Book Read Free


Page 5

by Jade Damboise Rail

  Anna-Marie felt nervous and awkward in the conference room, some federal guy who had approached her in the street had offered her a great deal of money for what she was maybe going to do. They hadn’t told her what it was yet, but she was still very nervous. Her daughter in the hospital needed money more than ever, Anna had never been rich enough to get insurance.

  Some guy in a dark green shirt entered the room, closed the door behind him and sat at the table.

  “Hello, Anna-Marie. One of our agents has approached you on the street and offered you a job I’m here to explain the job to you. You see the recently debarked aliens are being diplomatic, but they request a fee people to do scientific tests on.”

  “Um, I don’t know. I mean, scientific test done on me by aliens?”

  Her voice trailed off.

  “They’ve agreed to be friendly, you’ll be in good hands, they have no reason to hurt you, they will simply do a few tests, and the military will be there every second of the day to make sure everything’s all right. And you wouldn’t want your daughter’s hospital bills to go unpaid now would you?”

  The tall man in the suite was convincing with his dark hair and honest blue eyes. Plus he looked so professional with his black tie stripped with white.

  “I agree to being tested on.”

  “Great!” He said, light illuminating his eyes.

  He stepped out from the room a moment. Anna was feeling very uneasy, her palms were sweaty. The tall man came back in the room carrying a manila envelope. He opened it and took out what seemed to be a contract.

  “Okay now sign here, here, and here.” He said pointing to three areas on the first page of the maybe thirty page document.

  “Shouldn’t I rea....”

  “Nah, reading takes time and we don’t have that, plus it’s no good to get you all stressed up. Just sign and it’ll be done. You won’t regret it I swear.”


  Anna picked up the fancy shining black pen the man was handing her and signed her name in the spots made for that. The man was smiling.

  “Someone will be with you in a second.” He said.

  Five minute later, another man stepped in. He was wearing a black suit and tie, sunglasses and he had a bud in his ears. He looked cool and professional, as if he were all business.

  “Madam, please follow me.”

  Anna-Marie did not know what to do but follow him and she did so. She was brought into a car, some kind of big black and clean SUV. The person who brought her there put a hand on her arm, opened the back door and directed her to the back seat. Anna sat down, she was very afraid now, she wasn’t exactly sure what was going on. There was another agent sitting in the car, dressed the same as the first but with hair a mix between blond and light brown. He nodded to her.

  “My name is Todd, we’re taking care of everything, don’t worry about a thing, just stay calm.”

  Anna tried to stay calm as the man fastened her seatbelt because she had been too stressed out and worried to think about it.

  Everything’s going to be alright, she thought, taking deep breaths; I’m doing this for rose.

  The car ride was long, and Anna’s nervousness made her tired to the point where she fell asleep in the car, unconsciously leaning on the agent sitting next to her. She was awakened minutes later, and she was somewhere warm. She could tell because the doors of the SUV were opened.

  “Hi, I’m kirfeliy.” Said a woman standing next to the car.

  She had skin that was the lightest of greys and the tip of her ear was pointy, just like her earlobe too. Her eyes were immense and purple, and got bidder and smaller, reacting to the most insignificant change of light. She also had very high cheekbones.

  “I’m going to be taking care of you now.” Kirfeliy told Anna.

  She led her into a little cleared plastic box, with seats. She put Anna in one of the seats and closed the little door then fastened a seat belt on Anna. Anna felt herself lift, and she looked down to see that the cube she was sitting in was mounted on this sort of dragon-like creature. Anna was starting to get very scared, especially since she had always been afraid of heights. She felt as if she were going to puke.

  “It’s okay, Anna, we’ll take good care of you.” Said the creepy aliens known as Kirfeliy.

  Anna-Marie wasn’t sure about the whole thing anymore, but she reminded herself that she was doing this for her pour daughter, to pay her hospital bills, so she could lead a happy and normal life. It didn’t matter what happened to Anna as long as her daughter was okay.

