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Page 25

by Mia Carson

  “You’re not coming?”

  “No,” he said firmly. “No, I’m not. Just call me if anything changes.” He hung up as Mel got back on the line and started to tell him he should come. Greyson stalked into his bedroom and fell face first on his bed.

  A single tear slipped down his face, and he swiped it angrily away. That man didn’t deserve his tears nor his worry, didn’t even deserve his prayers. He was finished. Done. He was never going to see him again.

  Too bad he didn’t realize how true that statement would be until weeks later.


  Present Day

  Greyson raised his hand to knock on Sally’s front door, Belle held protectively under his other arm, leaning against him. He wished she was able to chase away his darkening thoughts and the cloud hanging over him, but even she couldn’t make the guilt over Richard disappear. He didn’t know why he was dredging up all the bad memories lately… being so close to Belle, maybe. Or maybe it had to do with the fact that he was still lying to her, and eventually, it would shove a wedge between them.

  “You alright? Your brow’s doing that thing again,” Belle asked as he knocked, this time louder.

  “Getting ready to meet the family,” he said simply. “I think I’m allowed to stress out.”

  “Oh, it’ll be fine,” she said. “I’ve already met most of them, though I do wish you’d let me wear the ring and be done with all this secrecy.”

  He opened his mouth to answer when the door opened. “There you two are,” Mel said excitedly. “Mom was starting to worry we’d have to send a search party for you.”

  “Blame Belle. We had to stop on the way,” he teased.

  She shrugged and leaned in close. “Don’t tell your mom. I was starving.”

  Mel laughed. “Hey, Mom, Belle hates your cooking,” she called over her shoulder. Belle whacked her on the arm, and Greyson rolled his eyes.

  “Nice job, sis,” he muttered, closing the door behind them. He took Belle’s jacket and hung it up with his own in the front hall closet, tucking his cell away while he was with the family.

  Mel took Belle’s arm and dragged her into the room, leaving him to be hugged by Sally. “Sorry we’re late,” he told her.

  “Nonsense. Your Aunt Selma was the one worrying about you,” she said. “Belle has quite the glow about her.”

  Greyson’s head snapped up, hoping Belle didn’t hear. “Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure you’re wrong. She hasn’t said anything to me and I think she would’ve noticed by now.”

  “Did you ask her?”

  “No, that’s not exactly an easy question to ask.”

  “She’s been eating a lot? Getting sick at all in the mornings?”

  “Not that she said,” he muttered quietly, lying. He noticed Belle was off most mornings lately, but she never said a word to him about it and he let it be. If she knew and wasn’t telling him, she had to have a reason. Or the more simple answer was she wasn’t pregnant at all. “Mom, please, alright? If she is, she hasn’t said anything, and I don’t want to put her on the spot.”

  She held up her hands, but the twinkle in her eye said she wasn’t promising anything. Greyson wanted to escape with Belle before things got out of hand, but she was cornered by three cousins, talking loudly and excitedly about her working with Greyson. Molly brought him over a whiskey sour and he gulped it down, praying they would make it through the next few hours without incident. Praying fervently that all his worries were about his past with his dad and not everything he hid from Belle.


  Belle, sitting between Mel and Molly on the couch, laughed until her cheeks hurt. Selma was exactly like Sally, as were Greyson’s two female cousins who had made it out that night while their husbands babysat.

  “So, what’s the next step for you two?” Selma asked.

  Belle looked up, searching for Greyson, but he was in the kitchen with his uncle and third cousin. “Well, we’ve been talking about a few plans, but for now I’m getting settled into this new position and making sure the game gets out on time.”

  “And you’re sure there’s nothing else happening?” Sally asked.

  Belle frowned, laughing nervously. “No,” she said slowly. Her stomach growled, and she rested a hand on it. “Think I could use a little more of that chili, though.”

  “Please, help yourself. I expect nothing less for… well, you know.”

  Belle was halfway to standing when she paused. “Know what?”

