The Balfour Declaration: The Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
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1. “elicit [from the … ]” Gaster to Weizmann, May 7, 1917, WI.
2. “for as much as …” Sacher to Sokolow, July 10, 1917, OUNBL, Stein Papers, box 5.
3. “We must control …” Sacher to Sokolow, July 11, 1917, ibid.
4. “Our purpose …” Sokolow to Cowen, July 9, 1917, ibid.
5. “Jewish National …” Sokolow to Sacher, July 13, 1917, ibid.
6. “too long …” Sokolow to Sacher, July 18, 1917, ibid.
7. “1. His Majesty’s …” New York Times, June 19, 2005.
8. “At last I am able …” Rothschild to Balfour, July 18, 1917, WI.
9. “The declaration is …” Weizmann to ——, August 1, 1917, in Stein, Letters, letter no. 468, 7:481.
10. “I am glad to be …” Reinharz, Weizmann, 180.
11. Later, at Milner’s request … Stein, Balfour Declaration, 520–21.
12. “In all the things …” Montagu to Asquith, June 15, 1915, OUNBL, Asquith Papers.
13. “As the desert sand …” Quoted in Sanders, High Walls, 563.
14. “I assert that …” Edwin Montagu, “The Anti-Semitism of the Present Government,” August 23, 1917, NA, Cab24/24.
15. “the country for which …” Montagu to Lloyd George, October 4, 1917, WI.
16. “urged that the use …” September 3, 1917, 26(2), NA, Cab23/4.
17. “We have submitted …” Quoted in Stein, Balfour Declaration, 514.
18. “barren and desolate …” October 4, 1917, 80(5–7), NA, Cab23/4.
19. “On this matter …” Edwin Montagu, “Zionism,” October 9, 1917, NA, Cab24/28.
20. “the thing will go …” Scott, diary entry, October 14, 1917, WI.
21. “It’s ridiculous …” Herbert, diary entry, October 21, 1917, Somerset Record Office, Herbert Papers.
22. “The Government has …” Quoted in Vital, Zionism, 291, n50.
23. “occupied [Palestine] …” Lord Curzon, “The Future of Palestine,” October 26, 1917, NA, Cab21/58.
24. No one need be … Sykes, memorandum, October 30, 1917, NA, FO371/3083.
25. “There were considerable …” October 31, 1917, 137(5–6), NA, Cab21/58.
26. “The vast majority …” Ibid.
27. “admitted the force …” Ibid.
28. “I do not think …” Cecil, minute, March 3, 1916, NA, FO371/2671.
29. “Many … have a residual …” Sacher, Zionist Portraits, 37.
30. “recently approached …” Ormsby-Gore to Cecil, June 10, 1917, Hull University, Sykes Papers, DDSY/(2)/12/8.
31. Meanwhile the British … See, for example, Jewish Chronicle, September 21, 1917, and Palestine, September 22, 1917.
32. “During the last few …” Rothschild to Balfour, September 22, 1917, WI.
33. “This man displays …” Abraham Braunstein, “The Influence of British Successes in Palestine and the British Declaration Concerning a Jewish State on the Zionists in the Central Empires,” June 12, 1917, NA, WO106/1419.
34. “A meeting is said …” The message from “Mr. Goodhart in Berne to Mr. Balfour” may be found in a file along with Cab21/58 “Attitude of enemy governments towards Zionism,” February 15, 1918, which lists additional pro-Zionist press articles and expressions of sympathy from German officials. OUNBL, Stein Papers, box 12.
35. “behaved like a …” Quoted in Reinharz, Weizmann, 205.
1. “we are watching …” Hardinge to General [MacDonagh?], November 8, 1917, NA, WO106/1516.
2. He had been dispatched … Arthur Balfour, “Circulated to the War Cabinet,” November 1917, NA, FO371/3057.
3. “would welcome …” “Notes of conversation held by Mr. Waugh with Mr. Charlton Giraud: October 29, 1917,” ibid.
4. “only of a kind …” Colonel Gabriel, memorandum on discussion with Giraud; Granville to Hardinge, November 1, 1917, ibid.
5. Rumbold also reported … For example, Rumbold to Foreign Office, September 1, 1917 and November 29, 1917, ibid.
6. Rahmi Bey’s twitch … Arthur Balfour, “Circulated to the War Cabinet,” November 1917, ibid.
7. “The time has come …” Lord Milner, memorandum, November 12, 1917, ibid.
