The Marshall Plan

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The Marshall Plan Page 60

by Benn Steil

  Danner, Mark. “Marooned in the Cold War: America, the Alliance, and the Quest for a Vanished World.” World Policy Journal. Vol. 14, No. 3 (Fall 1997): 1–23.

  Davis, David. “A 21st-Century Marshall Plan.” Prospect. June 22, 2011.

  Deaton, Angus. “Weak States, Poor Countries.” Project Syndicate. September 2013 [republished October 12, 2015].

  DeLong, J. Bradford, and Barry Eichengreen. “The Marshall Plan: History’s Most Successful Structural Adjustment Program.” NBER Working Paper Series. No. 3899 (November 1991).

  Dobbs, Michael. “Clinton’s NATO Effort Risky; President’s Vision Rests on Historic Rationale.” Washington Post. July 8, 1997.

  Drozdiak, William. “The Brussels Wall: Tearing Down the EU-NATO Barrier.” Foreign Affairs. May/June 2010.

  Dulles, John Foster. “Europe Must Federate or Perish.” Vital Speeches of the Day. Vol. 13, No. 8 (February 1947).

  The Economist. “Dollars for Europe?” May 31, 1947.

  The Economist. “On the Rocks.” February 4, 1948.

  Edwards, Willard. “Marshall Plan Debate Roars Toward Close.” Chicago Tribune. March 26, 1948.

  Eichengreen, Barry. “Create a New Marshall Plan for Greece.” Prague Post. July 20, 2011.

  Eichengreen, Barry, and Jorge Braga de Macedo. “The European Payments Union: History and Implications for the Evolution of the International Financial Architecture.” OECD Development Centre. March 2001.

  Eichengreen, Barry, and Marc Uzan. “The Marshall Plan: Economic Effects and Implications for Eastern Europe and the Former USSR.” Economic Policy. Vol. 7, No. 14, Eastern Europe (April 1992): 13–75.

  Ellman, Michael, and S. Maksudov. “Soviet Deaths in the Great Patriotic War: A Note.” Europe-Asia Studies. Vol. 46, No. 4 (1994): 671–80.

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  Furman, Bess. “Marshall Urges ‘Freedom Gardens.’ ” New York Times. February 3, 1948.

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  Galeotti, Mark. “Why Did It Take Turkey Just 17 Seconds to Shoot Down Russian Jet?” The Guardian. November 26, 2015.

  Gallup, George. “French Support Marshall Plan but Some Question Motives.” Washington Post. September 2, 1947.

  ———. “ERP Recipients Suspect Motives.” Washington Post. February 8, 1948.

  ———. “Marshall Plan Holds Support of Voters Familiar with It.” Washington Post. March 3, 1948.

  ———. “Dutch Favor Marshall Plan but Some Question Motives.” Washington Post. March 31, 1948.

  Gareau, Frederick H. “Morgenthau’s Plan for Industrial Disarmament in Germany.” The Western Political Quarterly. Vol. 14, No. 2 (June 1961): 517–34.

  Gobarev, Victor. “Soviet Military Plans and Actions During the First Berlin Crisis, 1948–49.” Journal of Slavic Military Studies. Vol. 10, No. 2 (September 1997): 1–24.

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  Greene, James. “Russian Responses to NATO and EU Enlargement and Outreach.” Chatham House. The Means and Ends of Russian Influence Abroad Series. June 2012.

  Grutzner, Charles. “City Hails Friendship Train.” New York Times. November 19, 1947.

  Guinnane, Timothy. “A Pragmatic Approach to External Debt: The Write-down of Germany’s Debts in 1953.” August 13, 2015.

  Hachey, Thomas E. (ed.). “American Profiles on Capitol Hill: A Confidential Study for the British Foreign Office in 1943.” The Wisconsin Magazine of History, Vol. 57, No. 2 (Winter 1973–1974): 141–53.

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  Harris, Arthur W. D. “A Special Study of Operation ‘Vittles.’ ” Aviation Operations. Vol. 11, No. 5 (April 1949): 1–120.

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  Harris, William R. “March Crisis 1948, Act II.” Studies in Intelligence. Vol. 11 (Spring 1967).

  Haslam, Jonathan. “Russia’s Seat at the Table: A Place Denied or a Place Delayed?” International Affairs. Vol. 74, No. 1 (January 1998): 119–30.

  Herring, George C., Jr. “The United States and British Bankruptcy, 1944–1945: Responsibilities Deferred.” Political Science Quarterly. Vol. 86, No. 2 (June 1971): 260–80.

  Hetzel, Robert L. “German Monetary History in the First Half of the Twentieth Century.” Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly. Vol. 88, No. 1 (Winter 2002): 1–35.

  Hightower, John M. “Britain Slated to Delay Exit from Greece.” Washington Post. August 10, 1947.

  Hinton, Harold. “Anti-American Campaign Intensified in Europe.” New York Times. November 19, 1947.

  ———. “Aid Bill Signed by Truman as Reply to Foes of Liberty.” New York Times. April 4, 1948.

