Catching Kate: The Acceptance Series

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Catching Kate: The Acceptance Series Page 4

by D. Kelly

  “I know it can, but we don’t have to let it, do we? I wanted to kiss you, Katherine. Do you regret it?”

  “No! I could never regret that. But, we don’t talk about this kind of stuff and I know Riley really likes you.”

  I really don’t ever want to talk to her about other girls. “I know she does”

  “And you like her, too.”

  This sucks. “I do, but I don’t have to anymore, not now, but do you like Marc?”

  She’s quiet for a while. “No, I don’t, not like that. I’m glad Jessica landed on him. But….” She sounds sad. I wish I could see her face better but it’s dark.

  “But what?”

  “It’s just that I like you like that, and I don’t want to. I don’t want you to like Riley or anything but I think you should. We’re best friends always and forever, Michael. But don’t you see the kids in our class that try dating and then a week after they kiss it gets all weird they don’t even like each other anymore? I just don’t want that for us. I think we need to wait if we want to, you know… be a couple.”

  This is so hard to talk about. I’m glad she doesn’t like Marc like that, but she’s right, too. Everyone does break up after kissing. Our kiss was special and I don’t want to mess that up. “So we’ll wait then and see what happens. We don’t have to be boyfriend and girlfriend, but I’m glad our first kiss was with each other.”

  “Me, too. Goodnight, Michael.”

  “Goodnight, Katherine.”

  Chapter 4

  Catch Me, I’m Falling

  “EEEKK! I’M SO excited! Are you really going to do it tonight, Michael? I’ll totally just tell Katherine I have cramps so you two can go alone.”

  She’s too –much—sometimes I really wish my other best friend was a guy. “TMI, Jessica, keep that shit to yourself. I don’t want to know about your cramps, but yes, tonight.”

  I’ve decided that since we’re starting high school on Monday, I want to make it official and ask Katherine to be my girlfriend. I’ve dated off and on since our kiss but she hasn’t. No kisses. No boyfriends. She did go out on maybe two movie dates but that’s it. I dated Riley after the party, and we did a lot of making out, but it never came close to the feeling I got when I kissed Katherine. It never did with anyone. I’m tired of waiting. I know I want Katherine, and from Jessica’s reaction, I’m pretty sure she wants me, too.

  “Michael, it’s going to be so romantic. Are your parents still planning on staying on Joseph’s boat?”

  “Yeah, they are. His boat is much bigger than ours and they have business associates staying over. The only reason they said we could stay on our boat alone is because the Captain is there getting it ready to take out for the holiday next week.” I hear her sigh on the other end of the phone. “What’s up, Jessica?”

  “I’m just really happy for you guys. My best friends are finally going to be together, and that’s great, but I just hope our friendship doesn’t change.”

  Oh, I can see why she might feel like that. “Don’t worry, Jessica, it’s always going to be the three of us just like before. I don’t think things will change much, but if they do, tell me and we’ll fix it. You’re out so much now with the kids from your singing club that we’re without you more often than not already.”

  “Very true, Matthews, and since summer is over I’ll only get to see them on the weekends anyway. So tell me, are you worried about Marc?”

  “Fuck no. I’m not worried about that douchebag. I swear, Jessica, I don’t get what she sees in his friendship. All I ever see is him wanting to get in her pants.”

  She’s laughing and it strikes a nerve. “It’s not funny!” That makes her laugh even harder.

  “I’m sorry, Michael, but it totally is. First of all, Katherine doesn’t see him that way, trust me. You’re the only one she thinks of like that. And secondly, watch your language. If your dad hears you he’ll be pissed you broke the ‘no cussing until I’m an adult’ rule that he stuck you with after you beat Bryce’s ass.”

  All of a sudden, I’m the one laughing. That was the only thing he’d said about that whole thing. ‘No cussing until you’re eighteen, buddy, and if I hear that you do there will be hell to pay.’ “I know, but fuck, I hate him. He needs to leave Katherine alone.”

