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Shifter Romance Box Set

Page 102

by Unknown

  Letting go of his hair, she ripped open her shirt and pressed his workroughened hands to her swollen and achy bare breasts. The rough texture against her smooth, heated skin was intense and her pussy flooded in anticipation.

  Kane broke away from her lips, panting. “Kira, stop. What are you doing? We can’t do this.” His face wrinkled in concern, but his chest heaved and his hard cock pressed against her jeanclad clit.

  Ignoring his feeble protest, she fumbled for the zipper on his pants. Quickly releasing his cock, she dropped onto her knees and took his entire length deep into her mouth. Oh, God, the taste was divine. Dark and sinful. She stroked her tongue around his head and lapped at the bead of precum, groaning in pleasure.

  Grasping her shoulders, Kane pushed her away and off of his dick. “No, this isn’t right. You belong to Lucas. You are his mate.”

  At his last word, Kira’s lucidity momentarily returned, long enough for her to realize what she’d done.

  “Oh my God! What the hell? What are we doing?” She scrambled off her knees, backing away from him. “What have you done to me? You’re one of them. You want to control me, too.” She grappled with the edges of her blouse, trying to cover herself. She stumbled backwards, desperate now not for sex but escape.

  “Kira, wait.”

  Not even giving him a chance to say more, she turned and ran deeper into the woods. Her inability to understand what was happening around her frightened her more than her mind could take. She grasped her head in her hands, trying to control the throbbing. But it was the pain searing her heart she couldn’t handle.

  * * * *

  Sensing Kira’s distress, Lucas picked up speed. He’d been trying for hours to talk to her and she refused to answer. His frustration had long ago turned into anger and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on her. It was time they had a serious talk. He was her mate, and she couldn’t jerk him around like this. They needed to come to an understanding, no matter how temporary. He didn’t know many details about how the mating call affected her kind, but the felines of his clan were restless and desperate to fuck until it was over. Kira seemed far more irrational and his instincts told him he was missing something important.

  Bursting into the clearing, he came to a sudden halt at what he saw. His brother standing there in the open with his pants down around his ankles and his cock jutting out.

  Growling, Lucas warned Kane of his presence. “What the hell is going on here? Where is Kira? You said you’d found her.” Lucas turned around, searching the area for Kira. Her scent was everywhere, including... Slowly turning back to Kane, he realized just what had been happening here. A murderous red haze flowed through his brain. His heart pumped faster as the anger spread throughout his entire body, leaving him edgy and ready to spring. He could kill Kane for this.

  “No, brother, it’s not what you think.” Lucas stalked closer as Kane grabbed his jeans and fastened them back into place. “Something is wrong with Kira. She thinks Lara is alive and that you and her are planning to control Kira’s powers.”

  “What?” His body stilled. “That’s ridiculous. Where would she get a crazy idea like that?” He raised his eyebrows in question, pointedly looking at Kane. “And what the hell does that have to do with you standing here with your pants down and a stiff dick hanging out?”

  Kane stood speechless as the precious seconds ticked by.

  Of course he was. What could he possibly say that would explain his actions around Lucas’ mate just moments ago? Hell, Lucas would never understand no matter what happened. One minute his brother had been helping him find a frightened and skittish Kira and the next...this. Even worse, for a split second when he’d spotted him, Kane had bore the familiar look of pleasure Lucas had seen many times before when they’d shared women. He’d been fucking enjoying whatever she did. Lucas wondered if he’d even bothered to try and stop it.

  With the undiluted rage rushing through his body, Lucas peeled his lips back in a snarl, revealing razor sharp fangs to his brother. Fucking with another shifter’s mate under any circumstance got a man killed. And rightly so. Even if he was family.

  “Something is seriously wrong, Lucas. She wasn’t acting like herself. I’ve never seen a woman so frantic in my whole life.”

  “And what about you, brother? Were you acting?” Lucas’ voice vibrated with anger as he took another step closer.

