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7 Days of Sex: Jon's Erotic Adventures

Page 5

by Jameson Targhee

  “I would like that,” she responded and snuggled up even closer.

  A few minutes later Janice came back into the bedroom, showered and dressed. She looked at the two lovers laying on the bed.

  “You know, you two are super cute right now,” Janice observed as she walked over and gave them both kisses. “Goodnight boss, goodnight Daisy.”

  “Goodnight Janice,” they echoed in return.


  Jon awoke before his alarm and turned his head to see Daisy lying next to him, still asleep, still as beautiful as the night before. A strange feeling was brewing inside Jon, one he wasn’t really used to. He liked this woman and he wanted to get to know her beyond the bedroom. He thought about his friends with benefits like Sandy. Sandy was a great woman, attractive, fun to hang out with, but he didn’t feel that chemistry beyond a sexual connection. They made great lovers but they were not soul mates. Jon didn’t know if Daisy was his soul mate but he definitely wanted to find out.

  “Good morning handsome,” said a groggy voice, “you look deep in thought.”

  “Good morning beautiful,” Jon replied, “I was just thinking how lucky I am to be waking up beside you this morning.” He leaned in and gave Daisy a kiss, a soft lingering, first thing in the morning, two happy lovers kiss.

  “So I was thinking,” Daisy broached, “maybe we could try going out on an actual date?”

  “You know, I was thinking about how I would like to spend more time with you. It’s nice to know that you feel the same way,” Jon said with a smile as he saw Daisy’s face light up with emotion. They kissed some and the kisses were soon accompanied by touching and fondling. It wasn’t long before Jon positioned himself over Daisy and allowed his morning erection to slip into the wet crevice between her legs.


  Jon’s hump day started with just that and when he arrived at the office with a big smile plastered on his face Janice gave an all knowing smile in return.

  “Good Morning Bossman,” Janice said with that wicked grin of hers, “I hope you enjoyed your surprise last night.”

  “I did indeed,” he replied.

  “I’m guessing Daisy helped start your day off right.”

  “I think it was a good morning for both of us,” Jon said.

  “So is she just going to be just another notch on you bedpost?”

  “You picture yourself quite the matchmaker, don’t you Janice?”

  “That doesn’t answer the question Bossman,”

  “We are going out tonight on an actual date.”

  “Hah, I knew you two would like each other. I get feelings about those sorts of things,” Janice smirked.

  “Don’t quit your day job,” Jon teased and walked into his office.


  The day flew by, Jon eager for this evening, and before he knew it he was knocking on Daisy’s door. She opened the door wearing a pretty blue dress that sat low on her cleavage. Jon only allowed himself a moment to enjoy the view, trying not to be rude even though he saw everything last night.

  “Wow, somehow you look even more beautiful than yesterday,” Jon commented with sincerity.

  “Why thank you. I thought you might like this dress. Come on in, I just need a couple of minutes to finish getting ready.” Jon stepped in and closed the door behind him. Daisy’s apartment was a clean and neat little single bedroom. He walked around, taking in the decorations and noticed sliding glass doors that opened to a small patio. Locked up on the patio was an expensive bicycle.

  “Almost ready, just getting my earrings on,” called Daisy from the bathroom.

  “No problem. Do you ride much,” Jon asked.


  “Your bicycle, do you ride much?”

  “Not as much as I would like during the week but every weekend while the weather is nice. You?”

  “Yeah, there are some trails that I like to go on. Especially up in the foothills. I was actually thinking we could go for a stroll on one of the footpaths up there after dinner.”

  “That sounds nice. I’ll bring my tennis shoes to change into,” Daisy said as she came out from the bathroom looking stunning.

  “Actually, I was thinking we could stop back here and change clothes after dinner. The path I would like to show you is more jeans and t-shirt type terrain. I would hate for that beautiful dress to get torn.”

  “Wow sounds like an adventure. Good thing we are already having sex or I might be worried about going off into the woods with someone I hardly know,” Daisy replied as she walked up and embraced Jon, the two sharing a lengthy kiss.

  “I think you will enjoy our time outdoors,” Jon teased.

  “I think I am already enjoying our time together,” Daisy smiled. The two left the apartment and a few minutes later pulling into the parking lot of Rouzard’s Steakhouse.

  “Wow, and here I am thinking McDonalds or Taco Bell and I get Rouzard’s. They have the best steak in town here. You’re definitely not a cheapskate.”

  “Oh don’t worry, Taco Bell is definitely second date material,” Jon replied with a smile.

  “Doesn’t this place require reservations?”

  “On weekends, definitely, but middle of the week I was able to get us one this morning.”