  Sally smiled. “I didn’t want to say anything. Greyson said you were keeping it a secret, but I’ve known it since your graduation though. Mother’s intuition,” she said quietly, leaning closer.

  “I’m sorry,” Belle said, her mind racing as she tried to piece together what she was talking about. “I think I’m missing something huge here, but I’m not sure what and I really don’t want to stick my foot in it.”

  “Mom,” Greyson said quickly, rushing over. “What’s going on? Belle?”

  “I’m just letting her know she doesn’t have to hide. I told your aunt—couldn’t keep it to myself. She was worried about eating too much,” Sally said in a rush, and Greyson’s face paled beneath his beard. His gaze shot to Belle as Sally glanced from one to the other.

  “Mom, I told you not to say anything,” he muttered. “I said there was a reason, and you just had to open your mouth. This is why I don’t tell you anything.”

  “I couldn’t help it. I can tell. It’s hard not to notice,” Sally argued.

  “Anything about what? Notice what?” Belle snapped as her confusion was replaced with anger. “Greyson, what is she talking about?”

  His head hanging, he shoved his hands into his pockets. “It’s nothing. Mom’s just a little overzealous and let her imagination run away with her. I’m sorry, Belle. Just please, let it go.”

  “About what?” she yelled, losing control very quickly. She glared fiercely, her hands clenching and unclenching at her sides as the pieces slowly fell into place for her, too. She wasn’t going to say it out loud, and as she wished for Greyson to be honest, she hoped he wouldn’t, not in front of his whole family.

  “She thought… She thought you were pregnant,” he whispered, his eyes darting to her stomach. “You were getting sick in the morning, you’ve been over-emotional, eating more than normal… But I didn’t want her to say anything since you didn’t say anything.”

  Belle’s mouth opened and closed in shock. There were words… She was sure there were words she should say, but nothing came out of her mouth. On their own, her hands lifted to hold her belly as her eyes drifted towards it.

  “Sweetie?” Sally said, reaching out then pulling away. “I’m so sorry. I thought you were waiting until tonight, maybe, to tell us. The twins were going to surprise you with a mini graduation ceremony, and you know… with the family all here.”

  “If I was going to wait it wouldn’t have been for this,” she said stiffly. “I would’ve waited for your son to finally tell everyone we’re engaged.”

  “Engaged?” Sally yelled and whipped around to smack Greyson on the arm. “When did that happen?”

  “I was going to tell you,” he said, “but you’re the one who opened your mouth to me about her being pregnant.”

  “So you both knew before I knew and you didn’t tell me?” Belle took a step back. “I can’t believe this. I don’t even know… if… if I am… oh, God,” she whispered, counting out days on her fingers. She should’ve had a period two weeks ago. Should have and didn’t. “Oh God, I’m pregnant,” she whispered. “We’re… we’re pregnant.”

  Greyson’s face brightened until she glared at him and he walked towards her. “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything about it. I thought you were just going through something.”

  “Clearly,” she muttered rigidly. “You kept this from me since graduation?”

  Through her yelling, a cell phone rang from the front closet where they hung their jackets. She recognized the ringtone as Greyson’s,
but he made no move to get it. The ringing kept going before it finally stopped. Silence fell over the house until the ringing started again.

  “Get your cell,” Belle told him, but he shook his head. “Greyson, please, just… just give me a minute.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry,” he said. “Mom, I think we’re going to leave.”

  The cell kept ringing, and Belle gritted her teeth until Mel hopped up from the couch, saying she’d get it. Belle held her stomach—a stomach she realized held a baby. Greyson’s baby. All the food she ate that day twisted in her gut, and she wanted to dart to the bathroom when Mel answered the cell.

  “Yeah, hold on a second,” she said and walked it over to Greyson. “Says it’s important.”

  “Take a message,” he growled, eyes still on Belle.

  “She says her name is Aiden and she won’t take no for an answer. It’s about Belle,” Mel said sternly.

