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Bad Boys After Dark: Carson (Bad Billionaires After Dark Book 3)

Page 13

by Melissa Foster

  “Oh gosh, I’m so sorry,” Amanda said.

  “Me too,” Tiffany said. “Everyone needs family, so consider yourself part of ours, right, Amanda?”

  “Absolutely,” Amanda agreed. “Sisters from another mother. We’ll have to exchange phone numbers.” She pulled her phone from her pocket, and Tiffany grabbed hers from the coffee table. “What’s your number?”

  Tawny was stunned by how readily they welcomed her into their inner circle. She gave them her phone number, and they each texted her. She’d left her phone at Carson’s house, but she was excited to know she’d have their numbers. She’d been so busy since moving to Paris that she didn’t have many friends there, and the ones she had were more like acquaintances.

  “Welcome to the tribe,” Dylan said.

  Tribe. She wanted to be part of the tribe. She’d been alone for far too long. Emotions bubbled up inside her, and she glanced at Carson, whose expression was as full of happiness as she felt.

  “The Bad Boys Girl Tribe,” Amanda said with a laugh. “Now, tell us all about what you do in Grand Paris.” She said the last two words with an accent.

  “I’m a perfumer.” She glanced at Carson and added, “I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but I’m considering starting my own boutique perfumery. Something very different from what’s currently available.”

  The surprise, and overriding approval, in Carson’s eyes encouraged her.

  “Wow.” Amanda tucked her dark hair behind her ear. “I’ve never met a perfumer. You actually make perfumes? How cool is that?”

  Tawny tapped her nose. “I’ve always been able to identify scents, and I’ve always devoured everything I could about science the way women go through romance novels.”

  “Romance novels?” Amanda raised her hand. “I’m a Jill Shalvis junkie!”

  “That’s how I am about what I do. I love my job, but I will say that being able to smell every little thing isn’t always as lovely as it sounds.”

  “Like Brett after he eats chili,” Dylan said.

  Brett kicked his foot.

  “Tawny, what will be different about your shop?” Tiffany asked.

  “I want to create personalized fragrances instead of mass-market perfumes for retailers.”

  “You mean, like you meet people and develop a perfume just for them?” Amanda asked.

  “Yes, exactly,” Tawny said.

  “How can you do that?” Amanda asked. “I mean, how do you know what a person’s perfume should smell like?”

  Tawny shrugged. “I’m not sure how to explain it, because I think some of what I do is an inherent skill. My father taught me to separate sensory input when I was a little girl, and I’ve gotten really good at it. I can tell you exactly what fragrances you should be wearing.”

  “Really?” Amanda squealed. “Tell me! Mick would so love this. We’ll be your first customers! Oh, if you make one for me, can you call it Freckles? Please?” Her cheeks flushed, and she said, “It’s a private thing between me and Mick.”

  That piqued Tawny’s curiosity. Where exactly are those freckles? Pushing her nosiness aside, she focused on envisioning a scent for Amanda, which would now include this hidden side of her. This was where Tawny shined, pairing off people with fragrances that could bring out sides of them they may not even know existed.

  “Sure,” she said. “You’re very feminine, and your strength is evident in the way you carry yourself and insert yourself into situations. I’d play off that, giving you a base note of red rose and vanilla to captivate and reel Mick in. The base notes become more noticeable later in the day, after the top and medium notes have worn off. I see you as intimate, with a hidden adventurous side. I think chamomile and geranium would speak to your femininity, with a touch of lemongrass and tangerine, to play off of your bright personality. But you need something richer, like the dry heat of Oriental amber.”

  “Dry heat sounds so sensual,” Amanda said. “I think I’d like that.”

  They were all watching Tawny, listening intently, but it was the way Carson was watching her, as if he were falling in love with her right there and then, in front of everyone, that made her heart race. She tried to concentrate on what she was saying and not how badly she wanted to continue gazing into his eyes.

  “That’s a starting point,” Tawny explained. “Fragrances smell different on everyone, and some fragrances need to be tweaked hundreds of times before they’re perfect.”

  “Do me!” Tiffany said.

  “Hey.” Dylan hauled Tiffany onto his lap again. “You’re only allowed to be done by me.”