  “You know, for what it’s worth, you should try to figure out a way to get past that. They have a different kind of friendship. They talk about each other’s love interests and stuff like we do. They’re close like we are but almost closer because of the whole mom thing. It’s not a battle you’ll win, Michael, and I don’t think you should try. Just talk to me when you’re mad about him. I know you don’t think it’s the same because I definitely don’t want to get in your pants. But it is because she doesn’t want to get into his. She cherishes you and that’s why she blew him off tonight to watch the meteor shower with you. You know that stars are their thing. So calm down, pick your battles, and go get your girl.”

  I feel so much better after talking to Jessica, but I’m still so nervous that I just threw up. I’ve always hated that about myself—my emotions make me puke. So, after my second shower of the day, I’m finally ready to go.

  “Are you ready, Michael? Tonight’s the big night, right?”

  My dad couldn’t be happier that I’m finally asking Katherine to be my girlfriend. He and my mom have been hoping for this since we were kids. “It is, but it’s not that big of a deal, so please don’t make it into one. I’m just asking her to be my girlfriend… we’re not getting married.”

  He pats me on the shoulder. “It is a big deal. The two of you have been attached at the hip since you were seven years old. This is a big step, Michael. You guys are growing up, and after tonight, things will be different. Also, don’t forget…after tonight, if she says yes, no more sleepovers. I’m happy for you, kiddo. I know how long you’ve waited to finally make this happen.”

  “Thanks, Dad, but let’s get her to say yes first. The sleepover rule is dumb. What difference does it make if we’re dating? If we wanted to do it, not having a sleepover wouldn’t stop us.”

  He smiles at me, “Maybe not, but it makes your mother feel better, so that’s what’s going to happen. You’re lucky she agreed to one last sleepover tonight. Come on, let’s go get your girl.”


  “Michael, this is going to be so much fun! Too bad Jessica wasn’t feeling well. I can’t wait for the shower to start!” We’ve been on the boat for a few hours and the meteor shower is supposed to start soon. Katherine is sitting next to me on the chaise lounge out on the deck. I’m nervous and am having a hard time thinking of things to say without blurting out what I want to ask her, especially since she’s sitting so close to me. The scent of her gardenia perfume lingers between us; it’s my favorite scent in the world.

  “How was the movie you and Marc went to earlier?”

  A funny look flashes across her face and she’s hesitant to answer, “It was okay.”

  “Just okay? I thought you were looking forward to it.”

  Again with that look. What the hell?

  “I was, but can we just drop it please? This isn’t something we usually talk about and I don’t want to make you mad.”

  “Why would I be mad?”

  She avoids my gaze, instead looking up at the stars. “Look, Michael, it’s starting!”

  I pull her in close and wrap my arm around her shoulder. It’s nothing new but it feels like more and yet, it’s still not enough. I need to feel her if we’re about to have the conversation I think we’re going to. Leaning my head against hers, I push the subject. We need to talk about this.

  “Katherine, you’re avoiding the question.”

  She sighs, “Can’t we just watch and talk later? I don’t want to fight with you over nothing.”

  “If it was nothing you wouldn’t have an issue talking about it and there wouldn’t be anything to fight over.” My temper is flaring, and I’ve got a sinking feeling in my stomach tha
t he asked her to be his girlfriend.

  “Fine, Michael! He kissed me! Is that what you want to hear? Do you feel better now knowing that? We don’t do this. We don’t talk about things like this, it’s too hard!”

  He kissed her. Fuck me. I’ve never hated someone as much as I hate him in this moment.

  “Did you kiss him back?”

  She won’t look at me. Damn. “Katherine, did you kiss him back?”

  Finally, she looks at me with tears in her eyes. “Yes, at first, but then I stopped.”

  Interesting… “Why did you stop?”

  Her voice is barely a whisper, “Because it wasn’t the same, it didn’t feel the same”

  Yes! This is my chance. “The same as what, Katherine?” Oh, maybe that was the wrong thing to say. She looks pissed now.

  “Are you really going to make me say it, Michael?”

  I need to hear her say it. “Yes”

  She squeezes her eyes shut before she speaks, “It wasn’t the same as you, okay? With you, it was special, and with Marc, it was just a boy kissing me.”

  Hell yes. It’s now or never.

