Shifter Romance Box Set

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Shifter Romance Box Set Page 95

by Unknown

  He wanted her, and he wasn’t about to fight the connection another second. Thrusting against her pussy, his cock begged for release. The fabric from his pants and hers connected to increase the friction against his sensitive skin, heating him further as a shudder coursed through his body. More skin. He needed to touch more of her skin. Now.

  “At least tell me your name.”

  “Lucas,” he bit out, unable to focus.

  He clawed at her tank, pushing it upward and over her head. He trailed his tongue down her neck, his teeth nipping at the tender skin of her shoulder before latching on to one of her deep red nipples, sucking it in deep. Everything about her filled his senses, her sweet taste and the heady scent of her arousal in the air between them.

  * * * *

  Kira’s knees buckled in weakness. “Oh, God.” The heated pleasure was so much more than she’d expected. The sensations from his teeth and tongue arrowed straight to her pussy, making her ache for him to fuck her long and hard. She reached down to remove her shorts, eager for him to touch her everywhere.

  He grabbed her wrists and stopped her. After a warning look, he slid down in front of her so his head was even with her bare belly. For a few agonizing seconds he simply stared at the indentation, teasing her, before he leaned forward and swirled his tongue inside the tiny button.

  “I want the pleasure of revealing every single treasure before I fuck you,” he whispered. Seconds later, he flipped her around and roughly pushed her against the nearby wall.

  “What are you—”

  “Shh. You have nothing to fear from me,” he interrupted. “I won’t hurt you...much.”

  The excitement of his words throbbed through her and straight to her clit, increasing the tension of her need. Her legs quivered and her sex clenched. Yes. She’d wanted this.

  He grasped her shorts and silk panties and, in one smooth move, had them down around her ankles. Kira held her breath.

  His finger traced the seam of her bottom, dipping perilously close to her wet, ready slit. “You have such a beautiful ass. I’m going to run my tongue over every inch before I sink my teeth into your flesh.”

  The temptation he offered had Kira panting for breath as she tried to focus on getting air in and out of her lungs while shaking with need. If he did the things to her he described, she didn’t think she would survive.

  Large, calloused hands grasped her cheeks, parting them for his first intimate look at her. She sucked in a deep breath— waiting. When his fingers wandered to the lips of her pussy, her body throbbed under the fiery touch of his hands, heating her to boil.

  She gasped out the breath she’d been holding. Never in her life had a man taken the time to inspect her body with such intimate scrutiny. Expecting the usual complaints that her butt was too big and her breasts too small, her spine stiffened. Despite her selfconsciousness about his actions, and unable to breathe or voice her fears, Kira was helpless to the way he made her feel and couldn’t stop his sexual invasion even if she wanted to. She didn’t!

  His fingers grazed her slippery folds, sending little shivers of delight straight through her core. She nearly came undone when the tip of his finger touched her clit.

  “God, you’re so hot and wet for me, aren’t you? I can already taste your sweet juices coating my tongue.” She tensed slightly. “No, baby. Just relax and don’t be afraid,” he whispered. “This is all about feeling good.”

  “You don’t even know who I am.”

  “I know everything I need to at the moment. Your body fits perfectly in my hands and you’re so damned sweet. Let go and allow me to show you just how far pleasure can go.”

  He sank a finger into her pussy, stroking slowly. In. Out. In and out. Leaving her incapable of doing anything other than moan and writhe from the pleasure. When he added a second, and then a third finger to her aching heat, the fullness stroked her sensitive walls. Without pausing the fullforce finger fucking, Lucas stood to his full height, rubbing her naked body with his still fullyclothed form. The delicious rough friction of the material against her bare skin edged her one step closer to bliss.

  He removed his fingers from her tight sheath, and small whimpers of protest sounded in her throat. He distracted her by lightly scraping the curve of her neck with his teeth, further inflaming her desperate need.

  Circling her clit, she cried out for more. Her back arched and her bottom opened for the finger he slid between the cheeks of her ass. He rubbed her own juices around the puckered opening for lubrication before gently pushing one finger into her ass one knuckle at a time. Light exploded behind her eyes, her body quivered, and she screamed out and shook with the strongest orgasm of her life.

  * * * *

  Lucas jolted awake.

  “What the fu—not again!” he roared, his chest slick with sweat, his breathing harsh and uneven.

  He stroked his throbbing cock, certain he was going to explode if he didn’t come soon.

  On a sigh, Lucas leaned back and wondered who the mysterious redhead he continued to dream about was. He had to find her, make it real.

  Despite knowing he was being watched, he continued to move his hand up and down his rigid shaft while considering how it would feel if his mystery woman rocked her backside against him as his cock pushed into her tight slit. Warm, wet flesh sucking him inside.

  Near completion, the familiar rush of sparks raced across his skin, along with the tickling of fur beginning to come out on his arms. He willed himself not to change, but couldn’t stop— didn’t want to stop—his orgasm. On the final image of her wicked smile, his seed spurted from his engorged cock, subduing the beast, he looked directly into the camera with a feral grin, knowing he’d once again prevented the change and thus disappointed his captors. He experienced a moment of relief, but it wouldn’t last for long. He needed to escape soon and find this woman who tormented his sleep. Everything about her called to him. His need to dominate and control grew with every night’s dream and the moment he was free there would be no stopping the beast.