  “You are so possessive!” Tiffany kissed him. “Tawny, do me, please?”

  Carson moved closer, and his arm circled Tawny’s shoulder. He began moving his fingers along the base of her neck in a dizzying pattern. His gaze was so intense, she wanted to talk about fragrances twenty-four seven just to see that look in his eyes.

  She forced herself to concentrate on responding to Tiffany. “I would create a fragrance that embodies the heat of the sun for you, something bold and flavorful, with an underlying hint of sweetness, like violets and cassis.”

  “I don’t know what cassis is, but I want it,” Tiffany said. “When are you opening your shop?”

  “Oh gosh, I’m not even sure I am,” she said, though she was getting more excited about the idea by the minute. “I really just made the decision to start thinking about it more seriously.”

  “If anyone can do it,” Carson said, “it’s you, Tabs.”

  “Thank you. It’s not the doing it that worries me. It’s everything that goes into starting up a business.” His support was so nice after so many years of feeling unsupported. She couldn’t wait to tell him that the first scent she’d ever created for herself rather than for a company was one that reminded her of him. She was still tweaking it, and didn’t want him to know until she was sure it was perfect.

  “I recently opened my office,” Tiffany said. “I could help you find space. I worked with Phoebe Nice, one of Dylan’s friends. She owns tons of real estate here. I bet she could find you something.”

  “Wait.” Amanda’s eyes moved between Carson and Tiffany. “Are you moving here from Paris? Or are you going to open your shop there?”

  The room grew silent, and Carson’s hand stilled.

  “I’m, um. I’m not sure just yet,” Tawny managed. Although Carson had told her he wouldn’t ask her to leave Adeline, she knew that he wanted her to stay. She’d come here to figure out how to move forward, and now she was more confused than ever. She hadn’t thought this far ahead and couldn’t imagine leaving Adeline, even for Carson. Even if they tried to have a long-distance relationship, they couldn’t do that forever. Maybe thinking about starting a business was the wrong thing to do right now after all.

  A wave of disappointment tumbled through her. “I’m leaving late Tuesday to go back to Paris, and I have commitments there, so…”

  “Tuesday? That’s the day after tomorrow,” Tiffany said with an air of disbelief. Her gaze drifted between Tawny and Carson. “Are you coming back?”

  Dylan and Brett exchanged serious looks. Tawny and Carson hadn’t talked about particulars beyond wanting to be with each other, and everyone was watching her expectantly. She cleared her throat and forced herself to sit up a little straighter, hoping to change the subject.

  “I know it’s been a really fast trip,” Tawny finally responded, laughing nervously. “I don’t have it all figured out yet, but I’m glad I got a chance to meet you guys. I haven’t had this much fun in a long time.”

  Amanda smiled warmly. “We’re glad you came. But I hate that you’re leaving so soon. We didn’t get much time together. Tiff and I are meeting for breakfast tomorrow morning. I don’t mean to steal you away from Carson, but do you think you can break away for an hour and join us? We can talk about all of this, and you can meet my sister, Ally. She’s married to Heath Wild, who grew up with these guys.”

  Tawny knew all
about Heath and his three brothers. Carson had told her stories about how the Wilds had been there for his family when they’d lost Lorelei, and how all eight of the Wild and Bad siblings had been rascally as teens. Although she couldn’t imagine Carson getting into much trouble, even as a teenager.

  She reached for his hand. They had so little time left together, she didn’t want to spend any of it away from him. But she was drawn to these wonderful women, and they’d gotten along so well already, she wanted to spend more time with them, too.

  “You’ll love Ally,” Amanda said. “I hope you’ll join us.”

  Tiffany jumped to her feet, using the remote to turn the volume up on the television. “Halftime’s over! Tawny,” she said, eyes glued to the television, “you definitely should join us!”

  “Are you sure you don’t mind if I come along?” Tawny asked, still unsure about missing time with Carson.

  “We’d love it,” Tiffany said, sitting down beside Dylan. “I grew up with brothers, and Amanda and Ally, and Ally’s sisters-in-law, are amazing. I’ve never had many female friends, and they opened up a whole new world for me.”

