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Once in a Lifetime

Page 5

by Caila Olsen

  Chapter 5


  I remember feeling a petite hand in mine and a voice that sounded an awful like Riley’s. I couldn’t make out the words because they were all muffled like I was under water. Then abruptly I wake up from what seemed like a century of sleep. On top of that, I had the worst nightmare that Riley and I were in an accident and there was screaming and glass flying everywhere. Then I realized it wasn’t a dream. It was all too real and I am sitting in a hospital bed to prove it. A wave of worry rushes through me. Is Riley okay? How long have I been here for? I need someone to come here soon so I can find out exactly what is happening. I close my eyes and try to think of happy memories to neutralize my worry. I think back to this past winter when Riley and I travelled back home after our mid-terms. My parents had moved after I graduated so we stayed with Riley’s folks. As scary as it was staying her parents, it was one of the best weeks of my life.

  I look over to my side and see Riley, mouth half open, sleeping with her purple travel pillow around her neck. I have no idea how someone can sleep in such an awkward sleeping position. We are a little over an hour away from her parents’ house. Both of us agreed to drive there for our holidays rather than fly since we figured it would be a fun adventure. It is about a six hour drive, but with Riley here, time has flown by.

  I flip through the radio stations to find something decent to listen to. “Up next is an old time favorite, Just the Way you Are by Bruno Mars,” the radio announcer says.

  “It’s our song,” Riley says groggily as she slowly wakes up from her sleep.

  “Hey, look who’s finally awake.” I look over at her with a grin.

  “How much longer until we get there?” she asks.

  “About an hour,” I reply.

  “Wow, that was quick. I must have slept a good 2 hours. Sorry for being such a buzzkill,” she laughs.

  “Don’t worry, you didn’t miss much. Plus it was quite entertaining watching you sleep. You make the strangest noises.”

  She looks over at me with her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, “Was I really that bad?”

  “Who knew that such a small girl like you could make such a ginormous snore? I have got the audio recording to prove it.”

  Riley hits my shoulder, “You didn’t!”

  “No, actually I didn’t. That would be mean, but I should have. I could have posted it and you would have become an internet sensation!” I tease.

  “Haha very funny,” she says sarcastically to me. “I’m sure you snore too.”

  “Me? Nah, I sleep without making a peep,” I say.

  “How do you know? You’re sleeping the whole time,” she says with an eyebrow raised.

  “You got me there,” I say, raising my hands in defeat.

  I reach over to the volume control and turn the dial up. “Because you’re amazing, just the way you are,” I start singing in my best Bruno Mars voice.

  Riley joins in, “When I see your face, there’s not a thing that I would change, cuz boy you’re amazing, just the way you are.”

  “Nicely done Riles!” I give her a high five.

  “Why thank you,” she says as she pretends to give a little curtsy. “You’re not too bad yourself.”

  I turn down the radio and look at Riley. “I know this might come as a surprise to you, but I am kind of nervous about meeting your folks. What if they can’t stand me being around for a week?”

  I have met Riley’s parents briefly here and there when we were still in high school. When I did talk to them it was only a brief greeting.

  “I’m sure they will like you as much as I do,” Riley says as she blows me a kiss.

  “Your parents have important jobs and have the best house and best car and only eat the best food. They even raised you to do the best you could at everything. What if I don’t hold up to their standards Riles?”

  “Aden, you don’t have to be perfect. You were the star quarterback, got a scholarship and are now playing at Berkley. And most important, you care for me and make me happy,” she says sincerely.

  “But what if all that isn’t good enough for them? What if it’s me as a person they don’t like? All those other things wouldn’t matter then,” I say.

  “My parents seemed to like you before, why wouldn’t they like you now? You worry too much,” Riley says as she looks at me with a genuine smile. “What you do have to worry about is not hitting that rabbit in the middle of the road!” she screams.

  I turn to look at the road and sure enough, there is a small bunny just chilling in the middle of the lane I am driving down. “Crap!” I slam on the brakes.

  “Nice save!” she exclaims.

  “All in the name of saving cute little creatures.” I say.