  * * * *

  Kira startled awake the next morning when the sun slanted across her face from the open window, momentarily confused about her whereabouts and what had happened. As the fog of sleep faded away, she remembered checking into the motel.

  She lay there, reliving her dream from the night before of the sensual and exciting man who would be her mate. Standing in front of her, his broad, muscular body had eclipsed her athletic frame, and he must have easily reached sixfour. Despite the tired expression she’d seen from her first vision, his gold and green eyes had sparked with energy and lust. Her pussy squeezed as she considered the intense feelings she had experienced while dreaming and how much longer she could last without him touching her. I don’t want it to be this way. There should be a choice. But the deep burn of need and desire wouldn’t let go just because her brain said so.

  “Lucas,” she whispered aloud. Remembering him as the man she’d seen in her vision just before her car crash, she became convinced, more than ever, her powers were fucked.

  With the heavy weight of responsibility pressing down on her shoulders, Kira rose to shower and dress before she hit the road again. She didn’t want these feelings or the obligation that came with them. She already had a life she needed to get back to. One that wouldn’t wait very long for her return.

  While brushing her teeth, Kira reexamined her vision from the day before. The cell Lucas had been in seemed familiar, military style. Hard to miss with all the sea foam green walls. She closed her eyes, summoning the exact image she’d seen. Once there, she glanced around, hoping to find clues that would give her a possible location.

  Part of her training as a Marine Corps intelligence officer had required her to become familiar with most military bases and their brig facilities. There was a damn good chance she’d seen it. She focused on a wall outside the cell door where the guard stood.

  Noticing some faint writing, she struggled to zoom in on the spot. Navajo in
scriptions, she realized.

  “Fort Wingate!” Impossible. Officially, Fort Wingate had been closed for almost fifteen years, but it was occasionally used for missile testing, and a civilian contractor did some work there for the government. However, there were no daytoday military operations and certainly no policing activities going on.

  To Kira, this simply provided more damning evidence she really was losing her mind, and the rate of the loss was accelerating rapidly. Sexual dream walking with her potential mate she understood, but envisioning the same man being held prisoner by the military and hidden away in a deserted facility was a little over the top, even for her.

  She had to get a grip and figure out how to regain control. It wouldn’t be long before the council hunted her down, and she didn’t want to go before them and plead her case. Having a group of elders who knew little about her decide whether she was fit to live or die was unacceptable. She’d always found their system of determining when a clan member was a threat to the safety and secrets within rather archaic. Their rules for the onset of the mating call provided only one way to escape death. Find your mate and perform the bonding ritual.

  It was believed the mental connection between true mates stopped the degradation of the Tallan and strengthened it instead. What wasn’t fully understood was the affect of a mate exerting their will onto the other.

  She picked up her bag and slammed her belongings inside. Time to get back on the road and put as much distance between her and home as possible. Until she found an alternative solution she wouldn’t make it easy for anyone to find her.

  “I choose to live on my terms, and nobody else gets to say different,” she declared.

  * * * *

  Kira knew better than to stop, but seeing the exit sign for Fort Wingate as she traveled along I40, made it impossible to resist. The sun would set soon and she wasn’t prepared to be caught trespassing on government property. What could it hurt to nose around enough to prove there’s nothing here? Then she’d get back on the road without the nagging doubts constantly plaguing her.

  At the front gate, she noticed a sign posted that all visitors must report to Building 204 to register. Since her presence on any base would be questioned, she opted to bypass checkin and take the back service road that circled behind the facility where the brig would be located. Explaining to clueless security why she needed to be here in the first place could prove a little awkward. Even she wouldn’t believe some lame ass story about a dream.

  About a mile into the base, she spotted the sign indicating the Brig straight ahead. She slowed her car and slipped into a parking lot several buildings away. She’d approach the building on foot.

  Just in case.

  Before getting out of her car, she reached for the glove compartment to grab her Glock for extra firepower. With her hand on the knob she stopped. Carrying a nonmilitary issue weapon on a military base was borrowing trouble she couldn’t afford. Not to mention it screamed paranoid considering her militaryapproved Sig was already strapped to her calf and concealed by her jeans.

  She approached the back of the Brig and immediately noticed dusty, dark windows boarded up tight. Layers of grime gave the building a depressed and creepy look. The facility appeared unused and abandoned, but she reached out anyway to try the rear door, and caught a glimpse of something from the corner of her eye. Bending down, she picked up a cigarette butt that didn’t look fifteen years old. She sniffed. Freshly burned tobacco.

  Still doesn’t mean anything. Employees probably walked by here everyday while on their smoke break. The nagging sense of something off tingled across her scalp and a sense of unease crawled down her spine. Kira shook it off, checked the door and confirmed it was indeed locked tight.