  “We’re here.” Kirfeliy told Anna.

  The trip had gone amazingly fast, and now she was standing inside what seemed to be a dome, a very big on with a landing strip. Kirfeliy undid her seat belt, and proceeded to getting her out.

  “Right this way.” She said, leading Anna to a doorway that gleamed with a kind of purple light.

  Kirfeliy took Anna’s hand and directed her though. Anna felt something weird as they passes thought, and when they passed, they were in an entirely different room. It half looked partly like a lab, partly like a high tech dungeon, and partly like and insane asylum. There were several seats like those of dentist, except there were straps on them.

  To hold someone down, Anna realised.

  “I take everything back,” Anna started, “I’ll find another way to pay my daughter’s hospital bills.”

  She said that in a panicked voice.

  “Strap her down.” Said Kirfeliy, all the soft comforting tone out of her voice.

  Anna screamed as they strapped her down to the chair. Two strong men grabbing her and holding her down while Kirfeliy fastened the straps on Anna’s arms, legs, body, neck and even head, until she could not move and inch. They stuffed something in her mouth to get her to stop screaming and they started discussing calmly, as if they were discussing what to do with a lab rat.

  That’s what I am; Anna thought last before they injected her with something, something that sent intense pain through her body.


  Zephyr woke up, gasping for breath, Harley was leaning over her.

  “Are you okay? We were trying to wake you up but you wouldn’t.”


  Harley saw that Daniel and Keith were looking at her with intent and they looked worried.

  “Fine, I had a dream again. I have to speak with the president but Garnet won’t let me.”

  Daniel, who hardly ever talked looked away as if her were ashamed.

  “Let me try something.” Zephyr said.

  She closed her eyes. What she was trying to do was to see if she could find the president’s mind and talk to it, but something else happened. She felt herself flying across the land, out of her body. She wasn’t on the bed with her friends looking at her with worry, she was flying wildly over America, and that’s when she saw it, the white house. She instinctively slowed down and entered the white house, passing right through the walls, because she wasn’t really there. Zephyr passed through several room until she saw the president, sitting at his desk, filling in papers.

  “President.” Zephyr said.

  The president looked up and saw Zephyr, half transparent, like a host. He opened his mouth in surprise.

  “Hi, um, I’m Zephyr, I’m a story traveler with special powers.”

  Zephyr found that she was no longer a flying shapeless mind. She could actually walk and touch things, but she could also go through then. She sat on the couch that was placed conveniently right in front of the president’s desk.

  “I have to talk to you sir, and it’s very important that you listen. Like I said, I have special powers, and one is that when I go to sleep, I often see what is going on in someone else’s life through their eyes. First of all, I wish to say that you should continue the preparations to fight against the aliens...”

  “Why? Tay said they would be peaceful...”

  “They are trying to trick you! They want you to believe they are friendly, so that
they’ll surprise when you attack! We’ll be completely unprepared, and we’ll have many more casualties than if you start preparing for war.”

  “Okay, I’ll discuss it with the vice president. Now what was the second thing you wanted to talk to me about?”

  “Are you giving humans away to be tested on by the aliens?”

  “No! I would never do that.”

  A worried and ashamed look crossed his face.

  “I did give the FBI the right to do anything to keep the aliens happy and peaceful.”

  “Well, it seems the FBI is giving away humans to be tested on by the aliens, and I’m not sure they care if those people get hurt or not. I might have to go back now before my friends get worried, just think about what I said.” Zephyr was about to leave and go back into the weird flying state when the president stopped her.

  “Can I tell you something?” He asked.

  Zephyr nodded.

  “Before this entire thing with the aliens, you would have come to me, and I would have thought I was having hallucinations, but now, I guess I feel like anything is possible.”

  “I understand, I feel like anything is possible now to. The council of enforcer’s has been hiding so many things.”