  The two went in and were quickly seated. The restaurant lighting was low and the seating spaced out so that the diners were given a feeling of intimacy. The talked and talked through dinner, Jon amazed at the ease of conversation. They touched on childhoods, family, likes and dislikes. They laughed at each other’s jokes and couldn’t take their eyes off the person they were with. As far as first dates go, this one was starting off a success. The fact that sexual tension wasn’t an issue gave the two lovers an intimacy that most first dates don’t have, making even the short lapses in conversation comfortable like well-worn shoes.

  “Well, what do you say we go change clothes and hit the trail before sunset,” Jon suggested after he paid the bill.

  “I’m all yours.”

  The two made it back to Daisy’s apartment and changed, both resisting the urge to ravish the other while naked together. In a few short minutes they were on the road again and making their way to the trailhead. Once parked, Jon grabbed a backpack and then took Daisy’s hand as they started up the hill.

  “Are you sure you aren’t a serial killer,” Daisy teased.

  “Only Fruit Loops and Lucky Charms,” Jon replied as they made their way up. They were hiking a well-established trail for about thirty minutes when Jon stopped.

  “This way,” he said as they scrambled through some brush onto a much smaller and less noticeable trail. “Just a little further up this path then we will be there.”

  “This is a path? Looks more like a barely used goat trail.”

  “Have faith,” he said as they zigged and zagged their around the trees. A few minutes later and they could see golden light. Soon they were standing on a jutting rock overlooking the city. The setting sun casting its glow on the people far below.

  “Wow, this is amazing,” Daisy said with wonder in her voice.

  “This is one of my favorite places to come and think. There is another overlook higher up the trail but there is always a crowd up there, especially for sunset.”

  “This is perfect,” Daisy replied as she turned and kissed Jon and as they kissed, articles of clothing slowly started falling the ground. Soon the two lovers were standing near the precipice, their skin bare, the breeze carrying the last of the day’s warmth, and the city twinkling below in preparation for the night. Jon opened is backpack and pulled a blanket out to lay upon the stone and soon the two were lying in each other’s arms and looking out at the view.

  “You are so amazing, how is it that you are single? Do you just like playing the field or a fear of commitment, or some dark side that only comes out after the first date,” Daisy asked.

  “Wow, deep question for a first date,” Jon pondered, “I guess part of it is a need for variety, sexually I m
ean. I’ve always thought that having the same partner day after day would get boring. Plus I had never felt that magic feeling. That feeling that you just met that person you were meant you spend the rest of your life with. I always figured true love would come with a very recognizable sign and I had never seen that sign before tonight,” Jon paused and saw a tear making its way down Daisy’s cheek.

  “You said “had”, as in past tense,” she said through tear blurred eyes.

  “Yes I did, because until yesterday I had never seen or felt that sign. I had never felt the butterflies inside like I did when you touched me. I never saw a light as brilliant as the smiles you gave me. I never felt the desire to hold someone tight as strong as when you were in my arms. I know this is fast and I’m not saying we should elope to Vegas but I am saying that I want to see where this goes,” Jon took a breath and tried to read her face, her tear streaked smile looking back at him. “I know is has only been two days but maybe it could be forever and maybe I am scaring the bejesus out of you talking like this,” he finished and waited.

  Daisy took his face in her hands and put her lips to his. It was a kiss of reassurance, a kiss of happiness and a kiss of love. Then she was on top of him, guiding the tool of his passion into her smooth wet darkness. She took him in completely and slowly started rocking her hips against his. He placed his hands upon her breasts and looked up into her eyes. She was his twilight angel on this perch of heaven. The world down below unaware of these two lovers above them. He moved his hands to her waist, helping with the rocking motion. The sun set, the stars shone overhead, and a cooling breeze caressed their sweat sheened bodies.

  The pace of the two lovers had slowly increased until now, their heartbeats thundering, they rocked in a blur of motion. Daisy’s moans echoed out into the night and Jon felt the tide of climax rising inside him. He looked past Daisy for a moment, taking in the view from this promontory that seemed all the more magnificent for the woman he was now with.

  “Daisy, I’m gonna cum.”

  “Oh Jon, yes baby, I want you to cum inside me.”

  Using his hands on her waist to thrust even deeper and harder inside her, Jon knew that the wave would soon crest and spill out into her wet pussy.

  “Oh Jon,” Daisy panted, her breathing heavy and her own orgasm so close. “Oh baby, I’m gonna cum with you, I’m gonna cum all over your hard cock.”

  The damn broke and Jon felt the waves of hot cum leave his shaft. Daisy felt the pulsing of his rod, knew he was sending his seed deep and that in turn put her over the edge. The bliss of this night, of being with this man, and of this powerful orgasm took her. Her velvet tunnel clamped tight around his rod and they both moaned in pleasure. The last of his juice being milked and combining with the moisture of her sex. She collapsed against him, her head against his chest and they laid that way for what seemed like an eternity. Two lovers, naked and spent, under the stars and floating above the world.

  “Why does this feel like so much more than a first date,” Daisy asked after the endorphins of pleasure had subsided.