  “Aiden?” Belle whispered and her whole body tensed. “You’re talking to Aiden? And what the hell does it have to do with me?”

  “Mel, just hang up on her,” Greyson snapped, moving towards Belle. “Hold on just a second.”

  “No! My God, what else have you lied to me about—to your family? Damn it, Greyson, I’m supposed to be engaged to you and I can’t even trust you! I knew it. I knew you were pushing me away and keeping things from me again!”

  “It’s not what you think,” he argued.

  “No? You’re talking to your ex-lover on the phone after you promised me you wouldn’t have anything to do with her. What am I supposed to think, you moron?” She moved for the door to snatch up her jacket when his next words stopped her.

  “Belle, wait, please. She’s helping me track down your family.”

  All of Belle’s faith in Greyson not pushing her away, not hiding from their relationship, not lying to her, shattered in an instant. Slowly, she turned around to face him and the rest of his family. Her cheeks hot with embarrassment and rage, she tucked her hair behind her ears.

  “You were looking for my family with her? That woman who obviously wants you back at whatever cost?”

  He nodded. “She’s good at tracking down people,” he said quietly. “I thought she was the best choice.”

  “Your ex-lover, who tried to break us up,” she said, voice shaking.

  “Yes, but—”

  “And you kept trying to find my family, even after I asked you to stop,” she continued, holding up her hand to shut him up. “You betrayed my trust—again. You lied to me again. Hell, you knew I was pregnant before I did! I can’t… I can’t do this, I’m sorry,” she whispered, backing towards the door. “Mel, could you give me a lift back to his house—and please don’t follow me,” she added when Greyson moved to go after her. “Please, I just need… I need a minute.”

  Mel nodded and hurried over to find her purse and keys.

  “Belle, can we talk about this?” Greyson pleaded, but she shook her head.

  “No, alright? Just… no.” She walked out the door, Mel right behind her, and hurried as quickly as she could to Mel’s car, her heart torn between wanting to believe Greyson trusted her, wanted what was best for her, and him still finding a way to push her out of his life and away from who he really was.

  Chapter 5

  Greyson paced furiously on the back patio, running a hand over and over his beard as he replayed Belle’s face going from anger to horror to embarrassment and back to rage before she walked out of the house—and possibly his life. Why hadn’t he told her everything? He should’ve stopped looking for her family when she asked, he knew that, but what did he do? Kept looking, kept pushing, and kept working with Aiden.


  “Go away, Mom,” he snapped, as angry at her as he was at himself, even though he knew she really didn’t deserve it. “Just please, I can’t deal with you too right now.”

  “Why are you still here is what I want to know?” she asked.

  “What am I supposed to do? I messed up with her, just like I messed up with Dad. I shoved them both out of my life with my stubbornness and my lack of trust! Why didn’t I just tell her?”

  “Your dad? What are you going on about?” Sally asked.

  Greyson hung his head, his hands planted firmly on his hips. “I’ve been dreaming about the fights I had with him,” he muttered. “I don’t know why, but he’s been there, and I’m terrified I’m going to make the same mistakes with Belle I made with him.”

  “Sweetie, look at me. You know you weren’t to blame for what happened with you and your dad,” she said sadly.

  “Not completely, but I was part of it,” he said. “Why does this happen?”

  “You can’t control everything,” she told him. “And you certainly can’t always assume what you think is best is what someone you love wants. Belle loves you, I know she does, just as you love her, but if you stay here, pouting about it, she might not be around for you to tell her that.”

  He pinched the bridge of his nose, pissed at Belle for getting so mad while he was trying to do something good for her. Granted, he’d lied, and it was with Aiden, but couldn’t she see past that? And why did she get to run away from him and all he wanted for them? Part of him knew his mom was right, but his anger filled his mind and all he knew was Belle yet again held his good intentions against him when all he wanted to do was make her happy. Give her a chance to know her family. And for all he knew, she did know she was pregnant and didn’t want to tell him. Kept it from him just as he kept things from her.

