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The Secret Weapon

Page 9

by Bridget Denise Bundy

  “Alright everyone, I want ten girls to line up side by side, and I want everyone to line up behind them. Try to get the lines as even as possible. Move ladies, there is no need for discussion. There is a lot to be done. We don’t have a lot of time for chitchat.” Sekai spoke with authority as she moved the full length of the room.

  Four more women entered dressed in grey suits just like Sekai, and they stood facing the girls. The short bleach blonde was named Jorda. The second was a Japanese woman called Hanako. Lacey was the third woman who had short blonde hair, and the fourth woman name Reyna was a native Puerto Rican.

  All five women brought out square devices. Each one took two lines each, and they went to the front of the closest line holding the box and begun giving each girl instructions on what to do.

  Coraset was near the end of the line not too far behind the sobbing woman, whose name was Katarin. She was still crying. Coraset couldn’t stand it. She tapped on a woman in front of her named Aisling, but the woman acted like she didn’t feel anything. Coraset was trying to keep her patience and not be rude. She tapped Aisling again, but this time a little harder. Aisling twisted around with a pissed off glare. She didn’t give Coraset a chance to say anything, and she faced forward quickly once more.

  With a deep frustration, Coraset stepped out of the line and went for Katarin almost knocking Aisling over. Aisling quickly swung at Coraset, but Coraset blocked her arm. The quickness of Coraset’s reaction shocked both women. The attention of everyone close by was drawn. She gripped Aisling’s arm tightly, making the red head pull and wince in pain.

  Coraset threatened, “Move up before I put you on the floor.”

  Aisling huffed, snatched away, and stepped forward. She covered her right arm that was sore and red. Coraset noticed Katarin’s dress was ripped showing her knobby knees and skinny legs.

  She turned Katarin to face her and took out a handkerchief from her clutch. She dabbed at her eyes, wiping away the smudged mascara. Coraset peeped from behind the woman to see where Sekai was and asked softly, “What’s your name?”

  “Katarin Augustine,” she answered shyly.

  “Katarin, do you want to be here?” Coraset asked quickly as she brought out a make-up pad. She turned it over to the clean side and cleaned more under her eyes.

  “I do,” Katarin answered.

  “Okay, then you need to pull yourself together. You don’t want the kind of attention that crying brings.” Coraset stepped back to take a quick glance at Katarin’s luminescent face.

  “I’m really trying,” she blubbered.

  “Take in a deep breath,” Coraset softly coaxed and reflected her action. “Now, exhale slowly.”

  Katarin nodded and did as she was told. She reminded Coraset of a little kid, almost like Rudy, helpless and needing guidance. She smiled at her brightly, making Katarin smile in return.

  “There, you look perfect. You’re beautiful. There’s nothing to worry about.”

  Katarin glanced down at her torn dress and nearly melted. Coraset saw the hole, and she shifted Katarin to the side. She tore the rest of the bottom off cleanly with a distinct ripping sound that captured nearly everyone’s attention again and threw the loose fabric behind her. Coraset turned the girl around to get a complete view of the dress. It was a bag on Katarin, but it was better than the hole in the side.

  “Beautiful, brave, and you’ll be fine.”

  She exhaled and repeated, “Beautiful and brave.”

  Finally, Sekai made it to Katarin, and she spoke to her in a soft voice. Katarin nodded in response, and she placed her hand on the black box. Coraset heard a soft frequency of beeps. Sekai nodded and went to the girl next to her in the next row.

  That’s when Coraset noticed more than half of the women were gone. There were at the most a hundred women lined up in the beginning, but now, the numbers were considerably less. She wondered where they went. No one moved from their original spots. So, it looked like women were just standing randomly in no specific order around the room.

  Sekai finally reached Coraset, and she held the box in front of her. She spoke softly making eye contact, “You are to place your finger on the scanner. It will bring up your medical history. If you’ve ever had a venereal disease or been diagnosed with any kind of medical problems in the past you will be asked to leave and join the others in the great hall.”

