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Braxton: Rebel Guardians MC

Page 9

by Liberty Parker

  Chapter Eight


  Later that evening finds me and DJ in my room getting ready for our double date. We’ve already picked out our outfits for the night. I chose a flowy skirt with a large printed flower pattern. I’m pairing it with a cream colored, button down blouse and my cowboy boots will add to the outfit. Make it more country like, the outfit makes me feel beautiful and ready to take on the night. DJ is wearing a pair of skinny blue jeans that look like they’ve been painted onto her skin. She’s pairing it with an off the shoulder rose-colored sequined blouse. She looks stunning in this outfit, and to be honest I’m a little envious of the way she looks. My girl is naturally beautiful and takes pride in herself. Not that I don’t, I just naturally have more curves that never go away no matter how hard I’ve tried.

  We have our make-up done to perfection, we both have chosen to wear our hair down, DJ is wearing hers straight, but I’ve added large curls to mine to add body. It’s in beautiful ringlets that fall over my shoulders and down my back, just over my shoulder blades. The kids are dressed in their pj’s for a night with Nan and Lily. We loaded a backpack down with kid movies, microwave popcorn and a few extra little treats. Nothing that will overly sugar them up, but enough to keep them out of Nan’s hair for a small amount of time.

  DJ has one of her paperbacks that she has packed, although that’s a special treat for Nan and shouldn’t be read by anyone under the age of eighteen, it’s full of sexy goodness. She’s been talking about getting one of her books on her e-reader. DJ wanted to do something special for her though since she’s going to be watching our kids for us tonight as a favor, that benefits us a lot more than it does her. I hear a knock on the door and go to the living room to open it. Luca and Ralynn are standing next to the door, and Luca is already wearing the backpack. I’m guessing they’re excited about their sleepover with Lily tonight. Sometime throughout the day, this turned from Nan watching the kids while we went to dinner over here, to the kids staying the night at their house.

  Who am I to argue, I trust Nan and Braxton, so it was easy for me to agree when she sent me a message earlier asking if it’d be alright. Why she’d want all those kids for that long... willingly, is beyond me. The three of them are already a bundle of energy...add the three of them together and it's like a nuclear explosion waiting to happen. She’s a braver woman than I am, that’s for sure. Although if I’m being honest with myself, I see sleepovers here at some point in time. Something that I’ll make sure I have an unopened bottle of wine handy for such a time.

  “You two excited to sleep over at Lily’s tonight?” I ask them, even though I can already see the answer to my question. I hear the knock at the door again...shit, I can’t believe I forget they were at the door. The kids just look so cute I couldn’t help but stop and interact with them. What can I say, their eagerness is catching.

  “Coming,” I call out so they know I heard them. I look out the peephole just to verify that it's who I think it is and my breath catches. Damn, Braxton is so stunning that I can’t catch my breath, nor figure out what to say. “Damn girl, get your shit together!”

  I stand straight, wipe my hands down my skirt and take a deep, much-needed breath and open the door. I place a smile on my face. “Hi, guys, wow—don’t you both look handsome,” I say to them, meaning every word.

  Braxton moves closer and leans down, kissing my cheek as he whispers, “You’re gorgeous,” causing a blush to creep over my face. Looking down at Luca and Ralynn, who are practically bouncing up and down, he says, “You two ready?”

  “Yess!” they both scream, making me laugh. I’ve always thought each age Luca was at was the perfect one, but right here and now? It’s the perfect age.

  “We gots snacks and everything and I already told Momma and Aunt DJ that I would protects Ralynn and Lily while you was gone,” Luca says. Braxton musses his hair and grins at his words.

  “Wouldn’t expect anything less, little man,” he tells him. “You ladies ready to go?”

  “Yes, let me grab my purse and call DJ down,” I say, walking toward the stairs. “DJ? The guys are here so get a move on!”

  “Hold your horses!” is yelled down the stairs, making me shake my head as I grab my purse off the side table.

