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Fix My Fall (The Fix Series Book 3)

Page 11

by Carey Heywood

  Her cheeks turn pink and she blinks up at me with parted lips.


  I need to kiss her now. My head dips, my face moving closer to hers.

  The door squeaks as it opens. “Abby. Hey, it’s Sam. Where are you?”

  We freeze and then Abby quickly shuffles out of my arms and to the other side of the kitchen.

  We stare at each other with wide eyes.

  “Abby?” Samantha calls out again.

  “In here,” Abby replies, her voice thick.

  “Hey chica, I knew you’d—” She freezes in the doorway when she sees me. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you were here.” Her gaze moves to Abby. “I saw your car and assumed you were here to see the blast from the past.”

  Abby smiles broadly at her but her smile doesn’t reach her eyes. “I thought Spencer would get a kick out of the place.”

  Samantha’s attention shifts back to me. “What do you think of it?”

  Avoiding Abby’s eyes, I shrug. “Once you look past the unique décor, it has a lot of potential.”

  Samantha braces herself against the doorframe. “Are you going to make an offer?”

  Still not looking at Abby, I shake my head.

  Samantha frowns. “Bummer, it would have been a fun place to watch someone I know update.”

  Abby pushes away from the wall. “We were about to leave.”

  Samantha cocks her head to the side, her eyes traveling over Abby’s face. “Let me move my car. I’m blocking you.”

  Abby gulps. “Thanks.”

  I walk behind them and listen as Samantha cheerfully remarks on the walls, carpet, and any other décor we pass between the kitchen and the front door.

  “Oh, I wonder what the bell sounds like,” Samantha, says once we’re all at the door.

  Bells chime from somewhere in the house, baum baum baum baum, baum baum baum baum. Clearly, nothing here has been updated, even the bell.

  Samantha grins at both of us. “That’s one hell of a bell.”

  “I like the new smart doorbells that sync up to your phone.”

  Samantha lifts one shoulder. “Don’t get me wrong, those are cool, but there’s nothing like these old doorbells.”

  “Well, I’ll see you later tonight.” Abby pauses, before adding. “If you don’t already have plans.”

  Samantha looks at her feet. “Brent and I are going out to dinner.” She looks up. “Want to join us?”

  Abby waves her hands in front of her. “And be the third wheel? Nope, no thanks, I’m good.”

  “Would you like to have dinner with me?” I blurt.

  They both turn to stare at me.

  When a few seconds go by without Abby answering me, Samantha elbows her.

  “Oh, you don’t have to.”

  My eyes don’t leave hers and I think about what might have happened if Samantha hadn’t of walked in when she did. “I want to.”

  Abby gulps.

  “She’d love to,” Samantha replies.

  Abby’s gaze snaps to her friend but Samantha is already on the move, making a beeline to her car.

  “You sure? You don’t have to accept just because you feel sorry for me.”

  “I’m positive.”



  “What are you doing with my phone?”

  Sam’s gaze lifts up to meet mine. “Texting Spencer.”

  Lunging for her, I try in vain to snatch my phone from her. “Give it.”

  She rolls right and then up and over the back of the couch. “Nope.”

  Last night I went to dinner with Spencer since Sam went public with Brent and had a date. Our dinner was so incredibly awkward. I need to know what she’s been texting him.

  “You helped me out with Brent so I’m returning the favor.”

  Kneeling on the sofa, I attempt to grab her. “What does that mean?”

  She waves my phone in front of me. I never should have given her my unlock code.

  “You two have been sniffing around each other for over two fucking months. Enough is enough. I’m confessing your feelings to him.”

  Freezing, my mouth falls open in shock. “You’re doing what?”

  She taps her ear. “Babe, when’s the last time you used a Q-tip? You’re having some hearing issues.”

  My chest heats first, going from my normal temp to boiling in an instant. That heat travels up my neck to my face. I’d have to look in a mirror, but there’s a good chance steam is coming out of my ears.