  “I’m sorry, she took me by surprise but I should have handled the situation better. But we’ll have to have this out later because I think she needs our help.”

  Taking a few steps closer, Lucas struck out, punching him straight in the face and sending Kane sprawling across the clearing.

  “Stay the fuck away from my mate. I think you’ve helped enough.” Lucas turned back in the direction he’d come and stormed away. He couldn’t look at his brother right now, not unless he wanted to live with the guilt of murder for the rest of his life. The beast in him clawed and fought against his will to do the right thing. He had to leave before he did something he would never be able to take back.

  * * * *

  Winded from running, Kira stopped to catch her breath. She glanced behind her and listened for any telltale sounds of someone following her but heard nothing over her own racing heartbeat. She couldn’t afford to stop for long, Lucas or Kane were tracking her. What would they do if they caught her? Kill her? No, she expected Lucas to force her into completing the mating ritual. Just like she had envisioned, he and Lara would tie her down and take what they wanted.

  She wouldn’t let that happen. She’d make it to Deals Gap before Lucas, Lara, or Kane could catch her. Finding the sheriff would be easy. Getting him to understand her story—a whole other ballgame. She had to try, otherwise Lucas would eventually capture her and she’d be helpless to stop them.

  Her training kicked in. She knew these mountains like the back of her hand. She wasn’t far from a small creek she could use to mask her tracks as well as her scent. Taking one last look behind her, she turned and took off for the water.

  * * * *

  Deals Gap. Often referred to as the inhospitable section of the southern Appalachians, it was nestled at the mouth of the Dragon. Home for the strange and supernatural. A small number of humans settled in the area, but for the most part, the Dragon was only occupied by the Clans of MacDonald, Gunn, and Comyn. All direct descendants from Scotland, forced to flee persecution and destined to hide their abilities here in the mountains.

  One road led through the heart of the Dragon and, despite the danger, all walks of life had recently become enamored by the seductive curves of the Dragon.

  Reaching the Tree of Shame, Kira sighed. She’d made it. Raking her gaze over the tree, she wondered when would the mortals learn to quit challenging the Dragon? Whenever one lost life or limb, a personal effect of theirs would be added to the tree. Seemed like every time she visited the gap, the stuff hanging there had multiplied.

  Just past the small biker resort next to the tree, she spotted the sheriff’s office. Making her way across the road, she attempted to brush away some of the debris on her clothes and straighten her hair. She needed a shower. Hopefully after she explained what was going on to the sheriff, he’d let her use his facilities to get cleaned up. She’d call her sister or maybe her mom to see about one of them coming to get her. She was going to need to hide for a while.

  Pushing open the sheriff’s door, she heard the basketball game playing on the radio. She rolled her eyes.

  What is it about mountain men and their strange love of basketball?

  Spotting the sheriff’s boots propped on his desk, her gaze traveled up to his face. Sheriff Dave was a good ten years older than her, but sitting there in his chair lightly snoring, his arms crossed over his chest and his hair hanging over his eyes, he looked ten years younger. Kira let go of the door and let it slam shut.

  She smirked as Dave about jumped out of his skin at the bang. “What the hell is going on?” He squinted at her, taking in her appe
arance. “Uh, ma’am, what happened to you? Was there an accident? Did you have some trouble out on the trails? Are you hurt? You’re a mess.”

  He sprang out of his chair and rushed around the desk. When he got closer he finally recognized her. “Oh my God, Kira, is that you? Here have a seat.” He motioned to the couch that ran along the wall parallel to his desk. “Can I get you something? Some water?”

  The events of the last few days came crashing down on Kira’s shoulders as she started trembling. Shaking violently, she tumbled down onto the offered couch. Looking at the sheriff, she watched his mouth moving with words she couldn’t hear or comprehend. He ran across the room, jerked open the closet door and retrieved a heavy wool blanket and quickly returned to her side. Placing the blanket around her body, she saw his lips moving again but still couldn’t hear what he said. Her temples pounded in tune with the roar in her ears. Her mind was on overload. She couldn’t remember why she’d come. Although she was pretty sure she should be hiding from anyone who knew her. She opened her mouth to speak but only managed a grunt before passing out.

