Clipped (The Clipped Saga Book 1)
Page 16
Treycore pulled out.
“What are you doing?” Kid asked belligerently.
“You can't…not now.”
“Yes, I can!”
“No, you can't.”
Kid's face turned red, just like it had when he had been out of breath.
Treycore's wings pulled into his back. He swam across the spring, sliding out onto a nearby rock. He flipped onto his back and sprawled out, letting his hard cock fall to the side.
Kid's face was still red. He swam rapidly to the edge and pulled himself out beside Treycore. He grabbed Treycore's cock by the shaft, held it up, and licked it with a furious passion.
“Oh yeah!” Treycore groaned.
Kid deep-throated the dick until he got about a quarter of the way down the shaft. He gagged on the tip. It didn't stop him. He continued trying to take as much as he could.
“Holy shit!” Treycore watched Kid as he choked his way down a little farther, then farther still.
The sides of Kid's mouth stung. His jaw muscles tired quickly. He forced breaths through his nose. A thick wad of pre-come shot out of Treycore's dick and hit the back of Kid's throat. Kid popped his head back and coughed until the pre-come shot out onto the rock.
“You okay?” Treycore asked.
Kid didn't respond. He forced his lips back over Treycore's shaft. Treycore grabbed him by the head and stroked his fingers through his hair.
Kid's tongue massaged the tip of the dick's head and sucked gently. He could feel the entire immortal masterpiece swelling against the insides of his cheeks. It was a satisfying feeling that he reveled in. Something about stimulating Treycore this much made him feel so satisfied. And it only challenged him to take it even farther. He pulled off the shaft and forced his lips against Treycore's balls, jacking Treycore's penis with his hand.
Treycore grimaced as Kid sucked and tugged at his testicles.
Kid flicked his tongue about, feeling its way through his pubes. His tongue ran down to the base of his balls, followed by his lips. He sucked just under Treycore's balls.
“Ah!” Treycore called out.
Kid sucked even harder. He released Treycore's dick and slid his arms under Treycore's thighs, tilting them up so Treycore's hole lifted into his face.
Kid hated the sight of an ass, but he couldn't wait to get his face in Treycore's. He slid his tongue around the rim. He stuck his middle finger in and curled it up, rubbing along the wall of Treycore's ass. Treycore's pelvis jolted about. It was clear he'd hit some sort of nerve in the immortal's anatomy. He took advantage of it and flicked his finger about even harder on the spot that seemed to be pleasuring Treycore so much. Treycore groaned and moaned as his ass bounced on the rock. He grabbed his cock and stroked it rapidly.
Kid licked around his finger. Occasionally, he rubbed his nose against the top of Treycore's hole. He slipped his ring finger in with his middle finger and continued putting pressure on the spot that was clearly driving Treycore crazy. Treycore's ass bounced even quicker against the rock. His abs tightened, making his muscles appear even more ripped than they already were. Every line in his torso stood out more pronounced than usual. Feathers pushed out from behind him. They bent and twisted as they struggled between the rocks and Treycore's shoulder blades. Treycore ground his teeth and groaned as even more pre-come spewed from his dick's head.
Kid was pleased that a mere, disgusting mortal such as himself could get to Treycore like this.
Kid's tongue vacillated between tickling and licking around the rim.
“Oh…I'm gonna…” Treycore panted, stroking his cock even faster. His thumb vigorously massaged the head.
Kid pulled his fingers out of Treycore's ass and sprung to his feet. He positioned himself over Treycore's cock and bent his legs so he could try to sit on it. Blood continued leaking from Kid's ass, covering Treycore's dick.
Treycore's eyes widened. He pulled his hand away from his dick. Kid slid Treycore's dick into his bloody hole.
“Stop, stop!” Treycore begged, closing his eyes and forcing his shaft into Kid.
Treycore grabbed under Kid's thighs and pushed up. He tossed him back into the spring, gripped onto the rock, and took a deep breath.
Kid's face was red again as he stood in the spring.
“What the fuck?” he shouted, enraged.
