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Bad Boys After Dark: Carson (Bad Billionaires After Dark Book 3)

Page 15

by Melissa Foster

  She drew back from the kiss and gazed into his eyes with a lustful, playful expression.

  My sweet Tabby has found her courage.

  “Think you can behave while I get a few things?” she asked as she rubbed her center along the length of his cock.

  “We’ll see.”

  She crawled off the bed and dug around in the box. He ached to be touched, and fisted his cock, giving it a few tight tugs. She set the wrist cuffs and silk ties on the bed, and he jerked himself a few more times.

  “You are a very naughty boy,” she said.

  “Use the rope,” he ground out, wanting the sting that came with it when he struggled.

  “I’m the boss tonight, mister.” She leaned over the bed and kissed his stomach, watching his hand slide along his cock. “Aren’t you the eager beaver? I should flip you over so you get none of that pleasure for misbehaving. Although…” Her eyes narrowed seductively. “I could watch you do that all day long.”

  He swallowed hard, knowing she was building ideas in her pretty little head. “Tabby Cat,” he said sternly. “Rope, please.”

  Her shoulders dropped and she grabbed two lengths of rope and stood at the end of the bed. She held one of his ankles, watching him as she wound the rope around it. A stab of insecurity he hadn’t felt in years sliced through him, mixed with the insatiable need for what she was doing. It wasn’t sexual insecurity, but because in this position he couldn’t protect or help her if she got hurt. Those fears burned inside him, and as he’d learned to do, he focused on the grating of the rope against his skin, the spreading of his legs as she tightened the tension on the second rope.

  “I think I need to gag you if you’re going to be demanding, but then I’d lose out. Your mouth is worth dealing with a little bossiness.” She yanked the rope tighter, spreading his legs farther apart.

  Damn, he’d missed the sensation of his skin being pulled too tight, and the sheer anticipation of Tawny Bishop. She bound one of his wrists, and when he placed his free hand up for her, she shook her head.

  “Don’t stop what you were doing, but don’t come, either.”

  “Tabs,” he said too harshly, but the pressure and heat were already pounding through him. “That’s going to be near impossible. It’s been too long since we’ve done this.”

  She crouched beside the bed, and when she appeared again, she held a bottle of flavored lube. She drizzled the cool liquid along his cock and put her mouth beside his ear, whispering, “Do it for me.”

  With a low growl, because damn it, there was nothing he wouldn’t do for her, he began stroking his cock. The slick friction sent a bolt of lightning shooting through him. Tawny dragged a length of silk over his pecs, amping up his pleasure.

  “Close your eyes.”

  Her tone told him she was in serious play mode. She secured the silk over his eyes, and he felt her nimble fingers securing it on the side of his head as he’d taught her. His temperature spiked with the absence of sight, and his other senses prickled to life. He heard the bottle of lube open again, and tensed, readying for the cool liquid to hit his skin, but it never did. The bed dipped beside him, and Tawny’s soft, pillowy lips pressed against his, kissing him deeply and pulling a needy moan from his lungs. Fuck, everything she did turned him inside out. When her hand cupped his balls and squeezed, her fingers slippery with lube, his body clenched and his cock jumped in his hand, reminding him she’d wanted to watch. Holy fuck, the image of her eyes on his cock and the feel of her hands as she gave his balls a tug nearly made him lose it. He gripped the base of his shaft, groaning.

  She drew back, tickling his balls with her fingertips. “Too much?”

  The sassiness in her voice made him smile, but he was right on the verge of coming, and he ground that smile into another sound of restraint. Her hand moved over his, circling his cock, her slippery fingers sliding between his as she guided them slowly up and over the head.

  “Tabs—” His words got lost as he panted, clinging to his control, and his ability to think, by a shred.

