Sovietnik's Fury

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Sovietnik's Fury Page 15

by V. F. Mason

  Vivian would never forgive me, and what was the point of my life if she wasn't in it?

  Raising my head from the steering wheel, I banged on the thing a few times with all my might until pain shot from my knuckles to my upper arm and I stopped.

  Just like back then, I had no fucking choice but to accept it. But fuck if I stayed silent about it and not put him in prison for what he did.

  He deserved punishment.

  Hopping down from the Gelenvagen, I closed the door loudly and motioned for Yuri and Gleb to stay put, even though they had their guns ready. We wouldn't stay long. My family had to be taken back to where they belonged.

  As long as her father wasn’t behind bars, we weren't safe, and I wasn't going to risk my family ever again. Vivian would just have to deal with it.

  The man in question stood near the horse ring, where two men tried to tame a moonlight-colored horse who didn't want to listen to them. Edward rested one leg on a log, while an arm rested on the upper rail and he studied them with a wistful expression, and sadness.

  The usual sophisticated pride was gone from him. His shoulders slumped and he appeared to have aged a few years since the last time we had seen each other.

  “I knew you’d come at some point.” His voice was devoid of any emotion. After one last glance to his horse, he turned to me and his exhausted green eyes met my furious ones.

  “You thought I’d spare you just because you are her father?”

  He chuckled. “No, I was sure you’d come for me the minute you were out. You actually gave me more time that I expected.” He removed his Stetson hat, hanging it on the fence post. “They’re in the house having iced tea. You won’t do this in front of them, right?” He pointed at his massive ranch, which was located on three hundred acres, surrounded by beautiful nature and had more cattle than one could count. It spoke of money, status, and luxury. The house was built with the strongest oak trees and the huge construction reminded me more of a castle. It had two levels, with a huge-ass porch that opened to a view of the whole ranch. The house sat on a small rise, the horse stables and training ring several hundred feet away. Vivian told me they even had a small rose garden somewhere.

  “I see you’ve heard about my methods.”

  The old man acted weird as fuck and breezy about the whole thing. He didn't even care about being caught?

  “Hard not to, considering you killed everyone else involved in your case.” He must have seen my surprise as he chuckled again, even though it lacked humor. “You were discreet about it and no one could trace it to you, but come on. It wasn't hard to guess.” Tired of the fucking bullshit, I decided to ask the one question that ran through my mind all those years, before I called Melissa here so she could take him into custody.

  So this nightmare of mine could finally be over. Even though I took a thorough shower after killing Ben, his blood would forever stay on my hands, and I couldn't help but feel filthy touching my son after it. The Bratva life wasn't easy. I almost never had to torture or take a life; it wasn't the sovietnik’s job. I was turning into a person I didn’t recognize, and I had to put a stop to it in order to keep my family.

  Vivian loved me, but she wouldn't stay with me if I kept killing people.

  And for those principles, I loved her even more.

  “Why did you do it?”

  He threw his head back, gazing at the clear blue sky. “I tried to protect my child the best I could. You know—” He snapped his face back to me, as a small smile tugged on his lips. “She was such a good baby. Always curious about the world, loving people and life. She’d go with me on fishing trips and business meetings, while Tina and her mother went shopping. They say you don’t have favorites among your kids, and while I love both of my daughters equally, we shared a special connection. She was my princess. But she was so damned trusting… I always had this fear I wouldn't be able to protect her.” He rubbed his chin. “I ended up doing just that.”

  “So you sold her off to Alex Jordan?”

  Anger flashed through his eyes, as his back straightened. “They seemed like a good match. She ran off before I could explain no one would make her do anything. Then she met you and her life was never the same.” His jaw tightened and he looked away as the fury rose inside me again.

  “And you punished her for that.”

  A shadow crossed his face. “In a way. I should have helped her when she was pregnant instead of pushing her away, but those are my regrets. I have to live with them. When she married Alex, I thought she moved on. It took me a year to find out the truth.” As if it changed anything. He didn't even offer her help back then either. What kind of father was he? Were his ambitions more important than his child?