  Minutes later, DJ appears from upstairs, earning a low whistle from Hatchet. Looks like I need to keep an eye on things and maybe grill her for a change!

  We walk over to Braxton’s house, and the kids are holding hands again. I notice once again that Luca has himself on the outside near the parking lot. He’s always been protective of her and I’m glad to see that he’s the same way when he’s with Lily. He’s going to be an awesome man when he grows up.

  Once we have the kids dropped off, Braxton leads us to his huge-ass truck and I start laughing. “How in the hell am I supposed to get up in there?” I ask between my giggles.

  “Just watch,” he tells me, a grin playing across his face. He unlocks the door and hits a button and a set of stairs come down so I don’t have to take a running jump and pray I make it. As I’m stepping up, I feel his hands at my waist and warmth instantly suffuses my body. “Let me help,” he murmurs as he gets me settled in the front passenger seat before he pulls the seatbelt out and stretches it across my chest until it clicks. Everywhere his hand has touched, even the glancing ones, feels like tiny sparks of electricity and I have to close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm my raging hormones. It’s obviously been too long if just a mere touch has me lighting up, but then again, I’m beginning to suspect it’s the man, not the length of my dry spell, that has me reacting this way.

  “Y’all in?” he asks once he’s in the driver’s seat.

  “We’re good,” Hatch replies.


  She looks stunning and whatever perfume it is that she’s wearing is subtle yet intoxicating. Grateful that it’s somewhat dark in the cab of my truck, I discreetly adjust myself, a condition I’m becoming all-too familiar with where she’s concerned. I suspect whether I have her once or a million times, my reaction will always be the same. Tonight, she has her hair in fat curls that go down her back and I just want to see them splayed out over my chest as she rides me. Down, boy!

  “So the food there is pretty much what you’d expect at a steakhouse. Chicken, several different fish, and of course, steak. The fish is seasonal if memory serves, isn’t it, Hatch?” I ask.

  “Yeah, they usually have salmon and tilapia, but depending on the time of year, they’ll have rainbow trout and even lobster.”

  “Really?” she asks. Unable to help myself, I reach over the console and snag her hand.

  “Yep,” Hatch replies, “and they usually have a live band on the weekends. They play country covers and sometimes, older pop ballads. It’s anybody’s guess, actually. Nice place, though.”

  He goes back to talking to DJ, leaving me to my date in the front seat. I mentally snort at that thought. The last time I dated was in high school. No time for it when I was in the military and when Twisted and I decided to start up the MC, women were falling over themselves to be with a biker. A little bit of guilt tickles my subconscious. I wasn’t exactly a manwhore before Daria or even after she left, but I’ve definitely had more than my fair share of women. I hope that’s not a problem for my woman. I know from what she’s shared and how she reacts that Graham was likely her one and only, and I’m sure that has a lot to do with her lack of self-confidence where we’re concerned. Gonna break her of that habit.

  “What’s the dress code at the trucking company?” she asks, interrupting my reverie.

  “Honestly? Pretty much anything goes as long as the important parts are covered. Jeans, leggings, dresses, skirts—doesn’t matter to me at all,” I tell her.

  “You may have to change that once you get bigger,” she says.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, keep in mind I’ve not seen anyone who works there except for you, of course, but everywhere I’ve eve
r worked has always had a dress code of sorts to prevent anyone from wearing booty shorts to work.”

  Hatch interrupts, saying, “What’s wrong with booty shorts?”

  She turns to look at him and replies, “Nothing, but there’s a time and a place for them and an office environment isn’t either one. But, you’re the boss, so whatever you say is fine. Just wanted to make sure I didn’t need to go shopping tomorrow.”

  “Tell you what, you see what you think and if you feel we need to create a dress code, I’ll take it under advisement,” I tell her, giving her hand a squeeze. The smile she gives me lights up the cold dark places in my heart. I want to own all of her smiles.

  As our drive continues, I point out various points of interest to her, making mental notes of where I plan to take her on our next outing. Yeah, I may be moving fast, but life is too short to stay stagnant. Now to get her onboard with my plans.