  “I’m going to kill you.”

  She shrugs. “You’ll thank me when he’s telling you what constellations are visible when he’s banging you.”

  Barreling over the backside of the couch, I charge her. She’s almost within reach when Emo races out from the kitchen and I trip over her.

  She probably just wanted to see what all of the commotion was. Halting my attack on Sam, I try and console Emo since a trip for me was a kick for her.

  “Are you okay?”

  She hisses at me and takes off toward my room.

  Sam uses the distraction to set my phone down on the entry table and escape. “I also downloaded a stargazer app. I love you. Bye.”

  By the time I get to the door and pull it open, she’s already out of sight.

  “I’m going to kill her,” I say to no one as I slam the door shut.

  Then I grab my phone and open up my text messages.

  A part of me was hoping she was joking.

  She was not.

  The last message I remembered sending Spencer was a simple text to confirm we were still on for coffee. Now, thanks to Sam there’s an entire conversation I wasn’t part of.

  Spencer: I’m on my way.

  Me: Now.

  Spencer: Done. When should I come?

  Me: Don’t wait until the end of the date to kiss me. Kiss me the moment you see me.

  Spencer: Yes

  Me: Tonight?

  Spencer: Yes, and would you like to do something before then?

  Me: Want to be my date on the 17th?

  Spencer: Yes.

  Me: Would you be interested in exploring something more with me?

  Spencer: You were not imagining it.

  Me: I’m sorry if this is out of line, but I felt a connection with you last night that is more than friends. Was I imagining it, or did you feel it too?

  Scrolling backward through the messages is surreal. Each new one not making any sense until I read the one before it. My heart beats wildly as I reread the conversation. He felt something too? He’s going to kiss me the moment he sees me? He’s on the way?

  Holy shit.

  He’s on the way.

  He’s on the way, to kiss me right now.

  Spinning, I find the closest mirror. Face, okay. Hair, good. Outfit, alright. Teeth… Pivoting quickly, I race to the bathroom to brush my teeth and gargle since fifteen minutes ago I was snacking on barbeque potato chips.

  Spencer Hill is going to kiss me.

  After I kill Sam for doing this, I’m going to resurrect her so I can forgive her.

  There’s a knock on the door. My head jerks up and I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror.

  Why am I so nervous?

  It’s just a kiss.

  I’ve kissed a lot of guys.


  When I reach the door, I check the peephole and have to cover my mouth to smother my laugh when I see Spencer’s eyeball right there.

  Pulling open the door, I open my mouth to greet him but I don’t get that far. He moves, backing me against the door, his hands are in my hair and his mouth is on mine.

  His hands are everywhere all at once and I wrap my arms around him to gather more of him to me. I didn’t know what to expect from this kiss. As mild-mannered as Spencer seems, I thought he’d give me a peck.

  This is no peck.

  This is foreplay.

  If he keeps kissing me like this, our first kiss is going to turn into our first fuck.

  I’m on my tip toes, willing myself to grow taller so I can get closer to him.


  That sounds like Emo.

  God, Spencer tastes good. I want to lick him all over.


  Trying telepathy, I attempt to let Emo know I’m busy at the moment. Busy, running my hands over Spencer’s shoulders and biceps.


  Why is she making so much noise?

  My eyes blink open and I gasp, making Spencer lift his head. “The door is open… my cat.”

  With labored breaths, he stares down at me. “What?”

  Slipping out of his arms, my eyes scan the hall. “Emo.”

  When I don’t hear her meow, I motion for Spencer to go into the condo. “Look for her in there, I’ll look out here.”

  Spencer turns and heads into the condo. When I hear his uncertain meow a moment later, I press my hand to my heart. If I didn’t need to find my cat I’d be jumping him right now.

  “Emo. Where are you baby?”


  My heart relaxes when I see Emo is at the end of the hall, trying to catch a beam of light coming in through the window.

