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Catching Kate: The Acceptance Series

Page 3

by D. Kelly

  On Katherine’s first day back to school, we ran into Bryce Patterson at lunch. Bryce’s dad is one of the richest guys in the world, at least that’s what Bryce tells everyone. It’s probably true because the school lets him get away with everything. Two months ago, he broke into the science lab and set it on fire. No one got hurt, but they’re still rebuilding that section of the school. Bryce didn’t even get suspended. We try and stay away from him because he’s super mean to Jessica. Unfortunately for us, today the sixth graders are celebrating and get two lunch periods, so he’s out on the playground with the fifth graders.

  “Well, look what we have here, if it isn’t fat ass and her posse.”

  I push my way in front of the girls. “Shut it, Bryce, we don’t need your crap.”

  Bryce laughs his evil snicker, “What are you going to do about it, pansy?”

  I move even closer to him; I’m so tired of his crap. “I’m not going to let you talk to my friends like that. Back off.”

  “Look, Matthews, you’re a pansy and I’m not afraid of you. Your only friends are fat ass over here and the homely motherless girl. That’s right, Katie, you’ve always been a freak but now you’re a freak without a mom. From now on, you three are going to be fat ass, pansy, and motherless freak.”

  Bryce starts laughing and Katherine starts crying, which only makes Bryce laugh harder. As for me, that prideful lion feeling comes over me and I throttle Bryce with everything I have. I’m so glad I know how to fight. My dad’s been taking me to the boxing gym with him since I was five. We go every weekend and Bryce is about to feel it.

  I’m on top of Bryce and it probably looks like the fight scene from A Christmas Story to anyone that is watching us. In between punches, I’m telling him what’s going to happen.

  “You asshole, you’re done making fun of us. No more fat ass, no more pansy, never again. And if I ever hear you say one word to Katherine about not having a mom again, I will kill you. Never call her Katie, either, asswipe, it’s Katherine.” By this time, blood is squirting out of Bryce’s nose and he’s crying. Stupid jerk makes fun of people and doesn’t even know how to fight. The teachers pull us apart and escort all of us to the office. My heart’s pounding. Katherine and Jessica look shocked, but I wasn’t going to let him talk about Katherine like that. Jessica can hold her own. She usually tells Bryce where to stick it herself.

  They called our parents and put all of us and our parents in the office to talk it out. Guess what? Bryce’s mom…yeah, she’s not exactly skinny. This will work out good for us. I bet she isn’t going to like hearing what her son calls Jessica.

  First, Bryce gives his story and makes it sound like I beat him up for no reason after telling Katherine he was sorry about her mom. Then he and his parents just sit there looking smug.

  Katherine and Jessica said he was making fun of us and I stood up for them. They didn’t mention what he said, but I wasn’t about to hold back.

  When it’s my turn, I tell them everything. All the fat ass comments, the pansy comments, and the dead mom stuff. Bryce’s parents don’t look so smug anymore. Jessica and Katherine confirmed my story and Bryce was suspended. I didn’t get off easy, though; I got suspended, too. But after that day, Bryce never bothered any of us again.

  Chapter 3

  First Kisses and Friendship

  The Teenage Years

  TODAY IS KATHERINE’S birthday and she’s having a party. It’s going to be fun, and after the party, Jessica and I are spending the night. Maryanne bought us the entire Nightmare on Elm Street series so we can have a horror movie marathon. It’s so much fun watching scary movies with them because they freak out and jump and scream, usually they end up each hugging onto a side of me.

  Lately, though, it’s been a little different being around the two of them. I’ve been noticing girls more and more. Their assets—eyes, legs, butts, and of course, you can’t forget their boobs. My dad picked up on it and gave me ‘The Talk’ which was really embarrassing and yet, sort of interesting. He asked if I was having any feelings toward Jessica or Katherine. I told him no because I don’t want them changing our rules about sleepovers and stuff. I really don’t have those feelings for Jessica; she’s really pretty but she’s just my friend. Katherine, though, she’s amazing. I love her eyes and she’s so pretty and she’s my best friend. Every time I see her I want to hug her and kiss her. I have to keep telling myself we’re just friends because I don’t even know if she likes me like that. There are a few girls at school that really seem to like me but they just aren’t her.