  Zephyr then made a peace sign, winked and stuck out her tongue before going back to the bodiless state. The trip was much faster this time, as if her k knew where to go, and her body was calling her back. If Zephyr could have been able to breathe in the state she was in, the trip would have made her breathless; instead, she came back to her body, and found herself still lying in bed, breathing calmly.

  “Zephyr! You fell asleep again! What was that?”

  Keith was hysterical.

  “Looks like I just developed a new power. This power is real cool; I was able to talk to the president. And to answer your question Keith, that was me being me so you better get used to it.”

  Harley was obviously relieved that Zephyr was her old self again so she grabbed Zephyr’s hands and pulled her up from the bed.

  That day, Zephyr had a realisation. She realised that one little organisation like this wouldn’t be able to save the world. She got everyone gathered in the main room in the club area.

  “Does anyone here know any story travelers in other areas?”

  Hands shot up.

  “I will ask you to call, email, or go see these people, and give them specific instructions on how to get an organisation like this one going. They rich guy, I don’t know if he’s here, may accept to give you money for plane tickets. I want you each to chose a region, and make another organisation or whatever we can call this. It’s important that you do so, or else humanity will never survive their bound to start attacking son.”

  “That makes sense!” one person yelled, “Why didn’t we think of that before?”

  The truth is Zephyr had thought about it before, she was just waiting for the right time to put it into practice.

  One guy came up to her.

  “Hi um, I have my dad’s credit card and he’s a millionaire, I can help you with stuff.”

  He tossed back his dark brown and messy hair.

  “That’d be great, but there’s something I need to do first.”

  Zephyr went to a computer, with everyone watching and started to surf the internet until she found what she needed, it was a site dedicated to story travelers. You had to pass a test to enter, a test easily passed by anyone who is actually a story traveler.

  “Here.” A map appeared onto the screen.

  “Keith, I need you to put this map on a computer program that can like, do stuff like find stuff when you research stuff and put dots on it and link one dot to another with it.” Zephyr asked Keith.

  He walked up to the computer and started typing; soon the map was placed in the middle of a bunch of buttons on the screen.

  “There, each dot represents a club like the spider club. Red translucent stuff covering up the map represents suspected areas of rule breaker cells and stuff.”

  “Okay great Keith; now stay there for a second. Now everyone else line up, and tell me where you have connections. Keith will then find you a flight that hopefully Dean will pay for.”

  Most of the people lined up.

  “Dean, while Keith takes care of that, we’re going shopping.”

  He nodded.

  “How many are you?” Zephyr asked as loud as she could without actually screaming. One person strayed away from the line and counted.

  “We’re thirty eight, but some people are still gone.”

  Zephyr nodded and walked out the door with Dean following. They went to the bus stop.

  “Don’t you think it’s funny Dean, that the earth is inhabited by aliens and that there might be a giant war we can’t possibly win, but the buses are still running normally, the airways are still open.”

  “Yes, but I’m sure people are living in fear, it’s just that the aliens are not a big enough threat to stop living.”

  Zephyr smiled.

  “Interesting theory. At least I know I’m not going shopping with a bird brain. You know instead of saying bird brain, people should say dinosaur brain. Dinosaurs are way dumber than birds. For the size of their body, their brains were like grains of sand.”

  A bus arrived and they got on, Dean paying with his credit card.

  “So Dean, we need cell phones, thirty eight of them, with unlimited calling, that you can’t track, for as low of a price as possible, where shall we go?”

  “I know just the place. My dad’s friend owns it, so we’ll get a discount. Plus, since the aliens arrived, we’re pretty much allowed to tell others about book traveling, so my dad knows that I’m trying to save the planet, he won’t mind my using his money for it.”

  The bus ride lasted thirty minutes, and when it was finally over, Zephyr and Keith got off and got on another bus. Zephyr sat there bored, while the bus moved on the streets.

  “Are we there yet?” She asked in a very bored voice.

