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by Calloway, Colin G.

  Treaty of Lapwai Valley (1863), 227

  Treaty of the Little Arkansas (1865), 183, 184, 186, 209, 238

  Treaty of Lochaber (1770), 81, 90

  Treaty of Logstown (1752), 27, 34, 41, 69

  Treaty of Medicine Creek (1854), 177

  Treaty of Medicine Lodge (1867)

  additional compensation, 238

  analysis of, 213

  G. Bent and, 190

  buffalo hunting and, 221–22

  commemorations, 225

  commissioners and, 185–86, 189, 191, 192–93, 193–94, 196

  commissioner’s report, 213–16

  Dog Soldiers and, 211

  end of treaties and, 228

  formal negotiations, 197–202, 205–12

  gifts, 205–6

  Grant and, 219

  Harney and, 162

  history of America and, 8–9, 10

  images, 198, 199, 224

  Indian background, 196

  Indian negotiators, 189–92, 193, 194–95, 196–97

  Indian understanding of, 204–5

  Indian women and, 18, 197

  Jerome Commission and, 235, 237

  news coverage, 189, 194, 196, 204–5, 213

  prenegotiation history, 182–85, 189, 192–93

  prisoners and, 224–25

  reservations and, 10, 163, 201, 203–4, 216, 235

  Satank’s speech, 206–9

  site and date of, 189

  Stone Calf on, 231

  terms of, 202–4, 211–12

  text of, 264–83

  US Congress and, 214

  US military and, 192–93, 213–14, 324n29

  US Peace Commission and, 182–97

  US Supreme Court and, 237

  violations of, 214–16

  violent responses, 216–24, 324n29

  Treaty of Mendota (1851), 174

  treaty, Montreal, Great Peace of (1701), 1–2, 8, 15, 49

  Treaty of Mount Dexter (1805), 115

  treaty with the Navajos (1868), 239

  Treaty of New Echota (Ridge’s Treaty) (1835). see also Red Clay proclamation (1836); removal; Treaty Party (Cherokee)

  Cherokees and, 9, 121–35

  civil wars and, 153–63

  corruption and fraud and, 148, 151

  costs of, 152, 153–54

  formal negotiations, 143–45

  history of America and, 8–9, 10

  income from, 160

  prenegotiation history, 121–40

  renegotiation of, 145–53, 157, 159

  Ridge versus Ross and, 135–38, 140–42, 145–46

  Schermerhorn and, 138–40, 141–42, 144, 147, 152, 248, 249

  text of, 248–64

  violations of, 153–54

  Treaty of New York (1790), 107

  treaty with Nez Perces (1868), 227

  Treaty of Niagara (1764), 10–11, 55

  treaty with Osages (1808), 169

  Treaty of Paris (1763), 53, 54

  Treaty of Paris (1783), 94–95, 97, 100, 105

  Treaty of Portage des Sioux (1815), 170

  Treaty of Prairie du Chien (1825), 170

  Treaty, Ridge’s. see Treaty of New Echota (1835)

  treaty, Santa Fe (1785), 167

  Treaty of Shackamaxon (1683), 38

  treaty, South Carolina (1721), 121

  Treaty of St. Louis (1804), 115

  Treaty of Sycamore Shoals (Henderson treaty) (1775), 91, 104

  treaty, Texas (1785), 167

  Treaty of Traverse des Sioux (1851), 174

  Treaty of Walla Walla (1855), 177–79, 178

  treaties, Washington Territory (1854–1856), 177

  treaty, Yakama (1855), 177–79

  treaty cloth, 10

  treaty federalism, 242

  treaty locations, 15

  Treaty Party (Cherokee). see also Boudinot, Elias; The Ridge; Ridge, John

  Cherokee civil wars and, 158

  Lumpkin on, 155

  members of, 136

  New Echota Treaty and, 144–45, 149

  Old Settlers and, 156

  removal of, 150, 158

  J. Ross on, 138

  on J. Ross Party, 147

  Ross-Watie conflict and, 153–54, 159–60

  US government and, 157

  Trent, William, 54, 58, 61, 66, 68, 82

  “tribe” (“nation”), xii

  Trott, James, 144

  trust by Indians, 119–20

  Truteau, Jean Baptiste, 167

  Tsosie, Rebecca, 242

  Turle’s Heart (Delaware), 68

  Tuscarora Indian Nation, Federal Power Commission v. (1960), 239

  Tuscaroras, 24, 77, 101, 111, 239, 248. see also Iroquois (Iroquois League) (Six Nations)

