Shifter Romance Box Set

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Shifter Romance Box Set Page 94

by Unknown

  “Oh!” Paige gasped, and Caleb reached up to roll the other nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He swirled his tongue around the peak and then sucked hard, eliciting a long, low cry from her. He pinched the other nipple before switching his mouth to it and giving it the same treatment.

  “Look at me,” he commanded lovingly, tearing his mouth roughly away from her.

  She obeyed, shyly looking up to him, meeting his gaze, and he gripped her hips, lifting and positioning her on the bed. He spread her thighs apart, and drew in a ragged breath at the sight of her glistening pussy bared before his hungry gaze.

  “Do you know how much I love you…all of you?”

  A shiver rolled down Paige’s spine at his tone—dark, dangerous, and possessive.

  “Yes…” she whispered.

  With a wicked smile, he crouched between her legs, spreading them wide, and heat lanced through her as he gazed at the most private part of her body. He trailed his fingers gently through the thatch of curls, and then over the slit of her pussy. A trembling whimper escaped her lips when he slid a finger inside her, and he met her eyes boldly as he added another, and then a third.

  “Does that feel good?” he asked huskily.

  “I… ohhh…” she moaned when he leaned in and flicked his hot, wet tongue over her.

  “Yes.” Her hips moved unconsciously as she pushed herself against his mouth and fingers, urging her forward. He found her clit with his tongue and sucked hard, and she shattered with a scream, her body quivering as she was inundated with wave after wave of pleasure.

  “You taste so good…so sweet,” he growled, crawling up and over her body. At some point or another he’d kicked off his jeans, and was completely naked. Still shaken from the intensity of her orgasm, she barely had time to process anything before he hooked her legs around his waist and drove his cock into her. A helpless moan escaped her lips as he filled her to the brim—he felt hard and thick and wonderful inside her. Clutching him against her, she drove him on, matching him thrust for thrust as the bed shook with the force of their lovemaking.

  She cried out his name as another orgasm crested over her, and a shiver racked her entire body as he howled—a sound that was both triumphant and inhuman. He pushed into her one last time before leaning over and sinking his teeth into her shoulder, completing the mating process. She screamed again as that bite catapulted her into the most intense orgasm she’d ever had, blinding her to everything but the burning, magnetic heat that lay between them, connecting them forever.

  Wave after wave of pleasure buffeted her until her mind couldn’t take it anymore, and she mentally shattered. The last thing she was aware of was Caleb roaring as he spilled himself deep inside of her before she blissfully blacked out, tumbling into an utterly dreamless sleep.

  She knew that when she awoke, life as she knew it would never be the same again. She was now Caleb’s chosen mate and come morning her new life would begin. She could hardly wait.

  The End

  About The Author

  Adriana Hunter writes erotic romance with many of them featuring plus size, curvy, full-figured heroines (with sass!) and powerful, dominant alpha males. Her stories run the gamut from paranormal romance, new adult romance to historical fiction.

  Connect with Adriana on twitter @ or join her newsletter for free stories, notice of new releases and much more at

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  Lucas by Eliza Gayle

  A Black Cougar Novel

  Copyright © 2013, Eliza Gayle – All Rights Reserved.

  All Rights Reserved. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is strictly prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher.

  Chapter One

  Lucas searched the dark, dank cell, trying to see her. He couldn’t, but he smelled the woman’s fear and the stench made him sick to his stomach.

  She paced back and forth outside his door. Her boots squeaked against the concrete floor with every turn, making the kind of noise that would eventually drive him mad—like nails on a chalkboard. Suddenly, she turned, stepping into the single ray of moonlight coming in through the grimecovered window, gripped the cell bars, and bared her teeth. “Gunn, you’ll tell me what I want to know. One way or another I’ll find what I’m looking for and you and your clan will suffer the consequences,” she growled.

  He took a deep breath and suppressed the rage eating him from the inside out. “This is getting really old, you asking the same questions over and over, me giving the same answer every time. How many days are we going to do this?”

  “Until you give me the real answers, you sick son of a bitch.” An untempered rage surged from her, feeding the animal instincts he continued to fight.

  With slow measured movements, he rose from his cot in the corner of his private hell hole, edging his way through the dark shadows to her position. The closer he got to her position, the more her emotions pushed back at him, cementing his thoughts about her reckless behavior. Emotion not logic drove her, making her a weaker opponent. But also an unpredictable one. When only a few feet separated them he detected something else, the subtle scent he recognized from before but couldn’t place for the life of him. In time he would, and for now time was all he had.

  “You’re pushing the wrong man,” he snarled. She jumped back, catching herself with her hands before she landed on her ass and Lucas smiled into the darkness. “I know nothing about the stupid fairytales you keep going on about. Just because some people like to maintain the ancient Scottish lore of shapeshifters and magic for the tourists, doesn’t make it true. Haven’t you ever heard of make believe?” he purred, the words edged in steel.

  The guard shook her head, her tense facial features, partially hidden under a hat, betraying the potent rage she kept barely restrained. “I already know all about your kind as well as the existence of other clans with other abilities.” Obvious disgust dripped from her voice. “It’s only a matter of time before I have what I want and then you’ll regret not cooperating.” Her lips quirked up in a vicious smile, marring what could have been a beautiful face.