  “She’s confused,” Dylan said. “That would be me who introduced her to a new world. In the bedroom.”

  Everyone laughed.

  Tawny realized they were opening up a new world for her, too, with friends who had each other’s backs and an openness that might take some getting used to. She had heard so many stories about Carson’s brothers, seeing the bond between them and witnessing the love Dylan and Tiffany shared had confirmed her impression of his closely knit, emotional family. She wondered if he and his brothers were that close before their lives were turned upside down, or if that had strengthened their bond. They were obviously raised well by loving parents, despite the breakup of their family.

  She suddenly longed for her father, realizing for the first time that she was an orphan, like Adeline.

  The power of that word sank into her bones, taking her longing even deeper. For the briefest of moments, she allowed herself to fantasize about what it would be like if she moved there and she and Carson gave the relationship all they had. Would they get together with everyone like this often? Or would they fall into the pattern of so many couples, turning into workaholics with the start of her new business and Carson’s ongoing firm? He was taking time off now, but she’d never expect that on a day-to-day basis. She was proud of what he’d accomplished, and he wasn’t the type of person who could go for long periods without being intellectually stimulated. Would he want his own children? A bigger question was, would he one day be open to fostering children?

  She was getting way ahead of herself. She glanced at Tiffany and Dylan, who were watching the game and holding hands. They were a perfect match. Like me and Carson. Would she eventually feel comfortable teasing about things like being tied up, too?

  As if he could read her mind, Carson pulled her closer and whispered, “I’m glad you’re here with me, but I can’t wait to get you naked.”

  She felt her cheeks flame, her gaze darting around the room. No one seemed to be able to tell that he’d set her body on fire.

  Carson kissed the tender skin beside her ear. “I do love you, Tabs.” He pushed a hand into her hair, holding her ear right beside his mouth. His tongue slid along the shell, and she held her breath. “I can’t wait to tie you down and drive you out of your mind.”

  He leaned back with a sinful look in his eyes as she sat frozen in place, hoping no one had heard him. He was testing her—and as nerve-racking as it was, she didn’t want him to stop. She wanted more. God, how did he know when to push and when to ease up?

  In the next breath, that fierce stare softened, and he kissed her lips, then whispered, “I don’t want to miss a minute of our time together. But you should go to breakfast with the girls, or they’ll come drag you from my arms in the morning anyway. Tell them you’ll go.”

  She was supposed to answer the girls? To actually speak when her body was vibrating as she imagined being tied up on his big, glorious bed, at his mercy.

  Tiffany and Amanda laughed at something, snapping her out of her fantasy.

  “Breakfast,” Amanda said. “We were talking about breakfast, remember? Tawny, I’ll text you the name of the café and the address. We’ll see you at eight?” She pulled out her phone again.

  Carson rubbed the back of Tawny’s neck, a gratified smile on his lips. That look alone made her want to hear his rough voice taunting her with more dirty promises.

  “I have to warn you,” Tiffany said, “you might never want to go back to Paris after experiencing the newly formed breakfast club. We’re pretty awesome.”

  Breakfast club? If Carson continued surprising her, she might never want to leave his bed.

  “Don’t you guys have to work?” Brett asked.

  “My first meeting is at ten.” Tiffany flashed a smile at Tawny. “It’s awesome being your own boss. You’re going to love it, Tawny.”

  “I’m sleeping with my boss, and he’s out of town, so…” Amanda glanced up from her phone, her cheeks flushed. “I’m kidding. I mean, I am married to my boss, but I don’t go in until nine tomorrow. I wouldn’t abuse our relationship that way.”

  Brett shook his head and laughed. “You worry too much, sweetheart. No one here is judging you.”

  “Thanks, Brett,” Amanda said.

  “I’m too busy judging Carson for taking off time to be with Tawny,” Brett joked.

  Tawny felt her eyes widen and tried not to look too alarmed.

  “Dude, cut the shit,” Carson said. “Tawny doesn’t know you well enough to know you’re kidding.”

  Brett leaned forward, elbows on knees, and looked at Tawny with big, brown, apologetic eyes. She bet that sad-puppy look dropped lots of panties.

