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Gerry Bartlett - Rafe and the Redhead (Real Vampires)

Page 10

by Unknown

  Rafe wasn’t fooled. He doubted she’d shed a single tear. “Poison. Very unusual for our kind to be susceptible to such a thing, don’t you think? But then I hear concocting potent brews is a specialty of yours.”

  Her head snapped up. “Poison? Are you accusing me of this?”

  “I have heard it is one of your talents.” Rafe saw her men move closer when he put his hand on the knife at his hip.

  “Why would I hurt the man I loved?” She tossed her hair. “You are mad.”

  Rafe drew his knife and took a step closer. He wasn’t surprised when two men grabbed his arms. It was a move he’d anticipated.

  “You dare come here to attack me?” Her hiss of anger burned like acid against his chest. Her men moved in but she stopped them with a gesture. She murmured one of her spells and waited for it to work on him.

  Rafe felt her magic hit him like an invisible sledge hammer but he withstood its power. He smiled and shook his head. “Is that all you’ve got?”

  “Shoot him!” Shiloh backed away and stamped her foot. The men opened fire but Rafe used the two men holding him as shields and they both were hit.

  “Stop!” Shiloh shrieked. “You’re killing our own men!” She batted at the air when an eagle swooped from the sky, its talons going for her eyes. She murmured some words and waved her hands and the eagle dropped to the ground, stunned. “Who is this?”

  Rafe knew who it was. Tomas to the rescue. Only he’d just complicated things.

  “Never mind that. Call off your men or you’ll be sorry.” Rafe let his eyes go red and threw the two dead men at a couple of others who’d decided to move in.

  Shiloh laughed but raised a hand. “Stop. This is getting interesting. What are you trying to pull?” She put her foot on the bird, stopping just short of stepping down hard and breaking the eagle’s neck.

  “Follow through on that and I’ll make sure there’s not enough left of this clan to feed carrion.” Rafe turned to the men nearest him and froze them in place. He knew Shiloh could see what was happening. By the time every last man was a statue, she’d stepped back from Tomas.

  “What are you?” She was still not afraid. Stupid bitch. “Are you the grandson with demon blood? The one Matias complained about?”

  “Watch and see.” Rafe could feel the change beginning. Scales began to form on his arms and legs, while his fingers lengthened and his nails grew into claws. The horns on his head punched through his skull with a painful shudder.

  “Demon. Yes.” She kept watching his transformation as he grew too big for his shirt and his jeans split at the seams. “Are you now head of your clan, mi buen hombre?”

  “I am not your anything.” Rafe could feel the evil coming off of her in waves. “But you are right. I am taking over the clan.”

  “Well now. Perhaps we should go to my rooms and talk about this.” She walked toward her place, her hips swaying.

  “Talk? Is that truly what you wish to do?” Rafe waited to see her next move. When Shiloh turned, he looked her over, letting his demon eyes glow red for her. Her gasp was very satisfying. He was now more monster than man and, surprisingly, Shiloh wasn’t afraid of him. He turned and ordered the men he’d frozen to get inside their homes. They muttered “Hail, Marys” then scurried away.

  “Those are my men you just sent running for cover. Cowards, praying to their saints. Like that would help them against a monster from Hell.” Shiloh stalked back to face him and ran a fingernail down his chest, drawing blood. She licked a drop from her finger and smiled. “Demon blood. Unexpectedly delicious. It almost makes me wish I was a vampire.” Shiloh smiled, raking him with a hot look. “Will my protection spell keep you out of my home?”

  “Not if I really, really want inside. If we were to get into a power struggle? There would be no contest.” Rafe strode toward her. She started to argue, clearly used to being top bitch wherever she went. But then he let more of his demon out, growing taller as his legs lengthened and his bare feet grew their own claws. He heard more seams pop on his jeans and saw Shiloh lick her lips again when she saw the bulge behind his zipper.

  Obviously the lady got off to dangerous. What form did she take when she shifted? Dragon? Griffin? Something ugly and powerful no doubt. He sure as hell didn’t want to see it.

