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Sovietnik's Fury

Page 10

by V. F. Mason

  I never thought my son would hear such a story. I never thought I wouldn’t be there for my child.

  Jake came back and laced our hands. “Let’s go, Daddy.”

  Vivian was my world. I had loved her with a passion so strong I gave her all my nights and days.

  But Jake would own the world.


  “This is the best cartoon ever, Daddy!” Jake almost pushed the cover of The Lion King against Radmir’s nose. “It’s about a father and son. Let’s watch it together!”

  Radmir swallowed loudly but nodded as Jake put the disc into his PlayStation and took the remote to prepare everything while his father tracked his every move, as if memorizing it to store for later as cherished memories.

  I picked up the pizza box, napkins, and two sodas and placed it all on the small, square table in front of them.

  “You won’t eat with us?” His husky voice sent goose bumps all over me, and my hands trembled slightly as I shook my head.

  “I think you need this time alone.” Then to lighten up the mood, I joked, “Besides, it’s awesome to have some me time. I can even take a bath with candles and music.” Only when the words left my mouth, I realized my mistake.

  Talking about me wet and naked enjoying myself wasn't the brightest idea, especially when I noticed how his eyes hooded and his grip on the arm of the couch tightened.

  He made no secret of wanting me, but desire wasn't enough to build a lasting relationship.

  We had so many lies and mistakes between us, but above all else, love.

  I could feel that desperate love hanging over our heads like an axe, ready to fall and create another disaster any minute. We couldn't be reckless anymore.

  We had a child.

  “We need to talk,” he said quietly, and I nodded in agreement. If anything else, we owed each other honesty.

  “Mama, you’re blocking the view,” Jake complained, grabbing a slice of pizza.

  “Sorry, honey. Have fun, guys.” The hair on the back on my neck stood up as I physically felt the caress of Radmir’s eyes on me.


  Jake could barely keep his eyes open as the credits started to roll. The straw from the soda hung from his mouth, and his hockey shirt had several pizza sauce stains on them. For a five-year-old, he had quite an appetite; the large pizza was almost done, with only two slices left for Vi in case she got hungry. Jake put it in the fridge and came back to watch that cartoon of his.

  Even I fucking shed a tear when that lion, Mufasa, died. Who shows kids such stuff?

  Then Jake suggested we watch some sports channel, and with his luck, they had hockey reruns.

  My heart almost burst with pride that he shared my love for the sport and already played it with a professional coach. I had to grit my teeth when he mentioned Alex and their Sunday trips to the ice rink. Although he didn't speak much about him, only that he was an okay guy, whatever the fuck that meant, no way in hell was this guy ever sharing any kind of experiences with my child.

  He better stay away from what belonged to me.

  Jake rested his cheek on my shoulder and a chuckle escaped my mouth at the sight, my little buddy. I could envision a future full of fishing trips, shooting ranges, and hockey games. A father-son relationship.

  Vivian couldn't have given me a greater gift than this tiny, little person. I loved him from the first glance, just like his mother.

  Sliding my hands under his back, I picked him up and walked to his room as he drowsily rasped, “Daddy, you’ll be here tomorrow?” It physically hurt me to hear fear in his voice, and I hugged him closer, kissing his head.

  “Of course, buddy. I won’t go away anymore.” I put him on the bed, and changed him into pajamas while he was half-awake but complaining. Then his head hit the pillow, and he was out instantly, just like me in my old life.

  Prison changed that habit quickly, because you never knew who dared to kill you or when. I had to be a light sleeper for that.

  Covering him with a blanket, I watched him for a few minutes as his chest rose and fell peacefully, without a care in the world, and I vowed to myself that he’d always have this.

  A peaceful life where the grime of my world wouldn't touch him.

  Where he wouldn't have to go through the same hell I’d experienced.

  And then I prayed to God for the first time in a long while, asking to be able to keep this vow.

  I would kill for Vivian.

  But for Jake, I’d destroy everyone and then some.