  Pulling into the parking lot, I hear her gasp of surprise and grin. The Barnhouse is one of the biggest steakhouses around, with a two-story barn that features the bar and dance floor downstairs, and the restaurant upstairs. I stop at the front of the building and put the truck in park, hopping out to let the women and Hatch out before I park. There’s no way I want her walking too far. “I’ll be right back, Cara,” I murmur.

  “Okay, Braxton. We’ll wait for you,” she says, a smile lighting her face once again.


  I watch my best friend’s face light up when he says he’ll be right back and internally grin. She has no idea I know just how bad it got for her, but I read between the lines. She’s never had anyone like him in her life and I know, even having just met him, that he would move the sun in the sky if she asked him. Looking up at my date, I smile and say, “So, handsome, what do you do for the MC?”

  “I’m one of the drivers at the trucking company.”

  “So you go out of town too?”

  “I mostly handle the short runs, but yeah, I occasionally have a longer haul. Don’t you worry your pretty little head, though, I’ll get you moved. How soon you want to do it?”

  My mind is still reeling over the fact that I have a job and a new place to live. These men move fast. “I’m living in a family-owned rental, so as soon as I get packed, I can move.”

  “Would two weeks be enough time? I’m sure Cara can help do any of the office stuff for the complex until you get here.”

  “Yeah, I can help if Braxton shows me what needs to be done,” she says, looking at me with wide eyes.

  I don’t want to appear too eager, but I’ve missed Cara and I know Ralynn and Luca have missed one another as well. The fact that we’ll be in the same complex is great and even if whatever this is with Hatchet doesn’t work, it won’t impact our friendship. We’ve been through hell and high water together. “I’ll double-check my calendar and make sure I’m not coming up on any deadlines. You know how I get when those are looming.”

  Cara bursts into laughter. She’s been around for every one of my books, offering her opinion, proofreading and at times, editing, although she claims she isn’t good. “Yeah, Hatch, are you sure you want this sleep and shower-deprived female moving here? When she’s on a deadline, it’s a miracle that Ralynn eats!”

  “Hey now, it’s not that bad!” I exclaim as Braxton walks up to us having finally parked.

  “What’s not that bad?” he asks, taking Cara’s hand to lead us inside.

  “How DJ gets when she’s close to one of her deadlines,” Cara tells him.

  “What?” I ask. “I mean, doesn’t everyone survive on caffeine and nicotine and Ramen noodles when their back’s against the wall?”

  “Uh, no,” Cara says, smirking.

  I’m about to reply when we reach the hostess station where the little snip of a girl is eye-fucking both men. Good thing for her that they seem to be oblivious, I’d hate to chip my polish scratching her eyes out.


  “Did you have a reservation?” the teenaged girl asks.

  “Yes, under Callahan,” I reply, pulling Cara closer. I can’t believe the nerve of this chick and feel like I need to take a shower after she finishes running her eyes up and down my body.

  Before I can say anything, Cara leans in and says, “You might want to watch your eyes, honey. Some women might take offense to you eye-fucking their men in front of them.”

  Holy fucking shit! My girl’s got some sass! And... the hard-on that I had willed away thinking about polar bears and glaciers? It’s back. Fuck my life.

  “I’m sorry?” the hostess questions. As if she didn’t know exactly what Cara was talking about!

  “She’s a lot more polite than me, sunshine. So I’ll be a little clearer, okay? Their eyes are not below their belts,” DJ says. And... not that I’ll look, but I’m sure Hatch is in the same predicament I am right about now.

  “Is there a problem, Braxton?”

  “Hey, Gino, yeah, we’ve got an issue. Or rather, our women have one.”

  “What seems to be the problem, ladies?”

  “Your hostess was rudely eye-fucking our dates,” DJ replies. “Totally inappropriate and I would apologize for the language, but there’s no other word for what she was doing. It’s not only unprofessional behavior, but it’s rude.”