  “Why are you here, Rafael? To kill me?” Shiloh jumped in front of him, scratching a nail down his chest again, his shirt falling away completely as his shoulders grew even wider and stronger. “Do you really think you can?”

  “You poisoned my grandfather.” Rafe stomped toward her when she backed away from him. “I see you aren’t bothering to deny it. Poor Shiloh, I heard he refused to leave my grandmother for you.”

  “What he saw in that ancient hag, I’ll never know.” She edged around the clearing away from him but looked more excited than afraid.

  “You punished him well, didn’t you? But how could killing him help you, eh? No Castillo is going to allow you to invade our clan.” Rafe grabbed her wrist, twisting until she gasped. “What’s next, Shiloh? Do you think to mate with the next leader? Even if it’s a demon?” He gestured at the buildings that were little more than huts. “I’m sure being near the glamour of Santa Cruz would suit you better than this hovel.”

  “Ah, I see you are much smarter than Matias. He didn’t understand me at all. Which is why he had to go.” Shiloh leaned in, trying to get closer, a move he denied with his strong grip on her arms. “He never took advantage of the island. I’m sure there are many in your clan who would have stayed if Matias had bothered to move his headquarters to one of the hotels. The penthouse suite, of course. It is beautiful and he could well afford it.”

  “Grandfather liked his privacy. Santa Cruz is too crowded now, with too many mortals for his peace of mind. He would never have set up shop there.” Rafe could see what Shiloh had been after. When he’d arrived in Santa Cruz, he’d been shocked at the change in the sedate little island he’d left centuries before. Now it was a rich man’s paradise, full of high-end hotels and luxurious getaways for jet-setters with a modern airport. Grandfather had made a fortune with his banana plantations, even starting a winery, but he’d sold off land close to the city, keeping the clan itself isolated in the mountains. It was a mistake that might yet cost Matias his life.

  “It finally became clear to me that Matias wasn’t open to change. Good riddance, I say.” Shiloh watched Rafe closely. “You aren’t like your grandfather, are you? I can see it. You will be a wise leader, clever.” She wrenched at her arm. “You don’t want to kill me, Rafael. I have a better idea. We will be a great team and wonderful lovers.”

  “But killing you would make my demon very happy.” Rafe growled, long and low.

  “I’m sure it would. But I see a future for us, together. There is no limit to the power we would wield. With both of us using the dark arts…” She laughed and finally wiggled away from him when he released her in disgust. “Let me prove I can work with you. I will set your eagle friend free.” She stalked over to Tomas, murmured an incantation and the bird roused. It quickly looked around then took flight. It was soon out of sight, either hidden or going for reinforcements.

  “Does that make you happy?” Shiloh twirled her skirt. “Can you imagine what a pair we will make?” She threw out her hands and thunder roared.

  Rafe cast a glance at the sky. She would probably take credit but there were storm clouds moving in. He needed to hurry this along.

  “The bird was just a bird. But I suppose knowing a few spells could be useful. What makes you think I need such as you to help run my clan?” He grabbed her hair and jerked her face inches from his. “You want to show off powers? How do you like this?” He glanced at a nearby table and it burst into flames.

  She laughed. “I love it. You are setting me on fire, Rafael.” She scored his cheek with her nails, drawing blood again. “Of course you don’t need me, but I think you want me.” She pulled his hand to her breast, gasping when he dug a claw into it. “Ye

  “I already have a woman. Will you poison her if she gets in your way?” Rafe shoved her to the ground.

  “Try me. See what I can do to you and for you in bed. That other woman will seem dull after I get through with you, I guarantee it. I won’t have to poison her. You will send her away.” She glared at men who’d come out of their houses and were trying to put out the burning table. “Leave us. Let it burn. You can get another.” The men scurried inside, pulling their curious women and children with them.

  “You give up things easily and your clan is full of cowards. I am not a man who throws away what he has without a fight.” Rafe let more of his demon out, his voice becoming deeper and his mouth filling with fangs.

  “You are making me crazy with your changes. It’s as if el diablo himself has come calling and I love it.” She gasped when Rafe grabbed her hair and pulled her toward her house. “Are you reading my mind? I love pain and a man who knows how to use it to give me what I want. This night will be one of endless pleasure. You will see.”

