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Just One Night

Page 15

by C. A. Harms

  The only thing that kept me from losing my shit was seeing Jade mixed in the middle of the crazy group of clowns. She wore my sweatshirt, the one that she’d pretty much claimed as her own. Truth was I loved seeing her in it, in any of my clothes, really. She laughed, holding her stomach, the place where my son grew, and her laughter echoed above everyone else.

  Maybe it was because hers was the one I loved to hear that made it stand out.

  Her eyes were lit up with happiness, her smile so wide I imagined her cheeks ached from it alone.

  That was worth the continuous humiliation of them playing this video over and over.

  Finding out that it was Ruby with her portable sewing machine that performed this prank was a shock. Ruby was sweet, and on most occasions she thought we were all completely insane and out of our minds. But she was the ringleader, the culprit behind the needle.

  Yes, Blake and Jay were by her side, which was no shock.

  I’d never imagined having the family I have. It seemed to grow and grow, and everyone had a significant role. So many different personalities, but each one unique in its own way.

  Call me a pussy, but I couldn’t imagine my life without them all in it. They may not be my brothers by blood, but they were my brothers for life. That made the women they chose my sisters.

  And tucked right in the middle was my girl. The one I’m in love with, the one that one day soon would give me the greatest gift anyone could.

  Moving around the group near the door, I stepped over the back of the couch and slid in behind Jade, one leg on each of her sides. Instantly she leaned against me, her back firmly pressed to my chest.

  Kissing her temple, I watched right alongside of her and the rest of them as once again they hit replay. I smiled when Jade’s body shook with laughter as we heard my mother’s panicked voice when she called my father for help.

  And the entire time, I watched Jade from the side. Damn, she was beautiful.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  “I feel like a whale.” I waddled when I walked. I knew I did, even if Isaac lied and told me I was beautiful every time I asked. His sweetness made me smile. “Jay says I walk like a duck.”

  “That’s rude,” Palmer announced as she held onto the chair while I sat down in it.

  “He’s my brother, I guess he thinks its his job to make fun of me.”

  “Well, he’s not my brother and he makes fun of me,” Emelie huffed, forking the cake they’d had made for my shower into her mouth to cover her pout.

  “How does he make fun of you?”

  “I can’t place all the blame on him, but there was a banner hanging from the banister at the top of the stairs that said Welcome Sparkly Tits for almost a week. I tried to take it down but even with the ladder I couldn’t reach.” I bit my lip to keep from laughing. “How was I supposed to know that there was an audience outside the bedroom door when I announced that I sparkled?”

  “Because there is always an audience, I don’t care what the situation is. Never think you are alone, not there.”

  “Not in the woods either,” Blake mumbled around a mouthful of cake. “Everyone got a frontal of Elijah after he stormed out of our tent when Clayton decided to toss firecrackers inside while we were, well, ya know.”

  “Mounting the bull?” Morgan shrugged when we all looked over at her. “What, Red is a bull.”

  “Or a horse, depends on how you look at it.” Marcus, Morgan’s best friend, wagged his brows suggestively and we all looked around the room at one another. I hadn’t spent much time with him, but enough to know that he was without a doubt savvy, and I liked that.

  Blake’s eyes widened right along with Ruby’s.

  And then we each burst out with laughter.

  Today had been amazing. I showed up at Morgan’s, thinking that I was going to spend the day in the spa with her and Marcus, but was surprised to find all of the girls and Marcus there waiting for me. A surprise shower, the entire living room was decorated in blue baby decor and I may have cried a little. But lately I cried at everything, no joke. Happy, sad, heck, even scary made me cry. I was a mess.

  But again Isaac told me I was beautiful even when I was a snotty mess.

  We’d laughed, we cried, and there I sat in the middle of the room with the women I now considered my best friends. Around me I had enough clothes and baby stuff for ten babies and I felt blessed. I finally had the family I’d always dreamed of. One night, one choice, brought me to my now. It was never a mistake, it was my fate, our fate.

  The door to the apartment opened and in walked a group of guys, each dispersing almost instantly, searching out their ladies. A few squeals, a few laughs, but all I could focus on was Isaac. The way he watched me as he walked across the room. When reaching me, he lowered himself to his knees and placed his hands on my thighs, parting them to make room for him to sneak in closer. “Did you have fun?”


  I really hoped that our son looked just like him. His eyes were dreamy, and his smile, it honestly lit up the room.

  Leaning in a little closer, he kissed me softly and I felt my insides quiver. I felt like a bloated cow, but he never failed to make me want him. Every kiss, each touch, he brought my body to life.

  “I think we should go home.” He’d started calling my apartment home and the fact was anyplace would be home as long as he was there with me. “I’ll run you a bath, we can order in dinner. Maybe make out on the couch a little.” He bit my lip and tugged. “Or you could hold on to the side of the couch like you did las—” I covered his mouth and looked around to see if anyone had heard him.

  Clear, clear, and then I locked eyes with Marcus. He was taking in every single word, eager and hopeful to hear more. “Please, keep going. Don’t stop on account of me.”

