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Sovietnik's Fury

Page 19

by V. F. Mason

  “How is Rosa?”

  “She’s good, a fighter that one. Plus, she has that possessive beast of a man with her. Dom takes good care of her.” Konstanciya laughed then wondered aloud, “Is Radmir in the doghouse?”

  “Doghouse?” How the hell did she know that?

  “He fell from your graces, so you are keeping the pussy away from him?”

  Blinking at her boldness, I grabbed the glass and took a sip, enjoying the bittersweet taste. Good stuff, Michael had great taste.

  “I didn't do it. He’s the one who is ignoring me and doesn't get hints.”

  “Just FYI, in case you girls wonder, men don’t get hints. You have to be frank with us,” Michael pointed out, putting his ass on the empty chair and scooting it into the middle so all of us could sit in a sort of circle.

  “Agreed,” Kostya said, and at this, Konstanciya flushed.

  “I’m always frank with you.”


  “Yes, I want your dick and that’s that. You know where we stand,” she said so matter-of-fact I choked on my drink, while Melissa just shifted her eyes from one to the other.

  “Ah, finally conversations about dicks. In this place, it’s all about pussy.” Michael made a duck face on the last word, clearly mocking it. I giggled, and he added more wine to my glass.

  “Shut up, Michael. Do not talk about my dick with him,” Kostya warned us girls, and although his voice was stern, I noticed a hint of amusement in the corners of his eyes.

  Michael opened his mouth to fire back, but he was interrupted by another interesting question.

  “So you are pregnant with kaznachei's baby?” Konstanciya asked Melissa, and she furrowed her brows.

  “Who?” Her whole attention was on the chocolate cake Larissa, the Bratva’s cook, baked for after dinner.

  Rolling her eyes, Konstanciya elaborated, “Kaznachei, as in Yuri, the financial genius in this brotherhood.”

  Melissa froze for a second, then resumed eating, although with less enthusiasm. “Yeah.”

  “How did it happen?” She kept on bugging the girl, even though she was clearly not in the mood. Who would be? He didn't claim her as his, and it must have been hard.

  By the way she sometimes acted in his company, I had a feeling she didn't get the memo from him that their time together was just fucking and nothing serious.

  “Maybe we should change the sub—”

  Konstanciya didn't let me finish, sending a glare my way. “Hell, no. I wanna know the details. What’s the point of this get-together, then? And I don't have it in me to act all polite like the rest of you.” She pointed at the rest of the Bratva, who carefully listened to our conversation, even though they were pretending to do their shit. They even turned down the music. “Apparently, I'm the only brave one here.”

  She kind of got us all there, because the topic of Yuri getting an FBI agent of all people pregnant was the main talk among the Bratva. As much as they hated her profession, several of them already wondered how to protect her and the baby during her pregnancy, since she worked in a dangerous job. Although Melissa could probably take care of herself, I found it sweet how much they were willing to do for the baby.

  “We had sex,” Melissa finally said. “Bad sex that lead to a pregnancy. I expected way better from the Mafia guys.” She almost sang the words, while the people quieted around us, and Kostya even spilled a drink on the counter at this information. I barely restrained myself from bursting with laughter; their reaction was priceless.

  She moaned at another bite of the cake, when a cold yet amused voice from behind her spoke. “Was it now?” Melissa's eyes widened in shock as Yuri came closer to her. He leaned closer to her ear, while her breath hitched, and said loud enough for everyone to hear. “Then let's give it another chance, shall we?”

  “Go to hell, Yuri.”

  His jaw ticked, the only thing that indicated his emotions.

  “Well, this is awkward,” Michael said. “That explains why you never get laid around here, man.” He patted Yuri’s arm. “Pity really, with your looks.”

  I had a feeling any minute Yuri’s fury would boil over on him, when Melissa stood up and faced him.

  “Fine. Let’s have sex.” She pushed her hair over her shoulder and then tugged on his tie. Another weird thing about the guy, he wore ties almost every day, which often looked out of place. “For old times’ sake.” And with that, they left the main room as he trailed down to his apartment.