“You know what the fuck!”
“I want you to come in me!”
“Your ass is in bad enough shape as it is. You need to let it heal!”
“Don't tell me what to fucking do with my ass!”
Treycore shook his head and rose to his feet. Kid swam back to the rock and pulled himself up.
“You scared of a little blood?”
“What?” Treycore asked. “No.”
He turned and started to walk away. Kid grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back around.
“Then what?”
Treycore grabbed Kid's biceps. He held them gently and looked into Kid's eyes. “I don't want to hurt you,” he said.
“But I do.”
Treycore grabbed Kid's ass cheeks and hoisted him up. His erect cock rubbed between Kid's cheeks.
Kid smiled.
Treycore smirked back. He shook his pelvis back and forth, creating friction with Kid's flesh as blood continued leaking out onto his dick.
Kid kissed him softly, taking time to savor Treycore's plush bottom lip. Their noses touched gently, and Kid let them linger together for a moment. He wrapped his legs around Treycore's waist.
Treycore knelt on the rock. He leaned forward. He tilted his head back, slipping from their embrace.
Treycore gazed at him.
Kid stared into his eyes, trying to read him, attempting to anticipate what Treycore would do next, but at the same time, hoping he wouldn't be able to figure it out.
The corner of Treycore's mouth curled upward. He pulled his pelvis back so that his erect dick slipped out in front of Kid. He caressed his hands up to Kid's sides as he lowered him onto the rock. The rough edges of the rock dug into Kid's shoulder blades.
Treycore pressed his hard cock between Kid's pelvis and himself. His ass bobbed up and down.
Kid groaned as his ass squeezed between the rock and Treycore's hard shaft. Pre-come slid down the head of Treycore's cock and dripped onto Kid's skin. As Treycore's cock slid over the pre-come, it and Kid's blood mixed, acting as lubrication, making it even easier for him to slide his cock back and forth over Kid's skin.
Tear me apart, Kid thought.
Treycore pressed his hands against Kid's pecs. He rubbed his thumbs against his nipples. Kid grabbed onto Treycore's forearms. As Treycore's frottage became more rapid, Kid gripped on even tighter.
Treycore leaned down and kissed him. As Kid kissed back, Treycore slipped his tongue in his mouth. Kid reciprocated with his tongue, and soon, their tongues were swiping across each other, saliva sticking and sliding in strands into each other's mouths.
Treycore's eyes rolled back.
Kid pushed against Treycore's biceps. Treycore took this cue and flipped on his back beside Kid. Kid rolled on top of him and straddled him so Treycore's dick was right behind him. He rolled his ass circularly on Treycore's abdomen. Treycore grabbed his dick and jerked it about.
“I'm so close,” he whispered.
Kid leaned down to his ear. “Will you come on my ass?”
Treycore nodded.
Kid pushed off the rock and positioned himself over the head of Treycore's dick. His thighs tensed, the muscles and veins bulging as they held Kid up.
“Come on,” he begged.
“Oh, yeah. I'm gonna….I'm gonna…”
Kid slid his pelvis back so he could see Treycore's cock.
“Here it…”
Kid sat just over Treycore's dick and lowered himself until the head was right at his hole. He lowered himself even farther. Treycore shook his head violently.
“No. You�
��re gonna hurt yourself.” His pelvis convulsed so that it pushed the head farther into Kid.
“Fuck!” Kid called out as tears rushed from his eyes and blood leaked down Treycore's shaft.
“No,” Treycore argued, yet he continued. He grabbed Kid by the waist and tried to force his penis deeper into him.
Kid groaned in agony before Treycore’s body twitched and convulsed, assuring Kid that he had his come inside him. Kid's body convulsed as he stroked his own hard cock until he shot all over Treycore's upper torso and chest.
It was so delicious…so amazing. And there was something so much deeper to it than Kid had experienced with any of the fucks he’d ever had before. Something intimate. Something beyond just their physical expression. As he looked into Treycore’s eyes, he felt like he could see through the hard shell he’d been showing him, to something so much more.
