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Krikos: The Vertical Horizon

Page 18

by Rishabh Dubey

  Appolorna the Fire Knight, Lunaris The Knight of the Dark, Triton The Knight of Destruction, Lovi The Knight of Creation, Callisto The Knight of the End, Titanus The King of the Knights, Ganymede The Knight of Magic, Attolit The Knight of Truth, Eris The Knight of Preservation, Ariel The Knight of the Sea, Solaris The Knight of Light and Sayofringium the Holy Knight.

  Flex also suggested that first, a specific self-sustaining dome of settlement must be created on the surface of the Sun for the rehabilitation of the Humans present on the Earth; and only then the construction of the Krikos must begin. This was because the Earth would die without the Sun (The current state of the Sun I mean). The great RASORVE class ships would be sufficient for the construction of the Krikos. The raw material can be achieved from the different bodies of our Solar System. The human curiosity would also be quenched because each and every human would be able to drift along the mighty Universe (a small part of it, though) along with enjoying life as usual. The mission of the Krikos would not solely be rehabilitation but also exploration. For transportation and travel between districts and zones, Automated Elevator and Hovers might be used which would be directly controlled by the Genetrix. The hovers on board the Krikos, since fusion powered, would provide speeds up to a hundred thousand kilometres per hour, which is far greater than the fission powered hovers of the Earth with speeds of up to twenty-two thousand kilometres per hour. There'd be two levels to the Krikos. The upper level or the Settlement Zone having eleven districts and the lower level or the command zone having two districts - The Eutopia or the Royal District, and the Sayofringium or the District of the holy (containing a direct access to the inner reactors of the Krikos as well as the Genetrix and the Technocrux mains). All the ranks and positions would be compiled by the Eutopium itself (Flex wrote that it was not his concern). Flex also wrote that his Journals must be kept away from private organisations and must only be handed to the Eutopium directly and that too not in its entirety but only the essentials. Flex suggested that I should rather compile all the data and form my own notes and charts and present them before the Eutopium. The problem was that I was not able to identify which chart went where -I don't know why, but he made several charts on transparent sheets, each containing a specific part, forming the Krikos when stretched over each other. Everything about the Krikos seemed heavenly. No need to work, no need for land. But the only problem is that the people, though mercurial, do not accept drastic changes all of a sudden. Something this huge (even literally) would be very controversial. I guess that is why Flex chose me to design the Hexkon Thrust first, so that the Eutopium may have a soft corner of trust for me. But still, it was all on me to make them accept Flex's ideas. Even though I was a lot afraid, I couldn't control my inner zealot; and even before understanding the whole thing, I approached the Eutopium. They rebuked my ideas instantaneously because I myself did not have the answer to the many “WH”s they asked for. So, I came back home and decided to work hard on this subject. Perhaps they didn't know what it could bring them. They didn't know what era would begin if the Krikos was constructed. It was the articulate genius of Flex that led him to even think of such a thing. But I was not sure that I could give proper justice to his work. So, I left all my work and sat back home to work on the Krikos. I waited to see how long the curious bastards could resist such a miraculous work. In the mighty words of Flex-

  “They may seek heaven, but when it itself comes to them, they perceive it as purgatory; for on Earth, they… were the Gods."

  Into The Dimension:

  Episode 15-

  The Dark Gladius.


  he Hypothetical Observer yet again floated nonchalantly in another new area of the Universe. The 5th Moon of Annaeax. An outright battle was what he saw. But the battle between whom? Of course, even if one of the two intelligent species was self-centred, then the other, to them, automatically was a nuisance. A war forged by fate then. The Humans versus the Annaeaxians. The Annaeaxians were not a trivial race. Tribal, though, their awareness, perception, and intelligence were in multiples of that of humans. They were so radical that they could understand and accept the most difficult yet modern of theories in seconds. But they lacked technology. They were radical enough not to seek over and above their needs. Hence, they were… and mind it… were… a peaceful race… until THEY arrived. The humans… it didn’t matter what side of their divided sects arrived... But the so-called ‘humane’ ideology was enough to divide Annaeax. Royalists versus the rebels. Royalists representing the colonists. Humans fighting with their old colonial and slave-seeking hearts. Fighting… and somewhat winning… yet not fighting themselves to prevent their own losses. Massive killings on both sides. Yet no conclusions. Just when the tides seemed favourable, the humans sent one of their warriors inside the field. Yes, you read it correct…. One.

  A man in the darkest of facades strolled slowly through the field. His face covered by an idiosyncratic dark-purple helmet. His body draped in black rigs with some metallic joints. Suddenly, his helmet retracted into nothingness, more like disappearing into particles of air itself. It revealed his face… A bright face though sunk in darkness. A tall heavily built man, he drew his magnificent sword out from his huge scabbard. A large sword surrounded by a black plasma. A sword as dark as its bearer. He walked ahead in slow ignorant strides, as his enemy lied in oblivious clusters, hiding behind seemingly strong rocks as covers. Just one dash from the dark blade and everything in its path was reduced to rubble. The strong apparitions perhaps hide the brittleness contained within. No one cared if the victim was a colonist or a royalist. To stop it by setting an example was what they sought.