  “Not yet, in about...”he looked at his watch, “ten minutes.”

  Zephyr groaned. Patience was not one of her qualities. If someone would of told her though, she would of said: “What qualities?”

  Ten minutes later, Dean pressed on the little button that told the driver to stop. The bus driver stopped at the next bus stop and the two travelers got off.

  “Right there.” Dean said pointing to a store.

  It said gold appliances.

  “We’ll find what we need there.”

  They entered, and Zephyr saw rows and rows of tables with appliances like toasters, blenders, etc. They went further to another section that contained things like IPods MP3 players, cameras, video cameras, GPS system, cell phones and more.

  Dean walked directly to a door that lead to an office. It said personnel only but Dean opened and held it open for Zephyr. Zephyr walked in and Dean came after her. There was a little fridge, a table with a few chairs, and a little blue couch. Dean sat down on it and Zephyr did so after him. They waited there for about forty minutes until someone walked in.

  “Hey Dean! How ‘a doing? Is this you’re girlfriend?”

  Zephyr started laughing so hard she fell to the floor, holding her sides and shaking like crazy.

  “Um, no, she’s not.” Dean started. “She’s more of a sort of business associate.”

  Zephyr gave a little snicker.

  “More like your boss if you want to view our organisation that way.” Zephyr said.

  “Yah I guess.”

  The man who had walked in was a little large, bald with an expensive looking suit. He had a large belly and he looked like the kind of guy who’s used to making money.

  “Okay well, Zephyr, this is my dad’s friend Joe, and Joe this is Zephyr.”

  Joe held out his hand and said:

  “You can call me uncle Joe,”

  “More like sloppy Joe.” Zephyr said, not shaking his hand.

  “Not the most polite gal.” He said.

/>   “Don’t worry Joe she’s always like that.”

  “So what are you looking for Dean?”

  The two guys started talking technical, stuff about phones and prices and all that, so Zephyr started wandering the store. She amused herself a while with cameras but they found her ten minutes later playing with the DS on display. Dean and Zephyr went back, and after, they arranged flights for everyone, they were all going to a specific place. The only ones who were left were Zephyr, Harley, Keith and Opal. The rest had gone to areas around America, Canada, Europe Britain, any country you could think of, there was one of Zephyr’s people there, with about one million bucks to spend each.

  The day after that, Zephyr went to the spider club. She got a lot of weird look and Harley did to. Turns out a lot of people blamed Zephyr for what had happened. Which was absurd considering Zephyr had done nothing bad at all. They posted signs on the billboards. They had prepared then the night before. They said:

  Want to help win the war against the invaders?

  We need your help.

  Join us n the orange room at three if you wish to know how.

  Zephyr still needed blood donors for the vampires, and plus, Daniel and Keith were alone with all the characters to take care of, with only instructions on how to take care of them to help. They had various dragons like Saphira, Toothless and other dragons from How to Train You’re Dragon, and they also had some creatures from Harry Potter, and some wizards too. They had Harry Potter in person, his two friends, Zephyr had forgotten their names. They even had some of the teachers at the school. They also had all the Cullen family. Which was great considering they were practicallyinvincible.

  Zephyr and Harley found their way into the orange room, and finally recruited a few people: Latanya, sweet girl with bright orange hair. Ted, weird guy with light brown hair and braces, Gannelli, girl with long blond hair, Kaitlyn, tough and stubborn, a great asset. Emilia, sweet, with all too powerful moral standards but could still help. Rebecca was good and strong and had killer willpower, Darryl with his immaculate planning, Melissa with her off the chart IQ, Valarie with her, well, evilness, Neil, the one who would never leave a man behind (he should join the marine), Chandra, Zephyr didn’t know much about her, Brad, he was kind of an idiot but Zephyr couldn’t really tell him he couldn’t help out and Marylou, the one who was all about following orders. Zephyr came back with all of them, and they installed themselves in the club premises, and ten minutes later, Zephyr’s promise to the vampires remained unbroken.