He couldn’t explain the power that rushed through him, but it was so strong that it scared the shit out of him.
Kid lay on Treycore’s chest, stroking his fingers up and down Treycore's solid muscles. Treycore had ripped various fronds off exotic trees and arranged them on the jungle floor so they’d be able to rest for a while before continuing their journey back to Kinzer and the others.
Treycore wrapped his arm around Kid’s neck and rested his hand on his hip.
A flutter of excitement rushed through Kid. Being that close to Treycore felt good. He liked fucking him. And as much as he didn’t want to admit it, there was something else he felt for him…something much stronger. Although, he continued to wonder if this was an effect that all immortals had on mortals. Although, he hadn’t felt anything like this with Kinzer.
You don’t even know him! he thought, angry with himself for feeling so much, so soon.
It had to be something about him being immortal, though. Some feeling they could rouse within them. That was the only explanation.
“You have a lot of nightmares?” Treycore asked.
Kid was completely thrown.
Where’d that come from?
“Last night, you were muttering to yourself. Kept crying out no over and over again.”
He hadn’t realized that he’d been so vocal in his sleep. He was embarrassed. It wasn’t something he wanted to talk about. Not to Treycore. Not to anyone.
“Probably just from sleeping in this shitty place.”
Treycore stroked Kid’s arm as if he knew better and was consoling him. He nestled his mouth beside Kid’s ear.
“You like to read?” Kid asked, attempting to change the subject.
“What?” Treycore asked, clearly just as confused as when he’d asked Kid about nightmares.
“Reading. When I was in your room, I saw all these books on your floor.”
“Just there to pass the time.”
Kid tossed his head back, glaring at Treycore skeptically.
“Mortals read because they're desperate to escape reality for a moment. Immortals read because we're trying to escape eternity. Your wounds, your pain…they have an ending. Ours don't. Our scars, our mistakes, our grief is everlasting.”
“It can't be that bad. Come on, you have it pretty easy. You have powers. You have wings. You have eternal life.”
“My wings are clipped,” Treycore said. “I don't have any of those things.”
“You asked earlier about why I couldn’t fly. It’s because my wings were clipped.”
“Like Kinzer’s? But I’ve seen them. You—”
“Not like Kinzer’s. During the war, I was a spy for the Leader. I collected intel from the Almighty’s generals and swapped information with my contact. Some of the Leader’s warriors attacked a camp I was in. Several of us were captured. Back then, it was common to clip the enemy’s wings and take them to POW camps, where they’d torture us for information. But they couldn’t clip us entirely. If they did, we’d lose our ability to cross between immortal realms, and they wouldn’t be able to take us to their camps without a special serum. So they clipped us just enough so we lost our ability to fly. Unlike Kinzer, we retained most of our immortal traits.”
“Wait. The Leader’s men captured you?” Kid asked. “I thought you worked for the Leader.”
“I did. I was a spy, but the warriors that had attacked our camp didn’t know that. They assumed I was just another higherling that they could pry information from.”
“Then how did you get out?”
“At the time, Vera was also part of the Leader’s underground spy operation. When she discovered that I’d been captured, she had the Leader fake an escape for me. They had to fake it to look like I broke free. Otherwise, the Almighty would have questioned it. Questioned my loyalty, and I would’ve been at even greater risk.”
As Kid looked into Treycore’s eyes, he didn’t see the anger and hate he’d seen before. He saw pain and sadness. He saw weakness and vulnerability. He wished he could wrap his arms around Treycore and console him. But he knew how stupid that would look. They’d known each other for less than a day, and he was just a smelly mortal, as Treycore had continually reminded him. As much as he wanted to believe that Treycore was sharing this because he was having strong feelings too, he knew it was more likely he just wanted someone to share it with…like Kinzer had done at the diner.
Treycore’s wince-of-a-look fixed on him.
Kid felt as if it was probing for a secret, searching for more. He glanced to the side.
There wasn’t anything good in Kid’s past. Nothing worth sharing.
“Why?” Kid asked.
“Why what?”
