York State and, 101, 111

  Pickering and, 111

  Revolutionary War and, 92

  Oneyanha (Beech Tree) (Oneida), 101

  Onondagas. see also Iroquois (Iroquois League) (Six Nations); individual Onondagas

  calumet and, 34

  Iroquois League and, 1, 24

  W. Johnson and, 62, 70

  Johnson Hall conference and, 60

  New York State and, 101, 111

  wampum and, 31–32

  Wharton and, 299n44

  Onondiyo (Captain John) (Oneida), 110–11

  Onontio (Chevalier de Montmagny) (Great Mountain), 25

  opportunism, 84. see also speculators

  oral pacts, 5

  oral tradition, 35–40

  oratory, 7, 23, 43, 99, 209

  Oregon, 172, 174, 177, 180

  O’Reilly, Alejandro, 34–35

  Osages, 156, 165, 169, 170–71, 183, 200, 216. see also Plains Indians

  Ostler, Jeffrey, 175, 227

  Otos, 167, 170

  Otsinoghiyata (Bunt) (Onondaga), 77, 89, 248

  Ottawas. see also individual Ottawas

  calumet and, 34

  Detroit conference and, 105

  Great Lakes land and, 119

  Mahicans and, 25

  Prairie du Chien Treaty and, 170

  trust and, 120

  wampum and, 31, 32

  Owl (Miami), 116

  Owl Prophet (Dohate) (Maman-ti) (Touching the Sky) (Kiowa), 223, 224

  Owl Woman (Bent) (Cheyenne), 184

  Pacific Coast, 176. see also specific states

  Pacific Northwest, 177. see also specific states

  Pacific Railroad Acts (1862, 1864), 180

  Painted Pole (Shawnee), 108

  Palmer, Joel, 177, 178

  Palo Duro Canyon, 222

  panic of 1837, 151

  Panis Indians, 47, 297n174

  Panton, William, 114

  Paris, Peace of (1763), 53, 54

  Paris, Peace of (1783), 94–95, 97, 100, 105

  Parker, Ely S. (Seneca), 162, 231

  Parker, Quanah (Comanche), 237

  Parsons, Samuel, 103

  Paruasemena (Yamparika Comanche). see Ten Bears

  Paschal, George, 318n151

  Passamaquoddies, 241

  passports, 34

  patience, 110

  patrilineal societies, 24

  Pawnee Creek, 194

  Pawnee Fork village, 195

  Pawnees, 156, 170–71, 235. see also Plains Indians

  Paxton Boys, 55

  Payne, John Howard, 141, 142–43


  calumet and, 33, 34–35

  Indian understanding of, 16

  intertribal, 179

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 213

  Ross on, 229

  peace ambassadors, 25–26

  pen-and-ink witch-craft, 2, 36, 106, 244

  Pend Oreilles, 179

  Peneteka Comanches (Honey Eaters), 183, 200, 204, 214–15

  Penn, John, 67, 93

  Penn, Thomas, 38–39, 62

  Penn, William (Onas) (feather) (quill), 25, 30, 36, 38, 131–32

  Penn, William (pen name) (Jeremiah Everts), 131–32

  Penn family, 85, 93

  Pennsylvania. see also Paxton Boys; Treaty of Lancaster; individual Pennsylvanians

  Croghan and, 57

  Delawares and, 30, 38–39

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 49, 70, 75–76, 83–84, 100, 246

