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by Calloway, Colin G.

Stand Watie and, 154, 159, 162, 163

  wives, 152, 159, 162

  Ross, Mary, 162

  Round Face (Seneca), 90

  Rowlands, John. see Stanley, Henry Morton

  Rushforth, Brett, 47

  Russia, 5

  sachems, 17

  Sac Indians (Sauks), 115, 170, 235

  Sacred Arrows ceremony, 193, 211

  Sadosky, Leonard, 117

  Sakakawea (Charbonneau) (Shoshoni), 169

  Salish (Flatheads), 169, 171, 179

  Sanborn, John B., 184, 186, 194, 226

  Sand Creek massacre (1864), 183, 184, 186, 189, 190, 193, 195, 196, 197, 229

  Santa Fe talks (1762), 166

  Saorghweyoghsta (Doer of Justice) (William Franklin), 70, 71

  sashes, 191, 197, 198, 207

  Sassaba (Ojibwe), 119–20

  Satank (Sitting Bear) (Kiowa)

  description of, 197–98

  horses and, 171

  image, 207

  medals and, 212

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 10, 183, 205

  son of, 220, 236

  speech by, 206–9

  Warren Wagon Train Massacre and, 220–21

  Satanta (White Bear) (Kiowa)

  Custer and, 218–19

  death of, 223

  description of, 191–92

  image, 191

  medals and, 212

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 10, 183, 194, 197, 199–200, 201, 204, 205

  violence of, 196, 209, 220, 221

  Sattelihu (Andrew Montour, Eghnisera), 69

  Sauganash (Billy Caldwell) (Potawatomi), 139–40

  Sauguaarum, Loron (Penobscot), 37–38

  Sauks (Sacs), 115, 170, 235

  Sault Ste. Marie, 3–4

  Savery, William, 110

  Sayenqueragtha (Old Smoke) (Seneca), 68, 89, 92, 93

  Scarouady (Oneida), 20, 57

  Schermerhorn, John F. (Devil’s Horn)

  Buffalo Creek Treaty and, 153

  on Cherokee civil wars, 155

  on New Echota Treaty, 145

  New Echota Treaty and, 138–40, 141–42, 143, 144, 145, 147, 152, 248

  Stockbridge Indians and, 153

  schools. see also education

  ABCFM and, 125, 127

  Bull Bear and, 219

  Carlisle (PA), 223, 224

  Fort Laramie Treaty and, 226

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 200, 201, 203, 204, 211

  Navajos and, 227

  Schuyler, Philip, 96, 100, 111

  Scioto River, 86

  Scotsmen, 41, 129. see also individual Scotsmen

  Scott, Winfield, 151

  scribes, 37

  seals, 35, 46, 48

  secretaries, 37

  secret articles, 107–8. see also private meetings and agreements

  Sehoya (Susanna Wickett) (Ridge) (Cherokee), 125

  Seminoles, 125, 139, 187

  Senecas. see also Iroquois (Iroquois League) (Six Nations); Treaty of Buffalo Creek (1838); individual Senecas

  Auglaize River conference and, 108

  Big Tree Treaty and, 113

  British and, 54

  Canandaigua Treaty and, 111

  Croghan and, 61, 64–65

  Fort Stanwix attacks, 93

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 66, 68

  Iroquois League and, 1, 24

  Kinzua Dam and, 11

  Montour and, 69, 88

  New York State and, 101

  19th century treaties, 119

  Schermerhorn and, 139, 140

  Sentinel Horses (Katsienkos) (Koietsenkos) (Qóichégàus) (Real/Principal Dogs) (Kiowas), 191, 197, 207

  Sequarusera (Tuscarora), 77, 248

  Sequoyah (George Gist), 128

  settlers, American. see also US expansion

  Abraham on, 89

  British and, 92

  buffalos and, 221–22

  Cherokees and, 91

  Conoghquieson on, 88–89

  Creeks and, 116–17

  disease and, 174

  Fort Stanwix cessions and, 90–91

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 89

  Iroquois and, 119

  Jerome Commission and, 237

  W. Johnson on, 88, 89

  Kansas and, 211

  legal invasion and, 86

  Little Arkansas Treaty and, 184

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 200, 204

  Ohio River Valley and, 85, 87

  Pacific Northwest and, 177

  railroads and, 180

  reservations and, 230

  Rio Grande, attacks south of, and, 172

  Sandusky conference and, 109

  treaties and, 104

  US authority and, 107

  US v. Kagama and, 238

  Seven Years’ War, 44, 54

  Shannon, Timothy, 51, 77, 84

  Shawnees and Shawnee Confederacy. see also individual Shawnees; specific subtribes