  * * * *

  The sound of gravel crunching under the tires of Kira's vehicle and the wheel jerking aimlessly in her hands shattered the vision. Her car careened off the road while her heart leaped in her throat with sudden panic as she struggled to refocus on driving and prevent a crash. She pulled at the steering wheel, trying to regain control and swerve back on the pavement. Cold liquid sloshed at her feet when her water bottle slammed to the floorboard. Nothing she tried made a difference and her car smashed into the soft sand embankment.

  Who the hell was that?

  She clutched the steering wheel tight to still her trembling arms, and sucked in gulps of air. Not only had she seen what her mystery man had, this time she’d been inside his head and heard his thoughts. A man in a cell alarmed her enough. But the woman… The hatred that practically oozed from her pores truly frightened Kira. With the onset of her mating call, her normally laser sharp accurate visions had become so weird lately with the line between reality and fiction no longer easy to detect. Shit. She didn’t know what to believe anymore.

  Got to get a grip.

  She fished on the floor for her other, unopened bottle, which had rolled out of sight. After searching the floor of the car, her hand finally wrapped around cool plastic underneath the front seat. She twisted the top off and gulped down the water, hoping to soothe the aching dryness of her throat.

  Normally the Tallan, her ability to see through another person’s eyes, came to he
r when she had specific problems to work through, enabling her to solve tense situations quickly. She’d been using this psychic gift of vision since puberty with extreme clarity, until several days ago when she’d dreamt of a man she’d never met. A man who reached out to her night after night, gripping her with sexual desire so strong she’d had difficulty coping. She didn’t have many details about him, but she knew, with every ounce of instinct she possessed, what he was.

  Her mate.

  She shuddered at the thought and shoved it from her mind. God she hated being fucked with by fate.

  Only this time the vision was different from the others. This hadn’t been about being drawn together for hot and sweaty sex that curled her toes and blew her mind. No, he’d been locked in a cage, angry and fighting for control.

  Could it be true? Was the man she was supposedly destined to in trouble? Or is the Tallan deteriorating faster than expected? Nothing made sense anymore. Least of all a vision of a shifter from an opposing clan in trouble. A shifter. Shit. A mate she didn’t want was bad enough, but a shifter… Impossible. The woman in the vision troubled her more. She’d been pressuring him for information on their clans. They’d existed in her valley for over a century, virtually undetected, and rightfully so. The protected their existence with a fervor bordering on obsession. Any argument from within that they should reveal their true nature was quickly squashed. It was the only thing all the ruling councils agreed upon. No one ever could reveal themselves to a human. She’d lived by the code her entire life although deep down she believed forever wouldn’t last. It was only a matter of time before they were found.

  Kira’s cell phone rang, a shrill noise that made her jump in her seat. She reached across the passenger’s seat and picked it up. No need to check caller ID, she sensed who was on the other end.

  “Hi, Mom,” she murmured.

  “Kira, honey, is everything okay? I sensed trouble.” Kira rolled her eyes and inwardly groaned. Her mother invaded her privacy far too often.

  “No, Mom, everything is fine. I dozed off and ended up on the side of the road. I guess it’s time to stop for the night and get some rest”.

  “Are you all right?” She heard the tension escalating in her mother’s voice.

  “Yes, Mom. Nothing to get worried about,” Kira assured her. Time to change the subject before she lost control. “What about you? Has anything happened since I left?” She tried to be subtle. If someone had gone missing from one of their clans, the word should already be spreading and a hunt likely organized.

  “No, I’m fine. It’s you I’m worried about.”

  With a nagging suspicion, she sensed her mom was lying. “Uh—okay then I’m going to go now and see about finding a place to stop for the night.”

  “You’re sure nothing is going on?”

  “Positive. You worry too much.”

  “Well, okay then. Call me when you arrive in California so I’ll know you’re okay.”

  Her mother seemed even more paranoid than usual. So not a good sign. “Bye, Mom. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  As she began to put the phone down, she heard her mom speak to her stepdad, her voice strained. “You were right, it’s her time—”

  Oh, just fucking great.

  So much for hiding her troubles. Her stepfather was sure to run straight to the Council to inform them her mating cycle had begun. That bastard would love to see her eliminated. The clock was ticking now. She had to solve her problem, and solve it now.

  * * * *

  Lucas Gunn lay staring at the ceiling of his cell. He had so many unanswered questions, and his frustration tolerance had peaked hours ago. His skin burned and his muscles ached, making him fear his ability to hold back his shift for much longer if he didn’t get his adrenaline level down.

  He knew they watched his every move, he’d found the tiny cameras the first night here. So shifting in his cell was out of the question since he couldn’t afford to expose his clan, and possibly several more. As Guardian, it was his duty to maintain clan secrets above all else. Time was running out, though, and eventually his body would force the shift. Whatever these people thought they knew, he sure as shit didn’t want to confirm it.