  Determined to find conclusive evidence, she crept around the side of the building headed in the direction of the front door. As she neared the front of the structure, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up, stopping her dead in her tracks. Her senses screamed now, something wasn’t right here. She rubbed the base of her neck, rolling her head to loosen up the muscles. Her internal warnings were no joking matter and had saved her ass more than once. She inched forward with a lot more caution and indepth observation, and surveyed the area around the building. Still she saw and heard nothing, but her spidey sense was on high alert, and would not be ignored. With that in mind, she proceeded to the front door.

  * * * *

  Lucas sensed someone close by but didn’t recognize the scent. He sat up on his cot, testing for a telepathic link. Easily broached, he wandered undetected through the stranger’s mind and searched for answers. Female. Nervous. Strong. It was difficult to read much more than that.

  Hoping to catch her off guard, he whispered into her mind. Who are you and why are you here?

  Her shock at his voice in her head reverberated through his mind like a short stab with a needle as she frantically searched for a reason someone had so easily slipped inside her shields. Her scattered thoughts froze seconds before she answered him. I could ask you the same question but more importantly, get out of my head.

  He laughed at her anger. Despite his questions about her presence, her voice soothed and calmed his nerves like a natural balm to his restless nature. Tempted to drag out the conversation, the sudden rapid rise of her heartbeat alarmed him. Who are you?

  I’m Captain Akira MacDonald, U.S. Marines. I’m here checking into the unauthorized use of this facility.

  Suspicious by nature and circumstance, Lucas assumed they had sent a new female soldier in yet another lame attempt at getting him to cooperate.

  Sorry, sweetheart, but sending you in here isn’t going to change a thing. I’ll tell you the same thing I told the last one. Although... She intrigued him enough to drag this out a few minutes more. I could use a good fuck.

  Lucas faltered when her bitter anger washed over him like a crashing wave. Bitter disappointment filled him before he backed down. No use getting dragged down by someone new. He closed the mind link between them and lay back down with a satisfied smirk directed at the cameras that watched his every move day and night.

  The bastards should know better by now.

  * * * *

  Fury surged through her. Kira had come out of her way to find out if someone from the clans had been kidnapped, and this was the thanks she got. She had half a mind to turn around and leave him here, show him just where his arrogance would get him. But if he ended up being what she thought he was, they had bigger problems than just the two of them. She’d have to get him out of here and open an investigation.

  Resigned to continue, the familiar tingle of magic erupted in Kira’s ears as power surged through her mind, begging for release. When she finally succumbed to the call, her arms flung wide and the locked door burst open. In no mood to be discovered by a guard, she quickly ducked inside, and closed the door behind her.

  Might have thought of that before you made all that racket with the door. His voice whispered along the edge of her mind, unsettling her further.

  Shut up. I need to concentrate.

  A low chuckle sounded in response. Don’t expect my cooperation, sweetheart.

  She took a deep breath to fortify her shields and kick him out of her head before proceeding.

  Steady enough to continue, she attempted to get her bearings in the darkened room while she listened for any telltale signs of where he might be, as well as any guards. With an ego like his, she expected him to continue taunting her, but he surprised her when he said nothing.

  “I came here to investigate,” Kira whispered. No response. “Why are you being held? Have you committed a crime?” She waited and listened. “You can’t stay here, it’s too risky. I’ve got to take you back.” Still she heard nothing. No breathing, no movement. No signs of life within the room.

  Now he was just toying with her.

  “Fine. Be that way.” She crept forward, feeling her way in the darkened room. Her hand came in contact with the cold steel bars. She’d fo
und a cell but had no idea which direction led to the door or where Lucas might be hiding within.

  By instinct and touch, she located the cell door in minutes. She inhaled deeply. Entering the cell could be a big mistake, as exactly what waited inside for her remained a mystery. But a force stronger than her will compelled her forward. Again she concentrated on the lock, and her magic worked its way inside until the door slid open. Gripping the bars tightly, she started to move inside.

  “Who are you and why are you here?” His menacing voice reached out to her, accompanied by a low growl, and coming from the opposite corner from where she stood.

  “I already told you who I am and I’m not here to hurt you, only to find out information,” she assured him. Maybe this wasn’t such a hot idea after all.

  “Darling, I’m not worried about you hurting me. I just don’t feel like playing your game.” His mocking tone grew stronger as he moved toward her, stopping mere inches from her body. Though his closeness made her uncomfortable, she refused to back down and give him the satisfaction of thinking he scared her.

  With a brief thought to her weapon, she leaned forward and whispered in his ear, “I don’t play games with strange men, so you can back the fuck off with the macho alphamale crap. You’ve been in my mind so get real. You know the deal.”

  * * * *

  Her breath skittered across his skin, and he lost focus for a moment, forgetting for an instant she was his enemy. Instead, he fought an urge to take her to the ground, pin her arms to the cold concrete floor, and fuck her as hard as he could. The animal wanted free and the raging hardon pressing painfully against his zipper made it damned difficult to control the beast.

  Her scent invading his nostrils had a spicy tang with a definite musk of arousal undertone, reminding him of his recent dreams and something else, something from a long time ago. He tried to get a good look at her, but even his enhanced vision couldn’t see past her silly ball cap in the darkness.


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