  “Return back... It seems your due is done.” A voice heard from the beacon in his hand. Most probably one dash was in fact all his bidding in that battle. Just one dash… The predominance of the evolved over the better yet newer species was quite evident. Perhaps experience shall ever defeat ability.


  An assembly inside one of the stations of the Space Blockade. An assembly of idiosyncratic religious initiations, much like the archaic baptising and christening; as it seemed small children and infants were being brought to a man in a cloak… Apparently, a priest… for some ceremony. The guy bearing the Dark Sword was also there.

  “Seperus Notratume ...... Blutafesto Harimino.” The priest spoke in some strange and extinct Syrobnium words, in a chant to give a name to the young ones who seemed fit for the names.

  “It has been decided… Slate Christo.” He said as he held the last infant up.

  “Etiamnum Triumphos Finem Mutatio” he shouted, holding up the infant.

  “Etiamnum Triumphos Finem Mutatio” the listeners followed while joining the chant in a fanatical manner.

  “Rise, my young comrade... Rise to protect what Galacta has left us with,” he said as he gave the infant back to his father.

  The back door opened and a man wearing rather a modern vest came in. He came out of the shadow to show his identity. Castino Gorvez it was again.

  “Your Holiness... I may speak to the slates here if it doesn’t disturb you?” He asked.

  “As if you need ask… Your Highness… Master Castino Douskle Gorvez.” the priest said, adding more curiosity to the mind of the hypothetical observer.


  “Why did you choose this job?” Mira asked as she shuffled through the cupboard.

  “It was not my choice... Fate brought it to me… just like you. And I love everything fate brings me,” Krawn replied… lying on the bed beside the cupboard in a completely relaxed posture.

  “No time for jokes Krawn… these injuries you get during these Zone revolts… they worry me a lot,” Mira said.

  “If I can handle you… I sure can handle much worse can I not, Hahaha” Krawn replied in a playfully sarcastic manner.

  “You are pathetic. I am worried sick here,” Mira said in an irritated manner.

  “Come here, ma’am… let
me take some of it…” Krawn said as he grabbed hold of her hand. He pulled her to the bed and kissed her gently.

  “Not now. No…. I have to go report to the Medicus” Mira replied as she took her hand away from him.

  “Ok… your loss,” Krawn said.

  “Oh dear! Some other time love,” She said as she kissed his forehead.

  “Ok then. You better get going (gave her a partial hug). I might depart soon as well,” Krawn said.

  Mira grabbed hold of her briefcase and wore the overcoat and went towards the door.

  “I am going Krawn... Bye.”

  “Wait a second” Krawn said, as she turned around and looked back at him and into his eyes. The small moment of nothing they usually shared often channelled the softness inside the rather stern persona of Krawn… The stares, he believed, were his moments of self-realization in the eyes of the only one who could see his real self. Just as the blissful aura started overtaking Krawn, the room started vibrating to a massive tremor and a massive explosion engulfed Mira and she disappeared screaming.


  A dream. Krawn woke up in his chamber lying on his study chair. A dream… Yes, a dream… because the nightmare he was already living. He looked outside the watch pane to the darkness of the interstellar. Darkness equivalent to that inside his heart. Dragomir was his friend, and also Mira’s; and he knew Mira very well… then ‘why?’ he thought. He turned back to the table and looked at his watch. The watch protruded immediately to project a holocron image of Mira. He tried to grasp hold of the moment of nothingness again. Looking closely through her translucent eyes, he saw the time… The projection suddenly stopped and Krawn grabbed hold of his Sentinel-Xanethius badge lying in the corner of the table.


  “Get the guns to the ready. Krydon is armed for backup. Rush, Kridious, and Witty… you ready?” Krawn said in a heavy calculated baritone.

  “…Hell Yeah!!!” A mutual statement by the three of them.

  “Ingest the NBCs…” Krawn said followed by the three swallowing their respective ncore pills.

  “Activating plasma,” They said as they pressed a button on their respective Visi-bracelets to activate a transparent and somewhat white translucent egg-like shield around them.

  “Co-ordinates?” Krawn asked.

  “89, 42, 78 X349 centre Krikos … towards the space station at Annaeax,” Kridious said.

  “Okay then… be careful… if you are seen… run… don’t engage… I repeat… don’t engage” Krawn commanded.

  “Ok ok… whatever.” Rush said.

  “So… depart…. Now” Krawn said. The three of them pushed a button on their respective watches and disappeared.


  VIN, Rush, and Witty reappeared. They groaned in a little pain. They looked around. It was a space station at Annaeax. A dark corner was where they had warped to. Prabarus switched his homing beacon on and Rush opened his Holocron beacon to contact Krawn.

  “Such pain… you bloody bastard of a Captain… never told me this… And you guys say that geezer took this pain head on and without safety suits… Always shocks me that bastard… So… yeah, we are inside… and my insides hurt.” Rush said as he tightly groped his abdomen. Strangely, Prabarus didn’t seem to be in much pain. Kridious, due to the genetically modified body, was somewhat neutral to pain.