  I’m only three feet away from her when our neighbor opens their door and walks out with their devil in disguise Jack Russell terrier. Cain, their terrier, pulls on his leash with enough force to pull it free.

  “Emo!” I scream, trying to get to her before he does.

  Seeing death barreling toward her, Emo leaps up onto the top molding of the window.

  Undeterred, Cain manages to jump onto the windowsill. How he doesn’t break the window with all of his jumping I’ll never know.

  His owner, an annoying woman whose name I never learned still stands in her doorway doing absolutely nothing.

  “Can you get your dog?”

  It’s a miracle I didn’t insult her in my request. I mean, who just stands there doing nothing while their demon dog is about to attack a cat?

  My words seem to hit their mark and she comes unstuck to grab the leash of her dog. His barks haven’t stopped from the moment he caught sight or scent of Emo.

  For his size, she has to struggle to wrangle him back into her condo. As soon as the door is closed I lift my arms for Emo to come to me.

  I can only guess what she’s thinking, but she takes one look at my outstretched arms and turns to show me her ass.

  Thanks cat.

  I’m not tall enough to reach her. Putting one foot on the window sill, I start to climb onto it before a pair of strong hands halt me.

  “I’ll get her.”

  In all the commotion of watching my cat almost die, I had lost track of Spencer. He’s tall enough to easily pluck Emo from her perch.

  Easily may have been the wrong word to describe it seeing as how she hisses and then latches her claws onto his forearm as he lowers her.

  I reach for her. “Emo, stop that.”

  He doesn’t hesitate in passing her to me. She settles somewhat once I have her. By settle I mean she’s still tense but not actively trying to shred my flesh.

  Tucking her close, I rest my cheek on the top of her head. “Naughty, naughty, cat.”

  Spencer presses his palm to the small of my back as we walk back down the hall to Sam’s place.

  As soon as we’re inside, I close the door and set Emo down. She takes off and does a parkour move on the wall by the bathroom before disappearing out of sight.

  Exhaling, I flip the lock and sag against the door.

  “Are you okay?”

  His words spur me into action. “Let me see your arm.”

  In vain, he tries to hide it behind him. “It’s nothing.”

  I tug it free and gasp at the angry red scratches running down it. “Oh my God. I’m so sorry Spencer.”

  He tries to pull his arm back but I hold firm and tug him toward the bathroom. “Let me treat them.”

  He makes no argument. The spare bathroom isn’t large and with his size, it feels even smaller. He doesn’t flinch as I clean and apply ointment to the red lines.

  It takes more than one Band-Aid to cover them. As I’m smoothing the second one on, he reaches up with his other hand to stroke my hair.

  Tipping my chin up, my eyes meet his.

  That kiss.

  I wet my lips to see if I can still taste him on them. His gaze settles on my mouth and the look in his eyes has a physical effect on me. My knees weaken and I sway toward him.

  Band-Aids forgotten, my hands fist his shirt. Hurt or not, his arms circle me and it’s like no time has passed at all.

  I don’t know how long he’s thought about me this way. For me, weeks of attraction has pushed me to this point. Now that I’m touching him, I want to explore every inch of him. I want to press my body against his and feel his weight on top of mine.


  Huh? That sounded like Sam.

  Spencer’s soft lips pull my attention back to him and only him.

  “Ab—Oh! Wow!”

  Breaking our kiss, my head snaps toward the open door of the bathroom where Samantha stands.

  The best two kisses I’ve ever had in my life have dulled the urge to kill her. That doesn’t mean I’m happy to see her.

  “Interesting place to make out. I usually go for softer surfaces. Oh shit, are you bleeding?” Her gaze moves from Spencer’s arm to my face. “Never knew you were a scratcher.”

  Spencer begins to chuckle while I rest my forehead on his chest. “Emo got out. The dog next door tried to eat her. She scratched up Spencer when we were getting her back inside.”