  interpreters and, 41, 69

  Iroquois and, 44–45, 62

  Penn family and, 93

  unscrupulous practices, 37

  western lands and, 94

  written treaties and, 35, 36

  Wyoming Valley and, 61

  Penobscots, 26–27, 37–38, 241

  Perdue, Theda, 136, 316n100

  Perrot, Nicholas, 34

  Peters, Richard, 39, 67–68, 69, 79, 93, 248

  Philadelphia, delegation to, 15

  Philbrick, Nathaniel, 188

  Philips, Philip, 68, 69

  Phoenix (Cherokee newspaper), 9, 129, 131, 136, 142

  Piankeshaws, 105

  Pickens, Andrew, 103–4

  Pickering, Timothy, 110–11

  pictographs, 46

  Piegans, 179

  Pierce, Maris Bryant (Seneca), 120

  Pike, Albert, 161

  pipes (calumets) and smoking. see also tobacco

  Caddos an
d, 165

  colonial era and, 14, 20, 25–35

  Fort Finney conference and, 102

  Fort Laramie Treaty and, 175

  Great Plains Indians and, 17

  W. Johnson and, 64

  Lewis and Clark and, 167, 168–69

  Logstown Treaty and, 34

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 209

  New Mexico and, 166

  truth and, 33

  US commissioners and, 98

  Wayne and, 111–12

  Pitchlynn, John, 115

  “Pittsylvania,” 82

  Pizelle, John (Poisal), 175, 197

  Plains Indians. see also western lands and Indians; specific tribes

  alliances and, 171–72

  Cherokees and, 156

  diplomacy and, 164–65, 171

  diseases and, 167, 174

  Europeans and, 165–66

  Fort Atkinson Treaty and, 176

  horses and, 165, 167

  intertribal alliances, 165

  leadership and, 16–17

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 182, 196, 202

  reservations and, 9–10

  signatures, 46

  trade and, 167

  US Indian Peace Commission and, 186

  US military and, 177

  violence and, 172, 183, 184–85, 216–17, 218–19, 220, 221, 222

  plenary power doctrine, 238

  Plymouth Colony, 13–14, 19

  Pocahontas (Powhatan), 13

  Poinsett, Joel, 157

  Point Pleasant battle, 90

  Poisal, John (Pizelle), 175, 197

  political savvy of Indians, 43, 116, 119–20

  Polk, James, 159, 173

  Pomo tribe, 5

  Poncas, 170–71, 235

  Pontiac (Ottawa), 54

  Pontiac’s War, 47, 58, 66

  Poor Bear (Plains Apache), 176, 194, 198, 200

  Porter, George, 139

  Post, Christian Frederick, 47

  Potawatomis. see also individual Potawatomis

  bribery and, 139–40

  Cherokee Commission and, 235

  Chicago Treaty, 118–19, 139–40

  Detroit conference and, 105

  Fort Wayne Treaty and, 116

  Mahicans and, 25

  medals and, 112

  number of treaties signed, 5, 119

  Prairie du Chien Treaty and, 170

  Schermerhorn and, 139–40

  trust and, 120

  Wells and, 113

  Powder Face (Arapaho), 216, 231

  Powell, William, 58


  American, 99

  diplomacy and, 164–65, 173

  Indian, 17

  Jackson and, 132–33

  liquor and, 45

  medals and, 21, 99

  Roman Nose on, 184

  treaties and, 228–29

  US and, 7, 108, 112

  US Supreme Court on, 238

  wars and, 13

  of words, 22–25

  writing and, 36, 38, 39–40

  Powhatan, 13

  Pratt, Richard Henry, 196, 223–24

  pre-contact Indians, 12–13

  prewritten treaties, 170, 177

  price of land, 144

  Principal Dogs (Katsienko) (Koietsenko) (Qóichégàu) (Sentinel Horses), 191, 197, 207

  prisoners, 92, 93, 94, 198, 223, 224

  private meetings and agreements. see also secret articles

  chief salaries and, 107–8

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 69–70, 75–76

  W. Johnson and, 69–70, 72, 73

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 194

  Schermerhorn and, 140

  as standard practice, 40, 70

  Walla Walla Treaty and, 178

  private property (land), 93, 98, 204, 234

  Privy Council (Britain), 82, 84

  Proclamation of 1763, 81, 89

  promiscuity, 165

  protests, 11, 104, 106, 120

  protocols, 12, 14–15, 194

  Prucha, Francis Paul, 172

  Pueblos, 167

  Puget Sound Basin, 177

  Pumpshire, John, 39

  Puyallups, 177

  Qóichégàu (Katsienkos) (Koietsenkos) (Real/Principal Dogs) (Sentinel Horses) (Kiowas), 191, 197, 207

  Quakers, 18, 42, 110, 111. see also individual Quakers

  Quapaws, 33–34, 139

  Quebec Act of 1774, 82–83

  quill (feather) (Onas) (William Penn), 25, 30, 36, 38, 131–32

  racherías, 174

  racism, 130

  railroads. see also specific railroad companies

  attacks on, 183, 184, 198

  Boudinot and, 233

  buffalos and, 222

  Fort Laramie Treaty and, 226, 227

  Iroquois and, 119

  Jerome Commission and, 237

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 185, 204, 209, 210, 211, 219, 221

  Navajos and, 227

  Pacific Northwest and, 177, 180

  Plains Indians and, 186

  Stone Calf on, 231

  the Rat (Kondiaronk) (Huron), 15

  ratification, US Constitution and, 106–7

  Raven of Chota, 91

  Real Dogs (Katsienkos) (Koietsenkos) (Qóichégàus) (Sentinel Horses) (Kiowas), 191, 197, 207

  Red Clay proclamation (1836), 148

  Red Cloud (Oglala), 226–27

  Red Cloud War, 184–85

  Red Hawk (Shawnee), 86

  Red Head (Onondaga), 34

  Red Jacket (Seneca), 108, 110, 113

  Red River War (Buffalo War), 221, 222–23

  Red Sticks. see Creeks

  religion. see Christianity

  removal. see also Boudinot, Elias (Galagina) (Buck Watie) (Cherokee); The Ridge; Ridge, John; Ross, John (Cherokee); Treaty of New Echota (1835)