  For a week, Zephyr thought the vampires and werewolves and some of the humans how to ride on griffins, and Zephyr started receiving updates from other groups. Most of them had the twilight vampires, ugh, Zephyr thought. They all at least had some good assets from books like the warriors in 300. Zephyr told the others to each find a blacksmith who could make things out of silver, and gave them the title of the book Harley and her had gotten stuck in.

  It was a week after that, when they had all been ready for days that the attack started. The new land had appeared in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and they started invading countries. The military was doing their best, but the aliens were to strong, the creatures they were mounted on were bullet proof, and humans soon found out that their riders were too. Zephyr got all of her associates in other countries on a video conference. The ones who were there were all the ones Zephyr had sent of, 38 people. They were doing well, had a great number of usable characters, plus, they had sent off other people to make groups who had sent other people who had talked to other people about who had started some who had sent people to start some, and Zephyr was surprised to hear there were now over five hundred groups around the world. They were all in action and ready to battle, almost every story traveler in the world was participating.

  “Okay, move you’re troupes to circle the enemies, move them to the closest spot where our world reaches theirs. Got it? Make sure everyone who is not an excellent fighter is on a griffin or something, I trust you all have griffins or other flying thing?”

  Everyone in the video conference took turns answering, they all said yes.

  “So on you’re way!”

  Zephyr called all those who were there. She had brought back the blacksmith from the book she had been stuck in and he had brought enough armour and swords to fit everyone there. All the story travelers put them on and they called all the characters. All the Twilight vampires were going to run to the battle field, Eragon was going to ride Saphira, the witches and wizard were going on brooms, but they were all going to help. Zephyr brought everyone to get on a griffin. There were about forty griffins, so all the members of the non-character group plus a few people got on. The blacksmith suited everyone up, and they were gone. The battle field happened to be very close, and on griffin back it took the little group ten minutes to get there. That’s when Zephyr realised something important. She stopped Harley.

  “Harley, what are the chances everybody here,” Zephyr said, gesturing to the horde of people on the backs of flying animals, they had found enough flying things so that everyone had transport, most of them from How to Train Your Dragon, “get out of this alive.”

  A sad look crossed Harley’s face.

  “It’s a person, who fused the two worlds together, that must mean there is some way for a person to reverse it.”

  Harley looked at Zephyr.

  “Why did we not think of that?”

  “I don’t know, lets follow the others to make sure their okay, but after we go find a way to reverse this.”

  They made their griffins accelerate, catching up with the other griffins, the brooms and the dragon. It must be a very strange sight. The battle scene was horrible. It was in a nearby town, and the weird dragons were landed, walking around and grabbing people in their jaws, putting them back down, dead. They were so tall, they were about five times taller than humans almost and their bodies were so long.

  There were soldiers that weren’t on the weird creatures. They had greyish skin and they were a little taller than humans. They were mercilessly slaying the army. The army was trying to push them away from the residential area and into wide open space, but their guns had no effect on the weird aliens. They were no match for their swords. As soon as they were spotted, the creatures rose up with their bug wings and went after them. Zephyr’s team scattered and go ready for battle.

  “Those who are on flying animals solely for transport, get off now and get rid of those aliens, the rest, get slaying the dragons!” Zephyr yelled.