  “I know it’s not, it’s never the same. No one else has been the same since I kissed you, either. I don’t think anyone else ever will be. I want you, Katie Grace, and only you. Will you be my girlfriend?”

  Her big green eyes are filled with tears, but she’s nodding her head yes. “It’s only you, Michael. It’s always been that way. I feel bad for Marc but I just don’t like him like that.”

  I place my hand on the back of her neck and pull her in so I can finally kiss her. “Don’t feel bad about him; he knows it’s supposed to be us. I love you, Katherine.”

  “I love you too, Michael.”

  Our lips meet so softly and already the feeling is back. I don’t care if I’m too young to know what I want. I know that her lips were made for mine. I increase the pace of the kiss and she opens her mouth to mine. Our tongues meet, and she’s hesitant at first, but I pull her in closer and guide her. This is by far the most amazing kiss I’ve ever had. Pulling back, I rest my head against hers.

  “Wow,” she giggles at me, “That was definitely wow. Thank you, Michael.”

  Um, okay, I’m confused. “Thanks for…?”

  “Waiting for me, being there for me, catching me when I fall.”

  I pull her in between my legs and she leans against me, looking up at the sky.

  “Always, Katherine, it was never an option. Being without you isn’t an option. Letting you fall isn’t an option. Everything that’s happened from the day we met until now has built up to this, to us. And now that we’re together, tell Marc hands and lips off from now on.”

  She laces her hands into mine. “That’s not a problem, I pretty much told him that today. You better tell Riley the same thing.”

  “Already done, but there’s something you should know. My parents, really my mom, said we can’t have any more sleepovers.”

  She bursts into laughter, “Oh my god, I can’t believe you had that conversation with your parents. As if we would do that! We just kissed for the first time in almost two years! I don’t plan on anything more for a long time. They have nothing to worry about.”

  “I know they don’t, but tonight it’s just the two of us and we have two years of making out to catch up on. I think it might take us all night.”

  “I think you’re right. We need to make up for lost time while we have the chance.”

  Chapter 5

  We Fall Together

  “OKAY, MICHAEL, YOU guys are all set for tonight. Joseph and your parents landed in Paris about a half hour ago. They already checked in with Maryanne and she knows she’s on call if Katherine needs anything or wants to come over. We’re going for mani-pedis in an hour, and after that she’s yours for the night. I can’t believe you two are finally going to have sex! Your days of whacking it in the shower are over.”

  I accidentally spilled my shower habit to Jessica one night when I was drunk at a party. I don’t care that she knows; I know she would never tell. We have our own personal secrets from Katherine just like they have theirs from me. I can talk to Jessica the way most guys talk to their guy friends. It works for us. I couldn’t imagine it any other way.

  “Well, thanks for that. Damn, Jessica, one drunken slip up and you hold it over me forever. Besides, you should be happy I’m taking care of business in the shower instead of cheating on your friend like other guys do.”

  “Yeah, like that would ever happen. You love her just as much, if not more, than I do. I think that it’s great you guys didn’t rush this. I wish I would’ve waited to find someone that lasted longer than six months. I’m happy for you both. This is huge! Besides, you’re the only guy I can talk to about stuff like this and not only get the truth, but also a guy’s truth.”

  “Always. Never doubt that you can talk to me about anything. I gotta go finish getting ready, but text me when you get to the nail place so I can go set up.”

  Tonight is the night. I’ve already done my emotional puking so I’m all good there…I hope. I’ve got candles, roses, and dinner ordered…I just need to pick it up. I want everything to be perfect for her. We’ve waited so long for this night. It’s not a surprise; we planned everything together, talked about birth control, and made sure it’s what we both really want. As much as I’m dying to have sex, I’ll wait as long as it takes for her to be ready.


  Jessica texted me that Katherine had just dropped her off and she should be arriving soon. Dinner is waiting on the candlelit table, and I even popped open a bottle of champagne. I don’t want to get her drunk, just help take the edge off for both of us. Upstairs, there are flowers and candles waiting, along with the present I got her.

  “Michael, are you here?”

  I was so lost in thought I didn’t even hear her come in. “I’m right here, babe. How was your day?”