  “I see that you are a greedy bitch.” Rafe roared as he let his demon take over. The ground shook and the wooden gate into the enclave burst into flames. Then a pile of crates beside it caught. The fire started spreading to some of the outbuildings but no one came to put out the flames.

  “Greedy? Of course I am. I want everything. More money, more power, more people to do my bidding. And a lover who will make me scream.” She licked her lips. “Go ahead burn it all down. Santa Cruz is where we belong. Together.” She stared up at him hungrily. “There are no limits to what we will accomplish.” She shrieked with laughter, sounding more than a little insane. “You can’t know how happy I am to finally meet a man worthy of me.”

  “I’ve heard that many have had you. They call you puta, whore. Easy to have but not to hold. Will you tire of me and send me to hell like you did Matias? I warn you now that I won’t go down without taking you with me.” Rafe kept dragging her toward that painted door. Her eyes were sparkling, no fear in them at all. She was waiting to see if her protection spell could keep him out.

  “I can see you will be different. A demon! But are you strong enough for me? Are you, Rafael?” She giggled when he kicked open her door and stalked inside, ducking to keep from hitting the door frame.

  “Satisfied, Shiloh? Clearly your paltry protection spell couldn’t keep me out.” Rafe dropped her on the oriental carpet and looked around. There was a work table against one wall but he had no idea which bottle or jar might hold the right potion.

  “Paltry? It was a special spell. That you could walk through it makes me sure we are meant to be together. I am on fire for you. Take me to bed. Fuck me until I can’t stand.” Shiloh ripped open her blouse and tore at her skirt. “Shall I shift or do you want me in this form? You should see what else I can be. It will amaze you.”

  “Be still, woman. I will let you know what I want, when I want it.” Rafe’s growl worked. Shiloh stopped what she was doing and stared at him worshipfully, clearly ready to do his bidding. “First, give me the poison you used on Matias and the antidote. I have an enemy I want to make sure dies a painful death. Like my grandfather did.” Rafe forced a laugh. “That was well done of you. His agony was a thing of beauty. You are very clever.”

  “Yes, I am. It took me a long time to get the formula just right. So a shifter would die from it.” Shiloh preened for a moment then shook her head. “But it is my special brew, Rafael. I am the only one who should--”

  Rafe swung his fist, barely missing her face and knocking over a table. “I don’t have to listen to this, woman. Do as I say!” He turned and kicked more of her furniture, turning the room into a shambles. A cask of jewels flew across the room, scattering diamonds, rubies and emerald jewelry everywhere. He stalked over to a closet and began to rip clothing apart before turning to look at her. She had picked up some of her necklaces, but still watched him avidly. “What are you waiting for? The poison, Shiloh. Or do you want to put off our pleasure all night?”

  “No, no! I want you inside me. I am dying for you. I am sure you are hung like a toro.”

  “There’s only one way to find out.” Rafe gave her a look that made her hurry to the table against the wall and pull open a drawer.

  She fumbled two vials into a bag. “The red is the poison, the yellow the antidote. I always make sure I have a cure. In case I have to take some of the poison when I am ridding myself of a pest. Matias was easy to fool into taking the poisoned drink. He was so fond of his wine he never even sniffed his glass.” She laughed and set the bag by the door.

  Rafe just nodded. He couldn’t trust himself to say a single word or he’d tell her exactly what he really thought of her.

  Shiloh kicked away the last of her clothes and threw herself on the bed. She held out her arms. “I did what you wanted. Now, please, please take me. I need you.” She wiggled with delight. “A demon lover. This will be a night to remember for both of us.”

  Rafe stared at her. He’d met many sinful people in his long life. This woman had no morality, not an ounce. He knew he should end her. But, demon or not, he’d never been a cold-blooded killer. He stalked over to stand next to the bed. She lay spread out invitingly, offering herself to him with an eager smile. The man in him noticed every detail of her voluptuous body. Then there was the darkness of her soul. His demon recognized it, even reveled in the pure evil that came off of her in waves. He despised the fact that he was as hard as a fence post.

