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The Fan

Page 23

by Velvet Vaughn

  The door slammed open behind him and Miahbob burst through.

  Lauren’s eyes widened and she resumed her sprint for the car. A sharp crack sounded and something slammed into her back, knocking her forward and the breath from her lungs. One hand covered Bella’s head as her other arm slowly went numb. Her vision blurred and she stumbled, going down to one knee. She felt cold liquid coating her back but she pushed on. This was too important…she had to get Bella to safety.

  Two more cracks rang out but Lauren didn’t feel anything. If they hit her, she was too dazed to feel them.

  Sirens blared in the distance and if she could just make it a few steps further, she could get Bella safely in the car. But she could barely breathe. She couldn't seem to pull air into her lungs. Darkness closed in and she felt as if she were looking through a tunnel. The sirens stopped and she heard shouting that sounded like it came from a great distance.

  “Oh God no, Lauren! He shot you! He shot you!” Brittney wailed. “Somebody help us! She’s been shot.”

  Lauren’s legs wouldn’t support her and Bella anymore. She sank to the ground, Brittney’s arms helping her down. Lauren hugged Isabella, fighting off the blackness that tried to overtake her until her vision was limited to two small pinpricks of light.

  Someone tried to pry Isabella from her grip.

  “No,” she whispered fiercely and hugged the girl tighter.

  “Ma’am, I’m a paramedic. We need to treat your injury. You’ve been shot.”

  “He’s gone, Lauren,” Brittney assured her. “The man who shot you got away.” When she still refused to let go of Bella, she added, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her.”

  “Promise me, Britt, you won’t give her to anyone but her dad. L-Logan,” she gritted out.

  “Okay,” Britt sniffed.

  “Promise,” Lauren whispered.

  “I promise…oh God, Lauren. I promise.”

  Lauren felt the weight lifted, literally as Britt scooped Bella into her arms and figuratively, knowing the little girl was safe.

  She closed her eyes and gave in to the darkness.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Logan paced the hall outside the emergency room waiting area. The ambulance had pulled in fifteen minutes ago, carrying a still-unconscious Mrs. Harper.

  While he waited on word on his injured neighbor, he felt helpless, hopeless and flat-out terrified. He knew the police were more than capable and with the added benefit of an Amber Alert, the chances of finding his daughter increased, but he needed to be out looking. His precious baby girl was in the hands of a killer. He would be out there, too, if he'd any idea where to start.

  Bella would be terrified, calling for him. She would wonder why he didn’t come running.

  How could this have happened? He was a horrible parent. Maybe that’s why Celeste withheld Bella from him for three years—she knew he would make a terrible dad.

  Down the hall, a detective briefed Luke on the ongoing investigation. They'd canvassed the neighborhood searching for witnesses to Isabella’s disappearance and were monitoring the lines for clues from Amber Alert tipsters. Jade stood off to the side, chewing on a fingernail. Logan felt like putting his hand through the wall. If anything happened to Bella…

  Growling, he shoved both hands through his short hair and spun around to pace again. Stone cold fear ate at his gut, making his legs weak. Worry overwhelmed him and he stumbled to a plastic chair and plunked down. Jade was at his side in a heartbeat.

  “Logan, I’m so sorry—”

  His cell buzzed, cutting off her apology. He flipped it open and barked, “Bradley.” He sat up, instantly alert. “Brittney? What? When? Where are you? I’m at the hospital, now.”

  An ambulance pulled up to the emergency entrance and the back doors swung wide. Two nurses slid a gurney out and snapped the legs down, hurrying down the hall before disappearing behind a door marked “Emergency Personnel Only.”

  Logan's eyes were glued to the back of the ambulance as a young woman stepped out. She was talking on her cell, a small child clutched in her arms. Logan dropped his phone to the ground and sprinted for the exit.


  Isabella’s head spun around and she shrieked in a high-pitched wail, “Daaaddddy!” She wiggled out of Brittney’s grip and launched herself into his arms.