  “If you were anyone else, I would kill you.” And how I wished he was just a random fucking guy who could pay for all those years I lost in prison. For the years I wasn't with my woman or my child. Killing everyone else was satisfying, but what good did it do, when the director got away without punishment? “But since it would break Vi’s heart, you get to rot in prison instead.” I expected all kinds of different reactions from Edward, from relief to anger. After all, for a proud man like him, what could possibly be worse? He wouldn't mind dying, but this kind of humiliation for everyone to see could break him.

  Instead, I got a fucking frown as if he couldn't possibly comprehend my decision. “Based on what?” he questioned.

  He had the nerve to fucking ask me that? This man had to be seen to be believed. “For framing me for the crime you committed. Your turn’s come to pay for Cliff’s life and to rot in prison. No lawyer in the country will help you,” I shouted, throwing the words he had said to me all those years ago in his face.

  “Are you out of your fucking mind?” he screamed, his face turning red as the veins strained on his neck and he breathed heavily. “I didn't do that! Why would I kill an innocent man?”

  “To put me in prison!”

  “You were a criminal. Of course I didn't want you near her. That just solidified my belief you weren't good enough for her. I didn't kill him.” Fuck this, the old man couldn't even go down with dignity intact.

  “Cut the bullshit and give up, Edward. No one else had reason to frame me, but you. I killed or tortured everyone else. Gotta give it you, I thought it was Alex. But with him and his secret life, he fucking didn't need to. So that leaves only you. Who else would do it?”

  “Now listen here.” He hit my chest, pushing me backward slightly as he got in my face, and I could practically see steam coming out of his ears. “I might have done some bad shit in my life, but never have I ever killed anyone. This is insane!” He practically spat the last words, and studying his features, I couldn't spot an ounce of lie.

  If it wasn't him, who could it be?

  Who could possibly hate me so much he would construct this plan and not even be on my radar? Nothing was adding up here, and I didn't like it, especially when my gut screamed something was wrong and I was missing an important piece of information.

  However, one thing was crystal clear to me.

  It wasn't about hating just me, because putting me in prison accomplished only one thing.

  Vivian was free for the taking, and the message I had gotten on that fateful night held more meaning than ever.

  And if he didn't want to kill me… it meant he wanted Vivian to be stuck in limbo so she wouldn't even think about moving on to someone else.

  “Blyat,” I muttered, and right in that moment, Vivian dashed outside, looking ridiculously out of place in her tight, black pants and a purple see-through shirt with lacy sleeves that emphasized her delicate features and feminine beauty.

  Every man in close vicinity would be able to see her beautiful breasts! Growling, I took off my jacket and extended it to her, and she must have read something in my eyes, because she took it with a roll of hers.

  “What’s going on?” she asked confused.

  “We are leaving. Now.”

  Her eyes widened, a
nd she opened her full mouth, probably to complain, when Jake plastered himself against my knee after coming out of the stables. “Daddy! You came!”

  Willing myself to calm down, because my son didn't need to see my fury, I picked him up and let him hug the shit out of me. Inhaling his scent, I was once again reminded how precious he and his mother were to me, and how impossible it was to stay here anymore, especially if that director wandered around, waiting for the right moment to strike.

  I wouldn't be as stupid this time. If he wanted me, he could fucking try harming my family or me on my land, where his word meant nothing. We had already played on his territory. “Of course, buddy. Could you do something for me?” He nodded eagerly. “Go to the house, get your bag, and say goodbye to Grandma. We need to go.” He frowned, but without another word, he did what I told him to.

  “Radmir, where are we going?”

  Ignoring her, I faced her dad who stood silent the entire exchange, but then he must have come to the same conclusion, because he jerked his chin slightly as if I fucking needed his approval.

  “It’s for the best, Vivian.”