  “Ok…. now…” Krawn’s voice diminished in the transponder beacon.

  “What the hell… you try VIN…” Rush said.

  “NUH-UH… nothing here too. What just happened?” Kridious said.

  Suddenly a heavy voice was heard “So the old guy was right…. Infiltration huh? My my... What do we have here!!?”

  A voice accompanied by heavy footsteps. Black rigs with metallic joints face covered by an idiosyncratic dark-purple helmet, small technological protrusions on the hand… It was the guy with the dark sword.

  “You are the Sentinels? And a Yumsonian is amongst you too… The Di-Dux… ahh… you must be…some Vin-die… I have been told about you… and here… the Esem Blue Rifle and the Red Phasor. Heavy arms. But I don’t see the white sword. Where is the Xanethius? You three don’t concern me,” He said.

  Prabarus tried to aim at him, but Rush lowered his gun as Kridious stepped forward.

  “ Sorry Buddy… You think you can defeat us? No, wait… you think… you can defeat me?” Kridious said as he signalled the other two to escape.

  They both started running in the opposite direction but were swiftly stopped by the Dark guy who appeared out of mere air particles right in front of them. Rush, out of sheer instinct, took a destruction-plasma shot at the guy, amputating his entire left shoulder and hand as if decimated at the molecular level. The Dark man fell down. Rush said in fury “I don’t fight to win is the thing actually… I fight to kill… Should we continue then?”

  “Has Krawn contacted back? Or have you been able to reach him?” Kridious questioned. Just as he did, they all started hearing cluttering sounds from where the guy had fallen. They got attentive and started observing the event in awe-struck expressions. The man was kneeling down on the ground with his right fist supporting him. His destroyed left half of the body was apparently reconstructing itself and aligning with the help of the compounding of miniature, black, amoebic and liquid-metallic particles.

  “What the….” Said Rush as Prabarus took guard. Kridious observed carefully at the strange event.

  The man’s hand reconstructed with his left-grip appearing around the hilt of his huge sword.

  The heavy sounding stopped and the man said “Defeat… No No No…. I can obliterate your species”. He then disappeared into air again and immediately reappeared beside Prabarus and gave a strong right punch to him, making him fly across the corridor and fall down. He then made his move towards Rush, who apparently wasn’t even able to comprehend the very first attack. But as soon as his hand reached close to Rush, Kridious’ hand came from above and gripped his fist. Kridious hurled him and kicked him back and said: “Who might you be that recalls the edge of my Gladius?”

  “Me… I am Slate King Ruto Gravanc… And I am glad to exterminate the legendary VIN-die,” he replied.

  “Then you must know to know your opponents before engaging them... Slate King Gravanc… Call me Kridious” Kridious said as he drew his Magnus Gladius out.

  Gravanc also pointed his Sword towards Kridious.

  “Let’s start this then,” Gravanc said.

  “I am more towards ending it,” Kridious said.

  Gravanc rushed at a lightning speed to Kridious, but as soon as he was about to dash his sword against Kridious’, Kridious released an EMP to rubble the surface and made an escape route for the other two. All of them fell down. Rush and Prabarus successfully escaped, while Kridious engaged Gravanc with full force. Seemingly and strangely, Kridious’ superhuman speed and strength were no match for Gravanc’s. Yet his skills, which he had acquired under Krawn, proved a handful. The clash went on for some time. They both seemed somewhat equivalents but just as Kridious was distracted by a sound of a blaster phasor from behind him… Gravanc came and slashed his back. Kridious was thrown thirty meters in the air. He knew that it was close to the end for him. Gravanc slowly walked towards the foggy landing area of Kridious. He came closer to find him gone.

  Diaries of Flex:

  Episode 16-

  Eutopium I.


  ould you believe it if I say I am here to give you something for your own good, for free, made by someone else, and myself receiving nothing for it? You might if it was in an ideal situation, but at the time I was proposing the idea, it wasn't. No one would believe it so easily. Even the most gullible of people in my time here wouldn't. But it makes it worse if you were a nefarious organisation run by officials who were saintly in appearance, but were filled with avarice if you manage to see thr
ough. This was the case with me and the Eutopium. They royalists don't even want to see the same commoner the second time, leave it be accepting his request. So, what problems did I face in proposing to them these new marvellous plans? They'd stand flooded with thought and so will I ... perhaps so DO I.

  The outdoor attendant did not seem very gregarious. This was because I thought that what he would be thinking to be partially attentive nods seemed so effortless to me as if a simple out of the blue vibration of the head. After waiting for 3 hours in the guest room of the chairman's house, I was frustrated.

  "Ahmmm... you there... yeah yeah. You. Don't care to speak. No, don’t... don't. I don't like changes (I was rather impersonating the frustration of the dead Flex too). But the thing is. Ahhh... Mhh. How to put it? Yeah. You. Your Sir in there, out there, I don't know where... has been making me wait for... well a lot of time now. And no no no I don't mind that... Well if you know me... oh yeah... Do you know me?” I barked out of concentrated irritation.

  "You are... yes, here it is the 1501st appointment... Mr Rif'g Daniels.”, he replied.


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