  Tyearuruante, 73

  Tyler, John, 157

  Tyorhansera. see Abraham

  Umatillas, 177

  Union Pacific Railroad, 186

  United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 243

  United States government, 96–97, 98–100, 103–4. see also entries beginning US…

  UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and, 243

  Upper Creeks, 48

  US, Winters v. (1908), 238

  US authority, 2, 5, 107, 236. see also legality

  US Bureau of Indian Affairs (Indian Office), 173

  US citizenship, 114, 124, 134, 138, 182, 233, 237, 244

  US Civil War, 5, 161–63, 180

  US commissioners. see also individual commissioners; specific treaties

  coercion and, 115

  Fort Finney conference and, 102–3

  Hopewell Treaty and, 104

  US Constitution and, 106

  wampum and, 103

  after War of 1812, 170

  women and, 120

  US Congress. see also US House of Representatives; US Senate; specific legislation

  1832 authorization, 173

  annuities and, 106

  authority of, 237–38

  Black Hills and, 241

  Cherokee removal and, 120, 131

  end of treaty system and, 231–32

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 100

  Indian wars and, 105, 185

  Jerome Commission and, 237

  Lakotas and, 234

  land transfers and, 241

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 202, 214

  New Echota Treaty and, 145, 147

  private land and, 98

  rights of Indians and, 333n34

  treaty making and, 5, 8

  treaty violations and, 132

  US Constitution and, 106, 242

  US Constitution, 106, 107, 132, 134, 156, 230, 231, 241, 242

  US Corps of Discovery, 164

  US courts, 131, 133, 177, 212, 238, 240–41. see also legality; US Supreme Court

  US Department of the Interior, 173, 231

  US expansion. see also removal; settlers, American

  boundaries and, 95, 174

  British and, 55–57

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 84

  Harrison and, 115–16

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 213

  Northwest Ordinance and, 105

  reservations and, 9–10

  Supreme Court and, 5, 238

  treaties and, 3, 113–14

  US authority and, 107

  US Indian Peace Commission and, 185–86

  western lands and, 172–73, 180–81

  US government. see also other entries beginning US …; Revolutionary War; sovereignty; specific branches; specific treaties

  boundaries and, 98, 99, 100, 104, 105, 107, 109, 174

  Cherokee civil wars and, 158–59

  Cherokees and, 122, 146–47, 148

  Forbes and Company and, 115

  Fort Laramie Treaty (1868) and, 233

  Georgia and, 142

  New Echota Treaty and, 153

  number of treaties made, 173

  J. Ross and, 149–50, 156–57

; states and, 133, 137

  title to land and, 4

  US House of Representatives, 159, 230–31

  US Indian Peace Commission, 182, 185–89, 187, 226, 229–30. see also Treaty of Medicine Lodge (1867); individual commissioners

  US military. see also individual leaders; specific actions

  Augur and, 187

  Black Hills and, 233–34

  blame by, 229

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 100

  Kiowas and, 221

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 192–93, 324n29

  New Echota Treaty and, 148, 155

  Nez Perces and, 228

  Plains Indians and, 177, 222

  Red Cloud War and, 185

  US Indian Peace Commission and, 186

  US presidents, 106–7, 121, 132, 169, 185. see also individual presidents

  US secretaries of war, 106. see also individual secretaries

  US Senate

  Buffalo Creek Treaty and, 119, 120

  California treaties and, 174

  Cherokee civil wars and, 159–60

  Cherokees and, 138, 163

  Indian Removal Act and, 132

  Indian Springs Treaty and, 118

  last treaty ratified, 227

  Little Arkansas Treaty and, 184

  New Echota Treaty and, 121, 147

  Potawatomis and, 139–40

  ratification and, 238

  rule of law and, 242

  US House and, 230

  US sovereignty. see sovereignty

  US statutes, 231–32

  US Supreme Court, 5, 109, 120, 133–34, 233, 237–39, 239–40, 241, 333n34. see also legality; specific cases