  A slight shaking woke me up. When my eyes snapped open, I almost screamed in surprise as Dominic appeared in front of me, his hand on my arm, distaste clear on his face.

  “We’ve landed.” His gruff voice was joyful as usual.


  Blinking a few times in confusion, I straightened in my seat, the blanket along with the pillow falling to the floor as I ran my fingers through my hair, hoping it didn't look like a rat’s nest. “But… I was in the cockpit.”

  Dominic gave me an odd look, and for a second amusement flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced with indifference. “You don’t say?”

  Oh my God, was it all a dream?

  Really, Vi. Snap out of your stupidity. You have a good imagination, but not that good, or you’d have made a lot of money with your art.

  After the plane took off, Radmir told me to keep my attention on the sky and not worry about a thing. He gave me headphones with some weird Russian music, but surprisingly, I fell in love with it and completely relaxed in the seat while wondering about my little adventure. I didn’t have a reputation of falling for the lines of strange men, but this situation was intriguing to say the least, and for the first time in my life, I didn't give a shit about reputations.

  How much worse could it get, really?

  At some point, the stewardess brought more drinks and a tray of food, while the pilots chatted with each other and my eyes closed for a second.

  And here I freaking was next to Dominic again.

  My cheeks heated up; just the idea it was all in my head embarrassed the hell out of me, and I removed the seatbelt and tried to get up, when he pushed me back on the seat.

  “Sit. The plane is still moving.” Then he shouted over his shoulder. “Yuri, did you call for the car?” The guy on the first row, wearing a black suit that hugged his body, perfectly showcasing his lean physique and muscular arms, stood up. His blonde hair went great along with his deep blue eyes while his high cheekbones and strong jaw indicated a rather stubborn character.

  He barely spared me a glance while replying, “Yeah, they should be here in a minute or so.” Then he opened the compartment above him and took out his briefcase. “Fucking commercial flights always leave my neck sore.” He rubbed the back of his head roughly while the guys around chuckled.

  Okay, were they some kind of gang or in the same profession? They all knew each other, and since first class had no other passengers besides them, was it possible their firm bought them the tickets?

  What else could explain all this? As much experience as I had in traveling, this shocked even me.

  Maybe they were all pilots? That could explain the comment about commercial flights as well as why Radmir was able to help me and not report the fact I was aboard.

  “Was your travel to the States work-related?” I asked curiously, and Dom raised his brow and folded his arms.


  “Yeah, like you know… the world association of pilots or some such stuff?”

  His mouth twitched, and for a first time, I noticed a hint of a smile on his face. “Something like that,” he answered, and then the plane stopped, so he moved to the front but not before barking to everyone, “Get your ass out of the plane as soon as possible. This trip was fucking long.”

  Okay, then.

  With that, I spun into action as well. I quickly grabbed my bag and shades, because Moscow local time was 7:00 a.m., and apparently it was hot as hell. Not th
at I believed all the rumors about Russia winter and stuff, but really… I hoped to have some reprieve from the Texas heat.

  Right then, Radmir emerged from the cockpit, and we both stopped as our gazes clashed.

  Under his heated stare, my body flushed as warmth spread through me and my breath hitched.

  Who the hell reacted like that to a man? This whole attraction was unexplainable to me. He wasn’t even my type. I preferred pretty-looking boys who had manners and auras of cheerfulness around them.

  “Where are you running to, krasivoglazaya?” he questioned, coming closer. Our chests brushed against each other, him towering over me even in my heels.

  “I don’t know.” My voice trembled. His thumb stroked my lower lip, and electricity ran through me at his touch. I tried to move away, but he wouldn't let me. His arm wrapped around my waist, giving me no chance to escape.

  “I thought you wanted an adventure,” he softly whispered into my ear, grazing my earlobe with his teeth, and my breath caught. I placed my palm on his chest and fisted his shirt. “No one will give you a better one than me.” Then he tugged my head back so his lips shifted to my chin, nipping it lightly. My eyes closed when the tip of his tongue licked my lips, coaxing them to respond, and without a thought, I opened my mouth as he captured it in a deep, hungry, possessive kiss where the outside world ceased to exist.