  “Alicia, we’ve discussed your unbecoming behavior before. Clock out. You’re done here,” Gino tells the teenager. “My apologies, ladies, will you follow me?”

  I’m blown away. I met Gino when we first came to Corinth to check into things and he was instrumental in the MC finding the schoolhouse that we converted to our clubhouse. He loves to ride but declined the invitation to join the MC, saying he was too old. But, we get him out for the runs we do and he has a good time which is all that matters. “Gino, is that necessary?” I quietly ask him. “She’s just a kid, likely working to earn mall money and shit.”

  “Unfortunately, your women are not the first to complain about her behavior towards their dates. That is not the kind of atmosphere we wish to convey here at The Barnhouse. She was warned that the next complaint would result in her termination.”

  “I’m sorry,” Cara softly says. “I hate that she was fired because of us.”

  “She was fired because of her behavior,” Gino replies. “Now, please, enjoy your evening here, I would like your honest input.”

  Cara smiles at him as he pulls the chair out for her, saying, “Thank you, Gino.”

  “You’re most welcome, pretty lady,” he replies before pulling out DJ’s chair for her.

  While we wait for the server to bring us menus and take our drink orders, I lean in close and whisper, “You have no idea how your sassy mouth turns me on.” The blush that covers her face has me grinning before I tuck one of her wayward curls behind her ear and drop a kiss on her temple. I am going to wear her down one way or another, that’s for sure.

  “Braxton?” a male voice asks.

  I look up and see Gino’s son, Stephan. “Hey, Stephan, your dad has you working, huh?”

  “Yes, sir. What can I get for you to drink?”

  “Ladies, they’ve got a black raspberry frozen margarita that is really good,” I say.

  “I’d like to try one,” Cara replies. “Can I also have an ice water?”

  “Make that two, please,” DJ interjects.

  “What about you two gentlemen? And do you want me to tell you the specials for the evening or just order off the menu?” Stephan asks.

  Because I’m driving, I won’t drink, so I say, “Sweet tea, Stephan.”

  “I’ll take whatever you have on tap,” Hatch adds.

  “Can we hear the specials?” Cara asks. I listen to his spiel already knowing I want the surf and turf. Maybe if she gets something different, we can share?

  “It all sounds so good,” she says, looking at me. “What are you getting, Braxton?”

  “I usually get the surf and turf, sweetheart. If you have a taste for something else, we can always share.”

“The parmesan-crusted chicken looks good and so does the grilled shrimp.”

  “Well, if you’re game, I’ll get what I generally do, you get that and we’ll share between us,” I tell her. “Fair warning, though, I don’t share my asparagus.”

  She starts laughing and says, “It’s all yours, handsome. I don’t care for asparagus that much. They’ve got grilled green beans so I’ll go with those and yes, I’m okay with sharing since I like steak and lobster as well.”

  Once DJ and Hatch order, we sit back and wait for our drinks to arrive. I’m enjoying being out with my woman. Thinking back to Daria, I realize that I was never in love with her, more in love with the idea of having something that was just mine. She wasn’t happy when she got pregnant and until she left then finally divorced me, I remained faithful. Hell, she terminated her parental rights to Lily, something that still blows my fucking mind. At least, if this goes where I’m hoping, Cara can adopt Lily so we all have the same last name. I made up for that four years of celibacy as soon as I got the final documents, going through women so fast that even my mom was appalled. But no one, until Caraleigh, had captivated me to the point I was making long-term plans, at least in my head. I could picture her lush curvy body beneath me, flushed with desire and passion. Swollen belly holding a child we had lovingly created. Teaching my daughter and her son and any children we had everything they needed to know to become fine, upstanding citizens.

  I’m brought out of my thoughts when Stephan returns with our drinks. I’m anxious to see what Cara thinks of the drink. I know it’s one of Mom’s favorites which is why I recommended it to her and DJ. Seeing she has taken a sip, I ask, “What do you think?”

  A beaming smile turns my way and she replies, “It’s delicious! I usually like strawberry margaritas, but this is a great addition to the adult beverages I am willing to drink.”


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