  US v. Kagama (1886, 1903), 237–38

  US v. Winans (1905), 238

  US War Department, 231

  Utah, 172

  Utes, 5, 166, 167, 218. see also Plains Indians

  Van Buren, Martin, 120, 149–50, 151, 152

  Vandalia proposal, 82–83

  Vann, David (Cherokee), 138, 157

  Vann, James (Cherokee), 123

  Vaudreuil, Marquis de, 20

  Vélez, Tomás, 20

  victims, 243–44

  Vimont, Barthélemy, 23

  violence and retaliation. see also Indian wars; resistance; US military; wars; specific battles; specific massacres

  Cherokee civil wars, 153–63

  Dodge on, 230

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 91

  by Harney, 176

  Kansas and, 217

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 216–24, 324n29

  by Oglalas, 226

  on Osages, 216

  Pennsylvania and, 55

  Plains Indians and, 172, 183, 184–85, 216–17, 218–19, 220, 221, 222

  Ross and, 159

  of Satanta, 196, 209, 220, 221

  settlers, American, and, 87

  Sheridan and, 219

  Virginia. see also Treaty of Lancaster (1744); individual Virginians

  Cherokees and, 67, 122

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 49, 70, 83–84, 90, 246

  Hard Labor Treaty and, 81

  interpreters and, 41

  Iroquois and, 23, 44

  Kentucky and, 89, 98

  Ohio River Valley and, 44, 98

  Powhatan chiefdom and, 13

  Shawnees and, 89–90, 92

  smoking and, 34

  speculators, 56

  wampum and, 20, 27, 31

  western lands and, 94

  writing and, 35

  Voice of the Sunrise (Hears the Sunrise) (Tananaica) (Yamparika Comanche), 222

  Wabash nations, 60

  wagon trains, 174

  Wahpekutes, 174

  Wahpetons, 174

  Walker, Thomas, 66–67, 81, 90, 94, 248

  “Walking Purchase” (1737), 39, 62

  Walking Woman (Margaret Fitzpatrick) (Wilmarth) (Wilmott) (Adams) (Arapaho), 184, 197, 198, 210

  Wallawallas, 177

  Wallowa Valley, 228

  Walpole, Richard, 82

  Walpole, Thomas, 82

  Walpole Associates, 82

  Wampanoag tribe, 13–14

  wampum belts. see also (Gus-Wen-Tah) (Kaswentha)

  Albany conference and, 34

  as atonement, 47

  Auglaize River conference and, 108

  colonial era and, 14, 25–32

  Conoghquieson and, 89

  Duane on, 99

  Fort Finney conference and, 102, 106

  Fort Pitt Treaty and, 97

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 62–63, 70, 71, 74, 75, 76

  Greenville Treaty and, 112

  image source, 292n70

  Indian wars and, 90

  meanings of, 3, 30, 293n90

  Montour and, 69

  preservation of, 37

  Revolutionary War and, 96

  rituals and, 16

  Shawnees and, 86, 88, 103

  Teedyuscung and, 39

  treaties and, 10

  US commissioners and, 98, 100, 106

  Virginia colony and, 20

  wars and, 91, 103

  Washington and, 42

  Wayne and, 111–12

  women and, 18

  written treaties versus, 35, 36

  wampumpeag, 26

  Ward, Edward, 58

  War of 1812, 113, 117

  war of 1846–1848 (Mexican War), 172

  Warraghiyagey. see Johnson, William (Sir William)

  Warren Trading Post Co. v. Arizona Tax Commission (1965), 239–40

  Warren Wagon Train Massacre (1871), 220–21

  warriors, Indian, 107, 109, 171, 183. see also see also individual warriors

  wars, 1, 2, 13, 22, 31, 170. see also Indian wars; violence and retaliation; specific wars

  Washburn, Cephas, 147

  Washington, George (“Great Councillor of the Thirteen Fires”) (“town destroyer”)