  “See what I mean?” Michael whispered. “You should take pointers from her.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Stop sulking in your room and go make out with your guy. He hurt you, you hurt him, kiss it all better together, and it’s done, just like that.” He clicked his fingers. “And learn not to do that in the future.” Then he kissed me on the cheek. “Babe, I’ve been in a relationship for the last three years, so I know what I’m talking about.” He sent me a wink and looked over my shoulder. I glanced back as Radmir walked into the compound, wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants, and his eyes landed on me.

  Heat, desire, need, want, longing.

  They held it all, and someone had to break the ice. Might as well be me.

  As I sauntered toward Radmir, Michael raised his hand to high-five me, and I slapped it. He winked again, and in a matter of moments, I reached Radmir, fisting the front of his shirt and bringing him closer to me.

  “You told me we can fight, hurt each other, but sex would never be off limits. Where were you the last two days?”

  He swallowed harshly, wrapping his arm around my waist so I felt his rough muscles against me. “I gave you time.”

  “Well, I don’t need any more.”

  “Good.” Then without taking his eyes off me, he barked at Gleb, “We’re going to your room. Do not enter until I tell you we left.”

  “Sure.” Then he muttered quietly, “Does it have to be my room?” But I stopped paying attention to him when Radmir picked me up, circling my legs and arms around him so I came in direct contact with his hard-on. We rushed to God knows where, because Gleb owned a room and not apartment wings like the sovietnik or kaznachei.

  “Could you hurry?” I moaned into his ear, biting the lobe and then licking it as he jerked.

  “Fuck, one second.” He finally entered the room and pressed me against the wall. He ripped my dress open and then did the same to my bra, exposing my full and aching breasts to him as he, without warning, took one then the other in his mouth, licking and sucking, driving me crazy as I gripped his head, never wanting him to stop. Hiking my dress up, he slid down his pants and entered me, catching my cry of pleasure and pain at the same time. His kiss was a bit rough, with his tongue pushing deep as he rocked back and forth, impaling me on his hard length, driving me crazy with need and desire.

  My lungs burned. Pushing his head, I gulped a needed breath and then bit hard on his neck, getting off on how he twitched inside me. “Mine,” I said as he chuckled, tugging on my head. I had no choice but to arch my neck for him to do the same.

  This was pure fucking and had nothing to do with lovemaking, no sweet spoken words or foreplay or mood.

  Just two people in a mating frenzy.

  “Who do you belong to, krasivoglazaya?” he asked huskily, driving deeper into me.

  “You,” I gasped, clenching my muscles tighter around him.

  “Damn, yes, you do.” He squeezed my nipples and then blew on them softly. “No one can have this but me, understand? Claimed from the first fucking touch.”

  I nodded, his thrusts taking me higher and higher in pleasure. “I was yours from the first glance.”

  “Mine then and mine now,” he groaned as fire spread through me, igniting my veins. My head got dizzy and all those bottled-up emotions erupted in pleasure so strong I wasn't sure I could survive.

  My scream echoed in the room, and Radmir made no move to cover it up. Then he roared his own orgasm, pumping into me a few more times.

sp; Our ragged breaths mingled as we kissed passionately, not caring the least about the sweat and cum dripping between us, my fingers running up and down his back.

  We held each other till our breathing became normal, and the desire became a dull blur instead of a raging inferno.

  Only then, I remembered where we were and what he did to my clothes.

  “Oh, my God, how will I walk back to our room? My dress is ripped,” I squealed. “Maybe I can borrow one of Gleb’s shirts?” A gasp escaped me as he slapped me on the ass.

  “You won’t be wearing his anything.” He squeezed my ass. “This belongs to me, so my clothes will be covering up your beautiful body.” He searched for his shirt, put it over my head, and it slid down to the middle of my thighs. Still a lot of skin exposed, but it would have to do.

  Giggling, I wrapped my hands around his neck as he picked me up in his arms and dashed to our room.

  People were right in a way. Make-up sex was worth the fight.