  “Because it wasn’t just a first date, it was the beginning of our future together,” Jon replied. They kissed and felt relaxed in each other’s arms. Then, when they started to feel the chill in the air, they dressed and using the flashlight Jon brought walked hand in hand back to the parking lot.


  “You know, we are already the talk of the whole building,” Daisy told Jon as they were eating their lunch at the mexican place near the office.

  “Yeah, all it takes is for the right gossip queen to see you holding hands as you come into work and from there it spreads like wildfire,” Jon replied between bites of his taco. “Hopefully you don’t mind the people chattering about us.”

  “Not at all, I just think it’s funny that we are the most exciting thing that they have to talk about and speaking of us, do you have any plans for tonight?”

  “Actually I’m glad you asked. There is something I wanted to talk you about,” Jon said in a more serious tone.

  “You’re not breaking up with me over tacos are you,” Daisy questioned, a line of worry appearing on her face.

  “No, nothing like that,” Jon quickly reassured. “I was just going to say that I had plans to hang out with some friends tonight but I can cancel and we can hang out instead.”

  “Don’t tell me you don’t want me to meet your friends,” Daisy teased.

  “It’s not that,” Jon paused, thinking about how to word what he had to say next. “This couple I was going to be with tonight, well we are very close, kinda like you, me, and Janice close, if you catch my drift.” He finished and waited for her response.

  “Ahh,” an enlightened Daisy said, “you are sexually adventurous.”

  “I don’t know if adventurous is the word I would use, more like curious, that’s what excited me about you so quickly. Here you were, facing you sexual desires head on, coming to the house of a man you barely knew, with a woman you barely you knew, just to experience something new. I have no doubt that you were nervous but you dived right in.”

  “Well, we can be curious together Jon. I really enjoyed our first night together and would love to experience more things like that with you. Would this couple mind if you brought me along?”

  “No, I don’t think they would mind at all,” Jon smiled, “Have I told you how amazing you are?”

  “Maybe once or twice,” Daisy smiled back.


  Later that night Jon and Daisy pulled up to a nice two story brick home in an affluent neighborhood.

  “Wow, nice place,” Daisy commented.

  “Yeah, Dale and Heidi have done pretty well for themselves.”

  “They don’t mind me coming along?”

  “No, not at all. They are an experienced couple and when I described you they were very much interested in meeting,” Jon replied, “and again, if you don’t feel comfortable we can leave at any time.”

  They were halfway up the walk, headed for the front door, when Daisy stopped and pulled Jon close. She gave him a big kiss before letting go and saying “Jon, I trust your judgment and I wouldn’t be here if the idea of playing with this couple didn’t excite me. I have always been a sexual person but these last couple of days with you have awakened a thirst stronger than I ever imagined. I want to explore these new aspects of my desire and I want you to be my guide in those explorations.”

  “Nothing would make me happier than to be your guide. I just don’t want you to feel pressured.”

  “Don’t worry Jon. I’m looking forward to this adventure,” Daisy replied and gave Jon one more kiss before they walked to the door and rang the bell.

  A moment later the door was answered by a beautiful woman with shoulder length dirty blonde hair and wearing a bathrobe. To Daisy the woman looked a little older than herself, maybe mid-40’s compared to Daisy’s mid-30’s. Heidi also looked well pampered, her hair and nails expertly done and her bathrobe Lands ‘End not Wal-Mart.

  “Why you must be Daisy,” their hostess greeted. “Jon said you were beautiful but his words truly don’t do justice. Please come in.”

  “Thanks,” Daisy replied, “although I feel a little over dressed at the moment.” Daisy had prepared for the evening by wearing her shortest denim skirt and a low cut blouse. Many times already Jon had felt his eyes going back and forth between her smooth legs and her round globes of flesh held in place with a Victoria’s Secret bra.

  “Don’t apologize,” Heidi said. “You look absolutely stunning. I hope you don’t mind our informal dress but we find it a relaxing way to socialize with our special friends. We actually have a couple of extra robes in the spare bedroom down the hall if you would like to change. Jon can show you the way.”

  “Sure,” Daisy said and she and Jon went to change. The spare bedroom was far bigger than her master bedroom at home. Lying on the king size bed were two robes. Daisy ran her fingers over the exquisite material, the Turkish cotton of th
e robe softer than anything she had felt before.

  “Wait til you feel it on your whole body,” Jon said as he undressed.

  “You could have told me about the robes,” Daisy playfully griped.

  Jon laughed, “and ruin the surprise.”

  A few minutes later they joined Dale and Heidi in the dining room. Dale was a husky man with broad shoulders but husky in a fit way not fat. Daisy would be willing to bet they both had personal trainers.

  “Daisy I assume,” Dale said has he took her hand and kissed the back of it. The feel of his soft lips sent a delicious shiver down her spine. What kind man still kisses a woman’s hand like that Daisy wondered not unhappily. “Nice to meet you,” he said.


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