  Cherokees and, 108

  on Greenville Treaty, 113

  Iroquois and, 100

  land bounties and, 67

  medals and, 112

  Monongahela battle, 57

  Montour and, 69

  Ohio country and, 42

  Pickering and, 111

  Quakers and, 110

  Senecas and, 100–101

  as speculator, 83, 84, 89

  on US authority, 107

  Washington DC, delegations to, 169, 175, 176, 221, 227, 231, 236–37, 239

  Washington state/territory, 177, 240

  Watie, Buck (Galagina) (Cherokee). see Boudinot, Elias

  Watie, Charlotte Jacqueline, 157, 163

  Watie, Comiskey (Cumiskey), 157, 162

  Watie, Ninnie Josephine, 157, 160, 163

  Watie, Saladin Ridge, 157, 161, 162, 163

  Watie, Sarah Caroline (Bell), 157, 162, 163

  Watie, Solon Watica, 157

  Watie, Stand (Dagdoga) (He Stands)

  businesses of, 153–54, 160

  Cherokee civil wars and, 158, 159–60

  Cherokee Phoenix and, 142

  Christian name of, 125

  death of, 163

  death penalty and, 154

  family of, 147, 157, 158

  Foreman and, 157

  image, 146

  Jackson and, 123

  New Echota Treaty and, 145, 154

  Paschal and, 318n151

  removal of, 150–51

  John Ross and, 154, 159, 162, 163

  A. Smith and, 157

  taxes and, 233

  US Civil War and, 161

  US government and, 163

  Watie, Thomas, 158

  Watie, Watica, 163

  Watie party, 162

  Watson, Blake, 85

  Wayne, Anthony, 110, 111–13, 309n51

  Weas, 105

  Webster, Daniel, 132

  Weisenberg, Catherine, 50, 57

  Weiser, Conrad, 29, 40, 41, 45

  Wells, William, 113

  Welsh, 29

  werowance, 13

  West, Benjamin, 38

  West, Elliott, 180

  West, Ellis, 158

  West, George and Jacob, 157

  western frontier

  British and, 55–57, 86

  English and, 72

  Indian unrest and, 85

  Indian wars and, 90

  Jefferson and, 114

  post 1834, 172–73

  US authority and, 107

  western lands

  US expansion and, 172–73, 180–81

  western lands and Indians. see also Clark, William; Lewis, Meriwether; Pacific Northwest; Plains Indians; Southwest, Old; specific states and tribes

  Canada and, 83

  Clark and, 169

  as commodities, 97

  Croghan and, 88

  Delaware State and, 94

  New Echota Treaty and, 121

  opportunism and, 84

  post-Revolutionary War, 97–98

  southeastern ceded for, 117–18

  Tahlequah conference and, 156

  Wayne and, 111–12

  West Virginia, 76, 81, 122

  Wharton, Samuel

  British and, 58–59, 82

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 60–61, 66, 79, 84–85

  B. Franklin and, 60–61, 83

  on gifts, 77

  image, 59

  Johnson and, 66, 71

  Onondagas and, 299n44

  Revolutionary War and, 83, 94, 96

  Wheelock, Eleazar, 51–52, 74

  Whipple, Henry B., 230

  Whitaker, A. A., 196

  White Bear (Kiowa). see Satanta

  White Eyes (Delaware), 91, 96, 97

  White Horse (Cimarron Cheyenne), 205, 211, 223

  Wichita agency, 183

  Wichitas, 167, 219, 232, 235. see also Plains Indians

  Wickett, Susanna (Sehoya) (Ridge) (Cherokee), 125

  Wilkinson, Charles, 239, 241–42

  Williams, Eunice, 26

  Williams, Joseph L., 152

  Williams, Jr., Robert A., 243

  Williams, Roger, 4

  Williams v. Lee (1959), 239

  Wills, George, 206

  Wilmarth, Margaret (Adams) (Fitzpatrick) (Wilmott) (Walking Woman) (Arapaho), 184, 197, 198, 210

  Winans, US v. (1905), 238

  Winnebagos, 170

  Winters v. US (1908), 238

  Winyan Wicakte (Woman Killer). see Harney, William S.

  Wirt, William, 133–34

  Wisconsin, 105, 119, 153

  Wolcott, Oliver, 100

  Wolf Slave (Arapaho), 191

  Woman Killer (Winyan Wicakte). see Harney, William S.

  Woman’s Heart (Mayetin) (Kiowa), 221, 223, 224

  women, Indian. see also intermarriages; individual women

  Brulé, 167

  Caddo, 165

  Canandaigua Treaty and, 110

  Cherokee, 125

  Cheyenne, 209, 223

  clothes and, 202

  Comanche, 167

  Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty and, 120

  delegations to Washington and, 176

  diplomatic roles of, 18–19

  Fort Finney conference and, 102, 103

  as interpreters, 40

  Iroquois, 101–2, 110

  Johnson on, 51


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