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TRIGGER: A Motorcycle Club Romance Novel

Page 24

by Jackson, Meg

  And then the wave.

  And then, locked in like a photon torpedo, he made his move.

  As he got closer and her face grew clearer, he saw the bruise above her eye for the first time. She was guzzling the drink heartily; that didn’t necessarily make him happy to see, since he preferred to spend his time with girls who could actually think for themselves and weren’t puking on their shoes, but as his mind put together the puzzle pieces (the way she’d been eating, the bruise, her very presence in the bar in the first place), he thought she needed that drink more than even she knew.

  She’d need a lot of things.

  And even if she refused some of what he wanted to offer, the sexy stuff, he knew he’d still want to help her get what she needed in any way he could.

  After all, he’d been in much the same place as her when he’d come to Ditcher’s Valley, all those years ago. Running away from a broken home where fists flew more often than kisses. And he’d been lucky to be taken in, taken care of, set back on his feet and given the chance to find himself, be happy.

  And he was interested in paying that forward, whenever he could.

  Starting with another drink for Ms. Gorgeous Runaway over here. And maybe a touch that wouldn’t hurt, if she’d let him.

  He hoped, harder than ever as he took in her voluptuous body, that she would.


  6 ~

  “…and a bike ride on Mars thing, with a Led Zeppelin laser show, you know, anti-gravity bike riding in space. Gravitron, of course. And…a Martian photo booth. Martian laser tag, maybe you have to fight evil aliens who want to eat you. A zero-gravity bar, powdered vodka and all that shit. Anti-gravity sex room!”

  “Stop, stop, please! Reign’s Grown Up Space Camp…I can’t!” I said, snorting, acting quite unladylike, my hand over my mouth to try and control myself. I almost thought I was going to wet my pants from laughing so hard.

  “So, Reign, you’re what, 27? 28? I’m good at guessing ages,” I said once I’d calmed down enough to stand up straight. We were standing outside the bar, enjoying the evening, so much warmer than I was used to up in the Rockies.

  He was smoking a cigarette; I was half-drunk and eying the cigarette somewhat enviously. I’d been a smoker when I met Jeremy and, you guessed it, had quit upon his suggestion. I enjoyed being a non-smoker, didn’t miss it much, but, hell, I’d broken all my other rules that night, and a smoke sounded like as good a way to keep the train rolling as any.

  It had been so long since someone asked me so many questions about myself, seemed to care about the answers. Laughed at my jokes. Smiled at me.

  Don’t I sound desperate as hell? Would it make it any better if I told you that I wouldn’t have been talking to him at all if he wasn’t also so damn handsome, as well as charming? I mean, this would be any girl’s dream regardless of the circumstances. That crooked, boyish grin, that easy laugh…trust me, ladies, if you’d been in my shoes you’d hold your judgement.

  “Close, 29,” he said. He seemed to notice where my eyes were lingering and held his pack of cigarettes out to me; Parliaments, my old brand. It was fate! I laughed as I felt my hand go up to the offered pack, certainly not responding to any conscious demand from my brain. But why not? I was feeling good; two drinks in, hamburger slowly digesting in my stomach, a handsome man at my side, why not? I let him light the cigarette for me, began to cough violently as soon as I took the first drag.

  “Been awhile?” he asked, eyebrows raised as he tried to hide amusement. I let him off the hook, laughing at myself. God, it felt good to laugh.

  “Five years,” I croaked, smoke still streaming from my mouth and nostrils. The second drag, though, went down okay, even if it felt a little scratchy. By the third, I remembered how good a cigarette felt combined with a few drinks. The fourth, I was considering buying my own pack. But, I knew that was a dangerous path to go down, Jeremy or no Jeremy. Smoking in 2015 seemed as stupid as drinking while pregnant. I stubbed out the cigarette, only a little disappointed.