  She was dressed in war attire. She had the arms and leg pads from last time she fought on a griffin and a chest thing. She also had her trusty silver sword with her. So when a Dragon came straight towards her and opened its mouth, Zephyr directed the griffin to veer sideways, going to the side of the dragon thing, and she made it turn around and go backwards, the silver claws on top of its own stuck in the dragon thing’s flesh. It roared and tried to bite at the griffin Zephyr was on. Instinctively, without even thinking about it, Zephyr concentrated on the creature, and something seemed to change in its eyes. Then, without any words, Zephyr told it to fly into a building that looked like it had been evacuated. The creature did as Zephyr wanted to do and crashed head first into the building. It was a good thing the building was big because if it had been any smaller, The bug like dragon would of torn it down, since the dragon was about the size of a five story building. When it crashed, it fell down hopelessly to the ground and stayed there. Zephyr released it, and it turned it head into all directions, trying to figure out what had happened. It tried to get up but it was too weak. Zephyr looked around to see her people on griffins, surrounding one of the dragon bug things and taking turns attacking it, always staying at a safe distance when it wasn’t their turn. They were fine; they didn’t need Zephyr’s help. Zephyr saw that the battle field extended to the infinity on either side of her, this wouldn’t be an easily won war. And to prove that, one griffin was caught in the side by the claws of the alie
ns creature and was spiralling downward. The Dragons, from Eragon and the dragon movies were having more luck. Two on one, or in Saphira’s case one on one. But she had an advantage, fire. Harley was fighting a grounded dragon from the air artfully avoiding attacks and attacking with force herself, making her griffin attack with not only its claws but also its beak. She was bleeding at the shoulder and looked very hurt but she was hanging on, at least hanging on enough to stab her sword into the creature. All the three hundred students from harry Potter were on the ground, having a lot of success. Enemies were falling like flies, Zephyr went to help Harley. The enemies kept coming though. Their enemies were actually circling them, the aliens around probably saw what was going on and decided to help. The Hagwards students were having the most success since they could fight on the ground or on their brooms, and they had magic. The twilight vampires were doing well. With their inhuman strength and the fact they’re impossible to kill, they were getting rid of most of the tall grey people and their long metal swords. One vampire actually got on top of a dragon, the number of the dragons kept getting bigger, killed its rider and was strangling it and ripping at its throat with his teeth. Zephyr’s attention went back to her won battle.

  She plunged down under the dragon’s belly, with her griffin of course, and held up her sword, seeing it rip through her enemies’ stomach. She got out of the way half a second before the dragon would have fallen with her under it.

  “Thanks....Zephyr.” Harley said, out of breath.

  “We can never win this, they just keep coming. The military’s nothing against them...” Zephyr ducked at a dragon claw almost caught her, “and we just can’t continue like that! Can you handle things? I have to go find if there’s a way to stop all this.”

  Harley nodded then had to turn her attention to another of those alien bugs. Zephyr flew higher to see that they weren’t doing so well. Zephyr suddenly felt guilt for dragging so many people into this. From her high up spot, she could see about five dragons lying on the ground, two of them on top of houses. This was a residential area to there weren’t that many high buildings, one or two. The rest was big fancy house and large yards. And in some of those yards, and on the streets, Zephyr could see dead griffins and a few dead dragons, the ones on her side. One big blue one, one with two head and a few of those fat ones with tiny wings. Btu what made the sight so horrible, was the dead people. A ton of them. Most of them town’s people but Zephyr could tell there were some from her group. She could also see some griffins standing over bodies, wondering if they were going to move. Of course she saw this through all the battling aliens’ creatures and the ones on her side. It was a frightening sight, the weird dragons roaring, trying to scare off their attackers, and then tentatively attacking. Witches and wizards on brooms, throwing spells everywhere, red and green lights flashing everywhere, it was happening so fast.

  The only way I can stop this is by leaving it, she thought.

  Having unconsciously decided to control her griffin mentally now that she knew how, they moved almost as if Zephyr was the griffin, its responses to her thoughts and feelings as immediate as the signal that controls one’s movements. Zephyr soared off in the distance, directing her griffin towards the spider club as fast as her griffin could go. Zephyr had to close her eyes against the wind that was hitting her face, and she had to hold on tight as the griffin went so fast its body was constantly in movement. She could now see through its eyes, and she became the griffin, rushing to the spider club, an hour drive from where she was at, but it only took five minutes. She re became herself again after the landing and rushed through the door, running up ten stories and arriving breathless to the room where Sophia tough her classes. She knocked on the door, and Sophie answered.

