Shifter Romance Box Set

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Shifter Romance Box Set Page 93

by Unknown

  A part of her felt strangely relieved that there was a reason behind the distance, but the rest of her heart, the larger part, was devastated at the finality that they truly could never be one. She knew he had strong feelings for her, dammit. After the last few days, she had no doubt in her mind that he loved her.

  “Why do you think he’ll come for me, then?” she asked, unable to keep the bitterness out of her tone. “If he can’t have me, then what’s the point in rescuing me?”

  Garth shrugged. “Logic would indicate that there’s no point at all. But Lycans are incredibly possessive and territorial. He’ll come for you, Paige, have no doubt about it. And when he does, I’ll be waiting for him.” He grinned, and the expression was so malicious she broke out into a cold sweat.

  “Take her to her room, wolf,” he snapped at Randy. “I want her under careful watch at all times.”

  * * * *

  The ‘room’ Paige was given was little more than a small, cramped jail cell, with an old-fashioned chamber pot in one corner and a wooden pallet in the other. Randy sat in a chair just outside the steel door, his icy blue eyes trained resolutely on her. For hours they sat in complete silence, Paige frantically trying to think of what she could do to get out of the situation she was in. She had to think of something…she had to save Caleb.

  After staring up at the ceiling for what felt like hours, she chanced a glance at Randy.

  He hadn’t budged a single inch. Tired of the wearing silence, she levered herself up onto her elbows. “So, how long have you been forced to work for Garth for?”

  The shifter blinked, bewilderment flashing over his stony features, as if he wasn’t used to engaging in real conversation. “Twenty-two years,” he grunted.

  “That’s a very long time. And Kyle?” she asked. “Has he been with you the same amount of time?”

  Randy nodded. “He’s my brother. We were both taken at the same time.”

  “Taken? That must have been terrible,” she replied, making her voice as soft as silk, and her eyes limpid. “To be forced to serve a man for so long without having any choice in the matter. Have you ever thought about escape?”

  Randy seemed to struggle with himself for a moment, and then he crossed his arms over his barrel chest, his expression stony once more. “Kyle and I are loyal to our Master. He is good to us.”

  “Really?” Sensing weakness, Paige pressed forward. She wasn’t a frightened woman in a jail cell surrounded by monsters and magic anymore; she was a high-powered attorney questioning someone on the witness stand. “Then why don’t I see Kyle anywhere? Why didn’t he come back with us? You don’t strike me as the type of person who would leave your brother behind willingly,” she added as a look of pain flashed across the shifter’s face. “Garth made you leave him behind, didn’t he?”

  “It… it’s not my fault.” Randy’s eyes flared. “You’re the one who shot him.”

  “Yes, and I’m sorry about that.” Paige injected a soothing note into her voice. “I was frightened, and just trying to protect myself. I didn’t know anything about you, or Kyle, or the hardships you faced. I didn’t realize you were just following orders, and that you had no choice.”

  “No choice,” Randy agreed.

  “But right now you have a problem,” Paige switched tactics again—back to aggressive attorney. “Kyle is wounded and alone, and there’s a strong possibility Caleb’s clan has found him. Even now, they could be torturing him for information on how to find me.” She leaned forward, intensity burning in her eyes. “You know that Caleb wouldn’t hesitate to do whatever it takes to get me back. Even if that means killing your brother.”

  Randy’s face paled as he shot to his feet. “We’ve just been following orders. We didn’t do anything to deserve this. My brother can’t die. He can’t.”

  “Help me save him, then,” Paige urged. “If you let me go, help me get back, I’ll make sure they spare him.”

  Randy opened his mouth, then shut it as they heard footsteps down the hall. Paige’s hope started to shrivel—it was his relief. She watched Randy’s face turn stony again as he left the dungeon without so much as a backward glance. If only she’d had a little more time… she’d been so close she could taste it.

  Chapter Eight

  “This is a very complex spell,” Marcella muttered as she paced around Kyle, studying him like a scientist might a particularly interesting specimen before he dissects it. The tiny bells woven into her skirt and the bangles on her skinny wrists jangled with each step she took. “I don’t think I will be able to remove it, at least not without having the caster under my control.”