  Chapter Six

  Looking around the tiny cabin, Kira didn’t recognize anything. She stood in a oneroom dwelling with a small cot in the corner, a kitchenette along the back wall, and a dark brown recliner all alone in the middle of the room. Where was she? Why was she here?

  She strode across the small space and peered out the window to see if she could get her bearings. Instead of analyzing her surroundings, she came face to face with Lucas. His fierce expression upon seeing her in the window startled her. She took three steps back and drew in a gulp of breath.

  The door slammed open and he sauntered in. As he stalked toward her, she stood her ground, despite wanting to turn and run. “What the hell are you doing here?” His angry heat blew across her skin as he glared at her waiting for an answer.

  “You brought me here, you big brute, that’s how it works.” She took a step forward, getting right into his face, daring him to say more.

  “How what works? You aren’t making any damn sense, woman!”

  She sighed. She was going to have to explain it all to him. She didn’t have much time left and he was her last hope. “My mating call is controlled by you. Why do you think I fight you so much? Being controlled by a man is the last thing I can stand.” She took a step back. Had to. His angry lust called to her and she didn’t think she could control herself much longer. She loved him. Needed him to stay alive. Shoulders slumping, she turned away. When she awoke again it would be all over. Her conscious self had lost the battle and could no longer see reality.

  “I don’t give a shit about that. You betrayed me.” He didn’t yell, he simply spoke. His words ice cold. Remembering what had happened in the last twelve hours, she realized he was lost to her. “You have no idea how much worse this will get. Unless we complete the mating ritual, all is lost for me. I am sorry for what has happened—what will happen.”

  “Are you crazy? Mating ritual? How can you think of that now? After what you’ve done?” He turned from her leaving her alone in the cabin as a lone tear stole down her face.

  “I am sorry, my love. I should have told you sooner but I just couldn’t.” she whispered the last into his mind but he ignored her and kept going.

  * * * *

  “Ms. MacDonald. Ms. MacDonald, wake up.” Someone was shaking her awake. Opening her eyes, she found herself staring into the chocolate brown eyes of Sheriff Dave. “Finally, you’re awake. I have been tryin’ to get you to open those purty eyes of yours for fifteen minutes.”

  Oh thank God, she was still safe.

  She quickly sat up. “Sheriff, I need your help. I’m being followed and it’s not safe for me here. One woman has already been killed—well sort of, I think, and I’m supposed to be next.”

  “Whoa. Whoa. Slow down.” He eased down next to her on the couch. “Someone’s been killed, you say? You need to start at the beginning and tell me what happened. You’re not making any sense.”

  She jumped up and paced. “You don’t understand, Sheriff. I don’t have much time. I’ve got to leave here quickly and hide.” Her hands shook as she talked. “I watched him kill her with one bite, but now I don’t think she’s really dead.”

  “Bite? Are you talking about an animal attack?” He relaxed back against the cushions, clearly relieved.

  “No, well yes, uhm—sort of.” This wasn’t going too well.

  “Honey, sit back down here, did you hit your head? I think you might be hurt. You’re confused.” He patted the couch, beckoning her.

  “You don’t understand. He’s a shapeshifter. A man who turns into a mountain cat. He and his witch Lara want to control my powers. There’s a whole clan of shifters living in the Dragon, but this one has gone rogue and wants to hurt me.” She was talking so fast trying to get it all out so she could leave. The sheriff just needed to go find him. Lucas might have the supernatural strength of ten men, but tranquilizers or bullets would still take him down

  “Kira, sweetheart, why don’t you come on over here and lie down? Let me get you something to drink. What about food? Are you hungry? Sometimes low blood sugar can do unusual things to the mind.”