  “Zephyr! Are you okay? I thought you were out there battling.”

  “I was,” She started, her breathing making it hard to talk, “but there’s no way I we could win, I have to find a way to reverse whatever happened.”

  “Well I don’t know how.” Sophia then said.

  “Well something logical would be that the person who did it should be able to undo it.” Zephyr thought aloud.

  “Oh didn’t you hear?” Sophia started, “The person who did this died right after he did, it took to much of his energy.”

  Suddenly, Sophia’s face lit up.

  “I know! This is the address of a top secret library only enforcers can go to, they might have it there. Actually no,” she said putting the piece o f paper she had been scribbling on back in her pocket. “They wouldn’t have it there; even enforcer’s don’t have access to information that dangerous.”

  She looked thoughtful.

  Then suddenly Zephyr fainted.

  Suddenly Zephyr was everywhere, part of everything; she was the earth under her feet, the air in the sky, the water in the ocean, and all the human made things. A voice kept murmuring to her, but it wasn’t the voice of a person, it was the voice of everything, the voice of magic energy, the energy from which all story traveler powers descend.

  Only you can do this, only you are that powerful, it was whispering to her.

  Then she saw what she was supposed to do.

  “Zephyr! Zephyr! I swear to god you have always been trouble.”

  Sophia was shaking her. Zephyr got up and ran out the door before Sophia could say anything. One minute later she was on her griffin, taking over its body, and directing it. She flew over the clouds, where nobody could see her, and in a matter of minutes, she landed, in the aliens territory. It was a vast area that wasn’t habituated, so Zephyr was safe from the aliens prying eyes. She didn’t have the book, but she didn’t need it. Story travelers could go into stories without books, the only thing was the higher enforcers never told anyone, and most people were too weak to do it, what Zephyr was about to do required tremendous power, that the whispering voice said she had. Zephyr sat down, and started.

  She reached out with her mind, sensing everything at once, every single molecule on earth was now in her focus, and she could literally see the whole world. Btu there was some things, that were not the real world, and she sensed that, and even worse, there was one group of no-terrestrial molecules that were even in the ground beneath her. She sensed that, and then called. With the force of her mind only, she pulled all those molecules.

  You’re going back to your own world, she thought.

  Zephyr made and invisible vortex, that got bigger and bigger, until it surrounded the whole world. Then when her mind gave the signal, all the molecules she was targeting, the aliens, went through it at lightning speed, like a giant, powerful vacuum. Within a millisecond, Zephyr was pulled into the vortex herself, and it closed over her with lightening speed.

  She blinked, to find that she was extremely weak. She looked around her to find out that nothing had changed. She looked around frantically.

  Did it not work? She asked herself.

  That’s when she realised it had, she could sense that she was in a book.

  “Aw, now I’ll have to wait an hour before I go back and hope the aliens don’t find and kill me.”

  No you don’t.

  It wasn’t a voice of a person, it wasn’t even a sound or even words, it was the voice of everything, the voice of the universe talking to her, and it was right, if she was powerful enough to do what she had just done, she could surely return before an hour. She didn’t even have to say the formula, she just had to want to go home, and she was home, after a flash of white light.

  She appeared in the middle of the rule breaker’s hideout, and found that Harley and the others were there, actually not all the others. Zephyr realised some of them were probably dead. Zephyr was about to collapse to the ground from weakness, but Keith caught her.

  “I believe the rules will be abolished,” He said, “congradulations.”

  Author’s Note

  I’m currently working on some other books, let’s hope they turn out okay. Thank you so very much for reading, I would love
to hear what you thought.

  These are to come:

  Let’s Forget Logic

  The Mythical Argument

  The Mythical Order

  Well that was a short author’s note. I feel like I should be signing this or something, I mean I always sign my drawings when I’m done.

  Join me:



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