  Hoffman, Paul G. “What ECA Has Accomplished.” Commercial and Financial Chronicle. April 21, 1949.

  Holbrooke, Richard C. “America, A European Power.” Foreign Affairs. March/April 1995.

  Holbrooke, Richard C., and Mark Danner. “Marooned in the Cold War: An Exchange Between Mark Danner and Richard C. Holbrooke.” World Policy Journal. Vol. 14, No. 4 (Winter 1997/1998): 100–102.

  Iber, Patrick. “Literary Magazines for Socialists Funded by the CIA, Ranked.” The Awl. August 24, 2015.

  Inkeles, Alex. “The Soviet Attack on the Voice of America: A Case Study in Propaganda Warfare.” The American Slavic and East European Review. Vol. 12, No. 3 (October 1953).

  International Organization. “Allied Control Councils and Commissions.
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  Jessup, Philip C. “Park Avenue Diplomacy: Ending the Berlin Blockade.” Political Science Quarterly. Vol. 87, No. 3 (September 1972): 377–400.

  Jordans, Frank. “The Big Story: Merkel Challenger Criticizes Austerity Policies.” Associated Press. June 4, 2013.

  Kantchev, Georgi. “With U.S. Gas, Europe Seeks Escape from Russia’s Energy Grip.” Wall Street Journal. February 25, 2016.

  Kennan, George F. (“X”). “The Sources of Soviet Conduct.” Foreign Affairs. July 1947.

  ———. “NATO: A Fateful Error.” New York Times. February 5, 1997.

  Kindleberger, Charles P., and F. Taylor Ostrander. “The 1948 Monetary Reform in Western Germany.” Paper prepared for a conference sponsored by the German Historical Institute on “The International Financial System: Past and Present,” Princeton University, April 16–17, 1998.

  Kruszewski, Charles. “The Pivot of History.” Foreign Affairs. April 1954.

  Kuhn, Ferdinand, Jr. “U.S. to Seek Rare Minerals from Europe.” Washington Post. November 14, 1947.

  ———. “ERP Backers Overestimated Public Reaction.” Washington Post. January 25, 1948.

  ———. “Senate Unit Backs Marshall Plan Bill.” Washington Post. February 18, 1948.

  ———. “Czech, Finn Crises Spur ERP Action in Senate.” Washington Post. February 29, 1948.

  ———. “Vandenberg European Aid Plan Triumphs.” Washington Post. March 9, 1948.

  ———. “Hoover Urges House to Vote Full ERP Sum.” Washington Post. March 25, 1948.

  ———. “American Officials Embarrassed by Moscow Broadcast of ‘Acceptance.’ ” Washington Post. May 12, 1948.

  Kupchan, Charles A. “Reviving the West: For an Atlantic Union.” Foreign Affairs. May/June 1996.

  Leffler, Melvin. “The American Conception of National Security and the Beginnings of the Cold War, 1945–48.” American Historical Review. Vol. 89, No. 2 (April 1984): 346–81.

  Le Monde. Editorial. October 17, 1947.

  Life. “Big U.S. Loan to Great Britain: Plans Are Made to Lend $4,400,000,000, Cancel Part of Lend-Lease Act Debt.” December 24, 1945.

  Life. “Italy: An Ancient Citadel of Culture Faces a New Threat.” November 24, 1947.

  Life. “Trouble: From Paris to Bangkok Men Revolt and Die.” December 1, 1947.

  Life. “Capital’s Busiest Man: ECA’s Hoffman Works at Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.” May 10, 1948.

  Lippmann, Walter. “A Golden Opportunity.” Washington Post. March 18, 1947.

  ———. “Europe Revisited.” New York Times. November 4, 1947.

  ———. “The Injection of Party Politics.” Washington Post. November 20, 1947.

  ———. “High Stakes at London.” New York Times. November 24, 1947.

  ———. “An American Agenda.” New York Times. December 4, 1947.

  ———. “After the Truman Doctrine.” New York Times. January 6, 1948.

  ———. “The Proposed ‘Defense Union.’ ” New York Times. January 22, 1948.

  ———. “The Issue of Europe.” New York Times. January 26, 1948.

  ———. “The Millikin Amendment.” Washington Post. February 19, 1948.

  ———. “The Military Phase.” New York Times. March 15, 1948.

  ———. “A National Emergency.” New York Times. March 16, 1948.

  ———. “Measures for the Crisis.” New York Times. March 22, 1948.

  ——— “Strategy Reconsidered.” New York Times. April 5, 1948.

  Lockett, Edward B. “Robert Lovett—Co-Pilot of ‘State.’ ” New York Times. August 17, 1947.

  Lowe, Christian. “In Ukraine, Poland Comes of Age as an EU Power Broker.” Reuters. February 24, 2014.

  Lukes, Igor. “The 1948 Coup d’Etat in Prague Through the Eyes of the American Embassy.” Diplomacy & Statecraft. Vol. 22, No. 3 (September 2011): 431–49.