  “Sweetheart, I’m one big-ass joke after another. Carson’s the man. He can do whatever he wants. I might be his business partner, but he built the company, and it wouldn’t be as successful as it is if not for your boyfriend’s business savvy and genius mind.” Brett shifted his gaze to Carson. “I personally think Tawny should monopolize you for one week each month. You never take time off, and I’ve never seen you smile as much as you have tonight.”

  Hearing Brett praise and support Carson made Tawny’s chest feel full. One thing was very clear, if she and Carson stayed together, they’d have to live in New York, because there was no way she’d want him to upend his life and miss out on occasions like these. He had so many people who loved him. How did she get lucky enough to have someone so genuinely good fall in love with her?

  The girls were awaiting their answer. It had taken Tawny years to come back to Carson, and in just a weekend, he’d made her feel so good, so complete, and even better than her old self. She didn’t want to stop there. She wanted to nurture these new friendships and become part of their group. Part of Carson’s world. Regret comes from living your life wearing someone else’s skin. It’s fixable.

  No more regrets. This time she was going for the brass ring.

  She reached for Carson’s hand, thankful for his support, and said to the girls, “I would love to meet you for breakfast tomorrow.”

  CARSON SPENT THE majority of the second half of the game taunting—testing—Tawny. They’d never tested each other’s boundaries in public before this weekend, and he had a feeling that was the only way to get her to realize that what she felt for him was a good thing and that she could handle it despite her fears. While the others were cheering for touchdowns, Carson set out to get Tawny so hot and bothered, her need for him was inescapable. As the evening wore on, he continued whispering dark promises, brushing against her breasts, rubbing her thighs. She’d been so cute trying to avoid his gropes when she was talking to Amanda. The two of them were so engrossed in conversations about fragrances and Paris he almost felt guilty for his sly maneuvers. But the clock was ticking, and he wasn’t going to let her go back to Paris with any doubts in her head.

  By the time th
ey left Dylan’s, the girls were laughing and hugging like they’d known each other forever. But Tawny’s laughter quickly turned to hungry kisses on the way home, and by the time they stumbled into Carson’s house they were both out of control. He tore her coat down her shoulders, trapping her arms behind her, and backed her up against the wall, kissing her with all the passion he’d been holding back. She tasted of sweet liquor, seduction, and Tabby.

  He stripped his coat off, dropping it on the floor, and tore off her pretty new boots and socks—he couldn’t have her slipping on the hardwood. He placed them beside her before urgently reclaiming her mouth. A decade of desire flooded out of him, and when he inhaled her oxygen as his own, her essence filled him to the bone. She was delicate and strong, and writhing against him with purposeful taunts of her incredible curves. When she moaned in that sultry, take-me-now way she had, something inside him snapped—and he gave her exactly what she needed.

  “How much do you like your sweater?” he growled.

  Her wide grin and smoldering eyes gave him his answer. He grabbed the neckline and tore the thick fabric right down the middle. When he grabbed the cups of her bra to tear that off, too, “Front clasp,” flew from her lips.

  He fumbled with the clasp, shoving the straps down her arms. Her breasts jutted out, tempting and alluring. “You’re so fucking sexy. How could you ever think I’d need, or want, any other woman?”

  She trapped her lip between her teeth. Her sudden shyness was a reminder of what strength it must have taken for her to come to him, to leave her safe life across the sea and face her greatest fears—and desires—that had frightened her into running off in the first place. His heart swelled, and he had the strange urge to build a fortress around her, to protect her from anything ever making her feel uncomfortable again. But that wasn’t what she wanted, or what she needed. He knew his beautiful girl, knew what made her feel safe, knew how to take her to new heights every time they made love.

  He brushed his lips over hers. “Don’t you ever doubt my love for you, baby.”

  He lowered his mouth over one breast, sucking and teasing as he pinched her other nipple. Tawny went up on her toes, dragging in air between clenched teeth. He opened his eyes, drinking in her exquisite beauty as he drove her wild. Her head was tipped back, eyes closed. Her silky hair fell against the wall like a sunset. Her milky skin was flushed and rosy, and her lips were pink and swollen from their rough kisses. And she was all his.


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