“Why fight for mortals if you’re at such risk? The way you talk, it sounds like you hate us. But here you are, protecting us.”
“Well, I’m not a huge fan,” Treycore said with a smirk. “You’ve seen what I do. I don’t exactly see the best side of you guys.”
Kid knew what he meant. He’d seen how those men looked at him and the other boys at Dick Dongs. It was so similar to the way Jerry’s clients had looked at him.
“Exactly,” Kid said. “How can you look at those greedy, selfish bastards—who just see you as an object, who would break you and rip you apart without another thought about what they’d done—and think that there’s anything here worth saving?”
Kid snuck a look at Treycore. He could tell by the way Treycore glared back at him that he’d said too much.
Treycore appeared troubled, as if he was trying to see what in Kid had evoked his question, and Kid desperately didn’t want him to know. He wasn’t proud of his past, and he would rather Treycore not know about it.
“I’ve seen a lot of that,” he said. “I’ve seen centuries of torture, blood thirst, and rape. But every so often, you see some puny mortal do something that surprises you…sacrificing something so precious for the sake of another. For their child. For their lover. I was created to be aesthetically pleasing. It’s a quality higherlings venerate, but when you’ve had that advantage as long as I have, it doesn’t impress you. You come to see the beauty of things unseen. Like those things I’ve seen in mortals. Will, honor, love. When you see things like that, you realize that somewhere inside of these creatures is something beautiful. Something worth saving.”
Kid couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Even with all that rage and anger, there was an optimistic side of Treycore. It was beautiful. A feeling stirred within Kid that was so powerful it scared him. He couldn’t handle this anymore. He had to get away. He couldn’t let Treycore detect it. He wouldn’t let him see the surge of feelings that were raging within him.
“I guess we’d better start back up.” Kid hopped to his feet.
Chapter Ten
Dedrus soared through the air.
“Fuckers! Fuckers! Fuckers!” Maggie screamed out as she hyperventilated, her arms strangling Dedrus. Her face was nearly as white as Kinzer’s.
Dedrus had been flying
for some time. He wanted to get as far from the bookstore as possible, so when Vera discovered that she had the wrong Maggie, she would have a difficult time finding them. By now, they were flying over industrial warehouses, well outside the city perimeter. Dedrus, his energy waning from carrying Kinzer and the ample-sized Maggie, had begun his descent.
As they neared the ground, Kinzer dropped his sword and released Dedrus’s chest. Bending his knees as he hit the asphalt, he rolled across the ground.
Dedrus’s wings reared back, catching the wind so it propped him and Maggie upright. Concerned about the landing and the safety of Maggie and the unborn Antichrist, he tossed his sword aside.
“Get ready for a little bump,” he warned.
Their feet hit the ground. Maggie’s foot didn’t land right, and she dragged Dedrus to the ground with her.
“Fucker! Fucker! Fucker!” she wailed. She kicked him in the stomach and punched him repeatedly in the arm.
“Ow! What the fuck?”
She pulled back and ran her hands up and down her body, spasming in a fit of shivers.
“Oh my fucking God!” she exclaimed. “Oh my fucking God!”
Crazy bitch, Dedrus thought.
He pressed off the asphalt, starting to his feet. A kick from his side, much stronger than the one Maggie had given him, sent him rolling onto his back.
Kinzer’s face was fire red, his sword at Dedrus’s throat.
“What the fuck?” Dedrus asked.
“What are you doing?” Maggie’s gaze vacillated between them.
“You’re the fucking rat!” Kinzer exclaimed.
Dedrus was bewildered. They’d just fought the Raze together. How could Kinzer possibly think that he was in league with them?
“I didn’t tell anyone about where we were, and I’m sure as fuck that Fie didn’t, considering they’re probably chopping him up as we speak. And we’re the only ones who knew we were gonna be there, so that narrows it down to you and you.”
Dedrus could see his point. It didn’t make it hurt any less.
Had Kinzer forgotten their past? Did he really have no clue how much he still adored him?
“You came to me—remember?”
“That doesn’t mean shit.”