  Isaac grinned, my cheeks felt warm, and I tucked my face to hide my embarrassment. Honestly though, the last night he was referring to, I’d love nothing more than a repeat. Even if my legs gave out and he had to hold me up, it was without a doubt one of the most erotic sexual moments of my life.

  My toes curled just thinking about the way he moved behind me.

  He was wicked.


  I’d stood up and pushed back my chair, stretching my back a little, feeling stiff from sitting so long. I’d been enjoying the Florida sun sitting outside a cute little cafe I’d met Carol at. She and I have been practically inseparable since they moved into town. Now I understood what Isaac was talking about when he said we’d have less time together once his mother got here.

  But secretly, I love our time together. She was the mother figure I never had.

  I’d given up on seeing my feet, I knew they were there somewhere because they ached almost constantly, but slip on flats had become my best friends. Anything that didn’t require me to bend, or even lift my leg was a godsend.

  Gathering my bag, my phone fell out and landed on the ground at me feet.

  “Jade?” I found myself staring ahead at a man I hadn’t seen in months, much less talked to. The way my father looked between my face and then dropping his gaze to my stomach, it left me feeling a little unsettled. I wasn’t sure exactly what he’d say, or if he’d acknowledge my pregnancy at all. Most likely he’d toss a couple hundreds my way and tell me to buy something and then be on his way. “You’re having a baby?”

  Carol, being the protective one that she is, stepped up to my side, almost blocking him from my view. “And you are?” Smiling, I almost laughed at how she arched her brow at my father, waiting for him to reply to her question.

  I had two choices, I could’ve watched and waited, enjoying the uncomfortable state of my father, or intervene and make this as peaceful and fast as I could.

  I chose option two.

  “Carol, this is my father.” She suddenly looked nervous. I watched, observing him as he pretended to be so concerned and interested in my life. Carol and he talked about Isaac, about the baby, and all the while I sto
od there staring at a man I barely knew.

  Jay looked like him. The older he got, the more my brother took on his features. My father was handsome, but the two of them, they honestly couldn’t be more opposite. My brother was strong, loyal, and kind. My father was a self absorbed, egotistical ass of a man who only thought of himself. I wasn’t fooled by his happy father act, I knew the second he walked away he’d move on and my son would never know him. It saddened me, but then again I knew that Isaac’s father would give him everything he needed from a grandpa and more.

  My life was developing into something I’d never thought I’d have. So many amazing friends that were always on my side. I had a guy who was so gentle and sweet and he loved me. I’ve been loved, truly loved. That love alone was worth everything.

  I had Isaac’s parents, who treated me as if I were their daughter, almost like I’d always been a part of their lives. I found in them the parents I’d always wished for.

  I walked away from my father, smiling politely, and never thought twice about it. I didn’t fall apart, I didn’t feel empty, knowing that everything he’d said was nothing more than empty lies. It no longer bothered me that I was dispensable to him because I knew I was surrounded by people who thought otherwise.

  I was no longer in search of something, because now I had everything I could have possibly dreamed of.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  I woke up to Jade straddling my lap as she kissed along my jaw. I’d fallen asleep on the couch, watching some Hallmark shit she had playing while she worked.

  Too many hours of cramming and too many days of exams.

  It was hard to believe that my four years of college was almost over.

  I still hadn’t mentioned to Jade about the letter I’d gotten from New York. A year ago that letter would have been the highlight of my life, now the highlight was her and our son.

  “You’re feeling spunky,” and horny apparently. I spread my hands out over her hips but let her control her movements.

  “I couldn’t help it, you look sexy even when you sleep.” She bit on my ear and tugged before sucking gently. That suction made a beeline for my junk and instantly I grew hard beneath her.

  She noticed, I could tell by the soft moan and the sway of her hips as she thrust forward and back a few times.

  Whenever we hung out at her place she wore my shirts with nothing more than a pair of panties beneath. Made times like this super convenient.

  Sliding my hand over her thigh, I tucked it into the space between us and pulled her panties to the side. Pushing a finger inside of her, I gave her something to ride.

  She was soaked.

  “You’re wearing too many clothes,” she growled as she shifted against my hand. Her insides hugged my finger tight.

  “You want something other than my hand?”

  “Yes.” The word fell from her lips in a moan. Without taking away my hand, I used the other to push my sweats lower on my hips. Before I even had the chance to move, she was shifting back, making my hand fall away. Then just as quickly she was gripping me and positioning the head of my cock at her entrance.

  My eyes rolled back as she lowered her body over mine and with one hand firmly gripping each of my shoulders, she started to move and I was lost. I couldn’t decide what was sexier, seeing the pleasure in her eyes or watching her take me inside of her body over and over again.

  My mind was blown, the demanding way she moved…biting her lips, trying to control her hunger but unable to stifle the moans that she released. It was so erotic.

  I knew I’d never grow tired of her, she surprised me daily, and the need I had for her was crippling at times. Everything about Jade was beautiful, every single thing. Even the things I should hate I found astounding. I fucking adored her, and that only managed to grow more intense with each passing day.