  “Dad, what the hell is—” She snapped her mouth shut as Jake ran back to us with his backpack heavy on his shoulder.

  “Bye, Grandpa.” He hugged Edward tight, and the old man returned it as he patted his back and joy filled his face.

  At least he loved my son despite him being mine. How did he manage to do that if he hated my bastard in the beginning? The man despised me so much he probably called him only that. My hands itched to clock him just for this alone, but I restrained myself.

  “Gleb, car. Buddy, go with my friend here. Mommy and I will follow you in a second.” My enforcer was behind me. I didn't even need to check. He was like a shadow, looming everywhere.

  “Hey, little man, I’m Gleb.”

  Jake shook hands with him and then squealed. “You have a hockey tattoo on you!”

  “Was a goalie all through high school.”

  “Awesome.” As they moved toward the car, their voices faded away; just excited squeals were heard in the distance.


  She folded her arms. “What? Should I run back to the house and get my bag too? Is that an order?” She glared at me, mocking my earlier voice.

  “Come with me willingly—”


  “Or I’ll make you. It’s your choice.”

  Her mouth hung open while her father watched us, fascinated for some reason. Why the fuck did he want to listen to our argument?

  “Try,” she challenged, but then stepped back, probably understanding how stupid it was to goad the angry beast inside me.

  “Fine.” Before she could even blink, I reached her, bent down, and threw her over my shoulder. She started screaming like a banshee and hitting my back with her tiny fists.

  “You’ll hear from me again, Edward.” Addressing her father one last time, I moved toward the car, but I still heard his voice.

  “I don’t doubt it, Radmir.”

  “I will not forgive you, Radmir, if you take me somewhere against my will.” She stopped her actions for a moment and asked, “Where are you planning to go?”

  Adjusting her position better so she wouldn't get hurt, I simply said, “Russia.” She gasped and then hit me with all her might once again, this time digging her nails into my lower back, and I winced. “Krasivoglazaya, I’m all for you marking me, but let’s wait for the bedroom, shall we?”

  “You arrogant, cocky, stubborn—”

  Petor opened the car door for us, and I placed her inside, where Jake already sat in the middle, drinking in Gleb’s words. Vivian moved over and sat next to the window while I joined Jake on the other side. “Airport.”

  The car moved smoothly among the dust, as Vi breathed heavily and put her hair back together, her hands fisting the only sign of her frustration. She wouldn't scream with a child in the car.

  “Mommy, we are going to Russia!” He swiped his iPad and an image appeared. He practically shoved it into Vi’s face. “We can visit this ice skating rink! Isn’t it awesome?”

  She forced a smile on her face and hugged him close so he ended up in the crook of her arm. “Yes, honey, it is.” But the glare she sent my way spoke about retribution later.

  She could yell, hit, be mad at me.

  But she’d be at my side with my child, safe, and in my fucking country.

  Seemed like a good bargain to me.


  The drive to the airport was relatively short, only thirty minutes, in which Jake chatted excitedly about his upcoming trip with Gleb, who hadn't changed at all, except for a few new tattoos on his neck.

  He was a tall guy with a lean body, strong jaw, and the greenest eyes I had ever seen on a man. It went well with his silver, shoulder-length hair. He reminded me of an elf, especially when he let his hair hang loose and not in a bun, and he would often scowl at my comparison, particularly when the guys laughed at him for it. He had the patience of a saint, and I always wondered about his roots. But since he was from the foster care system and found on the streets of Boston, no one knew much about him.

  “We are flying in the Bratva plane,” Radmir said, but I ignored him, continuing to look with fake fascination at the empty desert road, although a few things popped up here and there. “The same one we traveled in to Irkutsk.” The place where he introduced me to the amazing Baikal Lake, nothing compared to the power and strength of that lake or how I could sit for hours and listen to the waves crashing against the stones as the icy-cold water nipped at my bare feet. Jake had the image of it on his iPad, so his next question didn’t surprise me.