8. “I ask how far …” Curzon of Keddleston, “Peace Negotiations with Turkey,” November 16, 1917, NA, WO800/214.
9. “We are pledged …” Sykes to Hankey, November 14, 1917, Hull University, Sykes Papers, DDSY/2/4/161.
10. Unlike Waugh … Balfour to Lord Beaverbrook, August 9, 1918, NA, WO800/206.
11. “This is the most favorable …” Granville to Balfour, December 15, 1918, NA, FO371/3057; Waugh to Granville, December 4, 1918; Heathcote-Smith, memorandum on two conversations with Rahmi Bey, December 3, 1918, ibid.
12. “the fact that he is …” The two Turks were Chevky Bey and Begjet Wahby. Rumbold to Balfour, January 7, 1918, NA, WO800/206.
13. “Agent, who is believed …” Rumbold to Foreign Office, December 28, 1917, OUNBL, Rumbold Papers, box 23.
14. Lord Newton, however … Newton to Rumbold, January 5, 1918, ibid.
15. Amazingly, Horace … Palmer, Victory in 1918, 148–49.
16. “to include Palestine …” Smuts to Rumbold, December 19, 1917, OUNBL, Rumbold Papers, box 23.
17. “I trust that …” Minutes by various officials, December 15, 1917, NA, FO371/3057.
18. a wire from Balfour … I have found no copy of this cable, but Balfour refers to it twice in correspondence (see below).
19. “sent at the end …” Rumbold to Parodi, March 21, 1918, OUNBL, Rumbold Papers, box 23.
20. “We thought …” Balfour to Beaverbrook, August 9, 1918, NA, WO800/206.
21. “my Government will …” Rumbold to Parodi, February 6, 1918, OUNBL, Rumbold Papers, box 23.
22. “Abdul Kerim will …” Zaharoff to Caillard, November 18, 1917, NA, Caillard Papers, file 8.
23. Only two days … Zaharoff to Caillard, October 15, 1917, ibid.
24. The two men met … W. H. Fisher to Caillard, November 6, 1917, ibid.
25. “Egyptian conditions” … Owen, “Influence of Cromer’s Indian Experience,” 109–39; Al-Sayyd-Marsotm, “The British Occupation of Egypt from 1882,” in Porter, ed., Oxford History of the British Empire, 3:651–64.
26. “using a very coarse …” Zaharoff to Caillard, November 27, 1917, NA, Caillard Papers, file 7.
27. “If the previous …” Zaharoff to Caillard, December 4, 1917, ibid.
28. “‘personal opinion’” … Zaharoff to Caillard, December 7, 1917, ibid.
29. “I did not go one …” Zaharoff to Caillard, December 15, 1917, House of Lords Record Office, Lloyd George Papers, Zaharoff file.
30. “Send me …” Ibid.
31. “We should be …” Davies to Caillard, January 21, 1918, ibid.
32. “It is agreed …” “Instructions of January 9, 1918,” ibid.
33. “You did not mention …” Caillard to Lloyd George, January 12, 1918, ibid.
34. “Please explain …” Caillard to Zaharoff, January 16, 1918, ibid.
35. “We were four days …” Zaharoff to Caillard, January 29, 1918, ibid. 358 “claiming that all …” Zaharoff to Caillard, August 21, 1918, ibid.
1. “serious concern not …” Ronald Graham, minute, November 22, 1917, NA, FO371/3057.
2. “King seemed quite …” Quoted in Stein, Balfour Declaration, 633.
3. “I know that the Arabs …” Sykes to Feisal, March 3, 1918, NA, FO882/3, Arab Bureau.
4. “I do not, and never did …” Feisal to Sykes, July 18, 1917, NA, FO800/221.
5. He did not look … Yale Report no. 10, December 31, 1917, Oxford University, St. Antony’s College, Middle East Centre, Yale Papers.
6. “the ambitions and …” Yale Report no. 3, November 12, 1917, ibid.
sp; 7. “The soul of their Prophet …” Amir Ali to Lord Hardinge, November 10, 1917, NA, FO371/3053.
8. “the Zionists were very …” Yale Report no. 9, December 26, 1917, Oxford University, St. Antony’s College, Middle East Centre, Yale Papers.
9. “I strongly urge …” Islamic Society Resolutions, November 5, 1917, NA, FO371/3053.
10. Britain had a mandate … Macmillan, Peacemakers, 411.
11. “In no single theatre …” Quoted in Porter, Lion’s Share, 252.
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