  “Isabella baby, my baby. I’m so sorry. Are you hurt? My sweet baby,” Logan babbled, one arm wrapped around Bella’s back, the other stroking her long, black curls. Bella shook with gut-wrenching sobs, her arms wrapped so tight her fingers were white, her head pressed against his neck. Logan felt tears course down his cheeks as well but he didn’t care. He had his baby back and she was okay.

  “Thank you God,” he offered skyward.

  With a choked sob, Jade rushed over and wrapped her arms around both of them, her wails matching Bella’s. Logan adjusted to include her in the embrace and one of Bella’s arms grabbed her neck. The three of them stood like a family, comforting each other.

  “Wauren,” Bella sniffed, lifting her head.

  “What?” Logan leaned back to see his daughter’s face.

  “She’s bweeding, Daddy,” Bella wailed, holding up a hand coated in dried blood. “She’s bweeding bad. Is she gonna be okay?”

  Logan spun around to find out what Bella was talking about. He saw Luke slumped over in a chair, pale and grim. One arm clutched his stomach, the other gripped his phone in a tight fist.

  Logan rushed over. “Luke, what is it? What’s wrong?”

  Luke indicated the emergency room. “That was Lauren Dianetti. She rescued Bella from the stalker, but he shot her.”

  Logan stumbled backwards. “How bad?” he choked.

  Luke swallowed audibly. “Bad.”


  The next few hours were a nightmare. Apart from a brief check-up by a doctor, Logan refused to let go of Isabella. He had his baby girl back, he wasn’t letting go of her for anything.

  Between bouts of crying and shaking, Brittney was able to tell him exactly what happened at the fast food restaurant when Lauren was shot. She told him how Lauren grabbed Isabella and ran for safety, not letting anything stand in her way—even evading a Good Samaritan who thought she was kidnapping the girl. He discovered that Bella had recited his cell phone number from memory so she could call him from the ambulance. Brittney's parents arrived and wanted to take her home but she bravely refused, insisting instead on going to the police station so she could describe the suspect to a sketch artist, hoping to help catch the man who shot her best friend.

  Matt and Jac Dianetti rushed to the hospital when they heard about Lauren, both hysterical and overcome with worry. He and Luke had to literally support Matt when the doctor explained her injuries.

  The force of the bullet severed an artery and shattered a rib that punctured a lung. She lost a lot of blood and also had blood filling her chest cavity. The doctors had to operate immediately to remove the bullet and repair the extensive damage. She was listed in critical condition.

  The stress sent Jac into labor three weeks early. Matt had to juggle the happiness of one child being born while another fought for her life. Luke had to physically force Matt to the delivery room, promising to stay close to Lauren while Matt coached Jac through the birth. As soon as Luke heard any word, he would contact Matt immediately.

  Logan sat next to his partner and offered his silent support. Lauren was Luke’s goddaughter; he'd known her all her life. Logan knew how much Luke cared for her, how much they all cared for the sweet teenager. She was Bella’s babysitter, treated her like a cherished little sister. And she'd risked her life to save his daughter. He didn’t know how he would ever be able to thank her.

  Mrs. Harper had regained consciousness and apart from a headache and a slight case of double vision, she'd be fine. The doctors wanted to keep her overnight for observation since she suffered a slight concussion.

  Dan finally arrived to the hospital, having collected two speedi
ng tickets on his way home from Indianapolis. He ripped Bella out of Logan’s hands and squeezed her so tight, Logan was afraid her tiny head might pop off. He couldn’t blame his brother though, especially when he saw the tears on Dan’s face. He had to fight a lump down his throat that threatened to choke him. They were both so relieved to have her back, safe and sound.

  Aunt Trudy demanded that he turn Bella over to her. He didn’t want to let her go, but knew she was right that Bella needed sleep after her ordeal. Plus, she didn’t need to be exposed to the germs floating around the hospital. He couldn’t leave until he knew Lauren was out of danger.

  Detective Hurley sent two policemen to accompany Trudy and Bella home and make sure they arrived safely. They would sweep the house first to make sure it was clear. Two COBRA agents would stand guard until they caught the stalker.