  Cherokees and, 120, 123–24, 129–30, 135–53

  Chicago Treaty and, 118–19

  W. Clark and, 170–71

  costs of, 152, 153–54, 160

  deadline, 151, 152

  depredations and, 152–53

  disease and, 150, 152

  Georgia and, 137

  Jackson and, 132–33, 135

  logistics and planning, 151–52

  New Echota Treaty and, 9

  numbers removed, 153

  opponents of, 129–32, 133

  Ross and Boudinot on, 149

  Scott and, 151

  timeline, 147

  US Civil War and, 163

  US Supreme Court and, 120, 133–34

  Renan, Ernest, 225


  Arapahos and, 210

  California and, 173–74

  Cherokee Commission and, 236

  Cheyennes and, 211, 219

  Dawes Act and, 234

  Doolittle report and, 185

  extinction versus, 181, 182

  Fort Laramie Treaty and, 175, 226

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 84

  Grant and, 219

  Indian Office and, 173

  Indian opinions of, 222

  Indian Trade and Intercourse Act of 1834 and, 172

  Jerome Commission and, 237

  Kiowas and, 238

  Lakotas and, 235

  Lapwai Valley Treaty and, 227

  Little Arkansas Treaty and, 183, 184

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 10, 182, 201–2, 203–4, 205, 210, 211, 214, 216

  New Echota Treaty and, 144

  railroads and, 186

  settlers and, 230

  Sheridan and, 219

  Stevens and, 177

  US Civil War and, 163

  US Congress and, 230

  US expansion and, 9–10

  US Indian Peace Commission and, 186

  resistance. see also violence and retaliation

  by Kiowas, 184

  New Echota Treaty and, 144

  by J. Ross, 156–57

  Sassaba and, 119–20

  res judicata, 241
br />   Revolutionary War

  Cherokee homelands and, 122

  compensation for services, 111

  effects of, 96

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 90, 92

  land grants and, 100, 103, 111

  Sayenqueraghta on, 93

  Shawnees and, 103

  speculators and, 83

  Washington and, 100

  Reynolds, Milton, 188–89

  Richardville, Jean-Baptiste (Miami), 140

  Rider, Ellis, 158

  The Ridge (Major Ridge) (Kahmungdaclageh) (Cherokee). see also Treaty Party

  death penalty and, 154

  image, 124

  Jackson and, 148

  life history, 123

  New Echota Treaty and, 9, 143–45, 147

  removal and, 124–26, 129, 131, 135–38, 150

  wife, 125, 157

  Ridge, Andrew Jackson, 140, 141

  Ridge, John (Cherokee). see also Treaty Party

  Cherokee civil wars and, 155

  death of, 154–55

  family of, 318n151

  image, 126

  Jackson and, 140, 148

  life history, 125–28

  New Echota Treaty and, 9, 141, 142, 147–48

  removal and, 129, 135–38, 150

  John Ross and, 135–38, 140–42, 145–46, 153

  Schermerhorn and, 140, 141, 142

  Ridge, John Rollin (Cherokee), 154, 157–58, 159, 160–61, 163

  Ridge, Nancy, 125

  Ridge, Susanna (Sehoya) (Wickett) (Cherokee), 125

  right of conquest, 100, 102, 105, 111

  right of cultivation, 115

  right of preemption, 95

  rights, equal, 243–44

  rights of discovery, 3–4, 5

  rights of Indians, 3, 43, 129, 155–56, 231–32, 238–39, 242–43, 333n34. see also legality

  rights to buy, 4

  rights to fish and to hunt, 75, 177, 217, 240

  rights to sale of land, 65

  rituals, 4, 12, 14–15, 16, 105, 167, 287n9; gifts; pipes and smoking; wampum belts; (Gus-Wen-Tah) (Kaswentha); specific rituals

  roads, 179

  Robinson, Alexander (Chechebinquey) (Potawatomi), 139–40

  Robinson, Charles, 192

  Rocky Mountains, 32

  Rodgers, John (Cherokee), 154

  Roman Nose (Cheyenne), 184, 193, 211, 216, 217, 219

  Ross, Allen (Cherokee), 154

  Ross, Andrew (Cherokee), 138, 144, 149

  Ross, Edmond G., 188, 228

  Ross, James (Cherokee), 162

  Ross, Jane (Meigs), 158

  Ross, John (Cherokee). see also National Party (Cherokee)

  arrest of, 142–43

  Bell and, 157

  Cherokee civil wars and, 159–60

  costs of removal and, 152, 160

  death of, 163

  image, 130

  Jackson and, 123, 135, 148

  McIntosh and, 125

  New Echota Treaty and, 141, 145–46, 149–50, 154, 156–57, 159, 160, 249

  removal and, 129, 131, 136–38, 140–41, 151–52, 159

  J. Ridge and, 135–38, 140–46, 153, 155

  Schermerhorn and, 142, 145, 147

  on sovereignty, 155, 158, 159, 162

  Tahlequah conference and, 156

  US Civil War and, 161–62


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