  “You are so like your grandfather. But he lacked the edge, the taste for sin that I wanted and needed. Come here, demon. Fuck me until I scream for mercy but don’t you dare give it to me.” She ran a sharp fingernail down his stomach to the waistband of his jeans and flicked it open. “Let me see your magnificence.” Shiloh reached for his cock, pulling down his zipper and grasping him. She laughed and ran a nail along his length, proving again that she was into pain and blood. It was all Rafe could do not to break her neck then and there.

  “Yes, I knew you would be like this.” She tried to lift her head, as if to take him with her mouth.

  Rafe couldn’t bear the thought and stopped her with a hand on her forehead. “Be still, woman, or this will be over before it’s begun.”

  She smiled up at him but did lay back and even release him. “Relax, demon. We have all night, don’t we? It will be amazing.” She ran her hands over her own body, touching the places where she wanted him to touch her.

  Rafe wanted to run like hell. He had the antidote. He could leave. But what about Shiloh? Would she make another attempt to take over the clan? He had no desire to stay here and play bodyguard. He didn’t say a word just stood there, trying to bring himself to do what he knew he had to do.

  “Why do you hesitate, demon?” Shiloh reached for him, sliding her hands over his hips and urging him closer. “I can tell that you will fill me. Give me children. We will rule the world!” She tried to pull him down on top of her. “First we must rid ourselves of Iliana, of course. That crone should have gone centuries ago.”

  His grandmother. Of course this bitch would have a kill list. Decision made, Rafe reached for her face as if he was about to kiss her. Then, using both hands, he grasped her head. There was only one way to rid the world of such evil. Her clan would thank him for doing what had to be done.

  “Say hello to the Devil, Shiloh.” With a swift and powerful move, he twisted, then jerked off her head and flung it to the floor. He didn’t waste time looking at the bloody bed clothes or her slack body. Nor did he celebrate ridding the world of a malevolent being. He just turned, grabbed the bag by the door, and walked out of the house.

  The air was full of smoke and fire was about to reach one of the houses. He shouted.

  “Fire! Get your asses out here and put out these fires before you lose your homes! Shiloh is dead. Elect a new leader.” He kicked aside the charred front gate and marched out. No one bothered to follow him. The people were too busy trying to save their village. T
omas landed next to him, shifting quickly. He eyed him warily and kept several feet between them.

  “You get what we need, bro?”

  “Yes. Take it. Thanks for trying to help. You did well.” Rafe thrust the bag at him as he struggled to get out of his demon form. He couldn’t pull himself back to human until he calmed down. Adrenaline coursed through his body, his heart pounded and he was about to jump out of his scaly skin. He looked down and saw his hands covered in Shiloh’s blood.


  God help him. He knew that voice. When she saw him like this, the woman he loved would never love him again. What the hell could he do to ever make this right with her?

  Lacy wasn’t sure how she recognized the monster standing in the middle of the path. Maybe it was something about how he stood-- legs apart, arms strong and ready for a fight. He wasn’t making a move toward them either, the Castillo shifters armed to the teeth.

  It couldn’t be his smell. That was mostly wood smoke and … blood. He was huge, dark green and covered with scales. His hands, if you could call them that, ended in enormous claws. Those were bloody. She didn’t want to think about why. Toes had claws too. When he opened his mouth, as if to speak, she could see rows of sharp teeth, almost like the fangs vampires had but dozens of them. Then there were his horns…

  God, there was hardly anything human about him. She took a breath then swallowed. He was the ugliest, most disgusting, and scariest thing she’d ever seen in her life. It took everything in her not to turn tail and run for her life.

  “Lacy.” He said her name in a deep growl that was almost a moan.

  Definitely Rafe. She shivered and couldn’t help herself. She turned and ran. She morphed into her cat, a big red and white because she could run a hell of a lot faster that way. She’d memorized the route back to the ship and the small boat that would get her there. The shifters could do their bird thing to get back as far as she was concerned. She was not going to stand around and talk to Rafe while he looked like that. No way in hell.


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