  While waiting for news on Lauren, Logan checked in on his two employees, Ed and Joel, both of whom were mending and chomping at the bit to get out of the hospital.

  Throughout the night, Jade stayed glued to his side. He drew immense comfort from her presence and whenever she slipped her hand into his, he clung to it like a lifeline. He wanted to believe that she would have sat next to him even if he hadn’t insisted that she do just that.


  Jade stole a peek through the glass window at all the tiny newborn babies. Logan ordered her not to leave his side but she had to sneak to the maternity ward, see if the newest Dianetti had made an appearance yet. She'd gotten to know Jac through Logan and they'd formed an instant friendship. They shared mutual friends in LA where Jac once worked as a fitness trainer. Jac could be the kind of friend she kept for life. She'd never had one of those before, except for Mrs. Edison.

  No sign yet for Baby Dianetti. He or she must still be clinging to momma’s comfy womb. Jade gazed at the other babies for a while and then wandered in search of a cup of coffee. She navigated the deserted, winding hallways in the basement of the hospital to the cafeteria. After she procured her steaming beverage, she pressed a button and waited for the elevator.

  Jade couldn’t help but feel like all of this was her fault. So many people hurt or dead because of a man fixated on her. Thank goodness Bella was okay. Jade didn’t know what she would have done if anything happened to the little girl she'd become to love as much as if she were her own daughter.

  “Ms. LaRue?”

  Jade spun around at the sound of her name. A doctor of medium build, wearing a cap over his hair, green scrubs covered by a white lab coat and carrying a clipboard approached. “I was sent down to get you. There's been a change in the young girl’s condition.”

  Lauren Dianetti, who bravely rescued Isabella and got shot in the process. Please God, let her be okay. “Is she out of surgery? How is she?”

  “I can’t answer those questions, Ms. LaRue, but I can take you to her room.” The elevator dinged, signaling the approach of the lift.

  “Great, let’s go.”

  “We don’t want to use that one,” he said, grabbing her arm and tugging her along with him. “The one down the hall takes us closer.”

  Jade shrugged and when the man dropped his arm, she adjusted her steps to keep up with his pace. Something he said troubled her, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. They rounded a corner and she saw the door to another elevator standing open. She followed him inside and he flicked the switch to activate it. The doors closed with a metallic clank and suddenly Jade realized what bothered her.

  She turned to the doctor. “You called me Ms. LaRue.”

  The man’s smile widened.

  “Hello Juliet, darling. I’ve come to take you home.”

  Chapter Forty-Three

  “Just step out and act like nothing's wrong,” the man ordered Jade. “I would hate to have to do it, but I’ll put a bullet in the head of anyone who gets in our way.” The man tugged open the white lab coat to reveal a black revolver.

  “I didn’t want it to be this way, Juliet.” His voice softened. “But you kept ignoring me. When I stopped getting your messages, I got worried. I was afraid something must have happened to you. I had to find you. I know you needed me.”

  Jade waited as the door slid open and then she stepped out, searching for any means of escape. The stalker grabbed her elbow, and pressed the gun firmly against her ribs. “Just keep walking,” he instructed, guiding them to the doors leading to a parking area.


  Jade tensed at the familiar voice calling her name. She started to turn and warn Logan but the man beside her was too quick. He whipped around and fired down the hall.

  Jade screamed as Logan dove behind a gurney, praying he got out of the way in time. Two nurses down the hall shrieked and ducked into the nearest room. A shrill alarm sounded down the corridor, warning all patients and visitors of an emergency situation.

  The man grabbed her arm and propelled her through the automatic doors. She stumbled and fell to the ground but his iron grip never loosened. He dragged her along, scraping her knees on the concrete.

  “Get up,” he growled.

  She staggered to her feet and he towed her across the lot to his car.

  “Let her go,” Logan called out.

  The man jerked to a stop and wrapped a forearm around her throat, jamming the barrel of the pistol against her temple. Her arms clawed at the band around her throat. She couldn't breathe.

  Two armed security guards rushed out, guns blazing. Logan stalled them with an outstretched arm. They obeyed his command and moved back against the building.