  Kyle wore an expression of terror on his face as his eyes remained glued to the web of light emanating from the pentagram the witch had forced him to stand in. Only the twin glares from Adam and Caleb ensured he remained rooted to the spot… well, that, and probably the fear that Marcella would turn him into a toad if he so much as sneezed. It might have been funny, if the situation weren’t so dire. But Paige was in the enemy’s hands, so he wasn’t finding very much humor in anything right now.

  “There has to be something you can do.” Caleb scooped his hands through his hair—something he’d been doing a lot lately. He probably looked like hell, but he didn’t give a damn.

  “I may be able to alter the spell,” she said, still circling as she studied the strands of light. She plucked one experimentally, and it twanged like a bowstring. Kyle turned white as parchment. “Hmm, no, that won’t do.”

  “I’m going to die,” Kyle muttered. “You’re going to mess something up, and I’m going to die.”

  He yelped when Marcella deftly boxed one of his ears. “Hush, boy. I may look young and vivacious, but I’m no student to the craft. I’ve been doing this for a very, very long time.” Caleb arched an eyebrow as he took in the silver hairs threaded through the witch’s auburn curls and the wrinkles on her face, but said nothing. She might’ve looked like she was in her early fifties, but witches often lived for centuries, so in her mind she probably did look young and vivacious.

  She played around with the web of light, muttering curses under breath, and Caleb struggled not to fidget. How long would this take? He knew it was important, but dammit, Paige’s life was hanging in the balance. Finally she grasped several strings of light that seemed to be woven together, fiddled with them a minute, and let out an ‘A-ha!’ as they sprang apart.

  “What? What?” Kyle’s face was torn between excitement and apprehension. “Have you freed me? Am I no longer a slave?”

  “No, child.” Marcella laid a thin hand on his shoulder in a rare gesture of sympathy. “That is not what I am being asked to do. But I did remove the block he placed on you that prevents you from speaking of his secrets.” She snapped her fingers and the web of light disappeared. “He is all yours, boys. “

  Kyle stepped back, holding his hands up as Caleb and Adam approached. “No, no, no. You don’t understand. I can’t do this if my Master still has a hold on me. If he finds out, all he needs to do is snap his fingers and I’ll be dead.”

  “Yes, and if you don’t tell me where to find Paige, I’ll kill you myself.” Caleb cracked his knuckles.

  Kyle’s lips whitened as he pressed them together, eyeing Caleb nervously. “He’ll kill my brother, too,” he finally said with a shake of his head. “At least if you kill me, he’ll know I didn’t betray him, and Randy will stay safe.”

  Caleb sighed. He really couldn’t fault such family loyalty, even if it was incredibly inconvenient. “Marcella, how much would it cost to free these two wolves from their slave bond to this Warlock?”

  She named an outrageous sum, and he sputtered but she wasn’t budging on cost.

  “Fine. Do it.”

  “Wait.” Kyle held up a hand. “Are you… are you saying you’ll free me and my brother if I lead you to where my Master is?”

  “You’ll have to join my pack, and work off a large debt to Caleb in exchange,” Adam warned.

nbsp; “I don’t care.” Kyle’s eyes lit with feverish excitement. “I’ll do whatever I have to.” He paled, clapping his hands over his mouth, but when nothing happened he lowered them again.

  “I’ll help you find him.”

  * * * *

  Paige was awoken by the urgent sound of jangling keys. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up from the pallet to see Randy opening her cell door. Apprehension filled her as she got to her feet—what did he want?

  “Quiet,” he hissed before she could ask him. “I’m getting you out of here.”

  “You’re—what?” she was careful to keep her voice down. “You’re helping me escape?”

  He took her by the hand and dragged her from the cell. “Only because I know it’s the best chance of survival for my brother. Master has gone out, but he won’t be away for long, so this is the only chance we have. Now, hurry!”