  The phone buzzed loudly in the middle of the night, snapping me awake as Vivian lay on my chest. She stirred, and I scanned the room for my cell.

  But it wasn't here. I must have left it back at the gym. What the fuck rang then?

  Adjusting my eyes to the dark, I noticed Vivian’s phone on the nightstand on her side and leaned over to turn it off, but she mumbled into my neck, “Give it to me.” Not liking that someone disturbed her sleep, I did what she asked, because I was tired of being in the doghouse. Placing it next to her ear, I traced my finger on her back, relaxing her more into me as she answered, “Hello? Tina?” So it was her sister who called. Wasn't she busy roaming around Europe with her fiancé? “It’s three in the morning here, baby sis. You kind of woke me up, so excuse me, if I’m not all cheery.” She frowned and then rose up on my chest, sitting right on my dick, and I groaned as it stirred to life. Her eyes widened as she glanced back, and she mouthed, “Again?”


  Rolling her eyes at this lame reply, she continued her chat. “Are you serious? When? Where?” Tina squealed something into the phone. “Sounds great! Sure, I’ll be there. Why?” Frowning once again, she then shrugged. “Fine. Love you too. Bye.” She threw the phone on the mattress next to my head as I raised my brow, expecting an explanation.

  “Tina and John are flying to Moscow now. She decided to visit me and my sexy Russian.”

  I smirked at this nickname, but my bliss didn't last long as she pinched me on the side. “Vicious woman,” I murmured.

  She continued, “They are staying at the Marriott, and she asked me to come tomorrow, because she wants to meet you and gossip about you.”

  Raising myself on the bed, I gripped her head closer to mine so our mouths brushed against each other. “Not without me.” My growl didn't affect her at all. Instead, she laced her fingers through my hair, exposing her neck for me as she shifted on my lap, rubbing herself against my cock.

  “Of course. I wouldn’t want to put myself in danger while you still haven’t figured out who’s after us.”

  Exhaling a sigh of relief that she didn’t fish for another fight, I thanked the gods for this.

  Skimming my lips over her skin, I sucked hard on her neck, for sure leaving a hickey for everyone to see who she belonged to.

  The sheet fell down between us, and I removed it hastily, not liking anything blocking access to my woman. “Only inside the hotel. You do not move your pretty, sexy ass”—I squeezed it in my hands, impaling her on my cock with one swift move as she groaned loudly—“outside without my permission.” Sliding my hand to her breast, I weighed it in my palm before biting it slightly and then sucking it into my mouth. She scratched my head then rocked up and down again, driving me fucking insane.

  “Okay.” She slid her hands to my back, digging her nails in and scratching my already bruised skin. Not liking the friction, I flipped Vi on her back and drove deep, moving the mattress. She groaned, wrapping her legs around me and pushing her pelvis up, meeting my thrusts with eager desire as I took her mouth in a deep kiss and entwined our hands on each side of her head.

  In and out. In and out.

  Her pussy clenched around me as she finished our kiss, gasping for breath, and her scream echoed in the room, and in a second, I followed her with my roar.

  Lying on top of her, breathing heavily, I wondered if any other bliss existed in this world.

  I had no idea what living was until I met her.

  My life started and ended with Vivian Jackson, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


  Putting the final touches on my makeup, I brushed my hair as it cascaded down my back, and I swirled around in my white A-line dress, which hugged my body enough to emphasize the curves but not enough to give it all away. Choosing matching five-inch heels gave the whole chic look of the fifties, and I loved it.

  Grabbing my red clutch, I walked into the living room while Radmir stood near the fridge and drank water, but he froze once he noticed me. His eyes scanned my appearance, heating up with desire, and then he stepped forward, his body still sweaty from the workout he had done earlier. One of the reasons why I woke up alone in bed with only his smell on the pillow to greet me.

  “Don’t you dare, Radmir.”

  His mouth lifted in a half smile. “If that’s supposed to stop me, then you are using the wrong words.”