  I’ve started hanging out with some guys from my baseball team, too. I don’t see Jessica and Katherine as much as before, but we’re all okay with it. I don’t want to sit around and talk about NSYNC while they paint their nails and do their hair. One of the guys on my team has a twin sister, Riley, and she likes me a lot. We’ve been talking on the phone every night, and she keeps hinting she wants me to be her boyfriend, but it just doesn’t feel right. I talked to Jessica about her and she thinks I should go for it. I talk to Jessica about most stuff, including girls, but part of me feels like if I talk to Katherine about girls it will hurt our friendship. I don’t think Jessica ever tells her what we talk about. We’re the Three Musketeers, but we have our own relationships, too.

  Pulling myself from my thoughts, I jump on my bike and ride over to Katherine’s house. She’s going to be so excited! We got her and Jessica front row tickets with meet and greet passes for NSYNC this summer for her birthday. My dad used to go to school with someone at their label and was able to pull some strings. After putting my bike in the garage, I walk into the house. None of us ever knock we all just kind of share houses and parents. Except for Joseph, he keeps his distance. Today he’s in Paris so Maryanne is running the show as usual. I feel bad for Katherine, she’s lucky if Joseph remembers her birthday. Maryanne took Katherine and Jessica to the pier this morning to keep up Lila’s tradition so I’m sure she’s a little sad.

  I walk upstairs but pause on the landing when I hear my name. I’m outside in the hall so they can’t see me.

  “Katherine, you have to tell Michael. You’re being dumb. I’m sure he would want to know.”

  Katherine exhales loudly, “Drop it, Jessica. We don’t talk about these kinds of things. If it’s meant to happen it will.”

  “You’re so stupid sometimes. What are you going to do if he starts dating someone? What then?”

  “Jessica, we’re both going to date people, it’s what happens. Do you really think you can date someone when you’re thirteen and end up with them forever? He’s my best friend and it’s going to stay that way.”

  “Whatever, Katie Grace, I think it’s dumb. You guys are perfect for each other and neither of you realize it.” Jessica only calls her Katie Grace when she’s emotional. I wish I would have heard the beginning of their talk. Listening to them talk about Katherine dating someone else makes my stomach drop.

  I guess it’s safe to go in now that they’re done talking. “Happy Birthday!” I spin her in a circle and she laughs. God, she always smells so good.

  “Thank you! What took you so long to get here?”

  I smirk at her. “I was putting together the best present in the history of all presents ever given, and it took a little longer than I thought it would.” She reaches out her hands in a ‘give me’ motion. I laugh and shake my head. “Nope, this one is so good that you’re going to open it in front of everyone.”

  I really want to make sure Marc sees her open the best gift. He’s a jerk and he wants to date Katherine. I heard him telling his friends one day that she would be his eventually. That’s not going to happen if I can help it. I hate Marc.

  Katherine gives me her best puppy dog eyes. “Please, Michael. I’ll tell everyone what you gave me, but I want to open it now.” I just shake my head at her and laugh. She’s so adorable.

  “Fine, be that way then.” She’s so funny when she tries to act mad. I grab her around the waist a
nd tickle her. “Stop pouting, I promise it will be worth the wait.”

  “Come on, let’s go help Maryanne, you two. I swear, sometimes you guys don’t act like just friends.” Katherine stills and I let her go. We follow Jessica downstairs just as Maryanne lets Marc in the door. Suddenly, I can’t wait for the party to be over.

  There are lots of people here and I haven’t talked to Katherine much because Marc has been hanging on her all night. When he’s around, I typically keep my distance. She comes up beside me and bumps into my shoulder. “Stop it, Michael.”

  When I turn to her, I can’t miss the sadness on her face. “Stop what?” She gives me that ‘you know what I mean’ look.