  British and, 65–66, 88, 91

  Cherokees and, 92

  Croghan and, 61, 64–65

  Fort Finney conference and, 102–3

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 65–66, 68, 75, 77, 86, 91–92

  Iroquois and, 54

  Jefferson and, 113–14

  W. Johnson and, 76

  Johnson Hall conference and, 60

  Mahicans and, 25

  Morgan and, 96

  Ohio River boundary and, 108

  Oklahoma and, 235

  Schermerhorn and, 139–40

  settlers and, 87

  Tahlequah conference and, 156

  treaty and, 47

  Virginia and, 89–90, 92

  wampum and, 31

  Sheheke (Mandan), 169

  Shelburne, Earl of, 61, 62, 63

  Sheridan, Philip, 217–18, 220

  Sherman, William Tecumseh

  image, 187

  Kiowas and, 220, 221

  McCusker and, 196

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 186–87, 212, 213

  Navajos and, 227

  reservations and, 214, 217

  starvation tactic of, 214

  US Commission and, 229

  violence of, 213

  Shickellamy, John (Tachendorus) (Oneida), 42

  Shirley, William, 26–27

  Shoshonis, 174, 175, 227. see also Plains Indians

  signatures, 2–3, 46, 106–7, 171, 211, 236

  signing of treaties, Indian understanding of, 17

  sign language, 196

  Silver Brooch (Toshaway) (Peneteka Comanche) (Honey Eater), 183, 200, 204, 214–15

  Silver Horn (Kiowa), 205

  singing, 31, 102, 175, 177

  Sioux. see also Plains Indians; individual Sioux; specific subtribes

  Black Hills and, 234, 240–41

  Custer and, 233

  Fort Laramie Treaty and, 175, 176–77

  Lewis and Clark and, 167

  Prairie du Chien Treaty and, 170

  reservations, 226, 234–35

  Traverse des Sioux Treaty/ Mendota Treaty and, 174

  treaties with, 226

  US Indian Peace Commission and, 186

  US sovereignty and, 170

  Sioux Act of 1888, 234–35

  Sissetons, 174

  Sitting Bear (Kiowa). see Satank

  Sitting Bull (Sioux), 233

  Six Nations. see Five Nations; Iroquois; specific tribes

  Skenanadon (Oneida), 93

  Skiagusta (Cherokee), 35

  slavery, 147, 163, 166, 176

  slaves, 47, 48, 52, 117, 122, 123, 128, 180, 297n174

  Smallwood, Thomas, 58

  Smith, Archilla (Cherokee), 144, 157

  Smith, Frederick, 68, 248

  Smith, Jack, 177, 197

  Smith, John (colonist), 13

  Smith, John Simpson, 175, 176–77, 184, 196, 197, 211, 231, 232

  Smith, Nathaniel, 148, 150

  smoking. see pipes and smoking

  Snake Woman (Blackfoot), 197

p; “sold,” 44

  Soule, W. S., 203, 207

  souls, 35

  South Carolina, 35, 48, 92, 103, 108, 121, 122

  South Dakota, 226, 233

  Southern Plains, 215

  Southwest, Old, 117

  sovereignty. see also authority

  cessions versus, 170

  Cherokees and, 122, 128–29, 130–31, 132, 134, 155

  Covenant Chain and, 24

  Indian understanding of, 17

  Iroquois and, 11, 49

  Jackson on, 133

  Massasoit and, 14

  modern Indian, 239, 241, 242

  removal and, 138

  rights of discovery and, 4

  John Ross on, 155, 158, 159, 162

  treaties and, 5, 6, 230, 231, 239, 243, 333n37

  US Constitution and, 134

  Spain and Spaniards. see also Paris, Peace of (1763, 1783)

  Comanches and, 166–67

  Florida and, 98, 125

  Louisiana and, 34

  Plains Indians and, 165–66

  Texas and, 165, 167

  treaties and, 4, 5, 98

  speculators. see also opportunism; individual speculators; specific companies

  Britain and, 56, 82–83

  Chicago Treaty (1833) and, 118

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 66, 67, 68, 75–76, 77, 80, 82–83, 89

  Indian, 113

  treaties (1783–1786) and, 98

  US authority and, 2, 5, 107

  Spokanes, 180

  Spotted Tail (Brulé Sioux), 226

  Spotted Wolf (Arapaho), 216

  Springer, William, 237

  squatters, 56

  Staked Plains, 200

  Stambaugh, Samuel C., 125, 135, 158

  Stamp Act, 63

  “standing ears of corn” (Canaghquieson) (Kanaghwaes) (Kanaghqweasea) (Kanongyweniyah) (Oneida). see Conoghquieson