  Tilting my head so I can see her, I stifle a laugh at her befuddled expression. When she doesn’t say anything, I turn back to the sink to grab the next Band-Aid. It’s not like I can keep making out with Spencer with her standing there. I might as well finish fixing him up.

  “Brent is waiting downstairs. I’m sleeping at his place tonight so I’m just here to grab a couple things. I’ll be out of your hair in a jiff and then you’ll have the whole place to yourselves.”

  My cheeks flush.

  Subtle Sam, real subtle.

  I wouldn’t be surprised if she dims the lights and puts on mood music on her way out.

  “See you tomorrow,” I reply.

  She takes my hint and leaves us.

  “You are so beautiful. I’ve thought so since we were teenagers.”

  I freeze at his words, Band-Aid suspended mid-air between my finger and thumb.


  I come unstuck and lower the Band-Aid to his skin, stroking it with my thumbs so it will stay. It’s the last one. My thumbs continue to move over his skin. The skin of his forearm is smooth and warm, the hair soft beneath the pads of my fingers.

  “What are you thinking?”

  Slowly, I lift my eyes. “I’m surprised.”

  He nods, one side of his mouth lifting in the sexiest half grin I’ve ever seen in my life.

  “What now?” I ask.

  He takes my hand and pulls me from the bathroom. “Want to go look at some stars?”

  I could kiss him all over again. His words release the physical tension that was already rebuilding. Getting out of this condo, with all of its horizontal surfaces is exactly what we need to do.

  He likes me, the speed at which he came over here proves that without a doubt. Another certainty at this point is our physical chemistry is off the charts. Or, it is for me and hopefully he feels the same way.

  My mind reels with the fact that, if kissing Spencer is this amazing, what will doing other things with him be like? I like that he isn’t rushing to find out.

  I grin up at him and watch his expression shift to hunger. He leans down to press a hard, fast kiss on my lips.

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  It doesn’t take long for me to grab a hat, my jacket, and my purse. Since Emo’s already escaped once tonight, we’re careful when we leave.

  When we reach the parking lot, I cover my mouth and burst out
laughing when I see his car. I’ve driven Spencer to his car enough times to know he’s a good parker. He’s always right between the lines. Not this time. No, his car takes up not one, not two, but three spaces. It appears someone was in a hurry to get to me. That sends a thrill to my belly, making it jump.

  In the glow of the parking lot lights, I watch an embarrassed flush creep over his cheeks. My hand gives his an involuntary squeeze. His squeeze back is instant.

  Alright, maybe I’ll get Sam a gift card to Sephora instead of killing her.

  When he opens my door for me, I decide to add a gift card to DSW too.

  “I’ve never been in your car before,” I say, buckling my seatbelt.

  He presses his lips together. “Lots of new things tonight.”

  That’s the truth.

  Settling back in my seat, I decide to let go and enjoy the ride.

  He stops at a deli not far from my house and we order some food to go. As curious as I am, I stop myself from asking where we’re going when we get back in his car. I want to embrace the adventure. I’ve never had a guy ask if I wanted to go look at the stars.

  As familiar as I am with Woodlake, after a few turns, I have a good guess of where we’re going. He’s taking me to the university.

  We drive past the main campus, Spencer pausing at one point to motion to the building he works in. There he surprises me by driving away from it.

  “We’re not going there?” I ask, looking over my shoulder and watching it grow smaller in the rear window.

  He shakes his head. “Our observatory is this way.”

  “Why don’t you work there?”

  He shrugs. “It’d be cool but there isn’t really office space there and this way we’re closer to the rest of the science department.”

  While he drives, I try to scope out his car. You can learn a lot about someone based off of how messy their car is. Since my car serves as part office, I tend to judge people if their cars are gross inside. Thankfully, his is good.

  There’s no trash piled up anywhere and all I can smell is the faint scent of his cologne. Truth is, even if his car was a dump I’d still like him based off of those kisses. We drive toward a dome-shaped building with open fields all around it before coming to a slow stop.


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