  “And if I pass?” Coraset asked.

  “You will get to personally meet the Chancellor. It does not guarantee you’ll be in his harem.”

  Coraset placed her finger on the scanner, and the familiar sound of beeps began. Sekai walked away when the scanner beeped green.

  On her way back to the front of the room, Sekai spoke in a raised tone, “Everyone, please, line up against the wall. The Chancellor will be here shortly to make his final selections. Ladies, I recommend all of you show utmost respect to Chancellor Erato. This may be your first and last chance to make an impression on him.”

  All of the women rushed for a spot. They all started adjusting their dresses and hair. A few took out mirrors from their purses to check hair and make-up. Perfume was being sprayed. Coraset and Katarin were the only ones who didn’t make a move at primping at all, and they were the last of the women standing at the far end of the room.

  Coraset was absolutely bored with the charade and wondered why she was chosen by Xavier and Malie in the first place. She figured she would fail before she could even get close enough to plant the lethal dosage.

  Katarin leaned towards Coraset and asked, “What’s your name?”

  “Coraset,” she answered with a soft smile.

  “It’s nice to meet you. Thank you for helping me.”

  She nodded and just as she was about speak, a mahogany door swung open from the far side of the room. Two Elite Guards entered wearing perfectly fitting wool uniforms with gold embroidered stripes on the shoulders and the end of their sleeves. Their utility belts were pulled tight with pistols holstered on each hip, batons, and handcuffs. They wore berets on their head with their crest set under the high peak of the hat. The Elite Guards were fit and tall, proud and alert. They took post at the door, and Chancellor Erato walked in. He wore a crisp black suit, and he sported a gold lined red ribbon across his chest. His black hair was combed back, glowing with health. The grey hair that Coraset remembered from the picture was gone. He looked younger. His smiled glowed when he saw all the women waiting for him against the wall.

  The five women that tested the women stood in a straight line in the center of the room facing in the direction of the Chancellor. Sekai stood in front with her hands clasped together in front. Chancellor Erato approached her first, and she lowered her head slightly in respect. He took her hand gently and held it in his as he spoke softly. Coraset was too far away to hear their conversation.

  Sekai led the Chancellor to the first woman on the other side of the room. Coraset was actually glad that he started on the other end. She wondered what he was going to say. Was he going to question her? If she had to lie, could she think of one on the spot? Coraset wanted to leave, but she had to remember she wasn’t doing it for Malie or Xavier or even for herself. It was for Brecco. She didn’t want him to get hurt.

  As Chancellor Erato moved on, some of the women remained and others had to leave. Some ran out of the room crying, and others stormed out of the room furiously. Coraset wondered why he let some of the women go. Was she going to be one of them?

  Aisling was approached by Chancellor Erato, who was on the other side of Katarin. She posed with confidence, making sure she was flashing a leg to him. He noticed immediately, taking in every bit of her, and he stepped forward. He whispered something in her ear, and she giggled. Coraset rolled her eyes. It was obvious she wasn’t going anywhere.

  Chancellor Erato finally moved on to Katarin, and she curtsied as far down as she could. She looked awkward in her torn dress and lanky body. He watched her with amusement as she came back up slowly. Katarin pulled her strap b
ack onto her shoulder, still looking down.

  Sekai whispered to him, and he looked at the woman amazed. He stared at the girl, and he smirked. He nodded in approval, and he moved to Coraset. She lowered her head in respect, and she could feel his heat emulating towards her. His cologne smelled spicy with musky undertones.

  Coraset spoke softly, “Chancellor, my condolences to you and your family. Your mother was a great leader to Erato.”

  None of the women said a word about his mother or her death, and he liked the fact that Coraset gave her sympathies. He was impressed and curious. She knew exactly what to say to grab his attention.

  “What is your name?” He asked as he stepped closer.

  “Coraset Prescott,” she answered as she peered heavily into his eyes.