  “Drop your gun or I’ll kill her, I swear it.”

  Jade had no doubt he would do just that. Her eyes found Logan, thinking he would protest but he tossed his gun to the pavement and lofted his arms skyward.

  “Just let her go, no one will get hurt,” Logan coaxed, walking slowly forward. “You can take me instead.”

  The man tugged her closer to his car. “Stay back!”

  Logan stopped. “Look Michael, your name is Michael, isn’t it? Michael Kint?”

  Jade inhaled sharply. Michael Kint, Vanessa Van Gogh’s on again off again boyfriend? He was her stalker? She'd never even met him.

  Logan didn’t wait for a confirmation. “Why don’t we talk this over, Michael. You can tell me all about your relationship with Juliet, how you met. I bet it's a great story. You're getting married, right? I’d like to hear the details.”

  Logan’s words were confusing the man. “Yes, we are getting married,” he said cautiously.

  Logan moved even closer, his hands lowering by minute degrees. Jade had no doubt he'd another gun stashed somewhere.

  The man next to her—Michael—removed the gun from her temple and scratched his head with the barrel.

  The split second would be all Logan needed. She knew he wouldn’t shoot if there were any risk of hitting her. She appeared in a movie once where she was being held hostage, much like this. She dropped to the ground, allowing the officers to get a shot off. It worked in the movie. The actor had his head blown off, digitally, of course. She had nothing to lose.

  Using all her weight and the element of surprise, she dropped like a lead balloon. The man fell a split second after her, narrowly missing Logan’s bullet. He fired back, forcing Logan to lunge for cover behind a concrete barrier.

  Yanking Jade by the hair, he wrenched open a door and shoved her inside. She scrambled for the other side but he pushed the safety lock. She was trapped. He yelled for her to get down and kept his gun trained on her head. Flooring the accelerator, he tore out of the lot.

  “Damn you, Juliet. I didn’t want it to have to be this way. You know how much I love you.”

  Gunshots followed and she heard a loud explosion before the car jerked violently sideways. Logan nailed a tire. Michael fought the wheel without slowing. Jade wanted to grab for the gun but she was thrown from side to side, her back connecting painfully with the dashboard.

  They careened around a corner on two wheels and then whippe
d down a narrow alley. Turning left, he narrowly missed another car, whose driver laid on the horn. The rubber disintegrated off the blown tire, creating an ear-splitting grind of metal against concrete.

  While he was driving recklessly, he seemed to be in complete control. He slid through narrow gaps with confidence, avoided collisions with amazing dexterity and still managed to keep the gun trained steadily on her.

  Of course. Vanessa said he was a stuntman.

  “Where is Vanessa, Michael?”

  “Oh, Juliet darling, don’t be jealous. I never cared for her. I only tolerated her because she was your friend and you used her to send messages to me.”

  Jade tried to recall everything Vanessa had told her about Michael, but she couldn’t remember much. She knew he'd worked on a few low-budget movies and wanted a shot at a big production. Jade thought from the beginning that the only reason he showed interest in Vanessa was so she could help him land a job with one of her movies. Now she knew he targeted her so he could get closer to Jade. It all made sense now. He refused to sleep with Vanessa and she caught him going through her things, probably looking for a way to get to her contact information.

  From her position on the floor, she couldn’t tell if they were being followed but soon, Michael turned and braked the limping car to a stop. Gripping her hair, he pulled her out behind him and then shoved her forward. She stumbled blindly, her hands shooting out to catch her if she fell.

  Sirens were wailing in the distance. It sounded like they were coming from all four directions. She tried to look around without adding more pressure to her scalp. She realized they were back at the hospital, but in a different lot. She didn’t see another soul who could help her. The building had probably gone into lockdown with all the gunshots. It should also be crawling with cops. But there were none around when she needed them.

  Judging by the expensive, well-maintained cars and SUV’s, she assumed they were in the doctors' parking lot. The beat-up white panel van that they were heading for stuck out like a sore thumb among the luxury sedans. Michael propelled her forward with the butt of the gun.


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