  Moaning, my free hand slid up to his hair, lacing my fingers through it, and I stepped closer so there wouldn't be a space available between us. I had my fair share of kisses, but never one like that. Where my body awoke from a deep sleep and even the light breeze tingled my skin, as unfamiliar sensations rushed through me. He tasted of cigar and whiskey when his tongue brushed against mine as if imprinting himself on me. My lungs burned, but I couldn't for the life of me let go of him. His hands dug deeper into my hips, sliding under my shirt to my bare skin, and the minute he achieved the contact, I groaned in pleasure, loving the feel of his calloused hand on me.

  Someone loudly cleared their throat, and it snapped us out of our frenzy. Radmir ended the kiss, as I blinked in confusion still seeking his mouth. He gently grabbed my chin, stopping my action. “Not now, krasivoglazaya.” Beyond his shoulder, Dominic and Yuri stood waiting. They shared a look but then turned their attention back to us.

  A gasp of distress left me, as a blush spread through me, probably making me as red as a lobster. My pale skin didn't exactly help hide my emotions. Burrowing my face into his shirt, I prayed they’d go away.

  Radmir growled, displeasure written all over his stance. “Why the fuck are you here?” His body tensed, and automatically my hand caressed his chest, hoping to calm him down.

  Just what the hell was I doing here? Kissing a strange man, having an uncontrollable attraction toward him, was insane. My hormones didn't rule me. All those reasons though didn’t make me let go of him.

  “We need to be at headquarters soon. Plus, the other passengers need to get out, so you might want to take it somewhere else.” Yuri’s voice sounded annoyed and bored at the same time.

  “Vasya has a meeting with Vito in Italy. Vladimir is taking care of the Bratva. We have time.” Both guys groaned loudly.

  “Fuck this, Radmir. We’d like a shower,” Dom muttered.

  Instead of answering him, Radmir pushed my head back so I could meet his gaze while I heard passengers in the back complain that they couldn’t get off the plane.

  “Do you want my kind of adventure, Vivian?” he rasped, his gray eyes full of promise I couldn't name but craved.

  Running off to a foreign country with a stranger was insane and stupid, but I couldn't shake the feeling of safety that wrapped around me like a cocoon when I was near him. And besides, safe and rational was my life’s credo, and it had gotten me nowhere.

  At least the mistakes would be mine, and I didn't want to miss an opportunity to experience the all-consuming desire in his arms again.

  So I took the leap, nodded, and said firmly, “Yes.”

  Who knew my life would never be the same after that decision?


  Studying my reflection in the mirror, I called myself all kinds of stupid, but it didn't change my decision.

  We needed to talk, right? So what if I took an aromatherapy bath before it while the boys enjoyed their dinner and after Radmir had put Jake to bed—at Jake’s request. As a single mom, I didn't have such luxuries as spare time to dote on myself.

  So what if I applied cream all over my body so my skin was soft as satin, glistering slightly under the light?

  And it absolutely meant nothing that I chose to wear the sapphire-blue nightgown Tina gave me last Christmas, which was made of the finest silk and displayed my body from my heavy breasts to my round behind beautifully. My damp hair cascaded down my back in natural waves, making my sky-blue eyes even clearer. My skin glowed, and I had to admit that the woman staring back at me was gorgeous.

  And needy.

  My sensitive skin reacted to every light touch or breeze, and it was hard for me to breathe.

  What if I could just use Radmir and his body for my pleasure? A woman had needs too, and unfortunately for me, he was the only one I could satisfy them with.

  Shaking my head from the carnal images popping into my head, I exited the bathroom only to come face-to-face with the man.

  Radmir stood in the doorway, his eyes scanning me from head to toe as they blazed with desire and possessiveness.

  His mouth lifted in satisfaction as he stepped inside.