  “I spent an hour on my makeup and clothes. I can’t look freshly fucked when I visit my sister.” I sounded scandalized even to my own ears.

  His face turned grim. “No one is allowed to see you freshly fucked, as you put it, but me, krasivoglazaya.” He brushed his thumb against my lower lip. “That sight belongs only to me.”

  Oh, no.

  He wouldn't let me go without an orgasm, because the possessive beast inside him would want to stake a claim after thoughts like that. He placed his hands on my hips, gripping me tightly, and lifted me onto the nearby desk, pushing the papers onto the floor.

  “Jake—” I started.

  “Stayed at the gym with the guys. We have time.” He pushed aside my legs, making room for himself while hiking my dress up, and he groaned at noticing my matching see-through thong that barely covered my pussy.

  “My dress and makeup—” With his touch, it was harder and harder to resist as desire spread through me like fire, and I couldn't stop the hitch of my breath or my nipples hardening against the soft fabric of the dress.

  “I’ll just bring you pleasure, without you having to do anything.” He spread my legs as wide as he could, placing them over his shoulders, kneeling in front of me as his hot breath fanned my heated core. He pulled my panties to the side and inhaled me, running his nose on the edges of my pussy. “Just a reminder of who you belong to.” As if I could ever forget.

  All thoughts escaped my mind when he probed his tongue deep, pushing it inside, kissing my core deeply while his fingers dug into my thighs. I arched my back and pelvis, bringing me closer to his mouth. He moved up and licked from one lower lip and then the other, while his thumb played with my clit as a moan escaped my mouth.

  “Radmir.” Sliding my fingers into his hair, I tugged, bringing his mouth even closer while he continued feasting on me. It ignited a fire through my veins, him sucking loudly, not hiding his hunger for me. With his every breath, lick, and touch, he reestablished his claim, and above everything else, that he loved me.

  My toes curled inside my shoes as I grazed his back with one of my heels, and he groaned loudly. I probably left marks but I loved it. He belonged to me as much as I did to him, and better every woman in the Bratva know it.

  Sexy sovietnik belonged to me and no one else.

  I was already losing my head, getting lost in the pleasure he had created, when he added a finger, and it was enough to send me into a frenzy. As my pussy clenched around his finger, and ripples of pleasure rushed through me, I gulped for breath, but instead of letting me go, he cupped my ass and pushed his tongue deep,
replacing his finger, and probably getting more of my taste.

  Too spent to react, I lay back on the table, catching my breath while he sucked me dry and then kissed it gently one last time before moving my thong in place, adjusting my dress, and helping me up so our mouths met.

  The kiss was dirty and deep, and I could taste myself on him, but I didn't care. He drank from me as his erection dug into my stomach, and I whimpered, wanting to take care of my man. He chuckled against my mouth, catching my hand and wrapping it around his flesh. “Feel this, krasivoglazaya? It’s yours.” I tried to get into his sweatpants, but he swatted my hands away. “You’ll get it once you’re back here where you belong. So you won't be away long.”

  “So arrogant.”

  He winked, grabbed the bottle of water, and extended his hand to me. “You know it’s the truth. Let’s go. You can see our boy before you go and then have fun with you sister under Petor’s supervision.”

  I rolled my eyes at the last comment.

  Dominic called an early meeting and Radmir had no choice but to attend. While I offered not to go without him, my sister kept on sending me messages all the time, and it was such unusual behavior it worried me. So I called him to the gym and asked what we should do. He told me to go with Petor and two byki, while he informed the security of the hotel to make sure to keep an eye on me. He’d join me as soon as the meeting would be done.

  My sexy, possessive Russian.

  I hoped he’d never change.

  Holding hands, we walked downstairs, where he took me through various doors and passed Petor, who saluted me from the car that was already running. Radmir probably called him in advance, but we bypassed him as we turned to a massive garage-like building.

  As we came closer to the gym, the sound of familiar music blaring from the speakers could be heard to the point that even the metal doors shook, and I shared a look with Radmir, but he just shrugged and opened it for me. An unbelievable picture greeted me.


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