  “What’s Baikal Lake, Daddy?” I could hear the smile on his face as he replied.

  “I’ll show you someday. The sight is too beautiful for any description to give it justice.”

  At least we agreed on something.

  I couldn't believe my ears when he ordered me to travel, as if my life was not my decision at all. He gave me no explanation, nothing. He showed up furious and gave me no choice, and I would have fought him hard if it wasn't for Jake. He didn't need to see us fight.

  I wasn't furious he took us away, because deep down in his voice and eyes I could detect fear, and he believed he did it for our safety. But how he went about it was a different story. He had a lot to learn about relationships, and I wouldn't make it easy for him either.

  His warm palm covered mine as he laced his fingers with mine, waiting for my reaction, and for a second, just because he probably needed to reassure himself I was here with him, I squeezed it lightly but quickly snatched it back so he wouldn't get cocky about it.

  “Vi—” The car stopped smoothly as we parked next the Bratva’s elegant plane and the guys got up, helping Jake and me.

  Gleb went first to check the area, or so was the drill six years ago, then nodded for us. Jake went first, then Radmir and me with Petor, Yuri, and Misha. That guy was freaking weird, and I didn't even want to know what he did for the brotherhood.

  Someone would pick up the cars later on; those were the rules.

  Yeah, the plane itself hadn't changed much. The Bratva liked to fly in style, and this thing was nothing but luxurious. If one only knew the cost of the expensive wood used for the seats, tables, and bars. The main area with six wide, first-class style seats had a flat-screen TV and a Wi-Fi connection. On the far end was one bedroom with a shower inside, along with two restrooms.

  And a super comfortable bed, which could withstand hours of lovemaking and allowed a variety of positions.

  A blush spread through me, and I touched my heated cheeks and caught Radmir’s eyes on me. He winked, probably guessing my thoughts.

  Arrogant ass.

  Oleg greeted me with a wide smile on his face, and a hug. “Hey, Vi!”

  “Oleg! How are you? How is your wife?” I knew back then they had two kids and he was a damn good pilot, and he was never involved in any shady business of the mafia. He
never asked questions either, which was always a plus.

  “We have twins now too.”

  “That’s great! I’m so happy.” He glanced at Jake who sat next to Gleb as they watched some clips on the iPad. Those two had quickly become friends.

  “You have a mini version of Radmir.”


  “Oleg, start the damn plane instead of shooting the breeze with my woman,” Radmir growled. The man chuckled and, with a salute, disappeared into the cockpit.

  Folding my arms, I asked, “Aren’t you gonna join him?” His eyes flashed at my tone.

  “Not today. And tone down the attitude, krasivoglazaya. Or your ass gets red.”

  My jaw almost hit the ground. “Are you out of your mind?” I hissed, checking that no one heard him. “And besides, there will be no sex in the near future, so you can forget about it.”

  Before I could spin around, he pressed my back to his chest, whispering for me only, “We fight, we disagree, but under no circumstances do you take your body away from me. It’s the most absolute law of this relationship.”

  My breath hitched as he rubbed his thumb against my pulse. “We have no laws!”

  “We do now.” Amusement colored his voice, and I broke free from his embrace.

  “Dream on, sovietnik.” And he laughed at my reply as I sat down by the window after making sure Jake was fastened in and comfortable.

  This flight would be long.


  The guys sat opposite each other, playing poker, and they showed their cards and groaned loudly as Misha won once again. “Always a pleasure to travel with you.” He tossed the cards in his hand and then started a new round. “Radmir, want to join us?” Rubbing my tired eyes, I shook my head and stood while they just smirked.

  Little shits probably placed bets on when I’d give in to temptation and follow my woman into the room where she took Jake to sleep. The thirteen-hour flight was too exhausting for him. He’d played with Gleb for hours, while Vivian read one of her books. I was content just watching them and listening to music on the iPad. Being in prison taught you to learn to live with your thoughts twenty-four hours a day, so long flights were nothing for me.


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