  They raced quietly up the stairs and through the house, which took longer than she thought it would. Every time a servant or a slave passed, Randy shoved her into a corridor or behind a door and waited until the coast was clear before moving again. Making it across the front lawn to the SUV was a nightmare… but they finally did it. They buckled in, and Randy set off down the driveway.

  “I cannot leave the property without my Master’s permission,” he said, keeping his eyes on the road. His knuckles were white as they gripped the steering wheel, and the veins in his neck stood out prominently even though it was dark. “So I can only take you to the end of the road. Afterward, you’re on your own.”

  “You… you’re not going to come with me?” Paige’s eyes widened. “But… when Garth comes back and finds me gone, he’ll…” Oh God.

  Randy smiled tightly. “I’ll fight him with every breath I have. As long as my brother stays safe, it doesn’t matter if I die.”

  Paige was surprised when her eyes filled with tears. This man had put her through some serious hardship, but she didn’t want to leave him to die. “There has to be another way. It doesn’t seem fair.”

  “There isn’t.” He spoke tersely now. “Just make sure my brother stays safe. I don’t want to die in vain.”

  “I promise.” And she was going to make sure she kept that promise.

  Just as they were reaching the end of the road, they slammed into a force field… or at least that’s what she thought it was. The air in front of them flared red, and the airbags exploded as the car rammed into what felt like a solid wall, though nothing was there. Gasping, she opened the passenger’s side door and tumbled onto the ground, her ribs burning from the impact. What the hell had happened?

  Struggling to her feet, her eyes focused on a Cadillac parked on the side of the road. Garth stepped out, and began walking toward them as if he had all the time in the world. Paige tried to run, but her feet felt as though they’d been glued to the ground. Oh God. She’d been so close. What would happen to her now? Would he just kill them both? Had this all been for nothing?

  “Very resourceful,” Garth complimented her, stopping less than a foot away. He chucked an icy hand beneath her chin. “I never expected you would be able to charm one of my slaves into doing your bidding. It’s a shame I’m going to have to kill you; I could have used a silver tongue in my menagerie.”

  “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about,” Paige snapped, fire in her voice though she was trembling from head to toe.

  “Of course you don’t.” He patted her head patronizingly. “Unfortunately, I have to wait until your lover gets here to kill you… but that doesn’t mean I can’t kill him.”

  “No!” Paige shrieked as Garth snapped his fingers. Instantly, Randy began to thrash wildly on the ground, screaming as he convulsed in agony. Paige couldn’t imagine what kind of pain could make a hardened guy like him scream like that, but the sound of his desperate groans filled her with unbelievable fear. “Please, stop!”

  Cocking his head to the side, Garth snapped his fingers again. Randy went limp, gasping for air. “You actually care about this pathetic excuse for a wolf-shifter?”

  “Please…let him live,” Paige protested. “I will do whatever you want, Garth, but please, just leave him be.”

  “Whatever I want, eh?” Garth hummed, running a finger down her cheek. “You don’t know what you’ve just agreed to, pretty one.”

  “Remove your hand from her face, warlock, or I will rip the skin off yours.”

  * * * *

  “Caleb!” Paige cried, and Caleb’s knees nearly went weak with relief to see that she was okay. Kyle let out a cry of his own when he saw his brother on the ground, but before he could take two steps he crumpled.

  “I still control you,” Garth snapped, his pale eyes livid. “How dare you bring the enemy to my doorstep?”

  “But I thought you wanted me to come,” Caleb replied, his eyes swirling in golden fury. “Isn’t that what you wanted, Garth? To have me…here? To kill me?”

  “Yes,” Garth hissed. “There’s no doubt that you will die. But as punishment, you’ll get to watch your woman die first.”

  He reached for Paige, but before he could touch her skin his hand burst into flame. Screaming, he tried to put it out with a spell, but the flame continued to scorch his hand, melting it down to the bone, his flesh falling away in blackened embers.