  She left him then, off the bed, silent in her disappearance. He held the base of his erection, listening intently, but the air held no clues to her whereabouts. It had been so long, he’d forgotten what it felt like to be left in this situation—and it reminded him of the night they’d broken up. His heart physically hurt with the memory. He fisted his hand in the sheet, clenched his jaw, willing it away, and then her hand captured his, drawing it up and over his head as she bound it with the rope, distracting him from his distress. The feathery falls of the flogger glided up his leg, over his hip, and across his chest, bringing rise to goose bumps. Lower, baby. Drag that sucker along my cock like your hair. As quickly as it had touched his skin, it was gone again.

  Christ, she knew him too well to satisfy him that easily.

  The room was quiet again, save for the sound of his own harsh breathing. Then her hot mouth was on his balls, sucking one in completely. The bed dipped between his legs, and her slippery fingers touched his ass, teasing the rim.

  “Holy fuck, Tabby.”

  Her other hand gripped his cock, stroking him as she sucked his balls, and she pushed a finger into his ass. He cried out with the invasion, but she didn’t relent, seeking the spot that would make him come like a fountain. She sucked harder, stroking him tight and fast. Lust spiked down his spine, pooling at the base and spreading to his groin like a five-alarm fire as she breached his rim over and over again. He struggled against the ropes, trying to bite back his orgasm, but there was no relief, and when she hit the perfect spot, his legs flexed. Sparks zinged through him as he exploded in streaks of hot come across his chest and stomach. She continued licking and sucking as he writhed beneath her control, moaning and grunting through the very last of his release.

  And then she disappeared again, leaving him alone to listen and try to calm his breathing.

  He might be alone in the room, but for the first time in a decade, he knew he wasn’t truly alone.

  Chapter Twelve

  TAWNY WASHED UP and returned to the bedroom with a warm, wet washcloth. Her heart hammered against her ribs at the sight of her powerful man blindfolded and bound to the bed, his body glistening with the proof of his arousal. His scent lingered in the air, like a Callery pear tree. The emotions thrumming through her, the immense love she had for Carson, were so powerful, she couldn’t speak. She bathed him in silence, soaking in the sound of his breathing, the feel of his body, the small smile on his lips. When she put the washcloth in the bathroom and came back to him, she ran her fingers from his ankle to his hips, along his torso, and climbed onto the bed next to him. She lay on her side, tracing his jaw with her fingertips, then with kisses, deciding what to do next. Every inch her fingers covered brought a sense of completeness, of awe over his beauty and his strength. How many men would allow this? she wondered. Her thigh slid over his, and when his lips parted, she traced those, too.

  “Baby,” he breathed out.

  She moved over him, her legs between his, and untied his blindfold. He blinked several times, and as the fog of darkness cleared, his eyes filled with heat, and he went hard beneath her.

  “Tabby Cat. What you do to me…”

  The wonder in his voice brought his words to life, and she felt the depth of them everywhere—on her skin, in her heart, in the very air she breathed. She caressed his cheeks, and his eyes fluttered closed. The softness of his skin and the feathery flutter of his long lashes contradicted his corded muscles, drawing her heart closer to the surface. She knew there could never be another man in her life. She felt on the verge of tears, admitting to herself what she’d probably known all along. When he sighed, she touched his lips, bringing his eyes open again.

  “I love you, Carson, with my whole heart.”

  He craned his neck up, and she met him in a warm, loving kiss. She needed to be in his arms again.

  She untied his ankles, rubbing them, working her way up his calves with kisses, easing the tension
from his muscles and seeing it rise elsewhere. Her body prickled with heat again. She crawled onto the bed, and his powerful legs closed around her, locking her against him.

  “I was going to untie you, but suddenly I want to play.”

  “You should have untied my arms first so I could hold you.”

  She pressed her finger over her lips. “Soon.”

  Wiggling out from between his legs, she straddled his torso. “First, I’m feeling a little needy.”