  Lukyanov, Fyodor. “Putin’s Foreign Policy: The Request to Restore Russia’s Rightful Place.” Foreign Affairs. May/June 2016.

  Lutz, Catherine, and Sujaya Desai. “US Reconstruction Aid for Afghanistan: The Dollars and Sense.” Watson Institute for International Studies. January 5, 2015.

  Lynch, Frances M. B. “Resolving the Paradox of the Monnet Plan: National and International Planning in French Reconstruction.” The Economic History Review. Vol. 37, No. 2 (May 1984): 229–43.

  MacCormack, John. “U.S. Aid Denounced in Vienna Parade.” New York Times. May 2, 1948.

  Mackinder, Halford J. “The Geographical Pivot of History.” The Geographical Journal. Vol. 23, No. 4 (April 1904): 421–37.

  ———. “The Round World and the Winning of the Peace.” Foreign Affairs. July 1943.

  Maiello, Michael. “A Marshall Plan for America.” Forbes. December 7, 2009.

  Maier, Charles S. “The Politics of Productivity: Foundations of American International Economic Policy After World War II.” International Organization. Vol. 31, No. 4 (Autumn 1977): 607–63.

  ———. “Europe Needs a German Marshall Plan.” New York Times. June 9, 2012.

  Malling, Jens. “The Value of a Frozen Conflict.” Le Monde Diplomatique. March 2015.

  Mangasarian, Leon. “Putin Emboldened on Instability Arc by EU Defense Divide.” Bloomberg. May 15, 2014.

  Margh, H. F. “Decision on Czech Loan.” New York Times. November 1, 1946.

  Mayer, Arthur L. “Winter of Discontent.” The New Republic. March 10, 1947.

  McKinnon, Ronald I. “Foreign Exchange Constraints in Economic Development and Efficient Aid Allocation.” Economic Journal. Vol. 74 (June 1964): 388–409.

  McLaughlin, Kathleen. “Berlin Lift Ends in 277,264th Flight.” New York Times. October 1, 1949.

  Menkiszak, Marek. “How Should Europe Respond to Russia? The Polish View.” European Council on Foreign Relations. November 18, 2014.

  Miall, Leonard. “How the Marshall Plan Started.” The Listener. May 4, 1961.

  Middleton, Drew. “Smith Asks the Russians About It.” New York Times. March 16, 1947.

  ———. “Why ERP Is Top Target on the Kremlin’s List.” New York Times. March 28, 1948.

  ———. “Soviet Proclaims New Berlin Money.” New York Times. June 23, 1948.

  ———. “Grave Problem in West Germany Caused by Refugees from the East.” New York Times. April 7, 1949.

  Miller, Christopher. “How Disunity and Instability in Europe Benefits Vladimir Putin.” Mashable. February 26, 2016.

  Milward, Alan S. “Was the Marshall Plan Necessary?” Diplomatic History. Vol. 13, No. 2 (April 1989): 231–52.

  Morris, John D. “House Approves Six Billion Slash in Budget, 239–159.” New York Times. February 21, 1947.

  Morrow, Edward A. “Berlin Paper Hints Allies May Leave.” New York Times. December 20, 1947.

  ———. “Russians in Berlin Hint They May Try to Push Out Allies.” New York Times. January 12, 1948.

  ———. “Communists Halt Berlin Assembly.” New York Times. June 24, 1948.

  ———. “75,000 in Berlin Ask Aid of World.” New York Times. June 25, 1948.

  Moscow, Warren. “19,000 at Garden Hear Wallace and Taylor in First Major Rally.” New York Times. May 12, 1948.

  Mount, Ferdinand. “To the End of the Line.” London Review of Books. Vol. 34, No. 8 (April 26, 2012): 27–28.

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  National Security Archive. “The Soviet Origins of Helmut Kohl’s 10 Points.” November 18, 2009.

  New Times. “The Prospects for International Cooperation.” No. 20. May 16, 1947.

  New York Herald Tribune. “End of the Road.” December 16, 1947.

  New York Times. “Senators Called to Peace Parley.” August 16, 1946.

  New York Times. “Assembly in Sofia Has Red Majority.” October 29, 1946.

  New York Times. “Program Drafted for German Peace.” March 7, 1947.

  New York Times. “Mr. Truman Goes to Congress.” March 12, 1947.

  New York Times. “Warning to Russia.” March 13, 1947.

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  New York Times. “Czechs Withdraw Paris Acceptance to Avoid Soviet Ire.” July 11, 1947.

  New York Times. “French Urge Output Balance.” August 15, 1947.

  New York Times. “Farm Group Backs Aid-to-Europe Idea.” September 2, 1947.

  New York Times. “Europe Will Feel Loss.” October 15, 1947.

  New York Times. “World Bank Loan to Poland Stymied.” November 5, 1947.

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  New York Times. “Would Widen U.S. Plan: Reston Calls for Political Policy in Aid to Europe.” February 1, 1948.


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