  Whoever wrote this assembly manual for the crib should have been strangled. They might well have said you have five hundred and twenty something pieces, have fun. It was like reading Mandarin Chinese. I was going cross-eyed.

  I think I was getting an ulcer.

  At this rate, my child would sleep in a dresser drawer instead of the over the top expensive shit my mother decided was a good idea to buy. I was half tempted to call her and tell her to come over and put it together. Problem with that was I barely had alone time with Jade as it was, so I’d suffer.

  “What’s this?”

  The hardest fucking puzzle of my life.

  That’s what I really wanted to say. But instead I looked back at my girl and realized she wasn’t asking about the mess of parts in front of me. She was holding a large envelope in her hand. The same envelope that I’d been holding onto for weeks now.

  “Were you going to tell me about this?” I half expected her to be upset, but she was smiling, which led me to believe that I had been wrong. “You have to go,” carefully she lowered herself to the floor beside me. It was then I noticed the glossy look in her eyes. “You’re going.”

  “What?” I wasn’t going anywhere, was she insane?

  “It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

  “You’re my once in a lifetime.”

  “I’m being serious, Isaac,” and I knew she was. It still blew my mind that she didn’t understand just how deep my feelings ran for her. This woman was no longer just the girl who was carrying my child, she was my everything. Jade was the one I imagined my life with, raising kids with, and not just this one. She was the one I pictured by my side when I’m older and accomplished. I loved her, more today than yesterday, and each day that only grows.

  The way she stared at me, saying absolutely nothing just confirmed how oblivious she remained.

  “This internship.” I took the envelope from her and flipped it over, laying it on the floor between us. “It’s amazing, yes, but my life is here, with you.”

  “Isaac…” She attempted to avert her gaze but I cupped her face with my hands and forced her to look at me.

  “This is not a competition, there is no choice to be made, because if there was, you and this baby would win.” When she tried to argue, I pressed my lips to her, giving her no other choice but to listen to me. “Every single time, Jade, hands down, no hesitation, you both would win.” With my head resting against hers, I waited for her to accept my words. “Being with you, that is not settling, it’s finally finding my purpose in life. The two of you, that’s my destiny. I don’t regret it, I will never regret that path. I meant what I said, you two, you’re my home. Without you, everything feels empty and without meaning.”

  “I don’t ever want you to resent me.”

  “I never could, baby. This may have been unplanned, but it was the biggest blessing I’ve ever been given. I got you and our baby, that is the greatest gift. I adore you, pretty girl, and I’m so in love with you.”

  Kissing her once more, I felt her lips tremble against my own. I understood how hard it was for her to accept that I cared for her as much as I said. She’d never had that. With the exception of Jay, Jade had been lied to and used more times than any one person should. It still made my blood boil when I thought of all the assholes in her life.

  But loving her, protecting her, that was something I vowed to always do.

  “I think you should take it.” Her words surprise me. “I think you should go to New York.”

  “Baby, I―” She interrupted me by shaking her head and moving her body back so she could look me directly in the eyes.

  “I think you should go, and I think that we should go with you.”


  “You say that we,” she placed her hand over her stomach, “are your destiny. But I say that you are our forever, and where you go, we go.”

  Was she serious?

  “I can work from anywhere, and home is where you are.”



  “Oh my Gahhh…” I wailed, feeling like my insides were being ripped

  “I’m sorry, babe, you’re doing great.” Isaac was being so supportive, but honestly right now, I wanted to kill him. Of all the times he could have forgotten to have a tank full of gas, this was not one of them. My vagina was the one on fire, my stomach was the one being stretched, or so it felt, beyond the point of being natural. “Almost there,” he added, just when another contraction hit me.

  “You have five-seconds to get in this car and drive.” It came out jumbled together and through gritted teeth. Also I think I heard a demonic tone. I should feel guilty, only I didn’t. “I don’t give a shit if you have to push the car up a hill. Flintstone it. Get in the God damned car and drive.”

  I swore I heard a chuckle. For his safety I’d better be wrong.

  For the next ten minutes I wasn’t so nice, again I felt no remorse. My body was doing so many things all at once and the pressure was unbearable.

  “I am never having sex again!” He was coming nowhere near me, not after this. When he started to say something, I shot him a glare and he instantly stopped. “It would be in your best interest to not argue, trust me.”

  “Noted,” he added with a firm nod and focused on the road ahead.

  Arriving at the hospital, I found that everyone, and I do mean everyone, had beat us.

  “You’re the one in labor, how is it that we beat you here?”

  “Ask your son.” Isaac’s mother arched a brow and I walked past her to the wheelchair that his father had waiting.

  “I forgot to fill up the tank, all right?” Immediately he had half a dozen women lecturing him, and for a split second I felt bad for him. That was until the next contraction hit me and I wailed as I gripped the arm of the chair tightly.

  Suddenly Isaac was by my side, offering his hand. “Breathe.” He imitated the method we learned in class, and even through the pain I was in, I found him adorable. This man was unbelievable. I never imagined he’d be the man he was, I didn’t think anyone did, but he fooled us all.


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