  “What are you doing?” He didn't answer. Instead, he grabbed his shirt from the back, pulled it off, threw it on the chair, and then unbuckled his belt. “Stop!” His hands froze as he started to unzip his pants and our gazes locked.


  Licking my dry lips, I tried to ignore the bulge behind his zipper that I longed to touch. I finally replied, “Because sex doesn't fix anything! Look where it got it us last time. We need to talk.”

  “You look like that.” He pointed at my nightgown. “Because you want to talk with me?”

  “Yes.” Then I couldn't help but add, “The last thing I need is to wake up alone after you use my body for your pleasure.” The hurt laced my voice, and he didn’t miss it. Amusement vanished from his gaze as he grew serious and stalked me like a lion searching for his prey, and I froze in place, unable to move.

  “That will never happen again. I’ll spend the rest of my days apologizing to you.” He yanked me to him, bringing our chests together, and I bit my lip as my pointed nipples felt his chest hair through the soft, silky fabric, and they hardened even more. “But for now”—his finger slid from my collarbone to my stomach, leaving fire everywhere he touched—“we both need each other in the most primitive way. Then you can shout, scold, talk. I’ll be here. I’ll always fucking be here,” he whispered harshly, licking around the seam of my mouth and then pushing his tongue inside, dueling with mine as we collided in a kiss where nothing mattered but us.

  Palming his head, I opened my mouth wider for him, and he took the invitation, but then his hands slid lower, and I pushed back, hunger coming over me. He gave me a confused look before his eyes fell on my rolled lips, which ended up damp, and he understood at once.

  Rubbing his thumbs over my lips, he rasped, “You want my dick in your mouth, krasivoglazaya?” He groaned into my hair at my nod and then stepped back, raising his brow. “What are you waiting for? Kneel and take what’s rightfully yours.”

  I didn't know about other women, but when he introduced me to this, I loved the sense of power it gave me, loved having him in my mouth, exploring all the ways I could drive him mad.

  Although I hadn't been a virgin before Radmir and the sex was good with my three previous partners, I had never tried performing this on another male, and I was glad, because he was gentle about guiding me. Who knew if someone else would’ve been as tender?

  Getting down on my knees, I nipped on his covered flesh and then unzipped his pants slo
wly, enjoying the jerk of his cock against my hand. Finally, I took it out, loving the length and thickness of him in my hands, sliding my finger over the large vein as he groaned again, slipping his fingers into my hair, fisting it in a dominant and possessive grip.

  I licked the tip of his cock lightly, nibbling on it. His grip tightened, urging me to take more serious action, and I almost chuckled. Sliding my tongue over his length, I opened my mouth wide, taking him in as my hand stroked and caressed the base of his cock. His hips flexed as he pushed slightly forward.



  Fuck, the feel of her hot mouth around my cock was unreal, and I needed to push forward. She squeezed my dick a bit harder, while sucking on the head eagerly, sending a spasm down my fucking spine as fire spread from my dick to my balls. She let go with a pop and nipped on the underside of the sensitive skin. With the fingers of one hand, she rolled my balls against each other, while with the other hand, she stroked my hard length, whimpering slightly, as if she couldn't get enough.

  Receiving head was one thing. But when you knew your woman loved it as much as she loved you…. When she turned the simple act into a display of love, where you were the center of her attention and her eyes glazed with the desire to please you, while her swollen red lips begged to be kissed clean after that….

  Yeah, nothing compared to that.

  She took me in her mouth again, pushing deeper as I slid slightly forward and then back, and then repeated the motion while she continued to run her fingers around my base. Tugging on her hair, I almost came as she whimpered around my length, sending vibrations down my spine.

  My balls heaved, my ass clenched, hot waves crushed my body, and I was about to shoot my load into her mouth, but that wasn't how I wanted to come for the first time we had sex after being apart.

  Stepping back, I pulled her up as she protested, but not for long. I put her on the bed, pulling her thighs apart so her beautiful, bare pussy opened for me, and without further invitation, I attached my mouth to it, feeding on her desire for me.


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