  Stanley, Henry Morton (John Rowlands)

  on Augur, 187

  on Cheyennes, 211

  on Fishermore, 194

  J. Henderson’s speech, 201

  on Little Raven, 198

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 10, 192–93, 194, 200, 205

  on peace, 212

  on Peace Commissioners, 186

  on reporters, 189

  Satank and, 206

  on Satank’s speech, 209

  on Terry, 188

  Stapler, Mary (Ross), 159

  Star, Ellis, 158

  Star, Thomas, 158

  Star, Washington, 158

  Starr, Ellis, 158

  Starr, James, 137, 157, 158

  starvation, 3, 142, 214–15, 217, 222, 224, 229

  State Journal (newspaper), 188–89

  Staten Island, 26

  states, 5, 98, 122, 133, 137. see also specific states

  St. Clair, Arthur, 105–6, 108, 113

  Stevens, Isaac, 177–80, 227, 240

  St. Germain, Jill, 185, 186, 330n3

  St. Lawrence Valley, 32

  Stockbridge Indians, 47, 111, 153

  Stone Calf (Cheyenne), 231

  Stone Forehead (Keeper of the Sacred Arrows) (Medicine Arrow) (Cheyenne), 211, 216

  stories, 23, 27

  Stuart, John, 51, 56, 72, 81, 82, 88

  Stubbs, Mahlon, 232

  Stumbling Bear (Kiowa), 191, 205, 218, 221, 236

  St. Vrain, Cerain, 184

  Sullivan, John, 93

  surveyors, 81

  Susquehanna Company, 61–62

  Susquehanna River and Valley, 46, 61

  Tachendorus (John Shickellamy) (Oneida), 42

  Tagawaron (Oneida), 68, 73

  Taiaiake Alfred, xii

  taimes, 218

  Tall Bear (Cheyenne Dog Soldier), 184

  Tall Bull (Cheyenne Dog Soldier), 195, 212, 219

  Tanagharison (Seneca), 69

  Tananaica (Hears the Sunrise) (Voice of the Sunrise) (Yamparika Comanche), 222

  Tappan, Samuel F., 186, 187, 194, 226, 227, 229

  Tatum, Lawrie, 219, 221

  taxes, 233, 239–40

  Taylor, Alan, 57

  Taylor, James E., 189

  Taylor, Nathaniel G., 181, 186, 187, 194, 198, 212, 216, 227, 229

  Tayorheasere. see Abraham

  Tecumseh (Shawnee), 116

  Teedyuscung (Delaware)

  calumet and, 33

  captives and, 47

  death of, 62

  drinking and, 39, 46

  political savvy of, 43

  protests by, 61

  on wampum, 25

  writing and, 38, 39–40

  Tegaia (Cayuga), 77, 248

  Teganissorens (Onondaga), 1

  Teirhenshsere. see Abraham

  Tejanos, 216

  Ten Bears (Paruasemena) (Yamparika Comanche)

  death of, 221

  delegation to Washington and, 176, 194

  image, 195

  on Leavenworth, 201

  Little Arkansas Treaty and, 183

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 194, 198, 200, 204–5

  Teneangopte (Tonaenko) (Kiowa). see Kicking Bird

  Tennessee, 30, 90, 92, 98, 121, 122, 142, 143, 256. see also Treaty of Sycamore Shoals

  Tennessee River, 63, 72, 77, 80

  Terry, Alfred H., 186–87, 187, 188, 194, 226, 227, 229–30


  cattlemen and, 180

  Cherokees and, 138, 156

  Comanches and, 200, 201, 206, 216

  France and, 165

  Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty and, 172

  Indian attacks on, 172

  Kiowas and, 216, 218, 221

  map, 215

  Plains Indians and, 166, 216

  reservations, 183, 184

  Spain and, 165, 167

  treaties and, 5

  women and, 18

  Teyarhasere. see Abraham

  Teyohaquende (Diaquanda) (Onondaga), 68, 71, 89

  Thacher, James, 15

  theater, 63

  Thomson, Charles, 37, 39

  Tigoransera. see Abraham

  Tilghman, James, 67, 248

  Tilghman, Tench, 23–24, 36, 51

  titles, 25

  tobacco, 20, 45, 166, 167, 168, 178. see also pipes (calumets) and smoking

  Tonaenko (Teneangopte) (Kiowa). see Kicking Bird

  Tonawanda Senecas, 120

  Tonkawas, 235

  Toshaway (Silver Brooch) (Peneteka Comanche) (Honey Eater), 183, 200, 204, 214–15