  There was a silence between them. Coraset didn’t know what to think, but Chancellor Erato was getting turned on. He wanted to kiss her, just to taste her lips one time, but he refrained. He gently touched her cheek with the back of his closed fingers. The Chancellor nodded at Sekai, approving of Coraset.

  She pulled a small square glass pad out of her jacket pocket and checked off Coraset’s name. Chancellor Erato went back to Aisling. He offered his arm to her, and her bright smile broke through her red lipstick as she took it excitedly. Chancellor Erato escorted her to another set of doors where the Elite Guards were ready to lead them into the great hall. Trumpets began to sound on cue, and a large set of doors swung open to an awaiting crowd that was applauding the Chancellor Erato.

  Sekai went back to her constituents in the middle of the room, and they began directing the women that were left in the room towards another door away from the great hall. Coraset and Katarin were among them, and they were taken down a corridor with tall thin windows, heavy red velvet curtains and golden trimmed tables in between them.

  Fifteen ladies were led outside behind the Doric temple, through a maze garden of red potentilla shrubs, white rock roses, and tall smoke bushes. Coraset loved the floral smell of the garden, and she stopped taking in the beautiful scenery, nearly forgetting where she was. The women continued moving, and Coraset had to kick off her heels to rush and catch up. They entered a side door into the palace.

  After going through numerous doors, hallways, and stairs, they were finally led into a white spacious room with perfectly lined up white armless chairs. All of the women were directed to sit down. Coraset made sure she sat in the back row. The goal was to stay out of sight and out of the mind of the four women that led them to the room. All of the women were quiet as they filed in and found a seat.

  Sekai closed the door once her last constituent walked in. The four other women in suits stood behind her against the wall, facing the sitting women. The room remained quiet as everyone waited for Sekai to speak.


  Sekai stood straight like a stone statue in front of the ladies. She had an expression of seriousness as she spoke, “My name is Sekai. On my far left are Jorda, Hanako, Lacey and Reyna. We are the Chancellor’s staff. In order to be in the harem, you must pass your pap smear, pelvic exam, and a physical. I understand that some of you have already been to your own physicians. Chancellor Erato only trusts his own doctor, and he will be seeing all of you today.”

  The women eyed each other silently.

  “If you are positive for any kind of illnesses, you will be sent home. There is no exception to this rule. The moment you step into the harem, you belong to Chancellor Erato. No man including your father, brother, and/or uncles are allowed to see you, talk to you, or touch you. There is no exception to this rule, either.”

  The moans erupted from the group of women along with a barrage of complaints.

  A sandy blonde raised her hand and stated, “I have a question.”

  Sekai continued, “There will be times when Chancellor Erato will request one or more of you in his bedroom at one time. You must comply. If you refuse, you will be executed.”

  “Executed,” a brunette bellowed from beside Coraset.

  “Yes,” Sekai answered as she glared at the brunette. “Like I said before you will be his property, and he will not allow you to just live in his harem or go home after you’ve refused him. Mind you, he won’t force you, but he will expect you to do his bidding.”

  The brunette spoke up angrily, “It is forced no matter how you put it. If I refuse to sleep with him and another girl, then I die? What real choice is that?”

  Sekai answered calmly, “It’s a harem. What do you expect?”

  The woman shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

  With no real expectation for the brunette to answer, Sekai moved on with her speech, “The harem will have a common living area. There’s a pool, sauna, sitting area, places to eat and drink, among other things. There are bedrooms, but there are two beds in each one. No one will have a room to themselves. Choose your roommate carefully because you may be stuck with them for a while. You can’t leave once you’ve been in the harem. If you change your mind and want to go back to your region, you can’t. The only way out is death.”

  Sekai let the reality set in on the room before saying, “Question.”

  The sandy blonde raised her hand again. Sekai looked at her and the woman asked, “When are we going back to the ball? I want to dance with the Chancellor.”

  “The Chancellor already has a date. You saw who he left with.” Sekai answered dryly. “Any other questions, ladies?”

  The sandy blonde woman looked down in disappointment.