  Her smile lights up my soul from the inside. She looks beautiful. “My day was good, but it’s better now that you’re here. It looks and smells amazing in here. I can’t believe you did all of this.”

  I pull her close and inhale her gardenia perfume. She smells incredible; it’s still my favorite scent in the world. I whisper to her as I kiss a path to her mouth, “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, just ask and anything you want is yours.”

  She trembles slightly, but in a good way, and whispers back so softly, “Okay.”

  My mouth finds hers and she opens to me without hesitation, pulling me into a very passionate kiss. I’m the first to break away, even though all I want to do is take her upstairs and make love to her.

  “Come on, let’s eat.” I pull out her chair and give her a quick kiss on the cheek. We’re both obviously nervous and dinner is mostly quiet.

  “The champagne is good, are you trying to get me drunk?”

  I choke a little on my spaghetti but see the twinkle in her eyes and know she’s teasing. “Never. I don’t want either of us to be drunk the first time we have sex. I want to experience this with you. I just thought the champagne would relax us a little. Do you still want to do this? We can wait, babe, there’s no rush if you’re not ready.”

  She glances up at me shyly, “I’m ready. I’m nervous, but I’m beyond ready to make love to you. It’s me and you always, from beginning to end, right?”

  I take her hand and pull her up. “Me and you, always. Come on, I have a gift waiting for you upstairs.”

  She giggles “Yeah, I know you do”

  “Katherine Grace Moore! I have an actual present for you. But, I won’t argue if you want to tell me I’m God’s gift to women after I make love to you.”

  She slaps my shoulder as we reach her room. “Yeah, Matthews, not gonna happen, but I can already tell you that you’re God’s gift to me.”

  I think she definitely has that mixed up. If she wasn’t in my life I would be lost.

  I watch her facial expressions as she takes in the room. The
re are two dozen roses in a vase on her dresser and I’d hung white twinkly lights from the ceiling and lit a few candles to help set the mood. I thought maybe the twinkly lights would remind her of our night under the stars when I asked her to be my girlfriend.

  “Michael, it’s beautiful. Thank you for making this so special.”

  I lead her to the bed and hand her the small box that holds the bracelet I got her. I thought about the gift for a while and was pretty sure I’d come up with the perfect one. It’s a platinum charm bracelet with an engravable plate. The inscription says ‘Fall into me’ and the only charm on it is a catcher’s glove. Since I’m a catcher in baseball, and hers in life, I thought it was perfect.

  Her hands tremble with excitement as she opens the box. Tears flow freely from her eyes as she takes it in. That’s my girl; she’s always crying for the good and the bad. “It’s beautiful, absolutely perfect. I couldn’t imagine a better gift. I’m never going to take it off. Can you put it on me please?”

  My IPod has been playing softly in the background this entire time with a bunch of slow songs. As I latched the bracelet on her wrist, Boyz II Men’s I’ll Make Love to You begins to play.

  I pull her into an embrace and kiss her tenderly, allowing all of my emotions and love to flow through me and into this kiss. She pulls me in even closer, gripping my hair in her hands, moaning into my mouth, and I know she feels it, too.

  I stepped back, needing more—needing to hear her say the words. “Katherine, can I make love to you?”

  The look on her face is filled with love. “Yes, Michael, please make love to me.”

  She’s so beautiful. She’s wearing an emerald green sundress that matches her eyes. Her gorgeous auburn curls fall perfectly down her back. The best part is the look of desire in her eyes. She wants me, and it’s an absolutely erotic feeling. I begin kissing her again, slowly, taking my time as I guide my hand slowly up her thigh. We’ve messed around before, so my hands know exactly where to go and how to please her, but I want to see her; I’ve never seen all of her before. My pants grow tighter just thinking about it. Taking her hand in mine, I help her up and slowly peel off her dress. She’s breathtaking. Her soft curves are beautiful, her skin glowing in the candlelight. The pink lace panties and bra she’s wearing exquisitely cover all she’s about to give me. She’s mine, she’s giving herself to me and it’s the greatest gift I have ever received. A blush creeps up her face but she remains standing, eyes hooded with desire, letting me take her and this moment in completely. If I don’t get my jeans off now they’re going to bust open all on their own, I’m so ready for her.


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