  Touching the Sky (Maman-ti) (Dohate) (Owl Prophet) (Kiowa), 223, 224

  “town destroyer.” see Washington, George

  trade and traders. see also speculators; individual traders

  Choctaws and, 117

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 75–76

  intertribal alliances and, 165

  Irish, 9

  Jefferson and, 114–15

  W. Johnson and, 52–53, 82

  networks, 167

  peace and, 12

  Plains Indians and, 167, 170

  sales of land and, 114

  survival and, 13

  Trade and Intercourse Act and, 107

  treaties and, 3, 119

  The Trail of Broken Treaties (march on Washington), 239

  Trail of Tears, 9, 121, 153, 154

  translators. see interpreters and go-betweens

  Transylvania Land Company, 91

  treaties. see also conferences; specific treaties

  attacks on, 230

  death and rebirth of, 226–44

  empire and, 2

  end of, 8, 186, 228–29, 230, 231–33

  Indian-US relations and, 243–44

  Indian views of, 228, 242–43

  as literature, 8

  Lumpkin on, 149

  modern interpretations, 10–11, 239, 241–42

  motives for, 7–8

  number of, 5

  power and, 228–29

  pre-Revolutionary War, 100

  rejection of, 48

emoval and, 132

  reprints of, 6

  rights of Indians and, 238–39, 243

  sale of lands and, 4–5, 98

  sovereignty and, 230, 243

  UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and, 243

  US expansion and, 10

  treaty at Albany (Albany Congress) (1754), 24, 31, 44–45, 65, 67

  Treaty of Big Tree (1797), 113

  Treaty, Blackfeet (Lame Bull’s Treaty) (Treaty of Fort Benton) (1855), 179–80

  Treaty of Buffalo Creek (1838), 119, 120, 153

  Treaty of Canandaigua (1794), 5–6, 10–11, 110–11

  Treaty of Casco Bay (1727), 37–38

  Treaty of Charlestown (1756), 48

  treaties with Cherokees (1817, 1819, 1866), 125, 163

  Treaty of Chicago (1833), 118–19, 139–40

  treaty, Comanche-Ute (1786), 5, 167

  Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek (1830), 118, 120

  Treaty of Doak’s Stand (1820), 118

  Treaty of Easton (1758), 37; (1756), 47

  Treaty of Fort Atkinson (1853), 174, 176

  Treaty of Fort Benton (Blackfeet Treaty) (Lame Bull’s Treaty) (1855), 179–80

  Treaty of Fort Bridger (1868), 227

  Treaties of Fort Harmar (1788–89), 105–6

  Treaty of Fort Herkimer (1785), 101

  Treaty of Fort Jackson (1814), 117, 118

  Treaty of Fort Laramie (Horse Creek encampment) (1851), 174–76

  Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868), 226–27, 228, 233, 234, 239, 241, 330n3

  Treaty of Fort McIntosh (1786), 102

  Treaty of Fort Pitt (1778), 8, 94, 96–97

  Treaty of Fort Smith (1865), 162

  Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1768). see also Johnson, William (Sir William) (Warraghiyagey)

  boundaries and, 8, 9, 49–65, 71–77, 78, 80–82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 90, 95, 245, 247, 251

  cession struggles, 80–95

  Conoghquieson and, 54

  formal negotiations, 70–77, 100

  gifts, 21

  Greenville Treaty and, 113

  history of America and, 8–9, 10

  Iroquois and, 45, 50

  prenegotiation history, 49, 53–69

  private agreements, 69, 75–76

  representation and, 48

  Tecumseh’s death and, 116

  terms of, 77–80, 100

  text of, 245–48

  Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1784), 100–101, 111

  Treaty of Fort Wayne (1809), 116

  Treaty of Fort Wise (1861), 176

  Treaty of Greenville (1795), 8, 111–13, 112, 164, 309n51

  Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848), 172

  Treaty of Hard Labor (1768), 67, 81

  Treaty of Hartford (1638), 14

  Treaty of Hell Gate (1855), 179

  treaty, Henderson (Treaty of Sycamore Shoals) (1775), 91, 104

  treaty, Henry Bouquet’s (1764), 47

  Treaty of Holston (1791), 108

  Treaty of Hopewell (1785–1786), 103–5

  Treaty of Indian Springs (1825), 118, 125

  treaty, Kiowa-Comanche (1867), 189, 205. see also Treaty of Medicine Lodge (1867)

  Treaty, Lame Bull’s (Blackfeet Treaty) (Treaty of Fort Benton) (1855), 179–80

  Treaty of Lancaster (1744), 8, 23, 35, 41, 43–44, 45–46, 50, 81


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