  “He make you quit?” Reign suddenly asked, his smile fading as he brought up Jeremy. I’d told him the bare minimum: cop husband, me on the run. We’d changed the subject quickly. This wasn’t the time or place to linger on the past – even the very, very recent past.

  The mere mention of “him” actually drove a cold stake through my heart, made the night seem a little chillier, bristled the hair on my arms. I wasn’t safe yet. I was still in the States, not far enough away. I still had my damn car. Maybe he already knew where I was…maybe he was headed there right now…and I was, what, drinking and flirting with a stranger? Real fucking smart, Gabriella. Just sit like a damn duck in a frozen pond.

  “Shit, sorry,” Reign said, picking up on the change in my mood. “I didn’t mean to drag you down.”

  “No, no, it’s fine, you, uh, you gave me a little wake-up call is all,” I said, my words coming out slow and heavy as my brain imagined all the horrible things that would happen when he found me. If he found me. When he found me. If/when.

  “You know, you don’t have to be afraid of him, not here, at least,” Reign said, cocking his head to the side.

  “And why’s that?” I asked, distracted by my own brain, barely even registering what he was saying.

  “Just…trust me. Anyone like him, he’d not be welcome here. Cop or no cop, he doesn’t have any sway around these parts,” Reign said, suddenly moving a bit closer. I responded by backing up. You don’t know Jeremy, I thought.

  “Really, I mean it. If you haven’t figured it out yet, everyone in that bar is looking out for each other. And we’ll look out for you, too, if you need us to,” Reign said, his eyes seeming to grow deeper with each word. I wanted to believe him, wanted to believe those gorgeous eyes, but I’d just met him. And he’d just met me. He just wanted to get into my pants, anyway.

  “Yeah, okay, well, I should probably…” I said, starting to turn away, meaning to end this madness, go to my room, sleep until I was sober and get back on the road. He stopped me, grasping my arm. Oh god, the feel of his hand on my bicep…Jesus Christ. It was a light grip, not forceful, but it sent shivers throughout my entire body, seemed like electricity coursing through me.

  “How’d you do that?” I blurted out, turning to face him, the alcohol only adding the confusion I felt about my body’s reaction to his touch.

  When’s the last time Jeremy grabbed your arm without leaving a bruise, I thought.

  “Do what?” Reign said, cocking his head once more, his expression increasingly concerned. I shook my head, as though I could physically shed the feeling that his touch had left me with. A fluttering, heart-racing feeling. A warm feeling.

  A safe feeling. An exciting feeling.

  “Nothing, nothing, I just…I drank too much,” I said, pulling my arm away and rubbing at the spot he’d touched.

  “No, you didn’t. Something happened. After I mentioned him. You’re afraid, and you shouldn’t be. Every moment you spend afraid of him is another moment he wins,” Reign said, our conversation no longer the lighthearted frolic of getting-to-know-you it had been.

  “Well, sorry, it’s just all happening so quickly,” I said, getting defensive. “And I’m not safe. He could be tracking my car. I need to…I need to get out of the States. I need a new car, and I need to get to Mexico.”

  “We can get you a car,” Reign said.

  “Why? Why would you want to do that? Why are you even talking to me? Why do you want to help me?” I asked, my mind trying to make sense of him. This strange, stunning, charming, man before me, like another of the day’s bizarre gifts from God, who seemed to only want to help me. It wasn’t what I’d ever expected from life, to find kindness in a stranger. Not, at least, since Jeremy had come into my life. “You just want to bang me!”

  Reign suddenly smiled, seeming almost like he was stifling laughter. My heart fell. Of course he doesn’t want to bang you, you fatass. He just watched you scarf down a burger, and look at him! H
e’s a goddamn God! And you? You’re…you’re just a fat girl with a black eye.

  “Well, you ain’t too far off. I mean, there’s a reason I bought you that drink. But I want to help you because I know where you are. I been there, too. Takes one to know one, as they say. I’d help you no matter what. If I was lucky enough to get to see you in your birthday suit, well…that’d just be a bonus for me,” he said. His eyes told me that he was being truthful. I blushed, now embarrassed, and more than a little turned on by the idea of being naked with him.