  That earned a hungry grin, and when she leaned forward, brushing her breast over his lips, he eagerly gave her what she wanted. She closed her eyes, reveling in the incredible sensations. She grabbed hold of his arms, using them for leverage as she offered him her other breast. He took it between his teeth, his eyes locked on hers, and he bit down. She cried out, wincing against the pleasure and pain.

  “Good Lord, Carson. I felt that everywhere.”

  “I need more of you. Get up here and let me make you come.” His wolfish grin and demanding voice made her laugh.

  Why did his sexual frustration turn her on so much? “My, my…”

  “Tabby.” His brows knitted and a serious scowl formed on his handsome face. “Get over here and let me taste you, please.”

  She lowered her face so their mouths were a breath apart, unable to stop smiling. “What woman in her right mind would deny you that pleasure?”

  “Don’t you dare,” he said.

  She moved down his body, sliding her sex over his erection, and lowered her mouth to his pecs, teasing him as he did her. Her hands traveled over his flesh as she increased the friction between her legs, moving faster, needing more.

  “Tabby, I don’t want to come unless I’m inside you.”

  She rose on her knees and guided the head of his cock inside her, moving ever so slightly, not allowing him to enter her fully. His hips rose off the mattress, but she was too quick, lifting herself higher, keeping full penetration at bay.

  “Tabs,” he warned.

  “You’re sexy when you’re frustrated.”

  She giggled and climbed up his body again, kissing him hard, then easing to a languid, sensual kiss. His hips undulated as he ground his cock against her, causing her fingers to curl around his arms. God, she needed him as badly as he wanted her. She reached between their bodies, rubbing her fingers over her sex; then she slid them into his mouth.

  “Mm,” he moaned. His eyes went dark as coal. “Not enough.”

  She moved off of him and stepped from the bed.

  “Hey, babe? You’re going in the wrong direction.”

  She began unshackling his wrists. “Sometimes we both need more.”

  The second his hands were untied he swept her beneath him and captured her mouth in a kiss that sang through her veins, making her ache and melt at once. She would be happy staying right here beneath him, enveloped by his body and entranced by the velvety warmth of his mouth forever. His hands pushed beneath her, cradling her tight against him. Her legs wound around his waist, and he entered her in one fluid motion. Her head fell back against the pillow with the magnificent force of their bodies.

  “Carson…” She grasped for the right words to express how she felt.

  He touched his forehead to hers, and she knew no words were necessary. Their bodies moved in perfect sync, falling into a warm, sweet rhythm. Tawny felt transported into him, as if their beings had become one. Big, strong hands moved down her back and gripped her hips, angling them up and holding her there as he thrust faster, drove in deeper. Their bodies were slick with sweat, their erratic heartbeats creating a pulse-pounding chorus to their gasps and pleas. Her senses reeled, her thoughts skidded, and her desires grew to explosive proportions, and when Carson gazed into her eyes, everything stilled.

  “How will I ever let you go back to Paris without me?” Carson whispered. “You are my very heart and soul.”

  His mouth came tenderly down over hers as he loved her the way only he knew how, and the rest of the world fell away.

  Chapter Thirteen

  MONDAY ROLLED IN with sunny skies and higher temperatures, melting much of the winter wonderland that had cocooned the city. She and Carson made plans to go to Greenwich Village after she met Tiffany, Amanda, and Ally for breakfast. He said there was a shop he wanted to take her to, though he wouldn’t give her any hints about exactly what type of shop it was. Tawny hated leaving him, but she was excited to see the girls again. Carson insisted on having Barton drive her to the café despite her protests, reminding her of when they were in college and he’d walked her out to her car after they were done studying and had made her promise to text him and let him know she’d arrived home safely. Was that another signal she’d missed? How many study partners were that watchful? It still bothered her that she’d missed so many of Carson’s signals all those years ago, but she was determined to have more open and honest communication this time around.

  I think I was pretty clear last night. Heat spread through her like a gust of wind with memories of their passionate night. The car stopped in front of the café. Perfect. As if she wasn’t nervous enough, now she was hot and bothered, too.