  “Is it too late to back out?” The same angry brunette asked.

  “No, as a matter of fact, I was going to say this was your last chance. Reyna will escort everyone back to the ball who does not want to be a part of the harem.” Sekai stated.

  Reyna opened the door and waited to see who was going to leave. The brunette stood first, and she made her way into the hallway. Four other women followed suit. Coraset wanted to leave, as well. She wanted to run out of there as fast as she could, but she remained.

  Sekai announced, “This is your last chance, ladies.”

  She waited to see if anyone else was going to walkout. The women all looked at one another. No one else moved. Sekai stepped outside and spoke to Reyna in a whisper and came back inside closing the door.

  She pulled out the glass tablet and spoke two names. She instructed them to stand and follow Jorda and Hanako. They were the first to be examined. The selected women were directed out of the white room, and Sekai left the room, as well.

  The remaining women began to relax a little. Coraset slipped on her shoes and adjusted her dress. Katarin was sitting in front of her, but she soon jumped up and sat in the open seat the angry brunette once occupied.

  “So, what do you think?” Katarin asked nervously.

  “About what,” Coraset asked as she looked at her curiously.

  “This whole thing. I’m kind of excited actually. Can you imagine being with the Chancellor of Erato? He said something to that Sekai lady while he was standing in front of me. Did you hear what he said?”

  Coraset stopped her and said, “Slow down, Katarin. You need to take a breath.”

  She quickly exhaled and admitted, “I’m just really nervous. How come you’re so calm?”

  “I can’t think of a single reason to be excited.” Coraset remarked with a dry attitude.

  “Are you kidding me, Coraset? What if he decides he wants to marry one of us? Better yet, what if he decides he wants to marry me? I would say yes in a heartbeat.”

  “You’re not breathing again.”

  Katarin kept right on going, “I would say yes, and I would be considered more important than the Senators. I will be Mrs. Erato.”

  “How will you feel as a wife when he decides to bed one or more of his concubines?” Coraset asked pointedly.

  Katarin pulled at her neck as the question sunk in.

  “What if he gets tired of you? You’ll be pushed aside for one of the other girls he’s not so bored with, and they’l
l be his wife instead. You’ll be resolved to being another concubine in his harem.” Coraset was trying to bring her back to reality. Being a concubine wasn’t a goal in life. At least, that’s what she was trying to get Katarin to realize. “How old are you?”

  “I’m…uh…twenty four years old.” She answered.

  “Do you really think you’re emotionally prepared for this?” Coraset asked.

  “I didn’t know there were emotions to prepare.”

  Coraset didn’t even want to comment on her answer. “What was your job before you came here?”

  “I was a dressmaker in the Timur Region.”

  “Is there something else you wanted to do?”

  “I don’t know. I never thought about it. It doesn’t matter now anyway. This is all I have. I’m tired of having nothing, Coraset.”

  She wanted to speak against Chancellor Erato and tell Katarin he wasn’t the beginning or the end of her life. But she was in a room with nearly ten women who wanted to be his wife or be his concubine. They’d probably tell on Coraset to show their loyalty, and she didn’t want to chance that. She smiled and patted Katarin on the hand.

  Every thirty minutes or so, two more females were called out of the room for their exam. Coraset was called before Katarin, and she was not too happy having to go through medical prodding and testing.

  In the first room she was taken to, her blood pressure and temperature were taken. Blood was drawn and she had to take a pee test. Coraset was given a medical gown with the back out, and her dress was confiscated for good. She had to take down her hair. The same nurse that took her vitals checked her body. Her ears were checked, eyesight, and the inside of her mouth were examined. She was given a breast exam and her arm pits were checked for lumps, as well. The skin between her toes and fingers, the folds of her legs and arms were checked for signs of drug use. Eventually, the doctor came in and did a pap smear and a pelvic exam. He didn’t speak a word as he worked.

  Without warning, she felt a small prick in between her legs. She was startled and sat up looking at the doctor who was now standing and removing his latex gloves.


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