  “Stop avoiding me because of Marc. He’s my friend, Michael, and I’m not going to ignore him because you don’t like him. It’s my day and I want you to talk to me, too. Please.” I hate when she looks at me like that, with her big green eyes, because they make me want to do anything she wants. Since it’s her birthday, I really should be making more of an effort to be nice.

  “Okay, I’ll be nice. What do you want to do now?”

  Her smile is huge as she pulls me by the hand and drags me across the yard. Her enthusiasm is contagious. “It’s time to open presents and I want to open yours first.”

  I laugh; she can never wait for surprises. “No. You need to open mine last. It’s important to me, okay?”

  She peers up at me with those big green eyes again, suddenly solemn. “Okay, but you have to sit next to me while I open them.”


  Katherine opened a ton of gifts. Marc got them both annual passes to Disneyland. Great, now they can spend even more time together. Of course she loved it; she loves Disneyland. She gave him a quick hug and went back to opening her gifts. I don’t like how her hugging him makes me feel. AT ALL. Their relationship makes me so mad. I know one of these days I’m going to knock him out, and I can’t wait for that day to come. When she finally opens my gift her reaction is awesome. “Oh my god! Jessica, oh my god! Michael, are these for real? Like really, really real?” I nod my head at her as a huge smile spreads across my face. Katherine screams the loudest scream I think I’ve ever heard and does a happy dance. When she’s done with her happy dance, she wraps me up in the biggest hug and kisses me on the cheek.

  “You are seriously the best! God, I freaking love you! Jessica LOOK! Michael and his parents got us NSYNC tickets with meet and greets! OH MY GOD!” Suddenly, all of the girls are screaming, not just Jessica and Katherine. I love that my present made her so happy. I love it even more that Marc’s smug look is gone from his face. I don’t know why he thinks just because his mom died, too, that he has special rights to her. They became close friends by bonding over their losses. Their ‘soul keepers’ crap makes me want to puke. I was the one that got Katherine back from the edge, not him. He has no idea what it was like, what she was like.

  Katherine went inside to thank my parents for the tickets while I talked to Jessica. Thank god Marc stayed away. “That was an amazing present, Michael. Really cool. Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure, Jessica, you know you can ask me anything.” Jessica looks around to make sure no one is listening. “Riley is a huge NSYNC fan. Why didn’t you give those tickets to her and go with her?”

  I’m confused. “Why would I do that? You guys love them, too, and you’re my best friends. Riley is just some girl.”

  She raises an eyebrow at me. “Come on. Michael, you know Riley wants to be your girlfriend. She’s telling everyone you’re going to be her first boyfriend and her first kiss.”

  I kick my feet a little bit and my stomach feels sick. “Maybe that’s what she wants and maybe I want that, too, I don’t know. But I know that those tickets were meant for you guys, not Riley.”

  “Whatever, Michael. Your actions speak louder than words. You obviously like Katherine more than Riley. You need to sort your feelings out. You can’t sit here and be mad at Marc all night because he wants to be her boyfriend if you don’t.”

  Now it’s my turn to look around and make sure no one is listening. “Jessica, if I did want to date her, and I’m not saying I do, but if I did, would you be mad or sad about it?”

  Jessica laughs at me loudly. “Um, no, dude, not at all. We’re friends and we’ll always be best friends no matter what. You’re going to be my boyfriend butt kicking, ninja fighting protector ‘til the end, but we’re always just going to be friends. You and Katie Grace…Well, you two are different, you’ve always been linked. I’ve been waiting for what seems like forever for you two to finally admit your feelings for each other. Now that we’re all old enough for boyfriends and girlfriends, it’s time.”

  So this is what they were talking about earlier. I figured, but now I definitely know for sure. She says it like it’s just an inevitable fact, but I’m not so sure. “I don’t know, Jessica, I don’t want to mess anything up but I’ll think about it, okay?”

  “Yeah, okay, but you should know that Marc has a game of spin the bottle all lined up and he’s hoping to land on Katherine.” He’s such a dick, I’m not going to let him do that to her.

  “Jessica, you have to play first and get the bottle to land on Marc.”

  She looks at me like I’m crazy. “Eww, Michael no, that’s not going to happen.”