  The sweltering temperature inside the building left him edgy and sleep deprived. His cougar stirred, demanding release. He flung himself from the cot and stripped bare, anything to relieve the oppressive heat. Unable to resist the urge, he paced from one end of the small cell to the other. Unbidden images of cool water from a mountain stream, green grass under his paws, and a breeze rustling through his fur rose unexpectedly in his mind. All of which he forced away on a snarl of rage.

  He laid back down and focused on what he must do. He’d been trying for days to find a telepathic link to one of his kind, but they were apparently too far away. Where the hell had they taken him? Ever since the binding spell the fucking witch had used to capture him, he’d only found one person to reach: his mystery woman. The sexy redhead that came to him every time he slept. The only thing he knew for sure about her was the fact that she drove him wild with lust, and if he ever laid hands on her she’d be in all kinds of trouble. Hell, it was a pretty good bet that when he was freed from this hell hole he’d hunt her down.

  Lucas let down his barriers, opening his mind to any psychic residue that could lead him to a connection with someone able to help. Between the anger of being locked in a cage and the out of control lust being fueled from a dream, his time was running out. He closed his eyes and relaxed his body one muscle at a time, he willed himself to drift into sleep.

  * * * *

  Lucas glanced across the room, his attention drawn to the beautiful woman standing in the doorway. Ah, she was back. Her shoulderlength, russet hair had multicolored highlights of red and gold that shimmered under the lights. He wanted to run his fingers through the thick strands and watch them dance as the soft silk brushed against his skin. She wore a simple tank top and running shorts that might have looked ordinary on anyone else, but they hugged and skimmed her lush figure to perfection.

  As she turned to scan the room, he caught a glimpse of a delectable, full ass that caused his groin to tighten. Compelled to learn more about this woman who kept appearing, he pushed himself off the wall where he lounged. Sure he wanted her identity, but they both had to know that without a doubt it was lust guiding their actions here.

  Turning, she met his gaze, and her blue eyes sparkled with awareness.

  Neither attempted to break eye contact as Lucas stepped in front of her. “I’m glad you’re back.”

  She tilted her head and stared at him as if trying to find an answer to an unknown puzzle. “Do you know why I’m here? And where is here, by the way?”

  Her voice flowed like warm oil across his skin, and Lucas wondered what he could say to keep her from turning around and walking out of his dream. He stepped closer, absorbing the heat radiating from her and inhaling her sweet, musky scent. That was one heightened sense he loved dearly because there was nothing else like the scent of an aroused female.

  His heart rate accelerated as he spoke. “You’re here because I called for you, but I’m not sure where here is either. Nothing looks familiar. Maybe neutral ground for us?”

  “Then tell me why?” she whispered.

  Her eyes glowed with a heady mix of confusion and desire, a look that stirred his blood, and one he’d become accustomed to during their visits. She wanted him, that was obvious, yet she held herself back from him. Her lips pursed together, so full and ripe his mind immediately wandered to thoughts of them wrapped around his cock while she knelt in front of him, her hands tied behind her back. Her submissions would be so sweet.

  “Maybe we need each other. Or maybe some things weren’t meant to be questioned.” He couldn’t resist reaching up and lightly stroking her mouth. She gasped at his touch. But she didn’t back away and her eyes burned with unmistakable lust, further confirming his belief she might welcome his brand of control. Brushing his lips ag
ainst hers for a quick taste, Lucas found himself unable to stop from grazing those soft lips with his tongue. Somewhere in the back of his mind, a voice screamed for him to ask for her help, but for the life of him he couldn’t remember why. She sighed, parting her lips just enough to allow him inside the warm recess of her mouth where he stroked the tip of her tongue with his own.

  Tension rippled along his skin when she shuddered in response. He deepened the kiss and grasped her hips, dragging her against his body so she felt exactly what she did to him.

  He devoured her mouth. Her combined taste of sweet and tart reminded him of his favorite candy. One way or another he would discover if her personality matched.

  His hands slid up her torso, slipping underneath her thin tank, reveling in her soft, smooth skin. Pulling back from her lips, his gaze slowly traveled to the swell of her round, pert tits rising and falling in rhythm with her rough breathing. Holy hell, everything about her fit him perfectly. Breasts that filled his hands and nipples as enticing as ripe berries that hardened to elongated points under his gaze.

  Mmm. She liked his touch. He rolled one nipple between his thumb and forefinger before giving a tight, testing pinch. A low moan sounded in her throat as she arched her back, pushing her breasts closer.

  His mystery woman twisted in his arms, gasping for breath. “What are we doing?”

  He struggled to find the right answer. How to explain the unexplainable, the why of his primal lust? Their inexplicable connection.

  Instead, his lips were drawn back to hers for a hard, demanding kiss. His need to possess consumed him as he plundered her warm, wet mouth.

  He paused long enough to breathe. “I don’t know. I can’t seem to stop. Does it matter?”

  She shook her head a moment before she stole another kiss by thrusting her tongue between his lips for an exploration of her own. Tunneling her hands through his hair, she gripped the strands tight and tugged him closer. The pleasure of her kiss blew him away, licking at his skin until he thought he might burn alive.


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