  The next 45 min flew by. Between our jam out sessions to the music and conversations about our parents, I barely remember pulling up into the Warren’s driveway. It is just as I remember it back in June. Riley was lucky to live in such a palace. I bet three families could live there. The front is all done in gray tones of stone and there is a big wooden door at the entrance. It is two stories high and has huge windows that open up to balcony’s on the top story.

  “Home sweet home,” Riley says as she opens the car door.

  I hop out and start unloading our luggage out of the trunk.

  “Riley, Aden,” Mrs. Warren greets both of us with a hug as she comes out to see us.

  “Thanks for letting me stay with you guys,” I say to her.

  “Oh, anytime Aden. You will feel like one of the family in no time here,” she says.

  Family. That word sticks with me. I drift off for a moment, thinking about what a family with Riley would be like.

  “George, come and help the kids bring in their things,” Mrs. Warren shouts out to Riley’s father.

  “Yep, I am coming, just need to slip some shoes on,” he replies back.

  “You look so grown up,” Mrs. Warren says to Riley, “My little girl in Stanford and with a boyfriend. Time just goes by too quickly.”

  “Mom!” Riley says blushing in embarrassment.

  “Let me show you to your room Aden. Riley, you will take your old room,” Mrs. Warren says. I follow her through the grand foyer and up the spiral staircase to the left. She stops two rooms in down the hall. “Make yourself at home.”

  Mr. Warren catches up behind us and sets my bags on the ground of the room. “Just so you know, Riley’s room is on the other wing of the house and right in the middle, you have to pass our room. So no funny business will be going on as long as you are in my house,” he says sternly.

  “Yes Sir,” I say, trying to keep a straight face. It’s not like I would try. Riley and I have made a vow to wait. Call me old fashioned, but that is not what should be the focus of our relationship right now.

  “Come on George, let’s let him get settled in,” Mrs. Warren says.

  This room is massive compared to my little one bed dorm room back in California. There is a floor to ceiling window on the opposite side of the room that leads out to a small balcony looking over the open field. The field is blanketed in snow that glistens in the sun. It is a million dollar view. There is a large round desk in the corner of the room and the bed is centered on the back wall across from a fireplace. Everything is brown tones and masculine looking. There is even a deer head above the bed. I haven’t decided if it is cool or creepy.

  “Hey G Bear!” Riley pops out from around the corner. G Bear is her nickname for me since my team is the California Golden Bears that I play for at Berkley. “So how do you like your new room?”

  “Way different than I am used to, but I think I will manage.” I flop down on the bed. “Oh my! I think this has to be the comfiest bed I have ever been on in my life! Now this I will miss leaving behind.”

  Riley rolls her eyes at me and tries to lift me off. “Come on, we should head down.”

  “Ya, and you probably shouldn’t be in my room. I wouldn’t want to see the wrath of your father,”
I say.

  “He already laid down the rules for you?” she asks with a laugh.

  “I wouldn’t be caught dead by your father,” I say, “He looks like someone you wouldn’t want to mess with.”

  “That’s right. I have seen that side of him one too many times. Trust me, it isn’t pretty,” she says.

  “Mmm, it smells terrific in here Mrs. Warren,” I say as we walk into the kitchen.

  “Oh, thank you Aden. I just threw together a small welcome home supper,” she says as she sets down the last of the plates on the table.

  “Small? This could feed an army! You didn’t need to go through all this work just for us,” I say.

  “Aden’s right, I never got feasts like this when I was living at home. You only did this when we had a special occasion,” Riley says.

  “It is a special occasion, my daughter is home,” Mrs. Warren says, smiling at Riley.

  “Thank you mom, you’re the best,” Riley says as she gives her mom a hug.

  Mr. and Mrs. Warren may always be busy and might have not been there for Riley for some big moments in her life, but when they did find the time, they genuinely showed how much they love her. Tonight you could see the affection they had for her.

  “How is school going Aden? Are you enjoying your new team?” Mr. Warren asks.

  “It’s been a little tough, especially just before mid-terms, but I had a great study partner.” I nudge Riley. “She has helped me a lot with organizing everything and focusing on my studies.” I reach over and take a sip of my wine that is in front of me then continue on, “Playing for the Golden Bears is incredible! Some of those guys are powerhouses. I really had to up my game.”

  “I bought some tickets for next season’s game,” Mr. Warren says, “I look forward to seeing you play.”