  While she contemplated his question of food and drink, the door to the sheriff’s office swung open and her stepfather strode in.

  “What are you doing here?,” she demanded. This was a bad sign. She needed to get out now. She backed up a few steps.

  “Honey, when you passed out on my sofa I was worried so I called your daddy to come and get you.”

  Oh great, just what she needed. The sheriff was so gullible. So human. What had she been thinking coming here?

  “He’s not my daddy,” Kira gritted out.

  “It’s true, Sheriff, I’m just her stepfather.” He turned, facing her, his gaze raking over her appearance. “Sheriff, thank you for calling me. You were right, Kira does look ill and in need of her family’s support.”

  Cringing at his words, Kira wondered about her chances of escaping here and not being caught by Lucas. She might rather take her chances with him rather than return to the clan.

  “Lawrence, you might want to take her by the doc’s office. I think she might have a fever. She seems delirious. Been going on about a man in the Dragon turning into a big cat and attacking her and another woman.” He shook his head in disbelief, getting up from the couch. “Quite a tale if you ask me.”

  “Thanks, Dave, I’ll get her back home to her momma and she’ll get her fixed right up.” Grasping Kira by the arm, harder than he needed to, he led her out of the sheriff’s office to his car he’d left running at the curb. The sheriff followed them out and watched them go.

  She jerked her arm free and considered a last chance attempt at running away. Where could she go? Between Lucas, a witch and a council out to get here, her time had run out. Resigned she slid into the passenger seat of the sleep vintage Cadillac her stepfather adored.

  Once inside the car, he chuckled. “Well, Kira, it looks like all that running you did was for nothing. You’ve really gotten yourself into a hole this time, telling the sheriff Clan secrets. What the hell were you thinking? This is going to require a massive cover up to fix.”

  “It’s not as if he believed them.”

  “Doesn’t matter, and you know that. It looks like the Council is going to have to take care of you once and for all.”

  * * * *

  Three days later, Lucas returned home. As he approached his house, he was thankful no one would be there waiting for him. He wasn’t sure he was ready to see Kane yet, but he knew he’d have to face him soon. Something was seriously wrong and had been eating at him for days. Even more so than the scene of his brother in the woods half naked.

  The last time he’d seen Kira in his dreams, she’d seemed hopeless and sad. He’d been so angry with her over her betrayal he had refused to listen to what she’d been trying to tell him. He wished now he had listened. His instincts now screamed at him to
find her. She was in some sort of serious trouble. After finally letting go of his stupid pride, he’d tried reaching out to her mind but had found nothing.

  When he slept he dreamt about her continuously, but the dreamwalking had ended. He only dreamt of what had been between them. But every time just before he woke, he would hear her plead with him. Help me. Please. It really was driving him insane. He needed her so badly. He was in a constant state of arousal and his being in solitude this time had made him miserable. He really needed a good—

  “What the hell?” He froze. He’d been wrong. Someone was waiting for him. He considered shifting when he caught the unfamiliar scent of a stranger, but decided to wait. Best to see who it was before he got all grrr.

  Lucas opened the door and came face to face with Kane. Not at all what he’d been hoping for.

  The banked anger surged forward and it took everything he had to tamp it back down. He swore he would talk this out and save the ass kicking for afterwards.

  Kane raised his hands up in surrender. “I know I’m probably the last person you want to see right now, but I have to talk to you. I’ve been searching for you for two days. Where the hell did you take off to?”

  “Probably? Are you kidding me? I definitely don’t want to see you right now. What could be so damned important you have to barge in here now? Not a good idea to test my patience right now, bro.” He stormed through the door, throwing his bag into the corner to deal with later.

  “It’s Kira.”

  At the sound of her name coming from Kane’s lips, Lucas’ blood boiled over and he tackled his brother to the ground. They wrestled around for several minutes before Kane gave in and let Lucas pin him to the floor. With his arm across Kane’s neck, Kane had to struggle to talk.


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