  I hadn’t felt turned on in a long, long time.

  And why shouldn’t you feel turned on? He’s hotter than Jeremy by a country mile, and he’s interested in you. Shit, Gabby, you better take his hand right now and drag him straight to your motel room. If you don’t, you’ll regret it forever. This is your clean break. Make it a little dirty, why don’t you? For once in your life…

  Do what you want.

  My heart was pounding, my face flushed. Was I really going to…was this really…he kept looking at me, just looking, like I was a piece of pie he wanted to slather in whipped cream, like I was worth looking at. I could feel my pussy responding to his gaze, melting under his blue eyes…

  “Come to my room,” I said, the words flying from my mouth before I even realized I was saying them. One hand automatically came to cover my lips as they gaped open, a comical “o”. Reign’s eyebrows raised once more, a grin coming over his face, shaking his head slightly.

  “I don’t think you thought that through,” he said, as though speaking to a foolish child. Which is exactly how I felt as I stood there blushing.

  “I don’t…I’m sorry…” I stuttered through my hands, just about ready to crawl under a rock from mortification.

  “Don’t apologize,” Reign said, the grin fading from his face as he looked at me, eyes slowly growing darker. “Unless you mean to take it back.”

  He stepped closer to me, his hand coming up once more to my bicep, this time stroking the flesh there softly, making my chest constrict, all the air seeming to leave my body, my hair standing on end. I’m pretty sure I made a sound, unintentionally, a soft mewling sound.

  I didn’t mean to take it back. I meant to take it further.

  In a blind rush, I grabbed for him, acting on instinct alone, my palm against the back of his neck, under the wisps of curling hair that fell around his shoulders, pulling him in towards me until his lips landed on mine. He tasted like sweet honey and whiskey and smoke and everything free.

  Something inside of me broke in two.

  His hands came to my hips, pulling me into him, and I parted my legs automatically, without thinking. I wanted to wrap them around him right then, rub my pussy against him. I hadn’t felt myself so alive, so aroused, in years. As his tongue danced in my mouth, I felt his thigh press gently between my knees, inviting me to move closer to him.

  I did, my own tongue now tentatively darting into his mouth, tasting him. With my eyes closed I felt him press his leg upward, between my thighs, and moaned into his mouth, my body trembling as it flooded with desire for the first time in so long. My clit jumped as the tough denim of Reign’s jeans pressed against the thin fabric of my leggings, then strained forward, wanting more.

  With a sudden grunt, Reign pulled back, his hands remaining on my hips, his eyes looking down into mine, all fire and need.

  “Are you sure?” he said, his voice low and rough, almost like a caress in my mind. It drew another burst of shivers from my body. I nodded, unable to speak, only wanting to taste him on my lips once more. But I didn’t have the chance; at least not then. He grabbed my wrist, pushing me away while simultaneously pulling me along the side of the bar towards the motel rooms lined up side-by-side.

  “Seven,” I said, breathless, mind turned into a lightning storm, clouded and tempestuous. I could barely remember my own name, but I could remember my room number perfectly well. Reign looked back at me as he pulled me forward, my feet stumbling over themselves in my agitated state.

  As though suddenly remembering the bruise above my eye, and what that could mean, he slowed down, letting me catch up to him, and we walked abreast to the room, his arm coming around my waist and sending little tendrils of excitement through me.

  I dropped the keys trying to open the door, then took too long trying to get the key to fit the lock. Meanwhile, Reign was being categorically unhelpful by tracing his tongue along my neck, planting feathery light kisses across my skin. A part of me wanted to cry. What have I been doing all my life, why have I waited so long to feel so good, why couldn’t Jeremy make me feel like this?