  “I guess I better up my performance for you Mr. W.” I wink and point at him. So far so good. I don’t think Riley’s parents hate me. At least if they do, they don’t show it.

  “You can call me George,” he says.

  The rest of super went really well. I felt right at home here. We all laughed and joked around with each other. Every time I looked over at Riley, you could see the sparkle in her eye and a smile that showed she was having a good time. You could tell she was glad to be back at home.

  “That was amazing! Thank you so much for this supper,” I say, eating the last bit of turkey on my plate.

  “You really outdid yourself mom. It was delicious. I have missed your cooking,” Riley says.

  “I thought you would say that,” Mrs. Warren says, “Which is why I made some meals and froze them for you to take back. You can take some too, Aden.”

  “Sweet! Thanks mom!” Riley says.

  “It’s the least I can do for you,” she says as she starts gathering all the plates.

  “Let me help you,” I say to Mrs. Warren as I pick up a few plates from off the table.

  “No need to help. I’ve got it,” Mrs. Warren says.

  “It’s not a problem,” I say. Riley and I both insist we help.

  “Six hands are better than two,” Riley says.

  We both start gathering the dishes off the table and bring them over to the sink to wash them.

  Just as I hand Riley the last of the dishes that needs to be put away, I notice Ms. Warren rush to take a phone call in the other room. She is on the phone for only a few moments then she returns.

  “Your father and I will have to slip out this evening. They are having some troubles at work. Don’t wait up for us,” Mrs. Warren tells Riley as she grabs her coat and heads out the front door in a hurry.

  “Okay. I am kind of tired anyway and should probably get to bed,” Riley says sounding disappointed.

  “Hey, it’s okay,” I tell her, “We have all week. Just because they won’t be here one evening doesn’t mean you won’t get to see them at all.”

  “I know, I just thought maybe they would make an exception,” she says.

  “Want to go for a walk?” I suggest, “It’s a beautiful evening.”

  “A walk right now actually sounds great,” she says.

  “There’s that smile I love so much,” I say as I place my finger on her nose.

  It is a beautiful evening. The sun has just about set and everywhere you look is a winter wonderland. The air is crisp and you can see our breath.

  “I am surprised how much my parents did for us with that whole meal and all. Usually they never do anything for me,” Riley tells me.

  “Maybe they realize how much they missed you after you left. You don’t know what you have until it’s gone,” I say.

  “Maybe. I just really hope they take more time for us this week. If this evening tells you anything, I doubt it.”

  “Don’t give up on them so fast. I saw how excited they were to see you today. If they fail to recognize how important time spent with them is to you, then it’s their loss,” I say, trying to reassure her.

  “Do you think you could ever see yourself part of my family?” she asks.

  “Honestly, that was the first thing I thought of when your mom had said something about me and the family. I care for you so much and your family is pretty great too,” I confess.

  “Do you think that our relationship will last?” she asks.

  “Of course! Why would you even think it wouldn’t?” I ask, unsure of why she would even question our relationship.

  “It’s just that, I see couples on campus all the time who are constantly breaking up. There are a few in my course who had high school sweethearts, some even in the same school as them. None of the relationships lasted. Once university started up and real life sunk in, most of them couldn’t handle it and went their separate ways, or they saw some cute girl or guy in their class and decided they wanted a new start with someone else. What if that happens to us?” Riley says, looking concerned.

  “Babe, that’s them. We have a solid relationship and you know you are the only girl I want. I can’t even imagine my life without you. I wouldn’t be able to get through school without your help. I don’t know a single person who could replace you. If the going gets tough, I know we will work things out Riles because that is what we do. Don’t let other people’s experiences get in your head. We are not them. This is us and our relationship,” I tell her.

  “I know I shouldn’t compare ourselves to others, but things are just going so well with us that I am scared of something happening and it being all over. That something will jinx it,” she says.

  Then it happened, I said it, “Riley Warren, I love you.” I have never said that to anyone in my life but family up until this point. I’ve never felt this way about anyone the way I feel about Riley.

  “I love you too,” she replies, smiling as a small tear drops from the corner of her eye. I take my finger and wipe it away and slowly put my lips to hers.

  From that moment on I knew Riley was the one.


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