  “Come on, Jessica, you already had your first kiss and Katherine hasn’t. That first kiss is supposed to be ours not hers and Marc’s!”

  “Ha! I knew it! You do like her! Fine, I’ll get it to land on Marc but you better get it to land on Katherine.”

  Relief pours through me. “Done. Let’s go. I don’t see him anywhere.”

  “Yeah, the parents went to eat down by the pool so everyone was heading back in the house. Let’s go.”

  When we get upstairs, there’s a group of about four kids who want to play spin the bottle. Marc is one of them but Katherine is standing back. I don’t think she wants to play …thank God.

  “What’s going on up here?” Gotta love Jessica, she gets right to the point.

  Marc answers her immediately, “Spin the bottle, you in?”

  Jessica turns in a circle to see how many people are playing. “Just the four of you are playing? That seems kind of lame.”

  “No, not just the four of us, Katherine is playing, aren’t you Katherine?” She nods her head yes but doesn’t actually say the words.

  Jessica nods her head at Marc, “Then I’m in, too. You in, Michael?”

  I guess it’s now or never. “Yeah sure, why not?”

  Marc set the bottle on the floor and one girl backs out at the last second, which is good, now we’re evenly numbered. “Ladies first. Who wants to spin?”

  There are only three of them, but this girl, Jill, from Katherine’s gymnastic team volunteers. When Jill spins the bottle, I watch it closely to see how hard and fast it spins, trying to calculate my best chance of making it land on Katherine. The bottle lands on –Dean—he looks really happy and so does Jill. He takes her hand and leads her out to somewhere with more privacy I guess.

  Jessica jumps up and spins it next, winking at me while Marc keeps his line of sight on Katherine. I’m not sure how she did it, but she got it to land on Marc. I’ll give it to him; he doesn’t look all that disappointed to be kissing Jessica. “Come on, Marc, let’s go find some privacy.” Jessica pulls him from the room and I’m flooded with relief.

  “Your turn, Katherine. Do you want to spin or do you want to quit? You don’t have to kiss me if you don’t want to.” I inch closer to her with every word that I speak. I’ve never wanted to kiss her as much as I do right now.

  She looks up at me shyly. “I want to play, but I guess there’s no need to spin since it’s just the two of us.”

  No, there really isn’t.

  “Katherine, I need to say something first.” I lead her to the bed, sitting on the edge, placing my forehead against hers.


  “I just wanted to tell you
that I’m not doing this just because of the game. I’ve wanted to kiss you for a while, but you’re my best friend and I don’t want to wreck that. When Jessica told me Marc was playing so he could kiss you, I knew I couldn’t let that happen. No matter what else happens, our first kiss should be with each other, right?”

  I’ve got one hand on each side of her face now, our foreheads still together, and we’re so close. I just need to hear her say it, and when she does, it’s just a whisper, “Right.”

  I lean in, placing my lips on hers. They’re so warm and she tastes like bubblegum lip gloss. I have no clue what I’m doing, but my body is acting on its own. I move my lips against hers and she kisses me back. It’s just a simple, perfect kiss. I pull back and look into her eyes, they’re sparking with happiness.

  Neither of us speaks, but the need to kiss her again is overwhelming. I move forward, my lips brushing against hers. This time I open my mouth a little and so does she. Our tongues touch briefly, but it’s long enough for me to know I love kissing her and don’t want to kiss anyone else. We slowly break apart.

  “Happy Birthday, Katherine.”

  She looks up at me shyly. “Thank you, Michael, I think that was my favorite part of the day.”

  I smile at her and take her hand. “Come on, let’s go find everyone else.”


  Later that night, long after the party was over, and after we’d watched two Nightmare on Elm Street movies, we rolled out our sleeping bags on Katherine’s floor. Jessica had crashed on the bed during the movie so we left her there. I love the nights we get to sleep over because we don’t have to use our walkie talkies to talk.

  “So, are we okay now?” Well, that was random.

  I turn over in my sleeping bag and face her. “Why wouldn’t we be?”

  She sighs, “Because we kissed and I just want to know we’re still going to be friends now because kissing can change things.”


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