  Finally, I managed to get the door open and we stumbled in. I automatically turned off the light that I’d left on, but Reign turned it back.

  “I want to see your beautiful body,” he said. I was standing in front of the bed, at a loss now that we were here. I hadn’t really let myself plan that far ahead. What did I do now? I hadn’t ever been with anyone with Jeremy. I knew what he liked, knew his desires better than I even knew my own, but not this stranger. Not this mysterious, sexy, intoxicating stranger. I didn’t know where to begin, and I felt panic rising in my chest as I worried about disappointing him, about not performing up to his standards.

  “I…” I started to say, wanting to apologize before I made a total fool of myself.

  “Please, stop talking,” he said, moving across the room towards me, the look in his eyes silencing any thoughts that could have come tumbling from my mouth. His hands came to my shoulders and he looked down on me, as though I was the only thing he’d ever wanted. I shivered under his touch, under his gaze. “Sit down.”

  I did so, without thinking, not taking my eyes from him. I was eye-level with his crotch, and automatically reached out to undo his belt and jeans, thinking that it was blowjob time. That’s how Jeremy always started things…

  I was surprised to feel my hand swatted away, surprised to see Reign drop down before me, crouching in front of me, so that we were eye to eye.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he murmured, his hands coming to my shirt and rolling it upwards.

  “Please, no,” I said, suddenly shot through with another rush of shame over my body. I didn’t move to stop him, but felt like crying as he exposed my small but wide stomach, my large breasts, all the parts of me that had brought me so much shame. His eyes darted towards mine, almost seeming angry, then softening.

  “You don’t even realize,” he said, a hint of astonishment in his voice. At the same time, his hands came to my hips once more, tickling up my sides, making me close my eyes and moan in pure ecstasy. I leaned backwards automatically, my body delighting in his touch even as my mind tried to make me feel bad about my body.

  I barely felt as he unclasped my bra and threw it to the side, his hands now coming to my breasts and fondling them gently, much more gentle than Jeremy ever did. Unlike my husband, who just pawed at my breasts like they were pillows that needed fluffing, Reign’s hands massaged them, a growing warmth in my stomach as he gently pushed me back further onto the bed, rising even as my back fell, leaning over me.

  Finally, I was lying on the mattress, eyes closed in bliss as his thumbs grazed my nipples, now erect. I shuddered, then moaned as I felt one of his lips come gently to my nipple, sucking it in slightly, his tongue rolling over it while his hand favored my other breast, tweaking the nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  I could feel my slit flowing with juices, my body turned on in a way that hadn’t happened in years, and I squirmed underneath him, a low-level frenzy developing in my mind as he teased my nipples, moving his mouth from one to the other, blowing over them in between, the chill feeling making me arch my back.

  I almost cried out in desperation when I felt his head move from my breasts and begin to trail down my stomach, which fluttered under his lips, my nerves alive and aching for him. His hands settled on the top of my leggings and he yanked downwards.

  No. No way. This is not happen
ing, I thought when I realized he was making right for my wet, aching sex. Jeremy never went down there. No one else had, either. A part of me cringed, screamed for me to stop him, that it was wrong, dirty, gross. Another part of me wanted to push his head faster, to feel his tongue against my aching clit, now swollen and straining for stimulation. I pushed myself up onto my elbows.

  “You don’t have to…” I started to say, wanting to give him an out, my two personas fighting to the death over whether or not I wanted him to. His eyes flashed up into mine and he reached out, pressing me back down on the bed, just forcefully enough to tell me that he wasn’t going to invite any argument.

  Oh god, oh god, oh Jesus, I thought, my mind in an utter frenzy as he drew closer and closer to my now-exposed slit, his fingertips tracing up and down my thighs as he lingered on my tummy, his mouth promising delights that I could never dream of even as his fingers drove me into a whirlwind of sensation, up and down, up and down, my inner thighs starting to quake now as he let his fingers draw just slightly nearer with each stroke…


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