  Marcella stepped forward, her face grim. “Garth, Apprentice of Darin, your days of enslaving are at an end. For your crimes, we will take you back to the Coven to be tried.” Two other witches flanked her, and the three of them converged on the warlock, binding him up in magical chains even as he bellowed and protested. Caleb wasn’t comfortable around magic, but he’d never been so glad to see it in action before.

  Once it was done and they had carted him off, Paige ran to Caleb, collapsing in his tight embrace. Sobbing, she let him cradle her; his fingers weaved through her hair, holding the back of her neck, nuzzling her against him. “I was so frightened,” she whimpered, burrowing her face into his chest.”

  Rubbing a hand up and down her back, he made a silent promise that no matter what happened, he would never let her go. Even if he had to leave his clan. He looked up over the top of Paige’s head, meeting Adam’s eyes, who watched them closely, as if to analyze their interaction, to make sure it was all that it was meant to be. After a long moment, his clan leader nodded.

  “Caleb… You have my consent.”

  Paige raised her tear-stained face to frown at him, confused. “Consent for what?”

  “To with you, and to take you as his mate if he wishes. Which,” Adam added with a smile, “is clearly what he wants to do.” He stared pointedly at the hand Caleb had placed possessively around Paige’s waist.

  Cheeks coloring, Paige smiled up at Caleb as he swept her back into his arms and kissed the breath out of her. It was even sweeter than the first time he had ever kissed her, now that he realized how close he’d come to losing her. Her scent and taste engulfed him, and they stood there for a long time, soaking each other in, until Adam cleared his throat impatiently.

  “Ready to go home?” Caleb asked, pulling back to look into her sparkling green eyes.

  “Yes,” she nodded, smiling. “I’ll go anywhere you wish, as long as it’s with you.”

  * * * *

  Caleb groaned as Paige gently suckled his tongue. The need to rip her clothes off and bury his cock deep inside of her was almost more than he could handle—he’d never felt as turned on as he was when he was with her. But he refused to give into his own selfish desires. Much as the wolf inside him wanted to just claim her roughly, passionately, he had no intention of taking her hard and quick like the animal he was. This was their first time together as true mates, and he wanted to savor every minute of it and make it a night she would always remember.

  He had told her honestly that he hadn’t expected her to agree to be his lifelong mate, or that she would be willing to leave everything behind in order to share a life with him and his clan. He had carefully and truthfully explained to her all
that his life entailed, the way that Lycan’s had to move every few years in order to protect their clan from being discovered and how they could never set down roots anywhere…destined for a life of endless journey.

  She hadn’t hesitated to tell him that she didn’t care about all of that…it didn’t matter, he couldn’t change her mind, and that she would do anything just to be with him. The words of love tumbled easily from her lips, the genuine look of sheer devotion that swirled in her beautiful, green eyes reassuring him that it really was what she wanted.

  They’d talked a long time, their sentences and words finally trailing away, replaced by tender kisses and gentle touches, hands slowly exploring one another, methodically and softly taking each other once more into that place they shared where nothing else mattered.

  He kissed her, the electric heat of his body transferring onto her curvy frame, his lips mashed against hers, kissing her with more urgency, until they were both out of breath and panting with desperate need. He felt satisfied as he looked down at her flushed cheeks, swollen lips, and into those familiar green eyes glazed with desire. Wanting to feel her naked body against his, he reached down to her skirt and squatted so he could remove her heels and slide the material down her legs, trailing open-mouthed kisses down a thigh as he moved slowly, carefully, relishing in the sweet taste of her flesh and in the way she trembled with his gentle touch. He smiled as he heard her shallow breathing and felt her body tremble beneath his touch.

  “Please, Caleb,” she breathed.

  “Soon, sweetheart,” he soothed. But first he was going to make her say his name a few more times. He loved the sound of it on her tongue. Straightening, he began to slowly unbutton her white poet blouse until she was left with nothing but her bra and panties. His eyes flickering with the incredible desire he felt for her, he unclipped her bra, letting it fall to the floor, baring puckered, pink nipples that begged for attention. With a smile, he lowered his head to catch one between his teeth, biting down gently.


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