  She inhaled a few calming breaths as Barton opened the door for her. The now-familiar scent of his cologne greeted her as she stepped onto the sidewalk. She liked Barton. He was kind, with wise eyes and a quiet nature, and reminded her of her father.

  He handed her a business card and said, “Text me when you’re ready to leave and I’ll pick you up.”

  “Thank you, but I might do a little shopping before coming home. I don’t mind taking a cab.” They weren’t far from the Biology Café. She wanted to go by and take a peek and pick up something nice for Carson on the way.

  Barton lowered his chin in a very Carson-like way, his lips curving up in a knowing smile. “Shopping is not a problem. I’ll be ready when you text.”

  She felt very Pretty Woman, and tried not to laugh. Carson was so laid-back with her, but boy, he wasn’t kidding about pulling out all the stops. “Thank you, Barton. I’ll text you.”

  Carson was working from home, and she sent him a quick text before heading into the café. Thank you for putting Barton at my beck and call, but you do remember that I came from nothing, right? Xo

  She tucked her phone into her coat pocket and walked into the café, spotting Tiffany and Amanda and a beautiful dark-haired woman who looked too much like Amanda not to be her sister, Ally, sitting at a table by the window. Her phone vibrated, and she smiled at Carson’s name on her screen and read the text. So did I. We’re made for each other. Have fun with the girls. You can thank me properly later.

  Amanda waved her over, and Tawny put away her phone. Carson had texted her a few minutes after she’d left to say Mick had invited them to lunch tomorrow. She was excited to meet the brother who had helped him through the roughest time of his life. He was lucky to have had him when they’d lost their sister. She’d have given anything to have a sibling to reach out to when she’d lost her father. And every day since.

  Her stomach twisted nervously as she approached the table. Amanda rose to greet her with open arms, embracing her as if they’d known each other forever, instantly putting her at ease.

  “Hi,” Amanda said. “I’m so glad you made it.”

  “Thanks for inviting me. Sorry I’m late.” She slipped out of her coat and draped it on the back of the chair.

  “You’re not late. We were early,” Tiffany said.

  “It’s all my fault.” The pretty brunette smiled up at Tawny, flashing pearl-white teeth and mischievous eyes. “Hi. I’m Ally, Mandy’s sister. I forced her to get up early and go to a yoga class with me this morning.”

  “And I called Tiffany and dragged her butt out of bed,” Amanda explained. “We went home to shower and change afterward, but we were all ready early, so we had a cup of coffee while we waited. You didn’t miss anything other than us talking about your sexy romance with the quietest Bad boy of them all.”

  She was a
lready the center of gossip?

  The waitress came and took their orders, and when she left, Tiffany said, “For the record, I said we should call you, but both of them nixed it. Honestly, I don’t know what I was thinking by suggesting it.”

  “Oh, well, that’s okay,” Tawny said uncomfortably.

  “Seriously,” Tiffany added. “You’re leaving tomorrow afternoon. You need all the sex you can get before then. It’s bad enough that we’re stealing you away now, but if we don’t, who knows when we’ll have another chance to really get to know you.”

  Tawny sighed with relief that she wasn’t being excluded.

  “Or when we’ll get the scoop on Carson!” Ally added.

  Amanda glared at her.

  “What?” Ally said with a laugh. “You know you’re dying to know about him. He’s so mysterious.”

  Tawny’s stomach fluttered hearing them talk about Carson like they didn’t know him at all. As she listened to them talk about how he was always working and when they went out for drinks together he’d never hit on women or brought a woman with him, she felt a sense of warmth and happiness engulf her. He’d been honest about everything.

  Wasn’t he always?

  After the waitress brought her coffee, she decided to find out just how much they knew about Carson. “I can see why he seems mysterious,” she said, “but he’s never been that way to me. What do you find mysterious about him?”


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