  “I have to go,” he grumbled and pushed past Sally, ran through the house and out the front door. He floored it in his Mustang, praying she was still at the ranch. The only other place she could go would be Carrie’s, and she’d moved across the damn state.

  Wherever she went, he’d track her down and find her. She was not running out on him, not when he’d finally found the one damn woman he wanted in his life, despite their ups and downs. She would learn to understand that being taken care of—having someone love her—was not a bad thing. Even if it took years, he’d make her see it, one way or another.

  “I’m not finished with you yet, Belle Hall,” he muttered to the night.

  She was pregnant with their child—his child—and though he feared he would turn out just like his dad, he would not let her disappear into the night.


  “I’m an idiot!” Belle yelled as she threw clothes out of Greyson’s closet onto the bed.

  “I think my brother’s the idiot,” Mel corrected her, lounging on the bed.

  “No, it’s me. I’m pregnant! What woman doesn’t realize she’s pregnant before her fiancé and his mom do? Why the hell didn’t I realize I missed my damn period!” She yanked down a few pairs of jeans and chucked them out, too. A suitcase lay open on the bed, but she missed it with every throw. Not that she cared. She paused, her eyes wide, and pointed at Mel. “It’s his fault.”

  Mel frowned. “That’s usually how pregnancy works. The guy has to… you know,” she said, using her hands to demonstrate.

  “That's not what I meant,” Belle said, holding her face in her hands. “I’ve been so busy dealing with his shit that I didn’t even pay attention to myself!”

  “You haven’t peed on the stick yet, to be fair, so he and Mom could be wrong,” Mel reminded her gently. “Just thought I’d throw that out there.”

  Belle tilted her head back and forth before walking back into the closet and stared absently at the clothes. She’d picked up a test from the drugstore on her way back with Mel, but she was too scared to know the truth and hadn’t used it yet. What would happen when it was positive? She wasn’t even sure she could trust Greyson anymore, and she might be caring his damn baby. Her mind a torn jumble of thoughts and hands shaking from her growing anxiety, she didn’t hear Mel call out until it was too late.

  “Where are you going?” Greyson snapped from the doorway of the closet.

  “Far away from you and your lying ass,
” she shot back. “You lied to me—again!”

  “It was for your own good—again,” he retorted, blocking the door when she tried to rush past him. “No, you don’t get to take off and leave me twiddling my thumbs, woman. Not until we talk!”

  “About what? Mel, don’t you dare leave me,” Belle yelped when Mel crossed her view over Greyson’s shoulder, but she held up her hands. “Mel!”

  “Nope, you two need to work this out. I’m leaving. Call me when you two are done fighting.”

  “Mel!” Belle heard her steps run down the hall and the front door open and slam. “Great. That’s just great.”

  Greyson leered at her with his wolfish grin. “Now you don’t have a choice but to stay and chat.”

  “You need to move,” she said and shoved at his chest. He planted his feet, crossed his arms, and his grin only grew wider. “You can’t keep me in the damn closet. I have to pee,” she said, tapping her toe anxiously.

  He rolled his eyes and shifted so she could push past him, but she went straight for the front door instead of the bathroom. Greyson cursed and chased after her.

  “I wouldn’t have to lie to you if you would just let me do something nice for you.”

  “Nice? You call sneaking off with your ex-lover nice? You call trying to track down a family that clearly never wanted me nice?” She laughed harshly, whipping around to glare at him. “You think I want to go through that pain again?”

  “Sometimes, we have to do things we don’t like,” he insisted hotly.

  Belle laughed even louder before it died and she snarled. “That’s rich. Says the man who can barely stand to talk about his past with his dad and all the shit you two went through.”

  Greyson’s face fell and she leered at him. “We’re not talking about me.”

  “Yes, we are. You stand there and yell at me for getting mad at you because you think you’re doing what’s good for me, but you never stopped to think if I wanted you to! Should I start pushing you about your dad every day? Should I call your mom behind your back and get her to come over and force you to relive your memories with your dad?”


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